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Everything posted by spidermiss2426

  1. I interrupt this program to bring you the following photo: Seriously, they look so happy together.
  2. I know you said this awhile ago, but I'm just catching up on this thread, and I wanted to say that my Grandmother (on my Mom's side, who by the way was not a great person and makes leah look like a saint) had 6 husbands. She didn't have to work because that is exactly what she did. So yes, it can be done. EDIT: I don't know what she collected or how, but I know they all gave her money. I think one or two may have died, the rest supplied her well.
  3. I've been away from the teen mom 2 forum for a loooooooooooooong time. Looks like I have a lot to catch up on!!! Witch Leah is back!!!
  4. I got this from the pixie cut and from the supposed "I'll kill her if you talk" :Can I just say that I think Charles is Charlie NOT charles, and that Charlie and Sarah Harvey are the same person? That the little boy in the photo could be a girl (I know women named Charlie) or Sarah's name for herself. I know she'd have to be older, but this is pretty Little Liars time, not reality. The new pixie cut I think was a clue. That and the fact that we know that Sarah's parents don't care for her much, that she ran away right before she was kidnapped and then again after she was "found." If this has to be moved please move it, I've posted elsewhere on this forum but not in the PLL forum. But that is what I conclude from this episode.
  5. I watched it!!! I'm wondering if we have a separate thread for it? It was hilarious, not to mention telling, to see the fourth episode the show ever had during the first season.
  6. I have no idea. I just noticed Abby said the kids should not be there in case something fell out that the kids shouldn't see.
  7. You don't need earrings to lead a rehearsal. It just isn't important. Why all of a sudden is this a priority? And if it is so important for your image for television, why is dumping all your stuff out of your bag (including the stuff that "isn't for children's eye's"-- did anyone catch that?) not included in your image? That is what I'd like to know. Abby is a hypocrite. We've known that for years, however.
  8. That is exactly what I thought. If there isn't anything more to hide, why ask? Unless Megyn Kelly and her research team have been spying on this forum. I know we've been speculating about there being more. But just the fact that it was ASKED, makes me think that there is more to come out. As far as the "victim" word versus the "survivor" word... you can absolutely be both. I think my Mom was both. She never dealt with her own molestation as a child, instead swallowing it down and laughing it off. So in a way, she continued to be a victim. But she was determined to give my sister and myself a better life than she had, and she did. So in that way, she was a survivor, and quite the successful one.
  9. Totally off topic, but I just searched to see if there was a facebook page entitled "Megyn Kelly's Nose" kind of like "Pippa Middleton's Butt." There wasn't. On topic, that picture meme a few pages back of them praying, surrounding Jill and Derick... Do safeguards not count in Prayer? Because isn't that the face of a child near Derick's lap? Shouldn't that be off limits if side hugging and hide and go seek and sitting on laps and babysitting and all that jazz needs to be controlled? Or does God protect you in prayer? I'm seriously asking, not trying to be a snarky you-know-what.
  10. Earlier I said I didn't know what to say or how to say it. I can say this though: I feel like there are bird droppings on me, having watched the interview. How anyone can find this normal is beyond me. The family thing. Parroting what Jim Bob said about most of the families of their church deal with this stuff or worse. I wonder what he considers worse? EDIT: Did not read statistics above by another member. But TRIGGER, my Mom was molested by more than one of her stepfathers, and her brother raped her sister.. so I know there are worse things. But I don't consider my Mom's family normal.
  11. It is difficult to respond to this one. It is hard to say what is original what Jill and Jessa think and what they were told to think/feel/say. Certainly I do feel that their anger towards the media is real, and understandable. However, I honestly think Jill's tears are proof that even after all these years she hasn't moved on. Or maybe she thought she had, and really she hadn't? I have a lot more to say. I'm not sure how to say it.
  12. Know what this reminds me of? And I'll be very unspecific so no one will know the organization I'm talking about. Anyway, I help out at a nonprofit organization in my area, and there was a news story about a place where some between home citizens lived (again, leaving out the specifics of them, as it would give them away). Well, it was revealed they had no power, etc. so we decided to help. It was huge news because they've been featured on television so they are well known. But locally, they are known to be corrupt. After doing some digging and visiting about 6 times, and seeing all this for ourselves, we decided not to help said group. I won't list all the reasons why, but there were TOO many red flags. This reminds me of the Duggar situation. I'm comparing it now because of the interview. Every time we'd go and ask questions, we wouldn't get straight answers. The person-in-control of said place skirted around everything. And whenever we asked to speak to the people who lived there, or who volunteered there, we were only allowed to speak to one person. This person was obviously well versed, but also obviously lying. And now that I've really had time to look back at the Duggar interview and think about this situation, its pretty much the same thing.
  13. really Michelle!! The worst thing for you is the so-called "agenda" against your family!!! Ummm... no. NOT the worst thing. I wonder how much was actual truth and how much was not? No way of telling. EDIT: I feel most of this was complete lie, especially the beginning part. My roommate always has to get up at 1 AM for work, so I had to watch the interview silent so I wouldn't wake him up. Not an easy feat. I think I should get an award.
  14. Has this been posted? An interview on Fox news upcoming: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/jim-bob-michelle-duggar-fox-news-megyn-kelly-120276664945.html EDIT: woops!! SOmeone beat me to it!
  15. I've been reading on here-- I'm only up to page 97-- but I wanted to say a few things. Hopefully I'm allowed to still say these things, as I don't know after page 97 what the mods have said, besides what is up top. First, I went to the Duggar Blog and left a comment that I doubt will be seen-- they have to be read and approved. I was respectful but truthful. The "truthful" part is why I know my comment will never be seen, especially after reading the comments that have been approved. Anyway-- trigger warning-- my Mom was molested by more than one of her stepfathers as a child. I'm a performer, and a few months ago I did a tribute piece to her and her experiences. It makes me think of this situation with the Duggar girls now. Mom died in 2007, and Dad and I only know bits and pieces of what she went through, based on what she said here and there. Basically, it wasn't talked about, and she kept it to herself. I've just been thinking a lot about Mom this past week. I was watching the episode recently where the entire family was driving to DC to help Josh and Anna move there, and two of the older girls were driving in a truck alone in the line of vehicles going to DC. I wonder what they were talking about, or how they were feeling?
  16. What was the "Until recently" comment that Christine said during the courtship conversation? When Christine was angry with Kody's comments that a relationship isn't as good as it can be without a long courtship? And Christine said something along the lines of "I always thought we had a good relationship... until recently" and then she said something else. I know it wasn't "Go to Hell, Kody" but it sounded similar.
  17. So am I the only one who wants the divorce to really be about Meri and Christine want to run away together and be the married lesbian couple they always wanted to be since Christine married Kody? I also want Jenelle to dye her hair brown and go back in time to become Molly Brown (the unsinkable Molly Brown) on the Titanic.
  18. Maybe Jenelle can fight Leah over Chelsea's Adam. Now that Chelsea has moved on (doesn't she have a boyfriend?) we can see who would win in a Jello wrestling fight to the death between Leah and Jenelle over Adam. Or as those two would say it Jelly 'Wrastlin.
  19. I've been away for awhile and just caught up... so WITCH LEAH is back, beeyotches! I only keep up with what is going on in the Teen Mom world through you all and whenever the show is on, so I am learning much today. Thank you for providing me with entertainment. I didn't even know there were drug tests using hair. Now I know.
  20. I totally agree, RedHeadZombie (love your name) Watching this episode makes me think back to I believe the first episode of Dance Moms back in season one-- at least I think it was the first episode. Anyway, a Mom (not these current Moms) was mad at Abby for some reason and Abby ran from room to room in the studio afraid for her life supposedly and called the police on the Mom. Whether she was afraid for her life doesn't matter, but you could tell that Abby did have fear in her eyes. Anyway, my point is, whenever confronted with something outside of her comfort zone, Abby runs away. It isn't as if she's ever lived in reality (hello, who runs a studio at age 14?) anyway. Los Angeles has too much reality. Abby freaked.
  21. Yes, it is her Rs that are mispronounced. I wonder if she is in speech therapy? If not, she needs to be. It is difficult for me to process that JoJo (I'm so glad I caught my typo, I accidentally typed Joho) is 11. I keep seeing her as 9 or 8 for some reason. Her attitude needs to be nipped in the bud though. Having fire and spirit is a great thing, it'll keep her going in the dance world. But copping an attitude will keep her out of the professional part of any industry. And for an adult to mock her speech like that, is totally wrong.
  22. Can anyone tell me where I can find this episode online?
  23. That conjured up an image of Leah I'd rather not see, and an image of Leah the mods would rather me not say. I'll just say changing a diaper with one hand and something involving... deer cams... with the other.
  24. Woah!! I'm speechless. As a vietnam veteran's daughter, an ex-girlfriend/now best friend of a guy in the military, and as someone who helps run a nonprofit that helps veterans... That is just... I live in North Carolina, right on the border of South Carolina. Very close to Jenelle.
  25. I love the lying that Abby did (scripted or not) in this episode. Does she black out or what? Before I was medicated and before I went through years of therapy, I would do/say things I did not remember doing. If that is the image the show is portraying for Abby, well all it is doing is helping the lawsuit. If Abby really is like that, well she put it on herself.
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