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Everything posted by HighQueenEB

  1. Definitely a good interview from Julie. And Kyle did acquit himself fairly well.
  2. We don't need no jury house clips this week. Next week is when we need jury house clips!
  3. It took 20 seconds! How quickly we forget!
  4. Wow. Terrance actually voted to evict Kyle. Guess he realized that there was no saving Kyle after all.
  5. Probably since we haven't even started the eviction vote yet, lol.
  6. No, there's only 30 min left tonight. Next Thursday is a 2 hr episode.
  7. So, the house meeting happened after they watched the movie on Sunday, which helps explain why people were as calm as they were during it.
  8. Oh, Kyle, just because you've never been to a bar isn't an excuse for being ignorant about racism in 2022 America.
  9. I just don't think the downside is as bad as some people think. I know Monte's got a F2 with Turner, but let's be real. There's no way he's taking Turner to F2. Of the remaining HGs, he is closest to Taylor, and I think he'd take her over Turner in a heartbeat. Brittany will cling to the one solid relationship she has left in the house, Taylor, and take her chances on the proposed F3 with her, Alyssa & Taylor. Brittany is also smart enough to know that Taylor is low-hanging fruit compared to Turner or Monte when it comes to who needs to go out next once Michael's gone.
  10. Well, I would agree with you only on that last point - if/when Michael is safe, Taylor would be Turner's target. I do wonder, if Michael wins HOH tonight, what sort of wiggle room he's going to find to put Turner on the block. He was already thinking/regretting yesterday that guarantee of safety he made for Turner putting Kyle on the block this week. You could see it in his expression when he and Brittany were talking in the bubble room. I thought we saw a pic that it was some sort of puzzle. If so, Taylor's a non-factor. Who knows with Monte since he didn't compete in the Woodstack veto comp earlier in the season.
  11. Right? Alyssa certainly seemed to think that the $5k prize she took from Taylor during the veto comp was worth it, even if it risked pissing off the HOH.
  12. @Thalia - I'd also have never put money on all four of Michael, Terrance, Brittany or Turner making it to F7 - possibly one of them, but not all four. That cat shirt Michael wore for the premiere should have (and did, TBH) pegged him as dead man walking, lol. Brittany, with her crazy eyes in the premiere, also should never have made it this far - she's really lucky to have fallen into her friendship with Michael and become part of the LOs. Terrance or Turner, in most seasons, one would have been gone early while the other skated under the radar and made it very deep in the game.
  13. Yikes. On review, that really does NOT reflect well on Michael and makes this move look even worse. I really need him out next week. How do we manifest this? And, no, I don't count whatever was manifested this week to get Kyle out to be true BB fandom prayer circle work. That was some jacked up shit that Michael pulled out of his ass.
  14. Nah, I can see that too. And Alyssa is being worked by Michael/Brittany, so I can understand why Monte would be worried. I do think Turner would influence Terrance against putting Monte on the block, but if you're in another situation next week like this one where Michael wins the POV and saves Brittany because they're not both on the block, then I don't see any way Monte isn't up on the block next to Taylor. You can't trust that a pawn wouldn't get sent home in that scenario.
  15. Well, I'm still not convinced that you don't just outright put Michael up this week if you're Terrance or Alyssa. I know the BD option still exists, especially on the slim chance Michael isn't chosen to play in the veto, but I'm not sure, if he isn't HOH, that you don't just take the direct shot instead. Put him on the block with Brittany to begin with and send Brittany out if Michael does win veto - don't give Michael the chance to do what he did this week and save them both.
  16. Monte needs to go hard for HOH until and after Michael, Brittany and Taylor are all out. If he's the last one standing of the LOs playing, then sure, throw it to Terrance or Alyssa. He knows they will both go after Michael, with Brittany as their backup evictee, should the shot at Michael miss.
  17. Monte is getting ahead of himself, as others have pointed out, and trying to set himself up for next week. All of the HGs have done this to some extent or another, but Monte, Michael, & Brittany have been particularly obnoxious about it. Monte just needs to chill and listen to Turner - don't throw HOH, just win it and do the dirty deed. Honestly, whomever gets Michael out, at this point, will probably win any F2 scenario. Also, I think that Monte is really trying to get it to sink in to Taylor that if a shot is taken to take Michael out next week and he's on the block in 8 days, she should at least be open to voting to evict him. Yes, he's also concerned she won't take the shot if she lucks into HOH, but I think he's more concerned that she'll campaign to keep Michael. At this rate, her reticence might put her on the block next to Michael next week if the BD plan is successful.
  18. Gotcha. I can definitely laugh at the irony of Kyle saying that to Michael, if he did. Much as I hate Turner right now, I'd have loved to have seen his facial expression if he heard Kyle saying that to Michael. He would have, once again, been all of us, lol.
  19. Wait, what?! Is this something that we saw in tonight's episode (waiting for the West Coast broadcast here). Like... Even if you heard the name "Hayden" and thought "oh, he has a girlfriend" (because Hayden is an ambisexual name), wouldn't you have realized you were wrong when you saw the pics during Michael's HOH?
  20. Right - if it was even shown on the feeds. It might be like finding a needle in a haystack given how many LO conversations there were during that time frame. FWIW - it does sound like something a defense attorney would say, ya know?
  21. Last night, when Kyle and Monte were playing pool and Monte was grilling him on everything that he said to Michael/Brittany, there was a point at which Kyle related that he asked Michael something like "is this what I think it (Cookout 2.0) is?" and Michael gave a very carefully worded response that was something along the lines of "well, if it's been said in game, then you should consider it." It was one of those aha! moments where both of them realized that Michael might not have encouraged Kyle's line of thinking explicitly, but he certainly did NOTHING do discourage it.
  22. Never change, Terrance. Never change. I look forward to you going out on a Turner HOH, believing until the end that he's your oldest, bestest, most loyal ally in the house. (And let's be real, if Monte (or anyone else) succeeds in getting out Michael this coming week, you know that Turner would be completely down with eliminating Terrance the following week - he's only keeping the guy around to go after Michael.)
  23. I just looked back in this thread - I posted about it approximately 23 hours ago and I think I was running about an hour behind on the feeds at that point because there were multiple conversations happening and I was also doing other stuff. So, probably about 5pm BBT yesterday?
  24. Monte's conversations with both Kyle (and Terrance earlier in the day), really drove home just how betrayed and hurt he is by what Kyle said and thought. It cut him very deeply and personally, on several levels. Hard to watch, for sure, but really worth the time.
  25. Again as in the 2nd time in the last 24 hours? Hey, maybe by the time Kyle leaves for the JH, Alyssa will have received a full minute and a half of pleasure, maybe even two minutes!
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