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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I don’t think Carly is capable of self reflection but I do think she had a major Jason obsession from the moment she met him. Even when she wasn’t with him romantically, which was most of the time, she was obsessed with him and wanted to be the center of his world. Even when he “died”, she fell for Franco because he was thought to be Jason’s twin (repeated pattern?). Now Sonny, not so much. Even when they were together for the most part, they were pretty much just co-existing and she moved on from his death pretty easily. I don’t think she defined herself by Sonny other than using his name and money to threaten and belittle others.
  2. I want them to break up as well but they’ll throw Cameron under the bus for them for sure. Either Joss is going to be emotionally cheating for months and Cam will be called jealous for no reason for pointing it out or they’ll go full throttle and have him do something to wrong Joss in some way so she can play the injured party.
  3. I figure that was only mentioned as a pp so she doesn’t have the inheritance anymore and won’t be seen as a jerk for not giving part of it to Cody, though technically he isn’t entitled to anything since Dominique left everything to Scott in her will. Her other disgruntled, grifter relatives were already a storyline back in the day.
  4. Ava was stabbed at a hospital fundraiser and multiple doctors and nurses were there. It didn’t cross Joss or Dex’s minds to get one of them? Also, not waiting for the ambulance was one of the dumbest decision they could have made but since this isn’t real life, I’m sure they’ll get patted on the back and told that they did exactly what needed to be done to save her life.
  5. Today was surprisingly good. It’s noticeable who was on and who was absent though. This show could be a real soap most of the time if they could just sideline a few characters
  6. Lol I was thinking the same thing. This was supposed to be a fundraiser and they were mad at the 3 or 4 people there who actually had money. Like we know Carly is broke so Olivia could take a day off from caping for her.
  7. Drew and Carly can’t flirt at all. That was painful. I think we finally have a replacement for Millow for most chemless couple because they give off sibling vibes
  8. These parties are just an excuse to burn minimums. You can tell how there’s basically the same dozen characters who attend those things, nothing interesting happens, and more than half of them are glorified extras
  9. I forgot to add this yesterday and it’s probably an UO but Eddie Maine always made me cringe so this is the last story I want them revisiting. I think WK can sing and is great when Ned was singing the occasional ballad to his LOs but Ned as this badass rock star who had all of the college aged girls swooning? No, not all.
  10. Per SOD: “Willow must decide if she’ll seek treatment and risk a miscarriage or refuse and risk the cancer spreading” I can’t believe they are doing this storyline right now. It’s so tone deaf
  11. It’s probably unintentional but it comes off to me like BL is trying to force Chase to live out her career dreams because her injury means she can’t. He’s never expressed an interest in becoming a famous singer but you wouldn’t know it by what she said today.
  12. That Chase montage was cringey and I really don’t get the point of his career change or what they’re doing with him and BL. He’s gotten very childish since this whole pairing started. Well not really a pairing since they aren’t officially dating for whatever reason but you know what I mean. Still confused where they’re are going with Liz’s story. I got hints that it might be a repeat of Laura/Rick Webber and whatever his mistresses name was. Why does Anna need to enlist (really threaten) Martin and Lucy into helping her? Isn’t she supposed to be a super spy? Or maybe just tell Valentin that you can’t be with him unless he tells you the truth like a grownup.
  13. With the article saying she’s concluding her run in November and that the character appears on Station 11 on 10/6, sounds like she’s exiting to me rather than doing both. Either way, good for her. I like snarky Britt but lately all she’s been doing is crying about Jason, the great love of her life, and starting up a terrible romance with Cody the bum.
  14. Hence why Willow is keeping it a secret from Michael. Keeping it from Michael means Carly doesn’t know yet since he runs and tells her everything. God forbid Carly be allowed to know and let Willow get sicker and sicker so Nina doesn’t find out she has a daughter even though it would be perfectly in character for her to sit on this info.
  15. How is Olivia trying to ban the co-owner from eating at the MC? This is so stupid. Also, looking at those party guests made me realize part of the reason they are making Willow Nina’s daughter. Her world is so small. She has a few people who tolerate because of Michael and 1 friend who is currently in jail (I think) and in the midst of major breakdown. Since she’s keeping the illness from Michael and Sasha isn’t up to being a confidant, she has no one to confide in aside from her doctors.
  16. This was why I said Diane was idiotic for not asking for a continuance when the case started. She had just taken over for Scott, had no defense other than a few character witnesses, and they were still actively investigating. Yes, Trina didn’t want this hanging over her head anymore but as a lawyer, Diane should have told her that in the end, it would be better for her to present the strongest defense possible.
  17. I don’t think there’s really anything either side could do at this point. Any evidence they obtained now would just be if she’s found guilty and they want to appeal. But I’m not sure that is some bombshell evidence that would even make a difference there since it would at most add some reasonable doubt.
  18. I just remember people on the boards calling his version of Lucky Larry because he was pretty much playing a different character. I thought GV was hot but his acting wasn’t the best and you could tell that the writers didn’t think much of him or the character.
  19. Drew and Carly come off so smug and insufferable in their scenes together. I actually think they’re going for fun and lighthearted with them but they can’t sell it to save their lives.
  20. Is a rule that characters can only be likable if they’re rarely on because mostly offscreen Kristina has turned into one of the most non-judgmental and non-hypocritical people in PC and frankly there were a few years where I couldn’t stand her.
  21. I’m trying to figure out where they’re going with Willow’s story. Today had the obvious anvils that she’s going to postpone treatment until the baby is born and probably going to continue to hide it and play martyr pretending everything is ok. However, I assume the point of the SL is for the reveal of Nina being her mother because she needs a marrow donor so what are they going to do at that point?
  22. I don’t know, I kind of sided with Alexis. It’s one of her reporters and she knows he’s sleazy. Say she had written a big story about this and then it comes out why Sasha attacked him. It’ll just make it look like the Invader is harassing people for content. Paparazzi goading celebrities into lashing out or attacking them so they had pics and videos to sell was a commonplace thing not too long ago and it was gross.
  23. Oh so Joss’ sudden moral indignation about Sonny and the mob is to give angst to her new pairing. I should have known. That doesn’t work when it comes out of nowhere and isn’t true to the character. Joss never cared about Sonny being a mobster before and would brag about him getting off on all of his crimes and would throw his name around as a threat every chance she got.
  24. If Joss made the issue that they shouldn’t have kept it from Trina, I might have sided with her. She’s the one who had to deal with the thought that Spencer didn’t believe her on top of the stress of the trial and Title IX hearing. However, she made it all about herself. Spencer and Cameron have their own relationship separate from Joss and she isn’t entitled to know everything Spencer tells him. If Trina told her something and asked her not to tell Cam, I doubt she would see it as an issue. Also, Spencer’s reasoning for not telling Joss was valid. She runs her mouth without thinking of the consequences so the chances of her goading Esme with the knowledge that Spencer didn’t actually believe her to win their next argument was high.
  25. Calling it now based on the preview. Joss uses Cameron knowing about Spencer and keeping it a secret as an excuse to break up with him so she can chase after the mob guy. That way she can play the victim instead of the show acknowledging that she’s a terrible and self-involved gf who couldn’t be bothered to care about the things going on with Cam.
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