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Everything posted by thewhiteowl

  1. It is delicious and explains her no neck and bad legs. I could not love it more. I can hardly wait for the fart face PRick will make when he chews on that gem. Or should I say "Jim". lol Now I'm not bored.
  2. The Palm Springs area is a wonderful vacation spot. There are many things to do and see there. Golfing is the biggie but there are many more recreational activities as well as an active restaurant and club scene. There are Casinos, if that's your thing. Really the high summer is the only time the weather is too hot to be pleasant. This was brought to you by Palm Springs tourism. Now returning you to your regularly scheduled program : )
  3. You may be right but Jake has no memories and no love for Michael, he just takes Carly's word for everything. Jason would not be stupid enough to do that and he loves Michael, I'd like to believe he'd think differently about the whole thing, if he had all the memories and correct information. I can't imagine Jason not at least talking to Michael, being willing to consider Michael's side of things and he always supported Michael. Not that it was ever tested against Sonny IIRC but I think he would see where Michael is coming from...maybe? He would possibly bring up giving up Jake, to keep him safe although that didn't work the logic behind it is still valid. Hmmm, maybe FLuke did kill Jake on purpose.
  4. I agree with this. Michael's stock is devalued since Jason's death. He is no longer something she can use to manipulate Jason so he's fairly worthless to her. If Jake regains his memories I would imagine Carly to have some explaining to do as far as her treatment of Michael. At least, I would hope...
  5. It probably belongs to her dealer now. The whole house thing is another deflection, Kim is really good at this, she's had years and years of practice. So instead of talking about anything Kim doesn't want to hear like Brandi is a backstabber, she brings up the house thing and again Kim wins the round. IDK how long Brandi waited for the little Dutch boy to show up but it was far longer than I would have waited especially with cameras to record my desperation. Yoda's stock took a nosedive with me as she helped Brandi shovel her shit. I am a mean and petty person who thoroughly enjoyed Brandi's crocodile tears from her frozen face. I would have had some sympathy if it were her Father she was wailing about instead of the unfairness of the ladies for not instantly forgiving her shitty words and shittier behavior. I liked most of Kyle's PS house, the doors opening to the pool area but it was really kind of McMansiony to me. Status but no personality. Loved the wedding and missed Eileen.
  6. I don't think I misunderstand Brandi at all, Walks like an asshole, talks like an asshole, slaps like an asshole. She's an asshole.
  7. Just can't bring myself to blame Katie for rubbing Brooke's nose in it. Although Katie would be smarter to recall that if Brooke hadn't left the field, Bill would likely be married to her. (Brooke) Bill would not have stopped pursuing and obsessing over Brooke, IMO till she did the unforgiveable (for now) by leaving him.
  8. If they did things privately, there wouldn't be much of a show.
  9. Geez, this would be even less entertaining than the hot ass mess that was Lindsey Lohan's brief trainwreck of a show.
  10. But if they didn't do this, there would not be a show for us to discuss. ; )
  11. I see what you are saying and I don't disagree, it wasn't the ending of world peace but it wasn't my face so I think LiasV is entitled to act however she feels about it since it was hers. I do think it was deeper and more malicious than dumb, drunken rough housing but that's just my opinion. Lisar may have reached out but she didn't make contact so she wasn't totally out of control, again IMO. The kyle /Brandi thing is a wash, even all around IMO
  12. It doesn't have to fly with you, it flies with me. What I find acceptable or excusable is for me to decide. Life's not fair. My level of outrage doesn't have to measure up to anyone else's.
  13. I do believe the separation is "intentional" because if TPTB wanted them in a scene together, they would be so. At this point the question in my mind is "why".
  14. The reason Copacabana is banned is her business. Questioning Mod decisions in a thread will get yourselves warned or banned. FYI.
  15. Lisar's inner gangster is apparently the Sta-Puff Marshmallow guy.
  16. At this point cancellation is like putting something suffering out of it's misery. It's a mercy killing and too bad because I really liked this show for the first 2 seasons.
  17. Yes, I am at a loss as to what was such hard work. She has kissed Ricky's ass with a big ol' smile so that's not it. Caroline practically gift wrapped him so that wasn't hard. Everything else has been handed to her. Why whine now? It just makes her even more unappealing to me, if that's even possible.
  18. I liked it. Many times I have wondered WTF Alicia was thinking so this was some insight. Like the rest of she is pretty jumbled up and prone to rationalization. Good to know.
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