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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. I don't begrudge them making money. It doesn't bother me that they make more than I made when I was working. What bothers me is what they're doing with the money. I know its none of my damn business what they do with their money but it still annoys me. Aside from Chelsea, I doubt any of them has saved a penny out of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have made. Can't any of them look forward a few years? Surely they can't think the show and the money will last forever. Aside from Chelsea, none of them have anything to fall back on. What they've made isn't enough to set them for life but if they were smart with their money, it could be a nice supplement to what they will make in the future. Expensive cars, expensive tattoos and shoes aren't going to help them in the future like investing and saving will. I think they'll have a lot of regret over wasting so much money.
  2. I can do it too, every time I fold one I feel a strange sense of accomplishment.
  3. I thought of you when I was reading the Little House comments! Get 'em Damo!
  4. That's really cool mamabean, I appreciate you sharing your experience with us. It sounds like fun but no way could I do it. I would get so nervous and tongue tied, I'd make a fool out if myself. I haven't seen your commercial yet but I'm going to keep an eye out for it.
  5. I just want to clarify that my post above isn't a cry me a river comment. I have nothing to cry about. I would do everything all over again just to have the kids I have. We had tough times but it just made us better and stronger. I didn't post it for sympathy, just to say that these girls are really going to regret pissing away all of that money.
  6. I hate how she's always saying that she'll never show her real hair so don't ask. Does she really think that anybody gives a shit about her hair?
  7. I must be an asshole because I don't feel any sympathy for Leah. She's where she is because of herself. I feel sympathy for people who are going through hell that isn't of their own making.
  8. I get the same thing about god. So many times I've been told that I really do believe, that when I'm on my deathbed, I'll believe and if I would just spend a little time with this pastor or at that church I will believe. No. I won't. I don't tell these people to not believe and I hate it when they tell me to believe. I get it with food too, I get the "how can you not like it, you'll love it how I make it". Again, no I won't.
  9. But she won't. She'll let Jenelle move back in with whatever kids she has at the time and all hell will break loose. I don't see how Jenelle has changed at all. She may be off heroin, which isn't a huge feat for a casual user like she was. If she had become addicted she wouldn't have stopped using so easily. Other than not using heroin, what has changed? She's still a selfish, self absorbed asshole who can't be without a man for longer than a than a day. I truly hope Barb won't let her back but I'm pretty sure she will. I'm also pretty sure Jenelle has saved nothing from the money she's made on the show so after the show ends, she'll be broke, homeless and jobless. These girls infuriate me the way they squander the money and the opportunities they've been given. I was a teen mom who escaped an abusive marriage with 2 kids when I was still a teenager. I would never do a reality show but if I had and I had made the money these girls have made, I'd be set. My kids would have had college funds, I'd have bought a house that we could live in forever and I would be doing a lot more with that money than spend it. Being a teen mom is tough. I had a newborn and a 2 year old, I was alone with no family and being in an abusive relationship I had no friends. I did the very best I could but it was damn hard. There were many nights that I didn't eat dinner because there wasn't enough for all 3 of us. My teeth are crumbling because there wasn't enough money for all 3 of us to do to the dentist, but it was worth it because my kids have beautiful teeth. I'd have cut off a toe to have been given the money these girls have gotten and they're doing nothing with this opportunity. Sorry if I sound bitter but it pisses me off the way they take for granted that the money will always be there. They'll be kicking themselves in the ass in 5 or so years when the show is over, the money is gone and all they have to show for it is a bunch of expensive crap.
  10. They named the poor kid Saint.
  11. Beautiful kitties.
  12. I get you. I have tattoos and was married to a tattoo artist but facial tattoos still freak me out. I've always been a live and let live person, when he was in high school my son had a 13 inch high Mohawk. I like that sort of thing, I like when people are comfortable enough to do what they want like that. But I just don't get facial tattoos.
  13. Did I miss the episode where Kandi and Todd announced that Don Juan us the real father of Kandi's baby? Because otherwise its none of his damn business what she does or doesn't do.
  14. Yum, thanks so much. I'm under Doctor's orders to gain at least 20 pounds by my next appointment so I'm looking for some good fat filled recipes and I love potatoes. Thanks again.
  15. Can I ask why that bothers you? I may have missed why you have a reaction to it. I don't think a woman's hair color or tattoos and piercings means that she isn't a good mom. A well put together woman with "normal" hair, clothing etc can be a horrible mother, just as a woman like you've described can be a good, loving mom. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to understand why you'd have a reaction to seeing it. I like when somebody is comfortable enough in their own skin to do and wear what they want. I don't think purple hair, piercings and tattoos have any bearing on ones ability to be a good parent.
  16. Thanks. I hate all of those initials and acronyms. I can't keep up with them, I miss reading whole words.
  17. Blixie, I'd love that recipe if you don't mind, I'm always looking for new potato recipes.
  18. My daughter and I are going shopping on Monday, she wants to go to Big Lots. I told her as long as that broad isn't singing and dancing in the aisles, I'll go with her. They play that commercial all the time.
  19. I'm happy the dog found her family. Shows like this have made me put an extra leash in my husband and daughter's cars, since those are the cars I'm in most. I also always keep dog treats in my bag. This show also made me microchip all of my pets. It should be mandatory.
  20. I never took my kids to high end places because that's not my thing, but any time one of my kids acted up in public we left. Not only as a courtesy to the other people around us but as a punishment to my kids too. Eventually they'll learn that if you act up in public, you go home and they'll start acting right. The problem is that parents just don't care anymore. When little Billy is acting like an asshole in the store and running into people and making a mess, mom is on her cell phone 4 aisles over. I don't use the motorized carts at the grocery store because I've had kids follow me around yellibg at me that it's their turn while mommy does nothing so its not worth it. I can't tell you how many times I've been in the store on my own scooter and had to remind myself that they're kids, its not their fault they're spoiled rotten brats, so I don't run them over.
  21. From what the sponsor told me, it can be helpful using it for extreme heroin addiction to where it's their last chance. She also said exactly what you said, using it for prescription opiate addiction is going from bad to worse.
  22. I don't trust pot luck meals because you never know what somebody's kitchen looks like. Have you ever seen Hoarders?!We just do a ham on Christmas. We cook here just the 2 of us while my kids do their thing with their families. The afternoon is usually a sweat pants by the TV day for most of the day then we go to my daughter's in the evening to do presents and have dessert. At Thanksgiving we buy a big turkey and a smaller one. I freeze the smaller one and we have a turkey dinner around April or May, right before it gets hot.
  23. And I don't see Corey denying her 50/50 when she's ready. Leah seems to think that everything Corey and Miranda do they're doing just to hurt her, she can't see that they're doing this to help the girls, not to hurt her. They're putting the kids first, maybe if she had put the kids first, she would understand that that's what they're doing. If she gets her shit together I don't think Corey would have a problem with sharing custody but I don't see it happening any time soon. The first step in getting her shit together is admitting she's an addict and to stop blaming everything and everybody else and I don't see her ever doing that. Somebody mentioned a rumor that Leah is on methadone. I really, really hope that isn't true. Methadone is more addictive than anything else she could have been taking. The withdrawals are horrendous and much worse than typical opiate withdrawals, and some of the withdrawal symptoms can last years. Leah isn't a favorite of mine but I'd hate to see her caught in that cycle. I've never understood why a Dr would prescribe one addictive drug to get over another. I'm on 2 strong pain killers and will be for the foreseeable future. Because I was so scared of addiction I got a drug sponsor to help me stay on the straight and narrow with my medicine. She's told me horror stories of methadone withdrawal. She said that they're trying to stop it as a treatment for prescription opiate addiction.
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