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tres bien

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Everything posted by tres bien

  1. Joe and Mika seemed so pleased with all the polls. Very smug. I actually found the polls to be depressing.
  2. tres bien


    A definite bright spot on MSNBC is that they moved Ayman Mohyeldin into the 10 am M - F hour. Stephanie Rhule is a true gem for this network. She doesn't scream and say crazy things when reporting on the economy and she's broken down in tears on occasion when reporting a heartbreaking story. So they have the ability to find good people but they also have a knack for finding and/or keeping the worse.
  3. Before the first half hour is over, preachy Joe and Mika are back. Even Willie gets into the ridiculousness. I'm picturing a PDB that looks a stick figures comic strip.
  4. At first I thought she was wearing a Lily Pulitzer top because of the color but then I thought it looked like a bathing suit top. But then I felt bad judging her because I'm wearing pajamas at 6 am!
  5. WAPO OP-ED Joe's back! Cost of Trump's Deadly State of Denial He loves being campaign consultant OP-ED writing Joe.
  6. Good for Mika. I was waiting for her to scream KYV! For a short time I did feel sorry for Dr Brix and the position she's been put in but that all disappeared when she showed up on news shows defending and rationalizing the injection of disinfectants. It would be helpful if those clips had been shown too.
  7. I've thought the same thing. But then wondered if I only think that because we don't hear about the tragic stories that happen to "regular" families.
  8. tres bien


    Although I generally watch MSNBC over CNN. there are times when I want straight news, not commentary. And, there are certain CNN hosts that I prefer over MSNBC hosts for news stories . There are also a few MSNBC shows that are must see for me even if I watch them on demand. And there are some shows that need to be retired. Not just the host. Move on. The most annoying thing, to me, right now, is, how often I turn on MSNBC and hear an anchor almost gleefully reporting COVID 19 cases and deaths. Although I hope to see some new anchors in some of the vacant spots, I have very little faith in anyone interesting being chosen because it's usually a weak spot for MSNBC.
  9. Mika can't be Joe's debate partner, they don't have that we love each other/respect each other vibe like James Carville and Mary Matlin. He's too angry and aggressive in a not flattering way. And sending Mika out to defend him against people on FOX is a very bad look. Do it yourself looser if it's so God damm important that you couldn't just ignore Sean Hannity. Pat Buchanan was good here (and on CNN). Even at his most annoying, I always admired him for adding a snarky chuckle. And there were the old Scarbrough days with Ron Reagan. Good times!
  10. Yes. And if they thought it would be a good idea for Mika to spend five minutes to stand by her man, at least show or tell us what Hannity said that was so insulting.
  11. I was hoping Katty Kay would do a Bond girl imitation "a Lysol martini. Shaken, not stirred." 😟 Dr Brix. Man was that uncomfortable.
  12. Yesterday on Nicolle's show, one of Heilemann's Great Danes made an appearance!
  13. As a service to MJ and most importantly to us viewers, if Joe wants to scream and yell into a TV camera every morning, at least revamp the first 30 minutes into a old CNN favorite, Crossfire. Get a foible, Joe. There are regulars that work for MSNBC that fit the bill. Claire McCaskill or Rev Al for instance. This one sided ranting with two bobbleheads sitting there is maddening.
  14. Oh no. Joe described trump's back pedaling of Gov Kemp as, he threw him under the truck than ran over him, backed up and ran over him again and again.
  15. That was one of the craziest most out of control rants I've ever seen anywhere. Jesus Joe. It ain't worth it.
  16. CNN's done a great job. Some of the interviews have been heartbreaking and some truly crazy.
  17. ITA. Gotta love her. She's feisty and takes no shit when she's covering WH
  18. 7:00 Joe is on round two of what trump has to do to win reelection. He's very invested in seeing that this comes to fruition. Joe's very concerned about trump's sinking poll numbers with seniors. But as a viewer I can tell you Joe you should poll people like me and I will tell you that you're loosing us.
  19. Yamiche Alcindor showed up in front of the WH. She talks so fast and breathless it's as if she just ran a 5k. I can barely understand her.
  20. I wonder if Joe has disclosed to MSNBC that he is working on the trump reelection campaign. I wonder how much they're paying him. Willie might be a junior staffer. Jonathan Lemire is the campaign surgeon using a scalpel to dissect Joe's every worried question.
  21. Other than saying Lincoln-FDR-twitter in one sentence, Rev isn't the only one guilty of doing that, and there's no comparison with current times, but Rev was saying what is simply the truth. Does America and do Americans have a soul? Because if we were during those times as we are today this would be a different country. Joe wouldn't even be able to reference The Greatest Generation. As he does daily.
  22. Joe was very blah this morning. He mustn't have had his proper dosage of Red Bull. I find it disconcerting that he has to read the insulting MJ tweets just so he can lamely laugh. Don't read them! You don't need to validate them to make yourself feel better.
  23. OK so hope runs eternal. JMO. I hope she has more integrity than at a time like this, it isn't all about money.
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