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  1. I'm sure the marriage was one of convenience, a politically savvy move if you will, rather than out of love. I also have a pet theory that the granddaughter in Mockingjay was actually Tigris' granddaughter, and that Snow took over raising Tigris' child early on, and that's why she hated him so much by the time of Mockingjay. But that's just totally something I put together in my own mind as a possible motive for their intense falling out, heh.
  2. Now that I've had some time to collect my thoughts.... Finding out more about Beetee, Mags, and Wiress was a punch in the gut. I guess now we know why 25 years later Wiress is Nuts and Mags speaks like she's had a stroke. The Capitol fried their brains after Haymitch's Games. But Beetee's brain must have just been too valuable. I wonder if the kid he was expecting by the end of the book was Reaped too? Or maybe they just killed off his wife and unborn baby to make sure he stayed in line? Jeebus. I'm taking the Covey having a grave for Lucy Gray as a sign that Snow did indeed kill her that day at the lake, but SC left it ambiguous enough that those who believe she lived on, still can. Maude Ivory's grave makes it less likely that she is Katniss' great-grandmother, though, which was my favorite theory, ha ha. Maysilee's grandmother seemed to be important, and IIRC Maysilee was quoting one of the Covey's songs at one point, so I guess there's a connection there, whether Maysilee herself knew it or not. Speaking of Maysilee -- ooof. She's the kind of badass b*tch you want ON your side and not against you, for sure. Reminded me a lot of Johanna. SC slid in the Everdeens so smoothly it took actually mentioning Burdock's 'Everdeen cousins' for me to go wait, what? and go back and re-read, even though I was watching for them since I knew age-wise they must have been peers of Haymitch's. Heh. Broke my heart to realize Haymitch and Mr. Everdeen were once best friends. Sigh. Not sure how I feel about the name Asterid for Mrs. Everdeen. Doesn't seem to fit her IMO. I like that while we got a first name for Peeta's father, that was all the time that was spent on him. SC is good about not being all LOOK THESE PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS HAD A CONNECTION AND BEEN IMPORTANT TO EACH OTHER AND I'M GOING TO CRAM EVERY DETAIL ABOUT THAT CONNECTION DOWN YOUR THROAT. Sometimes people really do only know each other in passing, and she leaves stuff to the imagination, both of which I appreciate. I was surprised that while the Games were certainly way more polished than in Ballad, they still weren't anywhere near what they were by the time of the trilogy. I guess Plutarch and Haymitch had a big hand in turning them into what they were by the end of it all. Probably enlisted Effie's help, too, though I suspect she only thought she was helping Plutarch and never realized he and Haymitch were working together behind the scenes. Looks like I was wrong in my theory (and unpopular opinion) that Snow never gave Lucy Gray much thought after he rose to power. He really was still obsessed with her fifty years later. Dude. That's like, serial killer levels of obsession. I may have more thoughts later, but that's it for now.
  3. DAMN. Words escape me at the moment. Just.....damn. Haymitch knows how to keep a fvcking secret, I will give him that. I never suspected that the official story of his Games (which we got when Katniss and Peeta watched the tape in Catching Fire) wasn't what really happened. It must really have been seamless edits for Katniss not to pick up on any discrepancies. She was suspicious by nature, and by then she knew how the Capitol worked, so if anything at all seemed out of place she would have caught it. And Haymitch never let on. He just let her believe that figuring out the force field was all he did. Damn.
  4. Why did it take me 90 kazillion viewings of LWF, TWT to wonder how Jess knew Rory would be at Yale that night? Classes were over, tests were all done, she even told Dean they were probably the last people on campus when he took her there to get her stuff after her disastrous bar hopping date. I can't think of anyone who would have told Jess he could find Rory there. Not to mention he knew what dorm she was in? The hell? Speaking of the bar hopping date, I vaguely remember someone mentioning that Graham was supposed to be Rory's S5 love interest, which of course turned into Logan instead, for what reason I don't remember. But something about the idea of a guy she actually went out with not remembering who she was next time she met him on campus amuses me greatly (assuming the storyline still would have played out that way).
  5. Heh, and I would argue it's Dean. Every time Rory or especially Lorelai gush about how he was such a perfect boyfriend I want to puke.
  6. Absolutely. I'm to the Trilogy now and I'm waiting until tomorrow so I can watch it all at once again.
  7. Of course we all already knew Dominique had been killed in a horrible way from the multiple flashbacks of the barn door swinging open whenever Reacher talked about Quinn and what he had done, but I still groaned and said "Oh, Reacher, for the love of God!" when he told her to go do the arrest without him. I know this is the age where we're all supposed to pretend a 5'nothing woman can take out even the baddest of baddasses without blinking, but Reacher is supposed to have more common sense than that. He just sent a toddler into a lion's den.
  8. I am so glad AB didn't end up being Sookie. She was a horrible match for the character IMO. I somehow always forget what an almost perfect episode Ballrooms & Biscotti is. Emily locking Rory in the basement to watch ballroom dancing and then Lorelai and Rory end up watching it instead while Emily sleeps in the chair is just so perfectly GG. I love it.
  9. I don't know if she's really said that much about Mrs. Kim. I think she's commented that she's really opinionated a couple of times, and maybe that she goes on and on, but that's about it. I should explain that my MIL has dementia, and any comments she makes are usually just in the moment. She can't really grasp any ongoing character arcs or anything, so she just randomly says things that go along with whatever she thinks is happening in a scene. (For example, we watched There's The Rub today and she thought Emily was upset at the bar because Lorelai wasn't going to pay for her meal. LOL.) I appreciate your kind comments, btw. This situation has been very difficult to deal with (MIL keeps her stuff packed up, including all of her clothes and toiletries, because every day she thinks someone is coming to take her back home) so getting to come on here and just randomly chat helps a bit.
  10. Finished up the series a few days ago and have already started replaying S1. I noticed MIL didn't really comment much on the later seasons, she just kind of sat there, but is laughing and making comments again now, so I won't feel guilty for stopping after S4 this time except for maybe a few random faves from S5 on (I still adore Sidekick, mostly because Lane's rock n roll wedding reception is just so perfectly fun). Random thoughts - The soap opera-esque closeups on the characters' faces in S7 is SO jarring when binge watching at this pace. One of my favorite things about this show is that it feels like you're just watching these people's lives from a distance, like keeping up with people you've come to know because you genuinely care about them and their lives, but when the camera is six inches from their face it totally takes you out of that. But, any drama is back to feeling like real life and less forced, so I still prefer S7 to S6 for that reason alone. Lucy and Olivia were SUCH pointless characters. And don't get me started on the character assassination of Marty. Ugh. Paris and Doyle were so hilarious as a couple. I love that they truly were endgame. Same goes for Kirk and Lulu. TJ and Liz really aren't that bad when you don't take the time to focus on their characters and take them too seriously. And Liz always calling Luke 'big brother' makes me smile. I fanwank that they used to watch Peanuts together as kids (Sally calls Charlie Brown 'big brother') and she picked it up from there. I've made this argument in the past, but I prefer Zach to Dave a million times over. And bringing in Sebastian Bach as a regular character was absolutely genius. (I'm a little miffed that Lorelai was poking fun at 18 and Life in one of the S7 scenes though. Not only should they not slam one of the actors like that, it's a genuinely great song. No reason to dis it.)
  11. Yeah, it does. Parts of it I really like (S7 Logan is by far my favorite) but parts of it are just trying too hard and it shows. But at least the writers weren't trying to sabotage their own show (*cough* S6 ASP) so for that I am grateful. HA! Oh, that's a good point! I hope so too.
  12. Farewell, My Pet is up next. We're in the home stretch! I was trying to remember if I've even watched S7 more than once before now. Maybe? But I definitely do not remember most of it other than the major scenes and storylines. And I will NOT be subjecting myself to the Revival. I just refuse. It may be petty of me, but Mitchum's reaction to Rory actually thinking that the only reason he was making Logan move to London and actually learn how to WORK was to get Logan away from her cracked me the hell up. Honey. Not everything is about you. I know that's hard to believe, but you gotta come to terms with it. I'm pretty sure people remarked on this at the time, but good grief how very selfish was it of Lorelai to make a FOUR YEAR OLD wait to "do" Christmas until her grown ass sister got home from vacation?! I wasn't paying enough attention to remember if it was days or weeks, but it was a long damn time. Utterly ridiculous. I know Lorelai and Chris had to give it one last go so everyone could finally get closure about them, but good Lord once they finally got together for more than a couple of days their chemistry was so lackluster it was like watching effing paint dry every time they were onscreen. I feel like a therapist should really do more than encourage their clients to be all 'It's my way or the highway if I'm going to be happy in this relationship!' TJ would have given Lorelai better advice than Lynnie did. Jeepers.
  13. No kidding. What's that, Lucy? A football for me to kick?
  14. Ya'll. MIL's comment during the dreadful scene where Lorelai and Sookie were acting a fool during Fran's funeral procession? "Wow. They'll do anything to try to catch a man." I am WHEEZING.
  15. I've gotta say, listening to MIL's reactions to some of the characters, and scenes, is absolutely hilarious. I've no idea if she's ever seen GG before (even if she has, it's possible she doesn't remember) so it's all fresh and new to her. So far here's what I've picked up -- Lorelai only thinks of herself. (I'm pretty sure she's stated this at least once per every couple of episodes. Heh.) Emily is hoity toity, and also thinks she's all that. Richard is very much my way or the highway, about everything. Gran is a snob. The Chilton bunch all think they're better than Rory. Taylor loves to go on and on and on. Babette, Miss Patty, and Michel all get a lot of incredulous 'WOW's during their scenes. Similarly, Kirk gets a lot of 'Good grief's and 'What can I say's. She's also had some pretty bizarre takes on a few scenes. Once she thought Taylor and Luke were arguing because Luke just wanted a week off work. She also thought Francie was asking Rory for a kiss (instead of a truce) during that stupid S3 storyline, which almost made me choke laughing. She had something really wacky to say about one of Lane and Mrs. Kim's scenes, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was right now.
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