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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. It would be a fascinating topic for Ron to explore but I doubt he would do a good job with it. Does Ron know that Sami has a history with eating disorders. I love Lumi but that was too much..
  2. I did not understand Nutmeg's weird declaration that she found parenting topics boring. I find it bizarre that a new mother would be so indifferent to a topic about parenting and children. Did you guys notice how she was laughing a bit too hard at Joy's jokes. I have a feeling that she did not like the blowback for her actions yesterday and was kissing ass to make up for it.
  3. What made her intolerable for me was her disrespect for Joy and her overreacting to Joy pushing back on her talking points. She does not want to engage in an exchange of ideas. She wants to lecture and hold court as the resident Republican on the panel. You are not supposed to challenge her or criticize her team. However she can spread lies and propaganda about the left and nobody is supposed to counter her and if you do, you are just a mean liberal who wants to silence her as a conservative. Megan does not know what the Republicans on Capitol Hill are thinking or talking about. Megan is not as beloved on the right as she thinks she is.. She knows absolutely nothing about politics in DC. She has never held any position of authority in the party and she has never held office either. She thinks because she votes Republican that makes her the expert on all things Republican..
  4. Same here and I wonder if the actresses had a lot of input in the direction and dialogue. It is why the scenes worked for me. Lani came alive with them and she was not her usual boring self.
  5. Brava Joy! finally somebody called Nutmeg out on the carpet for her hypocrisy. I have had enough of her to last me a lifetime. What a hateful unhinged nasty vile disgusting bitch!
  6. I did not see the show today so Megan attacked Rachel Maddow. Who the hell does Megan thinks she is? She is not fit to clean Rachel's shoes. What a nasty worthless human being!
  7. I don't remember Kate targeting Lucas with her schemes. Her machinations have hurt him but she never set out to hurt him intentionally. For example: when she tried to kill Victor by setting the Kiriakis mansion on fire she had no idea that he was in the house. As a Victor/Kate fan that storyline hurt a lot and it was so out of character since Kate adored Victor but I digress. At times she has hurt him while trying to protect him. Like when she set Sami up for Franco's murder, she had no idea how much the guilt would eat away at Lucas causing him mental distress. Kate does love Lucas and her intense overprotection of him has hurt him. Remember she had Lucas after she believed that Austin and Billie were dead as toddlers so all of that love protection and nurturing that she could not give them transferred over to Lucas. Lucas made her a mother again and for that alone, he will always have a special place in her heart.
  8. Kate has always loved Lucas more than anybody and people forget that she has the strongest bond with him because she raised him from infancy to adulthood all by herself. For years it was always just them against the world.. I also think it is why she loves Will so much because he is Lucas' son.
  9. Same here, I loved them together. I cried with Nicole when she lost their baby girl. That was hard to watch, I cannot watch a mom losing her child. Ari was just phenomenal in those scenes. It was just cruel for the show to kill off her son a few years later, it was just awful to see Nicole relive that nightmare. I took a break from the show after that. I could understand Nicole resenting Sami who gets pregnant with ease.
  10. Same here. I think that Eric would work better with a traditional soap heroine but the show has never cared about Eric to invest in giving him character development and a proper love interest. Putting him back with Nicole is just lazy. I did enjoy them in their original run but that ship has sailed.. Had Eric been recast after Jensen's Eric left and build from there. Perhaps Nicole and Eric could have had a legitimate shot in my opinion. Nicole works better with bad boys in my opinion. She needs a man who will accept her as she is flaws and all.
  11. Whoopie has shut her down before when she has gotten out of control..
  12. Megan is beneath contempt and I was just aghast at what she did today. She deflected from the topic at hand and just went on an unhinged hateful rant about President Biden. This is a man who showed her so much understanding and tenderness during her time of grief. What a despicable human being! She is the absolute worst and I have had it with the princess of Arizona. Sunny as always pulverized Nutmeg without uttering her name and it was such a beautiful read that Whoopie had nothing to add and just went on a commercial break.
  13. It is not just the ladies of the view who are doing this, it is all over the internet and I just want to scream shut the hell up..
  14. Thank you for saying that. Why must you be praised for doing the right thing, you should do it, period. The panel can be annoying with that crap.
  15. I am not on tweeter that much, so is Ron positioning himself as a social justice warrior for Black people now.. If Ron was talented and wanted to write something topical then he could have written about how small Black businesses headed mostly by Black women were decimated during the pandemic and he could have used Paulina as a way to tell that type of story..
  16. As a woman you need to be a bit paranoid when out in the world given how women are victimized in our society. It does not mean you don't live your life but the world is full of crazy people as you say. So that is all I will say on this subject before it goes off-topic pissing off the mods..
  17. Some men don't take rejection well and will curse women out and may even attack you physically.. So women have every right to be wary of a strange man invading her space..
  18. Stacey Abrams is so damn awesome and I could listen her speak all day long about anything everything or just nothing at all.. She is just that brilliant..
  19. Come on Porsha, why pick a man with so much baggage. This will not end well...
  20. Megan is an idiot and her word salad about seeing life differently than the left makes no sense because diseases are not partisan, we can all get sick. Of course she had to mention her daddy and she also mocked people who wear masks. She will always be a loathsome human being. I am with Joy, once I am fully vaccinated, I will always have a mask on me to use while indoors with strangers.
  21. I thought that I was the only one who likes Chanel.. I am loving that she has not been put in a box. I hate to give Ron a compliment since he is a hack but he is writing her well for now.
  22. I also liked it when Porsha said that some of Kenya's behavior was triggering her and bringing back some bad memories and she decided to get away from her toxicity.
  23. Exactly! she transferred her obsession for John onto his son Brady and she also has a baby to connect her to John like their baby that she lost.
  24. I did not see the kiss between Chanel and Allie. Did she just go up and kiss Allie? What was the context? Thanks!
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