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Everything posted by HighQueenEB

  1. BREAKING NEWS! Jasmine's eyebrows have returned to their natural state. No more growing caterpillars on her!
  2. That's why I'm hoping for a Monte HOH win here. He will not hesitate to take the shot at Michael. And, if he can't get Michael, he'll gladly lose Brittany or, worse case scenario, Terrance.
  3. It's all in the delivery. Brittany's GB to Indy was smug and snotty, IMO, with a whiff of "gotcha". Michael's was less so - maybe a bit more factual and less "haha, fooled ya!" air to it. Plus, don't forget that the day before Indy's eviction, when they were breaking it to her, Brittany was pretty obnoxious and annoying with Indy, going over, bit by bit, all the ways Indy screwed her own game. I remember people here commenting at the time that Brittany was throwing away Indy's jury vote by the way she behaved.
  4. Oh, I have no doubt that he's actually remorseful. I'd be damn remorseful if I said something patently untrue and racist a month ago and it wound up being exposed at the most opportune time to get me evicted too. I mean, I'd also try to never say what he said in the first place, but, yeah, if my game got blown up so spectacularly for expressing something so ignorant to other HGs who chose not to shut it down unequivocally and explain why what he was saying was so wrong, I'd be remorseful. I just hope he truly means what he says about wanting to learn and become more aware of those subconscious biases and that he really does try to understand how his life experiences as a white male are so different from POC in America. It's not easy, but it is important. And, I can't help but appreciate that Monte, Taylor and even Terrance are trying to be compassionate and find common ground - there is, after all, despite everything, still something of a shared American experience. ETA - 2 hours next Thursday... So, a double?
  5. She better hope that Monte wins F4 HOH and she can beat Michael in a POV comp when it's all on the line, because we know darn well that Brittany would boot her in favor of Michael if she's holding the veto at F4. I don't think any of the women are in a bad position to make it to at least F5 right now, but Michael needs to go by F5 at the latest.
  6. Monte & Kyle were having a good conversation at the pool table. Monte is trying hard to pin down the timeline of Michael/Brittany doing their "due diligence" over the whole Kyle whites-only alliance proposal, but, unfortunately, Kyle can't remember the exact days (or even weeks, apparently) when he talked to Brittany last and she short of shot him down one last time about the idea of there being a Cookout 2.0 in the house. They both recognize that this was a calculated game move. I appreciate the effort that Monte is doing to try and gather the necessary info for when he approaches Taylor, who really does not see just how calculated this move was.
  7. Probably Raid. He mentioned to Monte earlier that the bugs were out in force in the backyard and he might go spray some Raid out there before he sat out there again this evening.
  8. At this point, the way she's ALREADY celebrating and cackling gleefully in the bubble room with Michael about how they "survived this week!" and he's had 7 comp wins... She's vile and I will be fine if she goes next week at the hands of Terrance or Alyssa. ETA - and just to be clear - Michael is NOT gloating. It's all her. 🤮
  9. LOL - oh, Brittany... You are 100% reading Alyssa wrong. She'd gladly see you go if she can't get Michael. Same with Terrance. He might not like Monte or Taylor, but he likes you and Michael even less. And, Turner would only keep you because you'd be easy to beat at F2, but there are others he could beat just as easily at F2 (Alyssa, Taylor), so he'd have no problem losing you if Michael was safe.
  10. Brittany & Michael are back to strategizing and I really need someone to win HOH next week who will take the shot and get one of them out. Trying to backdoor at F7 is pointless. Put them both on the block and let them scramble. If Michael wins veto, fine, Brittany's gone, and I'm a-okay with that.
  11. LOL - Michael really doesn't give two shits, I don't think. I'm not entirely sure I believe in Kyle's apologies either, but what I do think is that Kyle is smart enough to have recognized this is the ONLY way he can recover, outside the house, so he's doing what he needs to do so salvage his influencer status.
  12. Yeah, the Kyle Apology Tour this afternoon has been... Ugh. Especially this convo he had with Monte (which I'm just now listening to) because it's all victim noises from Kyle and whatever he said during that house meeting (which apparently happened in the Have Not room?) to Monte must have been particularly vile - and we're not ever gonna see it, I'm sure. Fuck production. ETA - no, whatever happened in the Have Not room was just with Kyle, Monte & Terrance.
  13. Least spoiler-y spoiler in the history of BB.
  14. I don't have a feeling one way or the other from the jury members regarding Michael. I don't think the three evicted will be against him, for a multitude of reasons. Now, they might be more pro-someone else, but I don't think the majority, at the end, would coalesce around a different player over him. Monte or Turner might, but probably not unless they win some more comps. Michael would be Terrance, Taylor, Brittany, and, probably Alyssa.
  15. I can't wait for Turner to go, but he's warming my geography-loving heart. Alyssa, OTOH... She just asked, first, where Maryland is and, after being told where it was, replied she thought it was next to Arizona. Then, to top it off, questioned whether Tallahassee is the capital of Florida - it might have been Jacksonville, she said after the others confirmed it was, indeed, Tallahassee. 🤦‍♀️
  16. Hey, if he injures Terrance and puts him out of commission for the upcoming HOH & veto comps, I'm a-okay with that. If only Michael would join them...
  17. I don't see anything wrong with her tweet - I wouldn't want to claim Terrance either if he was from my neck of the woods.
  18. Monte is smart enough to see through Terrance's pitch, just like he is smart enough to have seen Michael/Brittany's soul-baring revelation for the game move it was. I do not expect him to flip in the next 48 hours.
  19. Taylor is perceived as a threat because, Day 1 both Jasmine and Paloma took a catty girl dislike to her and they convinced the rest of the house to go along with that. As far as Terrance is concerned - I think the man knows, deep down, buried in the pits of his subconsciousness, that he'd never land a queen like Taylor and he resents her presence - even though she's never been anything but cordial to him. Her wish to target him during her HOH was purely a reaction to his continued targeting of her because people like Jas, Paloma, Nicole & Daniel got in his head early on and confirmed (to him) what his subconscious was telling him.
  20. Except, they're correctly surmising that Terrance & Alyssa are trying to replace Kyle in their alliance with Monte. Terrance isn't exactly a strategic player, so if he, by chance, won another HOH, he'd be loyal to his alliance rather than realize that Monte & Turner need to go in order for him to win at the end.
  21. Additionally, whatever Turner is saying to Alyssa or Terrance is just humoring them. The only HG that I think he's been straight up, completely honest with is Monte. He does not want Kyle remaining this week, regardless of him telling different people "I'm the HOH, I have no vote, I've done my part in putting him on the block, it's up to the rest of you." He is very pissed with Kyle for blowing up his game, in so many ways.
  22. There is ZERO chance that Monte will be receptive. Kyle has done far too much damage to the trust Monte had in him as both part of the Pound and the LOs. Plus, he's in a slightly better position with Michael/Brittany going forward than Turner, who done screwed his game by going all in with the After Party.
  23. LOL. I can and will judge them being the granddaughter of a music teacher. And a figure skating fan. I haven't listened much to Terrance to know what he spins, but I cannot imagine, seeing as he is my age (nearly a half century on this earth), that he's not familiar with at least Motown and forward. I'd like to believe he's also somewhat appreciative of American music history from ragtime/Scott Joplin on since that's pretty much the underpinning of every single popular music genre you can hear on the radio today in this country. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit, lol. It's been a slow feeds day, and Button Boy has been too annoying for words, so we've missed a lot of what would have been very enlightening conversations, I'm sure, but what we have seen has definitely had it's AHA moments that have helped us piece together just what the heck happened last night as well as where the various hamsters stand now that they've had a chance to sleep on it and let things settle.
  24. These HGs are destroying my heart. They're having a discussion about which you would choose, if given only one - music pre-2000 or music 2000-onward. Turner & Michael are dead to me. They actually chose 2000-onward. WTF. Monte at least had enough sense to point out just how much music they'd be eliminating with that choice. Taylor was torn because she loves Janet Jackson and so much of her catalogue is from pre-2000. And then, the question becomes, how far back would your cut-off be? 1990? Monte, again, at least has the sense to say "what about classic rock?" Me, I'm sitting here going "uhm, what about classical music in general?" Not that I listen to classical music on a routine basis, but... Really... At least say 1900 so that you can get the roots of jazz, everything Broadway, some classical (Copland, Gershwin, Stravinsky, etc), all things rock & roll, country, and movie soundtracks. These people need to expand their musical horizons.
  25. Oh, that's right, lol. Haven't seen that episode in awhile. Sometimes Brittany's reads on the house are as bad as Terrance's. Well, maybe not quite that bad, but she really doesn't see how little inroads she's made with some of the other HGs. And, TBH, I'm not sure she'd beat Alyssa. Indy, Jasmine, Kyle and Terrance are all certain votes for Alyssa - all she needs is one more. If she can make the biggest game move in getting out Michael, that could sway any one of Joseph, Monte and Turner in her favor.
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