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Everything posted by zivadanielle
House Hunters Off the Grid - General Discussion
zivadanielle replied to candall's topic in House Hunters Off the Grid
Thank you for starting the topic, candall! Yeah, that Yappish (Yappesque? lol) centipede briefly shown looked TERRIFYING. Ugh. -
Wasn't the murder victim's dad the actor who played SecNav in NCIS: Original Recipe way back when?
Episode with the cultural anthropologist in Yap, Micronesia = fascinating. I was not paying attention at the very beginning--were/was the couple accompanying him on his house hunt also anthropologists or similar? I think my favorite part was the local chief who had to give permission for them to look for a place in his village: "Yes, he can just look at all the houses and pick out one he likes." Or maybe that they were all conscientiously carrying around those baskets so they would never be empty-handed walking into a village. What does one carry around in those, I wonder? Chocolate? A book? Edit: I just remembered that Yap was on HH: Off the Grid, for which there is no forum I don't think? Not sure if this should be moved or not?
I liked the Valley -> city of Los Angeles couple last night. The husband was pretty snarky but not offensively so. Wife was not an entitled vocal-fryette. Also KITTEHS. LOLOL at "starter home budget" of $575K though. I guess that comes with the location...which I should know from watching Flip or Flop. Speaking of, the third house (the one by the freeway) totally looked like something I had seen on FoF previously. Either the flippers went to the El Moussa School of House Flipping or they use the same staging company. PS: however, what was up with bringing in the listing agent on the home in Reseda? Have we ever seen that before?
I did, but not the whole thing (I had fallen asleep during the 9-10 AR repeat). It was quite interesting... I definitely missed some context during the beginning though--about the current residents or what not.
I agree that we have already had some hints about Tony's departure - this was an interesting way to continue that though. Especially with the re-appearance of Leah/Lara/Elizabeth--I knew we would see her again! Also had a moment during the Tim/Tony convo by the car after the latter was released from the clink-waiting-room. And, at Bishop's aircraft-carrier-name-submission of McGee's dad! *sniff*
Another AR fan here--I tried/failed to get tickets to NYC last year and am waiting to see if I won for Virginia Beach this year. I really don't have anything good to bring either but my parents do and have agreed to give me a couple of things to schlep and have appraised should I win in the ticket lottery. I am more excited to possibly meet some of my favorite appraisers--probably some of you all's as well! i.e. Kevin Zavian, Nicholas Lowry, ponytail book guy, hipster pop culture lady from Los Angeles, Keno bros etc etc etc. Anyway, the main reason I came online to post was to comment on the final appraisal of the evening in Tucson last night. The dear man with his Rolex will probably be in one of my top five appraisals for his genuinely stunned and lovely reaction! It may be online somewhere already (have not looked) but he had purchased two watches in Germany back when he was in the Army in the early 60s or something...for like $100 each which was a LOT of money for him back then. They valued it at something like $65-75K! He had saved all of the paperwork and documentation which really upped the $$.
I did not see the credits (and have not checked IMDB yet) but I am pretty sure Susan was Melora Walter(s??)--who was (IMO) superb in Boogie Nights and Magnolia. I think she was in Big Love too. The Senior story made me weepy as well. Did not care for the COTW.
Loved this episode--it had a season-finale feel to me. But I see it is not.... My allergies were really bad at the end. I feel like we will see the Taye Diggs character again, as well as his daughter. Ever since Sex, Lies, and Videotape it's hard for me to see Laura San Giacomo any other way but I guess I will need to get over it.
OMG just now reading the posts upthread about the Broome, Australia woman!!! GAH, I totally thought the ep was absurd and now I know why! Good catch, magemaud. I did like the bungalow compound, but was having similar thoughts about chamber pots or what not. Also, it seemed like there should've been a bathroom and maybe even a bedroom in the main house but they never mentioned it. Also, I was duped by Jennifer's authentic reaction to leaving her little doggie behind in Illinois. She completely blubbered. I guess she is a good actress. Lastly, I was wondering, too, if she got the real estate job via her realtor (whose accent seeme
Also--I *lurved* the SecNav abode (what we saw of it). There should be a HGTV/NCIS crossover show! Ha ha!
I have totally gotten that vibe before about this SecNav and Gibbs--last night the vibe was strong. Good call on the McGee's friend being the possible Tony replacement. But her sudden insertion with the backstory that she knew about everyone seemed a little forced to me. I did like her though.
I liked them too but missed the beginning--any reason why they were only looking at new homes? I was also wondering what they both did for a living since I'm nosy...the price point was not too high or anything. Just my normal nosiness and what kind of work she did at her standing desk. The doggies were cute too. However! They were spouting off the "...flows into blah blah space" -isms and talked about entertaining a lot!
I was not crazy when I first saw the black subway tile back-splash, but once I saw it staged it looked better...definitely a YMMV thing but yes I liked seeing something a little different. BTW, I think a new and/or different staging company was used? Not the company with the two women who appear to be twins... I also loved the sitting wall in the back.
What happened to our thread bemoaning Tarek's flip flops, the lack of Izzy etc? Haha! GEEZ!
Ha ha! Last night was the couple in Wales where the woman was from Texas. A couple of people (including me) tweeted something about her accent and then saw she had already posted a pre-emptive comment about it (on Twitter)! Little did I know this was a re-run and that the topic had already been discussed here (thanks search function) *and* she had already been all defensive about her accent online. Oh wellz. Otherwise it was a good episode, I thought--someplace different for HHI and despite being hipster millennial types they were not too horrible.
Why can't people just be nice? Don't answer that.. I guess Christina read some mean comments on the HGTV page or what not last night after the new episode aired--she posted about it on their own page and it just made me sad.... Also somewhat recently Christina's nutritionist wrote a piece about the former's pregnancy and recovery (which C also posted)--had no idea she had such a tough time with this pregnancy! I found it pretty interesting for the food/exercise bit...though I've never had a baby and never will. http://www.caraclarknutrition.com/hgtvs-christina-el-moussa-beautiful-postpartum/
OK so it wasn't just me who noticed Anna's weird hair and makeup! I guess I may be in a severe minority here about Spratt and Denker (whom I usually don't care for on my TV)--but I found Spratt particularly amusing last night. DON'T JUDGE. I cannot recall seeing the actor in anything else but he seemed to be summoning a distinct kind of comedic acting chops in a couple of scenes. His facial expressions are great. *LURVED* Mrs. Patmore and Carson, part II: I totally teared up at that. Daisy! NO. I had to watch her (righteous) indignation scene at the auction through my fingers. ARGH. However, I like Mr. Mason and the actor who portrays him so I hope this story arc means we get to see more of him.
I don't know why I can't stay awake for Saturday and Sunday prime-time across the various Christmas channels. Again I fell asleep for both Just In Time... and The Bridge. Yet on Friday I was up until 1am flipping between November Christmas (little girl with cancer/John Corbett & Sarah Paulson) on, I think, and Christmas Angel (Della Reese/Kevin Sorbo and excellent Izabela Vidovic) on UP. Edit: also, meant to add--I guess I am different in that I never got A Christmas Story either but in recent years have grown to enjoy it though mostly as background "noise" that day. I'm Jewish but Mr. zd's is not so we are usually rushing around that day in North Carolina. This year we are staying home so I look forward to lazing about on the couch and enjoying it two or three times haha.