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Everything posted by HighQueenEB

  1. I finally got around to fixing lunch. I've been hungry for HOURS, but the feeds have been riveting!
  2. As a child and teen of the '80s, I need to know when we'll be bringing back "bad" for something really awesome, epic and totally cool? And, next season, can we use "fiiiiine" for the eye candy cast members? Callaphera nailed it last night - performative allyship from Turner. He has been raised/conditioned to understand what he needs to say and do to seem like he cares far more or actually believes in the cause du jour, just so he isn't hassled, harassed or outright cancelled by his peers.
  3. That's true. No matter what, Michael & Brittany are staying this week and they'll just keep pounding what he proposed - and for sure, if one of them is HOH next week, he's gone. So, why stay and get sent to the Jury House for another 3 weeks until the season ends when he could self-evict and control his social media narrative much sooner.
  4. Not completely. Monte did point out to Alyssa/Terrance that Kyle was HARDCORE pushing Indy going out because he viewed her as a POC.
  5. The better play would be for Monte to say "yeah, I will vote Kyle out this week if he's on the block, but Taylor will be my target next week." Make Turner believe that Michael/Brittany/Monte no longer trust Taylor, but they would prefer Kyle go out first and then they'll take care of Taylor.
  6. We can dare hope, but Button Boy's going to make darn sure we don't see it. ETA - Monte is up in HOH now with Turner.
  7. Terrance is such a scumbag himself - and, as I've been saying since yesterday, there was no way he was going to, ultimately, care about KKKyle's whites-only alliance as long as it's no longer a thing (which it isn't) and he's safe. He's too stupid to realize he is just as expendable to Kyle as anyone else in the house.
  8. I didn't either. I guess we didn't give them enough credit to recognize, like Turner, that making this kind of story up would make them look TERRIBLE when they get out of the house. It's something that is so easily proven or disproven and, like Terrance said, with the way things are in the country right now and how the dialogue on race has changed so much in the last few years. Now, we have Alyssa & Terrance alone, trying to find a way to rationalize/justify why/how Kyle would have said this - maybe it was misinterpreted. SMDH.
  9. We really need Monte, Alyssa & Terrance to go up to the HOH right now and seal the "Kyle up on the block" deal for Turner. He's looking for a reason and they can confirm that they're fine with him going based on this new information. Turner's not wrong in recognizing that yes, this is a game, but there's no way that M/B would make this story up because if it was a lie, when they get out of the house, they'd be ruined to the public.
  10. Turner's doing a cam talk - maybe Michael/Brittany DID get through to him. Performative Allyship class 101 is in session...
  11. He's also pointing out to her that he's looking at this objectively, reminding Terrance & Alyssa that Kyle's FIRST move last week was to spill the LOs to Terrance in order to save his own ass. Monte's clocking Kyle's game to both of them, beyond the whole grody whites-only proposal Kyle made to Michael/Brittany.
  12. There is no way that Kyle is going to self-evict. He's always found a way to spin himself out of whatever trouble he is in, so he's not going to go down without a fight. Slimeball. DR just told him it's temporarily unavailable - isn't Taylor in there still? ETA - the fact that he didn't even really try to deny it to Alyssa should be a huge red flag to her. Yeah, Michael/Brittany weren't lying.
  13. Hmmmm... Bargaining perhaps? M/B telling Turner he's not their target next week if he is willing to take the shot at Kyle this week. Sort of implying that they'll target Taylor next week instead, hoping to get him to put up Kyle.
  14. Now, Turner is asking if there's anything he can do this week to keep the target off his back. This is where, if I was Michael, I'd flat out say "put Kyle on the block and let us vote him out, otherwise, I guarantee you, the next time I win HOH, you're up and the only way you stay is if Kyle is still here and sitting on the block with you."
  15. I could have sworn that Michael was dropping hints to Turner about it a few weeks ago, and that Kyle was also dropping hints to Turner about a Michael/Brittany/Turner/Kyle alliance. I'm so disgusted with Turner right now. He really doesn't give two shits about KKKyle and is now gunning for Taylor to go. Such a scumbag.
  16. LOL. What's he supposed to say? I mean, it's not really FIRE to learn that Kyle proposed a whites-only alliance. ETA - I think that Turner would be a LOT more receptive if this was JUST Michael. Brittany joining the conversation just feels like a horrible double-team and he'll recognize this for the game move it is.
  17. I think it's hard to read Turner. I suspect if Monte, Terrance and Alyssa are all "cut Kyle loose", he might, just because it's what "the House wants" and, again, he knows how to act, he knows what's expected. Also - he hasn't been to the DR yet, for them to ask the leading questions they're known to ask, to get him to realize that his game is sunk if he sticks with KKKyle.
  18. Oh, yeah, Monte is throwing KKKyle under the bus HARD to Terrance.
  19. Kyle is going to be scrambling HARD after this convo with Alyssa. He is very good at picking up on other people's energy and sensing he's in trouble. Feed just switched to Terrance & Monte. Oh, and Brittany joined Turner & Michael in the HOH.
  20. Let's see if Turner picks up on the mistake Michael made in just mentioning that Kyle first approached him during Michael's HOH.
  21. ALERT - Michael is out of the DR and up in the HOH with Turner... Alyssa is not spilling to Kyle. And she's telling him she just wants to be alone right now, but it's not anything to do with him.
  22. Alyssa & Kyle are alone in the atomic bubble room. Waiting to see if Alyssa spills anything to him about the new information she has.
  23. Brief conversation between Taylor & Brittany in the bathroom. Apparently, Taylor got a lot of hate when she first started competing in pageants and then when she won Miss Michigan USA. I think she's very sanguine about the KKKyle revelations, which sort of jibes with the impression I got from her when they first appeared this morning from the Have-Not room.
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