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Everything posted by HighQueenEB

  1. To paraphrase Rachel Green "when was she ever under her?" Alyssa has never been tight with Brittany (or Taylor, for that matter).
  2. Snerk - Turner totally fell asleep during Brittany's guided meditation session and he's still on the sofa sleeping. How long before production tells him to stop napping?
  3. Yes, and if Brittany was out, then Michael would be on an island alone with no one else playing for HOH/POV to help save him should he wind up on the block again. Monte also really doesn't trust Terrance - he didn't phrase it this way, but he essentially told Turner that a Terrance HOH would be a powder keg and could go any which way. I'm not thrilled with the idea that Monte is thinking he might throw HOH - or even let Michael win it this week. I really hope Michael gets eliminated fast/ahead of Monte on Thursday's HOH, so he feels compelled to go for it. Listened to the Brittany/Alyssa convo in the workout room - I'm getting very cool vibes from Alyssa toward Brittany. How does Brittany not pick up on the "I'm breaking up with you" energy radiating from Alyssa? It's not just Kyle this week, lol. 100% Alyssa would target Michael & Brittany. I'd be down with an Alyssa HOH next week, lol.
  4. Taylor is also the most easily influenced of those four by Brittany & Michael. Monte & Terrance - for SURE will go for Michael, and I expect Alyssa will as well, but I don't have as strong a read on her as the others (mostly because I haven't watched her on the feeds much today - still not interested in mopey, dead showmance talk with Kyle).
  5. Not really. The bigger issues are the way Kyle was using coded language to target the POC houseguests, as well as Michael & Brittany withholding that information until it suited their needs in the game. If you can't see just how awful and problematic all of that is, that's on you. ETA - that Brittany/Terrance conversation was a whole bunch of nothing. Terrance did protect Alyssa as best he could when Brittany asked him if Alyssa knew about the LOs when the Dyrefesters came back in the house last Thursday. Now I'm onto listening to the Turner/Monte conversation. There's absolutely NO way Monte is keeping Kyle in the house.
  6. Brittany & Terrance chatting in the BY - she's apologizing for not approaching Terrance yesterday directly to break the Kyle info to him instead of allowing Monte to volunteer himself to have that conversation. More to come...
  7. She has nicknames for all of the HGs based on wordplay from their names. Brittany is Litany. Monte is Monstrosity. I can't remember the rest.
  8. I have to wonder if Kyle inadvertently partially blew up Alyssa's game - or she perceives it that way - because he brought her in to an informal F4 with Michael/Brittany around the same time as he was proposing his whites-only alliance. I really wish we'd been able to see the house meeting on the feeds - but that could explain her newfound distance with him - she, like Turner, thinks she is going to be viewed as guilty by association, even though he never discussed the idea with either of them.
  9. Well, 35 years ago when I was a teenager in, yes, the Central Valley of CA, we didn't have gang murders or major drug busts once a month let alone every other week, but we were close enough to the Bay Area and Stockton that the gangbangers were starting to move in and there were definitely "unsafe" areas - but nothing on the level that exists today and certainly nothing like Chicago's South Side where Terrance grew up.
  10. Terrance is doing a cam talk from his bed - he's a lot more affected by this situation than he's let on in the feeds we've seen so far. He said that it's just sucked all the fun out of the summer. He's now talking about his youth growing up on the south side of Chicago and routes they'd take to get to different places to avoid situations, not going anywhere by yourself, etc. I'm not familiar with the streets he's naming, but I think we can all understand what he's meaning - there are parts where you just know not to go because of your skin color, ethnicity, etc. I feel badly for him. Yes, I come at this from the relatively privileged POV of a similarly-aged white woman (albeit, my family clawed to remain middle class), but there were some parts of my small, Central Valley town that you just didn't walk down those streets because of gangbangers - it's sad, and hard, to think about what he must have gone through every single day of his youth. I don't think he's going to vote to keep Kyle, when it really gets down to it on Thursday, even if, from a game POV, it might seem smarter to keep an obvious shield like him around over Taylor. I just don't think he will be able to let himself do that, because of how his life has been shaped by the elephant in the room that is racism.
  11. Or, better yet, to sit next to at F2. I'd be shocked if Michael hasn't also figured that out. Turner wants her gone, which is fair - she's told him she wants him out too and, besides, he'd probably rather have Alyssa or Terrance sitting next to him at F2.
  12. Sounds like it, for sure. But, I still think the HGs are gonna vote Kyle's ass out on Thursday. Monte knows there's no reason to trust Kyle as far as he can throw him - and he said as much to Terrance. Now, Terrance, OTOH, is just a dumb fool who wants to cling to the most recent person to offer him game info/a solid alliance. Kyle has replaced Nicole, then Daniel, in Terrance's allegiances, which makes sense - he rolls with the oldest alliance he's got in the house, first and foremost, whereas Kyle's demonstrated, time and again, he's happy to dispose of you when you're no longer useful to him.
  13. I think Monte is just humoring Terrance and talking him away from saving Kyle. In no way shape or form does he want another strong competitor like Kyle around after this week. His comments to Terrance (what we saw), were very much "Kyle needs to have consequences for that, and he needs to show growth after he's out of the house, it's a good start that he acknowledged those comments/suggestions were rooted in racism, but not enough." He managed to get Terrance to come around to that POV by the end of their conversation too.
  14. Darn Button Boy just cut off a really interesting conversation between Monte & Terrance regarding possibly saving Kyle - initiated by Terrance, of course - but still really interesting discussion. And feeds came back.
  15. And Turner & Taylor are lounging on the other side of the BY.
  16. Even yesterday morning, when the feeds came back up, Taylor seemed rather "it is what it is" regarding the Kyle information when she and Brittany were talking in the bathroom. Taylor has dealt with much more vile, overt racists being in the public eye as a major pageant title winner and she said as much to Brittany. I sort of have the impression, from both of them (and Terrance for that matter), that they aren't willing to allow themselves to be angry over Kyle - that's a waste of breath and energy for them. Maybe they'll speak more on the topic when they're out of the house at the end of the season and shed a bit more light on why they've taken the approach they have to Kyle in the aftermath.
  17. Terrance said it himself to Turner - he apologized for "getting aggressive" - probably about 2 hours ago when he was up in the HOH with Turner. Then, about 30 min after that, he was down in the kitchen with Monte & Alyssa and they were alluding to the house meeting.
  18. And we missed the Dyrefest house meeting last week when production shut off the outdoor feeds! We didn't get to see any of how bad Joseph's explanations were until the eviction show. And that was BAD. At least we're getting some info, slowly, about how this house meeting went and we got to see the HGs relatively soon after it went down rather than a good 24-36 hours later.
  19. ^^ @blixie - that explains a lot about the body language we saw from the HGs last night when the feeds did finally return. Both Michael & Britt were very subdued - properly chastised for not bringing the Kyle information to light as soon as he proposed it. I'd also bet that Kyle probably exposed the truth of how LONG ago that conversation was (4 weeks ago) and that they hadn't just learned it before the split house twist/during Taylor's HOH.
  20. Well, that was one awkward interlude in the kitchen with Michael & Terrance. DJ Showtime really doesn't like Michael at all - he could barely tolerate him before he found an excuse (bringing the airplane floatie from the storage room back out to the pool) to leave.
  21. Well, it's not as though I relished typing the praise, because Terrance really is terrible. Taylor's nickname for him "Tyrannical" is apt.
  22. Good for Terrance for calling that something we've been angry about for a few weeks now since we realized that M/B (mainly Michael) were going to hold that info close until/if it was convenient.
  23. Turner & Terrance talking - apparently there was a house meeting yesterday where Kyle maybe attempted to destroy Turner's game - told everyone they had a F2. Stupid production keeping the feeds down and not letting us see that! Not surprised, at that, just seriously annoyed. ETA - and it sounds like Terrance got very angry during said house meeting - I think toward Kyle, but not positive because the feeds cut away, naturally, to give us Kyle working out alone in the BY.
  24. Cripes - I have no idea who Alyssa would target. She's closest to Terrance, so he'd be safe. I think Turner & Monte would be safe by extension, which would leave Michael, Brittany & Taylor. Thing is, at this point, I would hope that Turner & Monte realize that backdooring Michael is not an option. Might as well put him up on the block, along with Brittany, in order to ensure that one of that duo goes - force Michael into comp beasting his way to victory. Eventually, he's gotta lose, right?
  25. It seems that Michael DID promise Turner safety for next week. Not sure if Brittany was part of that conversation or not, and we'll probably never know since it happened when the feeds were down.
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