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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Don’t know if it’s a poor acting choice or intentional but Curtis doesn’t look happy around Portia. He looked visibly uncomfortable around her today while she was giddy and giggling
  2. Being the new Jason usually means getting arrested a lot since you’re the one actually committing the crimes. Everything we’ve seen from Dex so far tells me that he would flip on Sonny the first chance he got if he was looking at serving time. But yeah, genius plan Carly has there to keep Sonny protected instead of you know, telling Sonny that Dex was trying to take him down.
  3. Didn’t Dex already say he wanted to work for Sonny the other day and Joss said she wouldn’t stand in his way because he’d only resent her? Yet she throws a temper tantrum when Michael and Carly say that want Dex to keep working for Sonny? Why is she whining Dex being forced to do something that he already wanted to do? Why are Olivia and BL being so rude with Tracy at the hospital? He’s her son and she’s just as worried as they are and honestly, she’s been treating him a lot better than either of those 2 have recently.
  4. I think they’re setting up a CM exit tbh. From what I’ve heard, they have to work to tape around his schedule because he has to go to Canada often to film those Hallmark/GAC movies or to promote content for them. I could see them feeling like it’s been more trouble than it’s worth. His character hasn’t exactly taken off and his pairing with Carly is unpopular despite the big push and all of the promotion they initially got.
  5. I don’t get where they’re going with this. Why would Carly want her daughter’s bf to be the new Jason when she saw how often Jason’s SOs got targeted by Sonny’s mob enemies? Not to mention, why would she trust Dex when he’s already proven to be a snitch and why would she want someone who she thinks would need Michael’s guidance on what to do? Which brings me to another confusing point. Are they pivoting and pretending like Michael’s been involved in the mob business enough to be Dex’s mentor?
  6. Isn’t Dex suddenly being pro Sonny a complete 180? He was passive about quitting but he seemed all in for taking Sonny down and we never saw him change his mind about things. It’s more than likely because we know almost nothing about Dex other than he’s Joss’ bang buddy but still, you’d think they would have shown him wavering. So I guess the story of Carly’s kids trying to take Sonny down went out with a whimper since Joss is cool with being a mob moll now.
  7. I think they were going for the typical rich girl/working class guy trope with Chase and BL but BL didn’t grow up with the Quartermaines and Chase probably grew up upper middle class with a famous reporter and college professor as parents.
  8. I’m already picturing Joss doing the “he’s such a good person” rant that Carly/Jason’s girlfriend of the moment did for him anytime someone rightfully calling out that he’s a murderer and career criminal.
  9. Drew is truly discount Jason. It’s baffling that someone who was kept away from his young daughter for 2 years is so nonchalant about going to prison for Carly because his relationship with his kid doesn’t compare to Carly’s with her kids. I’m sure Scout would feel great to hear that and it’s unfathomable that it doesn’t register at all with him that he could spend all the time in the world with his daughter and chooses to have her fall a (very) distant second to Carly in his list of priorities. I still remember him skipping out on Scout’s first day at school to track down Carly in Florida because she didn’t answer his phone calls for a few hours.
  10. Joss wasn’t even trying to hide that she wanted Carly to flip on Sonny more for Dex than her own mother. Too bad for Joss that Michael already told Carly that Dex was working for him. Also, they made it obvious, to me anyway, that a shift is about to happen where Dex doesn’t really want out of the mob to get around the fact that Sonny will let him quit if he asked. It’s because Dex/Joss have nothing else going on outside of Sonny and how can they pretend to be some us against the world couple without the manufactured angst Sonny provides them? No one cares that they’re together. Even Spencer had to fall in line the other day. Whatever would they talk about if Dex leaves Sonny to go work in a restaurant?
  11. I think they’ve dragged out this cancer SL for as long as they have because they don’t know what to do with Willow afterwards. She was told she had 2 weeks left back in January and it’s now June and they kept dragging out everything with the donor. Once she’s done with this, she really has nothing left except to be Michael’s plus one and mommy of the year because they write her like an appendage. I mean, I’m sure they’ll have her go off on Nina once again once it comes out that she gave up Carly but that doesn’t exactly pack a punch when she’s already vocally anti-Nina.
  12. I could be wrong but I read that it wouldn’t affect actors working on daytime projects because they are working under a different deal that was renewed only last year. It would be a mess for PT and streaming shows though. Even already written shows and movies couldn’t be taped so that would completely halt production.
  13. I just found it really dismissive of Trina’s feelings about the situation. She’s clearly close to Taggart and isn’t happy about the news, but yeah let’s celebrate. While I don’t agree with Portia hiding things, Curtis doesn’t seem to care all that much about Trina’s feelings while we saw Taggart try to hold it together to not further upset Trina when he found out the news because he does put her first.
  14. They saddled Maxie with 3 pointless kids that are rarely seen. Georgie was living with Spinelli and Ellie in Seattle for years, they gave her a kid with dead Nathan for no reason and Bailey was promptly forgotten about after the baby switch.
  15. I’m glad they finally acknowledged that Maxie has been living in a shoebox with her kids and needs a bigger place. I’ve long thought it was funny that she’s still living in same place that she originally got with Lulu when they were in their single, child free years. I wonder if they’ll give her Dante/Lulu’s old house. That was a pretty set and I’m surprised that they didn’t give it to anyone else when Dante moved out. Not that it made any sense for them to move from a house to the PH which we know isn’t anywhere near enough space for 5 people but GH will never let that ugly PH set with it’s squeaky couch and duct tape on the stairs go
  16. Stefan bought Wyndemere when he and Nikolas moved to PC in the 90s. The house already existed on the show prior to that with other owners.
  17. Today’s episode felt very random. Willow remains an idiot and I’m not sure why we were subjected to an entire episode of her whining to some dayplayer nurse or doctor. All I’m gathering is she’s in desperate need of therapy before she passes on her own issues to her children. Good for Jordan for finally hooking up with a new guy but why was she still carrying around her engagement ring when she’s been divorced for over 2 years and he quickly moved on to someone else? She took pining over an ex to an entirely new level. I do like the tv trope of unloading your secrets on a stranger only to later find out it was probably the last person you should have said all this to. Guess it’s time for GF’s annual vacation. Is Valentin not going with Laura anymore because they didn’t mention it today. I have absolutely no interest in Trina bunking with Joss and Carly. I already ffw her scenes with her blonde bff and it was bad enough to have Spencer living at the same place as Esme.
  18. I like him but the article makes it sound like he’s only around for a few episodes. Typical stunt casting that Frank loves to promote and spend money on while ignoring most of the actual cast or writing decent storylines.
  19. I suspect that super long Joss/Dex montage was in part because the show is stretching out episodes due to the writers strike. These episodes would have been taped in early May and when the show shut down production in 2020, they padded filmed episodes with a ton of flashbacks.
  20. It’s a choice to make Michael and Joss even more insufferable than they already were in an attempt to make Carly more palatable but I guess it’s working because she does look better in comparison anytime she shares scenes with them now.
  21. I’m sure it’s a dumb pp for Joss to get ahold of it since Carly wouldn’t use it herself.
  22. Lol why is Michael acting like Carly will get a life sentence for insider trading? She would most likely get a short sentence in a minimum security prison if not just probation or house arrest.
  23. I swear every time Scout is on, they send her off somewhere to entertain herself while the adults talk.
  24. I think Sonny was better away from Carly and have found him particularly grating since they’ve had him in Carly’s corner during this SEC storyline. However, Carly’s gotten even worse away from Sonny and now has a dozen additional characters who took the Jason mantle and have to act like she’s the most amazing person in the universe.
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