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Lone Wolf

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Everything posted by Lone Wolf

  1. Modern Family had an escape room ep also. That and this one I could relate to because I coordinated a visit to one for a team building event at work. Highly recommended - split everyone into groups, assign them rooms, and turn them loose. UhLEXus IMiTATing MOIraaaaah....was EXquisite.....my favorite part.
  2. I liked this episode the first time I saw it. In 1996. When it was released in theaters as House Arrest.
  3. Professor Randall had a pretty sweet crib. I wouldn't have thought that he would have been able to afford it on a higher educator's salary, but then again it was Real Randall's fantasy; why not give himself the lifestyle he'd become accustomed to...
  4. Random observations: I think Phil and the girls are pretty invested in, if not appreciative of, Sam's financial support. Unless it had other meaning on which someone can enlighten me, that three-spits-on-their first-two-fingers ritual that they all did in the car after the airport pickup when Sam mentioned having her work. struck me as a superstitious your-mouth-to-God's-ear thing. The two cooking sequences reminded me of a scene in the Louis CK show that used to be on FXX (and on which Adlon collaborated) in which Louie was making fried chicken for his daughters. Similar editing with the quick cuts (and all three made me hungry for what they were making). Speaking of cars and other shows, anyone who's also following Curb Your Enthusiasm may have noticed that Sam was driving the same electric BMW that Larry David is this season. Probably just me, but she kind of reminded me of him during the waxing sequence - she seems a little more verbose in general than I remember her being in past seasons, but especially during that scene.
  5. My observation was more specific. In the first episode this season I noticed that he seemed to have a growth of some kind in the right side of his mouth that (to me) was disturbingly obvious when he talked, Then in the second or third episode he got hit in the mouth/face, and I wondered if something had happened to Garlin and they were trying to faux explain Greene's problem after the fact without actually mentioning it. It sounds like the stroke would have predated episode 1, and I haven't noticed the swelling or whatever it was as much in the last ep or so. I assume Garlin had some kind of procedure that has healed over the course of this season's filming.
  6. Good point, and hopefully there was an understudy because he let Sloane down big time when he did that. Was he as big a star then as he was in this episode (it's not always easy to keep up with where everyone is in their lives with all the time jumps)? IOW, did he have as much to lose professionally? I get that he's maturing, becoming less self-centered, more like Jack, etc., but it takes me out of the moment when TV makes points that don't ring true to real life in order to further the plot. Or at least my perception of real life. To paraphrase MST3K, I have to repeat to myself, it's just a show, I should really just relax...
  7. I had a feeling it was going to be the Plaza when Katie said she wanted to have tea like Eloise. That was a minor plot point in The Sopranos when Carmella and Meadow had an annual tradition of going into the city for tea at the Plaza. I need to call a reality check on this show. I don't think Kevin would have left his own premiere party early, any more than I think Sophie would have disappeared from her mother's post-funeral gathering. Kevin was the star of that movie, Sophie had just buried her mom. They were both high profile, each had professional and personal obligations to others, and in the real world I think they would put their personal issues aside until their events were over. But of course, then we wouldn't have had such a dramatic show.
  8. My sincere apologies if someone's already mentioned this, but I'm late to the party and have a belly full of cabernet sauvignon so I'm not inclined to wade through 4 pages of comments. There's no way that Mike would have survived breaking that guy's arm. The rest of the gang would have been on him like jackals on an antelope, and I've seen enough Worldstarhiphop videos to know this is truth. He'd have been *dead*. They wouldn't have been stunned by his display of macho or alpha, or whatever Gilligan was trying to put across. Maybe the intention was to show that that's what Mike wanted in the depths of his despair, but if so, he would have gotten it. In spades. Otherwise, I liked this ep.
  9. No, I used to watch that show. That one and Tell Me You Love Me were the first two shows that I ever habit-watched and hate-watched, respectively. There's too much content out there to waste that kind of time now. To stay on topic, I was at dinner the other night and saw this and thought of Latte Larry's snowshoes. I have too much time on my hands......
  10. She has to laugh at her own comments because no one else is. You'd think they'd cue the studio audience to laugh - I'm sure they're all E! employees. I think Joel's too big now to do The Soup. Community was a hit, The Great Indoors not so much but still a starring role, and he's done a ton of TV and movie guest star appearances I think going back to hosting "a basic cable clip show" (as he used to call it), would be a career back step. As I said in another forum though, watching this reboot just reminds me how much I miss him here - the new host seems to be trying, but overall the show just isn't as good. Or maybe pop culture has declined since the days of Spaghetti Cat, LouOOOOOO, and "Kiss My ASS!!".
  11. Thanks for clarifying - I knew there was some kind of inside joke with that line. Speaking of jokes, Jack's eyebrow preening line ("Next time use your tongue and you'll get a raise") was a variation of a joke that I heard when I was in college, to wit: "How did you two meet?" "I was sitting at the bar, licking my eyebrows." Seeing Joel the last two eps just makes me realize how much I miss him on The Soup. The new host is really trying hard, God Bless Her, but the reboot isn't nearly as good as the original. Or maybe pop culture has just declined.
  12. I saw the spray tan overdose coming as soon as David mentioned Patrick getting the treatment, but I thought the lips and skin were a nice touch. Good catch - I didn't pick up on that and went back and re-watched. I love those kinds of little moments in this show. Totally agree - she's never looked better. I have the same hope that Alexis and Ted end up together as others have expressed. Also I thought Roland sounded more like Bobby than JFK, and I got an LOL over "and FDR said that." Alexis has evolved, but Roland never will.
  13. There are several in the area where I live, next door to CA (maybe it's a west coast thing). I've been here 3 years and we get takeout a few times a month from one about 5 minutes away. Choice of tortilla or seaweed wrap (get the seaweed wrap, trust me), or a bowl. It may be a relatively new concept - I moved here from SoCal and didn't see any during the time I lived there. Hey, we've seen what happens when there're stalls in the women's restroom - "Three squares?! You can't spare three squares?!" "No, I'm sorry, I don't have a square to spare!" The show may have just blown off the reality that stalls are the norm in order to better illustrate the Squatty Potty idea. Stalls would have prevented the camera from showing Larry demonstrate to Funkhouser 2.0 (God Bless You, Super Dave) how to use it. That said, I would think ladies would be down (no pun intended) with the idea. My admittedly limited knowledge of the subject is that at least some prefer to hover anyway. Although unless an illustrated instruction sheet is posted a la "Employees Must Wash Hands", I don't know how they would figure it out. I'm putting way too much thought into this...
  14. Annie Murphy's new gig... https://deadline.com/2020/02/annie-murphy-star-amc-series-kevin-can-f-himself-rashida-jones-will-mccormack-valerie-armstrong-1202865729/
  15. I thought the show did a good job making Marc just enough of an asshole (I'm not convinced that he broke the mug accidentally, and I have several family mementos that I'd be devastated to have destroyed so that hit home) without letting him drift into psycho territory. It would have been satisfying to see Kevin put a hurtin' on him, but I'll settle for him being out of Kate's life. I realize Toby was finally bonding with Jack, but I don't think I'd have been able to handle him putting the toys in his mouth so soon after choking. First thing I thought after the Baby- Heimlich maneuver was, "Okay Jack, this is between us. Mom doesn't ever need to know, right?"
  16. Spoiler Alert for this one (but savvy television consumers like Primetimers would already assume that):
  17. That gave me a chuckle. The Jackie O joke, not so much. I think that one was up in the cockpit helping to fly the plane, because I saw it coming up the aisle as soon her name was mentioned.
  18. I always get a contemptuous kick out of Joe putting on his baseball cap when he goes undercover. Because that makes him unrecognizable. I do, however, like how the plot writes itself into a corner (or should I say a plexiglass cage), and then gets itself out. No idea how closely the first season followed the book, but since there are a lot of similarities (to say the least) with this season I assume it was close, and sometimes the twists make me curious to see what's going to happen next. Not this time, though. Like most of us, I knew Delilah was a goner as soon as Love showed up. Also agree with the poster up thread who mentioned shipping Joe and Forty. I think deep down Joe leans toward fluid ("Not that there's anything wrong with that"), and even if he's not I could see him going there if it was to his advantage.
  19. I loved Alexis flirting/mugging with the TV cameras while Moira was giving her speech - I'd be curious to know whether it was Actor's Choice or Director's Instruction. Little moments like that are what make this show a gem. An undiscovered gem, IMO. I think my favorite part of SC is the interplay between the characters - whether it's within the family or the between Rose's and the others. Maybe I'm too easy on them (or I'm just nostalgic since I've liked Levy and O'Hara since SCTV and Elliott since Letterman and then Get A Life), but while I tend to be pretty critical about most of the shows that I follow, I have an element of fondness for this one. I'm going to miss it when it ends. I rarely watch completed series over again, but I could see it happening with SC.
  20. Let's see... Grace walks into the bathroom to find Will in the shower: "Will, you won't believe the dream I just had!" "Was it that I had been run down by a car driven by my sister-in-law?"' "No, it was worse! We were both old and single and I was pregnant and Karen was a Trump supporter and get this - we were running an inn in Vermont!"
  21. I lived in LA and the OC for almost 20 years and saw four of the seven totems. Saw a roller blader in booty shorts skating on the boardwalk at Venice Beach while talking on a cell phone the first week I was there. It was unusual at the time because cell phones weren't ubiquitous back then. Doughnut shops, on the other hand, were ubiquitous, but other than that huge one on the roof of Randy's, there was nothing special about their product. However, I grew up in the Southeast with a Krispy Kreme in my town which, in retrospect, I took for granted - I was more of a Dunkin guy.
  22. Dropped in to say that exact thing. Uncharacteristically dark, IMO. Dark to the point that it took me right out of the show for moment.
  23. There's actually a name for the trope in which a character schedules dates with two people at the same time. It's called the Two-Timer Date, and I saw it coming up the Dan Ryan as soon as Debbie said that she wanted to choose the restaurant. I think it dates back to I Love Lucy, or in other words, the beginning of recorded time. 'Nuff said.
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