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Everything posted by HighQueenEB

  1. Part of Turner's rationale is that he's "doing the right thing" - apparently even Taylor said that, as far as she was concerned, she won't take a shot at him next week because of exactly that. So, he's bought himself a week of safety, he thinks. He might not be wrong. Yes, Terrance or Alyssa would be wastes of an HOH - though I can see some rationale for getting rid of Terrance since it was his stupidity last week in falling for Kyle's half-truths without so much as seeking out Turner to confirm any of that stuff that helped lead us to what happened today. Though the only person I see targeting Terrance next week would be Taylor.
  2. Eh, the drama IS over, I think - Kyle has accepted his fate and the consequences of what he said.
  3. Well, heck... Not a single one of us expected this play from M/B to work. Kyle could have probably saved himself had he not melted down and fled to the DR almost immediately.
  4. OMG - extended cam coverage of Kyle - showering, then taking a clear plastic dress/suit bag into the storage room, and now climbing into his bed in the golf room. Looks like Brittany is already asleep in there also, huddled almost entirely under the comforter. Dude, if I were Brittany and Taylor, I'd have probably moved into another room for the rest of the week. That's going to be mighty uncomfortable as the week wears on, I think. ETA - meanwhile, in the BY, Monte & Turner are chatting about the JH and Monte's just draggin' on Jasmine. Classic! Check it out around 12:39am BBT. Now, they're onto discussing how to go forward. Turner asks if Monte wins next week, asking which side do they solidify with - Taylor or Terrance. Monte says "Let's assume Michael wins HOH next week, and I think we're both good with him next week", so focus on the week after. They think Michael/Brittany will go after Terrance/Alyssa next week - I'm not sure about that, but okay. So, at this point, they're going to try and ride the middle, play a good social game and they're probably good for at least a few more weeks. Monte even tells Turner, for optics, since he wasn't out there for Dyrefest, it would make sense for him to put up Terrance/Alyssa. Monte also says he still doesn't trust Terrance to not try to make what he views is a "big game move" by going for Monte if Michael is unavailable. He's not wrong about that.
  5. We FINALLY get some bit of conversation between Michael & Turner in the downstairs bathroom and Turner says "I told him that he was going up and after that he had no control" and whomever he was talking to replied "Dude, I know I'm going home." My presumption, based on what little we've seen of the HGs tonight is that "him" is Kyle. ETA - but, of course, Button Boy sends us to orange blobs, so we can't know for sure or see any more of the conversation.
  6. Heh. Terrance is talking about how he has a storage unit of equipment and stuff he doesn't use, and how his wife (Tracy) is all "why do you keep this stuff?", he's offering to set Turner up to start DJing when they're out of the house, and I'm thinking that Tracy's already headed to the storage unit to start boxing that shit up to ship to Turner in 4 weeks - she might even be reaching out to Megan for their address so she can ship it now.
  7. Well, of the 5 outside right now, 4 of them are very relaxed and chatty. Michael is sitting, looking rather pensive and hasn't said a word yet. Alyssa wandered back inside about 10 min ago and, of course, all 4 cameras are focused on the BY only.
  8. BY feeds return - first it was just Monte, Alyssa, Terrance, Taylor & Michael; now Turner has joined them. I wonder if the deal is that Kyle will stay in the house, but production is going to keep the feeds off whenever there's any interaction between him and any other HGs.
  9. Bring the dang feeds back, Button Boy!!!!! Grawr. We deserve to see this fallout (hours later) in all it's ugly glory. This is why we're Team Feeds by this time every season!
  10. Michael and Brittany just wandered out to the BY. Monte says "we're thinking about getting some alcohol in our system." Kyle is in the house! Eating alone at the kitchen table!
  11. Button Boy is way too quick on the trigger tonight. Terrance, Turner, Monte & Taylor were in the BY talking about popcorn, caramel corn, the shower, the hot tub, looking at the night sky, the cooler temperatures, and the ONLY thing remotely hinting at whatever's gone down in the house was Terrance saying "Well, I think we need to reset the energy. America, we're back to our regularly scheduled program. We're gonna give you great fun and entertainment. The drama is over. That was a moment. That was it. And now we have ghosts." No sign of Brittany or Alyssa either. Oh, wait, Alyssa has joined them in the BY. Still no sign of Brittany, Michael or Kyle.
  12. If they ever bring us back from the "we'll be right back" orange blobs. I had time to watch the new House of the Dragon episode while waiting for the feeds to return again after their brief return an hour ago.
  13. I think that Terrance will go with whatever keeps him safe next week. He has to realize that Kyle is a dead-man-walking next week if he stays. Right now, Turner thinks he can replace Kyle with Monte in their alliance and still have the numbers. Plus, everyone is making noises like Taylor's the obvious target next week if she stays over Kyle. So, he'll be fine with Kyle being shown the door this week. Alyssa will be sad and mopey, but she is astute enough to recognize that she's the least injured party of the entire house. Taylor, Monte, Terrance all, obviously, are the ones who were being targeted by Kyle for being "diverse", and now, Brittany is being attacked by Kyle, who is lashing out at her for finally coming clean with HIS plan. There's no way Alyssa is going to want any part of THAT from Kyle.
  14. Nope, it is about game - his own. He knows that he's toast since Michael & Brittany just told the house everything. White fragility is thinking that your place in society is somehow going to be lost because of "others", resenting "others" for taking your job, your position, etc. Kyle is just a grown-assed adult who has never truly been held accountable for any of his actions, regardless of race or what-not. He's always been able to talk and spin his way out of whatever stupid thing he's done or said. He's not stupid. He knows what he said. He knows there's no spinning his way out of this with the rest of the HGs. He just doesn't want to face the consequences. Period. Honestly, if he was losing his game completely because Alyssa opened her eyes and realized he was just using her and didn't care about saving her until she slept with him and the rest of the house turned on him as a result of that, I'm pretty sure he'd still be in the DR with his meltdown, thinking about DORing. ETA - and we've seen him weaponize his tears and emotions to manipulate Alyssa time and time again in this game. It's literally the same situation, only this time it's because his game is blown to shit because NONE of the HGs are down with him proposing a racist alliance. And, honestly, if he'd gone back in the house a few hours ago, he might have had a chance at salvaging things with Alyssa, Terrance and Turner - they were all looking for reasons to justify/rationalize/excuse what he said and not see him up on the block.
  15. Pondering Kyle's meltdown today and some of the comments others have made... I'm not really down with calling it out as white fragility. It really has nothing to do with that and everything to do with Kyle realizing his game has been absolutely annihilated by Michael/Brittany today. The whole reason he tried to make that anti-Cookout alliance with them is because he has always been about protecting his own game, first and foremost. That's why he formed The Pound, and then helped create the LOs, and that's why he went running to Alyssa & Terrance first thing during Dyrefest to rat out the LOs. He's played too hard, most of the game, and it finally came back to bite him in the ass. The fact that it was because he proposed a whites-only alliance with 2 other HGs and, in the course of those conversations, implied that another HG (Turner) was down with the suggestion, is his own damn fault, and he knows there's absolutely NO coming back from this, not in the house at least. But, his reaction (and even his initial proposal, IMO), weren't coming from a position of white fragility - they were straight up coming from him trying to play every angle and protect himself at all costs. That's why he was so willing to play double agent with the non-LOs for a few weeks - and the biggest reason he wanted Joseph out was because Joseph was, up until Taylor's HOH, doing a better job of it. Now, it is despicable and disgusting that he thought anyone else in the house would be open to the suggestion of forming an anti-Cookout 2.0 alliance, and that's 100% racist on his part, but, none of this speaks to white fragility - apart from Kyle trying to use what he thought might exist in the minds of other HGs to his own benefit and protection. He's still a scumbag, for sure, but he is in NO WAY fragile.
  16. This article is from 10 days ago. It's not as though the issue hasn't been floating around and known for most of this month, but it is interesting that it did warrant an article in the mainstream press.
  17. Do feeds normally go down when some of the HGs are gone for their movie/night out reward?
  18. Ugh... We were stuck with all 4 cameras on Monte/Terrance in the kitchen and the moment things got even the slightest bit interesting, we go to orange blobs. Terrance comments to Monte "even just replaying it back in my mind... Brittany & Michael would never jeopardize their game like that..." and Monte replies "I was talking to Turner..." cut to orange blobs. We briefly get the feeds back about 5 minutes later, only for them to be cut when Terrance says "he's been in there so long." And, that, right there, is what is going to tank his game. The longer Kyle is in the DR, the more it sinks in to the rest of the players what he said to Michael/Brittany and the less time he has to spin any of it favorably. It leaves them with the impression that, yeah, he DID say that and he's upset they know about it now. Oh, boy... Kittens now. Maybe Kyle really did DOR.
  19. Maybe? Hard to say. I think he is fine bro-ing down with the only other Pound member left, Monte; so basically, he's fine with moving forward with Terrance, Alyssa & Monte as a F4. Honestly, that's not a bad plan, but there's just no way that Michael doesn't take a shot at him or Terrance next week. And we're back to orange blobs - Monte & Terrance started to talk about how long Kyle's been in the DR.
  20. Ooooo... Turner & Alyssa talking about veto tomorrow - sounds like he is definitely putting Kyle up - in order to give him a chance to defend himself, and Turner's fine with everyone else in the house deciding whether to believe Kyle or not. ETA - Alyssa said she wants a house meeting where everyone can speak thoughtfully and get some clarity, and Turner replied "best case scenario - that happens after the veto meeting." Yeah, Turner's fine with letting Kyle go and moving forward with Monte as the replacement in the After Party alliance.
  21. Eh, it took about an hour after the initial Michael/Brittany/Monte/Taylor download in the Have-Not room this morning for things to start happening. It might be a little while again before we see anything exciting. So far, no sightings of Kyle or Taylor on the feeds now that they're back. ETA - I hate Terrance, so I really hate him referencing awesome 70s and 80s TV shows like The A-Team, Dukes of Hazzard, Knight Rider, GI Joe, etc. I was expecting him to also mention Six-Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman, as well as Wonder Woman and Airwolf, but he didn't, so he's still dead to me.
  22. He pitched to Michael/Brittany that he wanted to get out the "big personalities" of Monte, Taylor, Joseph, Terrance and Jasmine. Nicole was already done that week, so he didn't mention her, but it was very clear that "big personalities" was code for POC when he went on to point out that he was concerned they might be forming a Cookout 2.0 based on a few things - like Taylor saying she'd never put another black woman on the block and Monte saying that he wanted to work with Ameerah because she was a strong, black woman.
  23. Great work @dizzyd! How Alyssa cannot see that Kyle's reaction proves that, yes, he did say that, he did intend that, and he knows his LIFE is utterly tanked because, you know, LIVE FEEDS, is beyond me. This is why I say her game is going to be entirely defined by this showmance, even if he does DOR.
  24. Since it looks like we're going to on orange bubbles for awhile, I'm rewinding to re-watch the entire Alyssa/Kyle convo... Can I just say how effing annoyed I am that it took Alyssa approximately 100 minutes to cave and spill to Kyle? (Yeah, yeah, I know, that's 600 times longer than Kyle's ever lasted.) This showmance is going to 100% define her game, no matter what happens. I'm sort of leaning into agreement with @Callaphera's guess that Kyle is going to DOR. He might not DOR today, but guaranteed, if he goes on the block tomorrow morning, he'll DOR before he gets evicted. Kyle knows what he said to Michael/Brittany. This convo he had with Alyssa before he went to the DR, he was trying to figure out exactly what Michael/Brittany have shared - he's upset because he can't control what everyone else now thinks - he hasn't been able to shape their perceptions and the narrative surrounding him.
  25. I finally got around to fixing lunch. I've been hungry for HOURS, but the feeds have been riveting!
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