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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. I did not like what Wendy had to say about Megan Markle and Harry. She said that they would be going to hell because of them not having anything to do with Megan's sperm donor. The man was a piece of work and toxic. They were better off and he created the situation by selling them out to the press for money, disgusting! While I am on a rant about Wendy, I thought she was extremely rude to Norman and Suzanne this past week. She was also rude and condescending to the Black woman who was on a panel with her discussing celebrity gossip.
  2. And that Senator is a Republican like her and even she knew it was extremely disrespectful for Megan to say that. I am hoping Megan acting like a Karen on a daily basis will get her fired. I know that I am deluding myself but hope springs eternal..
  3. That sounds so morbid.. Any of us can go, death does not come just the elderly..
  4. Even if she had a bad day, so what! A legitimate criticism of the VP should have been she needs to be more savvy in how to handle the press..
  5. Megan is the last person to call anybody a moron, she is something else.
  6. Joy was awesome and Nutmeg actually agreed with her. Caitlin Jenner is a piece of work and she proved today that she is just an awful famewhore. I loved Sunny putting the screws on her by asking her to explain the dubious people in her camp who she says will help her to offset her inexperience as a politician. I hope Californians can see through the BS and vote for Gavin Newsom in the recall election. Caitlin is a traitor to her own people. It goes to show you that even people who are in marginalized group can turn around and support policies that hurt people who are like them for their own gain. In the Black community, we like to say not all skinfolk is kinfolk.
  7. I love your story ideas but that would require the show having a writer who cares about writing for the characters and using their respective histories to drive stories for them. However, that is a tall order for an idiot like Ron who likes to write women as helpless damsels of distress or campy villainesses whose only preoccupation is a man. He also cherry picks history to push his agenda.. I will never forgive him for what he did to Anjelica, Adrienne, and Diana. Three fantastic characters that did not deserve the awful writing that they got. I did not care for Laura due to the awful actress that plays her. Her death was such a travesty due to her history on the show. He did that all to push his pet Gwen. Dr. Laura Horton was the inspiration for the creation of Doctor Marlena Evans. She deserves respect even if you don't like her..
  8. Carly killing Lawrence was poetic justice in my opinion. It had more gravitas for me as a Bo/Carly fan version 1 of course. Lawrence was obsessed with Carly while I do think he loved her, it was an unhealthy one that can lead to abuse. Lawrence is a violent man and him raping Jennifer was proof of that and rape is an act of violence. Jennifer killing him would have been pure vengeance and would have tarnished her as a heroine. Had she done it when he raped her then she would have been justified. Carly stabbing Lawrence was personal and proof of her psychological torture by him. I would have been down with Lawrence/Carly had Carly been bad. Bo/Carly was just too awesome for words and I wanted them to be happy. Bo came alive with her. Looking back Carly was a Mary Sue so I understand why her detractors despised her but I loved her anyway.. That would have been awesome especially if Jack rescued an amnesiac Steve from Lawrence's clutches. I would not have minded if Lawrence was behind Jack's numerous disappearances over the years. Also, I wished that the show had pursued how alike Jack and Lawrence were and how that scared Jack. Looing at Lawrence was like Jack looking at himself in the mirror because Evil Jack and Lawrence were the same. The difference was that Lawrence was a sociopath who was devoid of a conscience whereas Jack had one.
  9. Lawrence should have been the one to mess with Steve/Kayla, Bo/Hope and Jack/Jennifer. Imagine we find out that the real reason that Carly stayed with him was to protect Steve who was being held captive by him and to protect her child with Bo.. It could have been revealed that Carly left town pregnant by Bo. Stayla never interacted with Stefano during their glory days. They had Victor who was always a threat to them in so many ways. It is why Stefano having had Steve made no damn sense unimaginative and very lazy. The same goes for Hope.. Stayla's Stefano was Harper Devereaux and Jack Devereaux before his redemption. Even Orpheus messed more with them than Stefano. Stefano should have remained a villain for Roman and Marlena. I say Roman because his original beef was with Roman but that has been forgotten over the years in favor of John due to the retcon of Drake's Roman. Roman became obsolete due to John. Even Orpheus forgot about him and Roman killed his wife. Orpheus should have killed him and continued with his vendetta against Jarlena. To not say anything about him shows you the depth of the marginalization of the character of Roman. A damn shame since Roman was such an awesome hero.
  10. Kayla disliking Carly over Lawrence "killing" Steve would have been a better reason. Stefano becoming a supervillain ruined him in my opinion. An acolyte of Orpheus should have been the one to have had Marlena all of those years, not Stefano. Orpheus should have remained dead cause his story was over in 1986 and his children as adults should have been the one to terrorize Jarlena and Roman via their kids..
  11. Eli just sleeping with her would be out of character. Perhaps Lani has lost interest in sex due to taking care of twins. It happens a lot in real life. I could see Eli feeling neglected and turning to Chanel for emotional support and she takes it the wrong way. Or Ron could give Eli a very beautiful partner and Lani gets jealous..
  12. I love Kayla but the way that she treated Carly was horrible. The whole town all blamed Carly for Bo and Hope being apart. It was unfair and so typical to blame a woman for a man's actions.
  13. Chanel going after Eli would be a good story, I don't see Eli falling for her though. I did not see the episode today but was Eli in his bedroom or was he walking around in a common area like a kitchen or the living room. Cause if he was in his bedroom, then he has every right to be comfortable in his own house..
  14. If I was an Alien from out of Space, I would want nothing to do with the human race. Look at what we have done to each other, the Animals and the Planet itself since time immemorial. We would do the same thing to them and their planets.
  15. Megan is a vile ignorant coward and she could not take on these women intellectually face to face in a debate, they would eat her for lunch and she knows it. I am watching the show less and less because of her. As soon as I saw what "Hot topics" was going to be about, I changed the channel because I did not want to hear her spew lies and propaganda without any pushback.
  16. For now, I am team Phloe. Kristen has ruined Brady for me and he needs a long rest off of the show. It should be revealed that Rachel is really Mackenzie and that Kristen's baby was the one who died. If I can accept Mime sex as implausible as it was back then to make Zack Bo's son and not Stefano's.. I will accept any retcon to sever a tie between Brady and Kristen..
  17. Chloe is good with both men for different reasons and the show should have done this story years ago. Shelle, Chloe, Philip, Brady should have been the show's foundation for the future.. Not to mention other legacy characters like Stefanie, Andrew, Noelle Curtis, Jeremy Horton Theresa with better writing and the Kiriakis brothers should have been a part of the future as well. The Veterans should play supporting roles in the lives of their kids and grandkids.. Just like Alice Horton used to do back in the day.
  18. I agree with that assessment of Philip. Philip having been raised by Kate and Victor would have been too damaged to have a heathy relationship with any woman. It would have been fascinating to see him try struggle to overcome that and failing at every time. Each failure could have pushed him further and further into the dark side.. Perhaps this could have brought Kate and Victor together in trying to help their son.
  19. I agree as well, something is off with with him. I loved the Philip that wanted Belle and was unapologetic. He was so alpha and hot! He embodied perfectly what a Kate/Victor son would be like in his quest to get Belle. That Belle Philip love scene was so damn hot and then he rubbed it in Sean-Douglas' face that he just fucked his wife on their marital bed. You have to be damn bold to do that and he did not care about hurting Sean-Douglas and taking his wife. It is too bad the show did not go further with the story. I did like Marlena and Hope being at odds over their kids. Both were defending their cubs like any mother would.. Your baby is your baby and that instinct to protect and defend them never goes away.. Hope looked like she wanted to kick Belle's ass for hurting her son. I wish that Victor and Bo were more involved in the story though. There was so much history to be mine between them via their sons' conflict over Belle. Belle should have gotten pregnant for Phillip complicating matters for all.
  20. Carly in character would have never messed with any couple in my opinion. It was heartbreaking for me to see the town revile her as a homewrecker. They loved her so much in her original run. The Carly/Bo/Hope triangle should have happened when Hope came back from the dead. Instead of Billie dealing with an amnesiac Hope, it should have been Carly, since Hope's ghost haunted her and Bo in their love story. I also adored Carly's bond with Sean-Douglas. Bo/Carly had more depth than Bo/Billie. Due to backstage issues with the depraved Bo Brady recast Crystal Chappel left the show, taking Carly with her. She had gone on record that if Peter had remained as Bo, she never would have quit the show. I hated Bo/Billie together. Billie should have been paired of with Frankie Brady. Original recipe Billie written by Sherry Anderson would have been awesome with him. Both came from broken homes and Billie's tragic childhood and addiction issues as a complex heroine reminded me so much of Kim Brady. However, the show took her down a villainess route that ruined the character for me. When you desecrate your own baby's grave and have it's remains shipped to you via the UPS just to hurt Hope is too much for me as a soap viewer to get over.
  21. Megan proves everyday that she is a nasty hateful human being and her hatred of Dr. Fauci is just another manifestation of her being rotten soulless and disgusting. By constantly amplifying hate and mistrust against this patriot, she is putting a target on his back.. Words do matter.
  22. Chloe is the love of his life after all is said and done. The Philip/Melanie story was tragic and no wonder the actor left the show, he was as disgusted as the rest of us. The show acted like Stefanie who was just gorgeous was nothing in comparison to Melanie. Talk about delusional..
  23. I am so happy that I did not see the show today and I am forever grateful to not seeing Chris Matthews on my tv, what a self-important blowhard! I used to like him but he turned me off and I could write a dissertation on the many ways he offended me but it would be off-topic so I will not go into details. Chris used to always make me uncomfortable with his rapid manic frenetic delivery, his constant interruptions of his guests to inject his opinions, he also used to lose his train of thought while interrupting, the guests often had a bemused look on their faces and he always looked like he was spitting all over the place, yuck! So I will pass on whatever book he is shilling now. It is a shame because I really liked him back in the day and I used to always look forward to watch his show on MSNBC. I always saw him as statesman who was so knowledgeable about D.C politics. He can be really insightful at times, oh well! It is not surprising that everybody who is connected to politics who comes on the show has to kiss the ring "of my father".
  24. Why are people rooting for it to fail? They said the same thing about Black Panther and Captain Marvel. The hatred for Captain Marvel was unbelievable and it has never made any sense, people were triggered and I was left scratching my head..
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