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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I've always been in a state where it's a holiday. I 'suffered' through the same problem when I lived there. And, to add even more complication, we had to get the keg on *Saturday* and not crack it till like 4 or 5 ish on Sunday because the kickoff wasn't till 6.30. (pro-tip - put it in a garbage can, load it with snow, and cover with a garbage bag. Ice cold for gameday.) A 17th game with no bye week, is strictly a cash grab by the owners and will further degrade the quality of the product. I'd rather see them add the game and delete the Thursday night. What about better health care for the inevitable injury rise due to the additional week. I know it's not going to happen, but I'd love to see the players just strike on the next cba and lose the season.
  2. This is the first time I don't have to travel for xmas (I generally would rather not travel but don't really have the choice), so I thought it might be cool to get a tree. Then I was like, 'then I have to go get it and probably buy some lights.' So, no.
  3. The Seth Meyers story is worth it for the punch line about the door man. I don't know if I'd be able to restrain myself with the Airplane! quotes if I was on a flight and someone asked if there was a doctor. Surely, it would be in poor taste.
  4. I thought it was a joke when I first heard it because I'm old enough.
  5. Red Sox, etc., was what I meant by exceptions. However, you don't really say, the Chelsea Blues are playing Liverpool. But we'll say, that we're going to see the Cubs/Cards. I don't think there's any trademarking, etc. That's what I meant by saying Pinstripes. Red Sox is technically a legal brand AFAIK. That's why I think it's all a bit much. Cleveland players are still playing and getting paid. I'm doubtful it affects their game.
  6. If Jimmy was actually a functioning adult, he probably could have copped to the plan in the first place, and Bob would likely have gone along with it because it was a good business event for the restaurant. One thing the show does that I think is kind of unique is that Teddy has an actual, healthy relationship with the kids.
  7. That's not technically true in the sense of "New York Yankees" as we're talking about 'nicknames', which I'm not sure is the right term in this context. Chelsea is called 'the Blues'. Not the Chelsea Hawks or something. West Ham is the 'hammers' because of the name. The equivalent would be calling them the Pinstripes. There's no Liverpool Arthurs, or some such. It's a totally different paradigm. Obviously there's exceptions. Real Madrid is just 'los blancos' for the white uniforms, similarly.
  8. You could have also gone with New York Wiseguys. I always thought mascots/nicknames were kind of silly anyway. They don't do it in european soccer.
  9. I don't watch Hallmark movies, but the jokes were good enough to get the gist. I liked how the cell phone ID just said 'my boss', and each act break was 'it had to be a christmas movie!'
  10. I liked the deaf jokes. The thing is, if you're not that into Xmas, and Lois leaves, then why bother?
  11. White Crisp-mas. It had the fried onions. I get excited about the mayor! We went to the same university for grad school at the same time. I'm fanwanking Tina and Gus are pals from the Halloween hotel and run into each other from time to time. I wouldn't say that the kids in line deserve the gifts more, but they shouldn't have stole anything (attempted). They were the only kids working. Again, there's some event and everyone likes Bob's food. You'd think at some point they would have better business.
  12. Teddy explained in the ensuing scene - it's a fighter past his prime that takes the fights for barely nothing. They're fighting for they're next meal.
  13. I guess if they stuck more to the book and made it more serious? The whole point of the show was how bonkers everything was. tbh, they just need to do a show about Pam.
  14. We have a friend that takes like an hour to leave anywhere. But - you'll all be pleased to know I was able to speak the phone, a real phone, down on someone.
  15. Louise is totally Dad's kid. She's also probably the most independent minded and doesn't mind going off wherever. Maybe because she's the youngest.
  16. To be fair to Bob, he was preparing food while Gene asked about eating the chicken, so I could see him forgetting to toss it later. I'm glad Gene did apologize for the chicken and last night, but what bothered me was that they could have done spa day when she got home, or the next day. It was kind of just a manufactured crisis that didn't need to be.
  17. When did they show Linda running the restaurant?
  18. I meant Linda was thinking of herself as a business woman because she called herself a restauranteur, and she's really not. How great was it that the invitation for the meeting was sent in the mail?
  19. The whole sunflower gag was weird but I liked it. I also got a huge laugh out of 'follow the honey'. I can't believe they got a 'keeping it up' joke. It is not entirely current, but I do find the statue issue interesting. I like that Lois said, 'where do you draw the line?' because statues seem silly to me anyway. Go ahead, take them all down.
  20. I'm not getting that Linda is an actual businesswoman because she just stands there most is the time, but I get that she should have her own thing. I liked that Bob put his foot down two weeks in a row with Linda and told her to go to the meeting. Gene was out of control though. He's too old to be that much of a brat.
  21. Ok, so Hoover doesn't have a great life. Not an excuse to be checked out at work.
  22. You will eat the apple with a knife if you are the bad guy.
  23. I had a good laugh on the WOT FB page where that was posted - everyone was like, 'oh yeah, they have to get rid of a lot'. No one really is a 'purist', like refusing to watch because Bombadil was cut out or somethine. One post was like, 'oh just get rid of the Whitecloaks entirely'.
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