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Alexander Pope

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Everything posted by Alexander Pope

  1. I noticed this and also noticed that his glass had almost nothing in it. So perhaps he just pretended to drink?
  2. I agree with everyone that she has the most chemistry with Zac. But I have never seen anyone play the show's game so completely by telling us repeatedly how much she can imagine herself with all three of them. After practically going into the x-rated zone with Zac on the painting date, and telling him "I love you too," not "I'm falling in love with you," she tells us that she thought Brandon was the one all along? Is she the perfect Bachelorette robot? I am really confused!
  3. I am beginning to think that Tayshia is a) an emotional vampire, and b) a narcissistic robot. The guys express so much and she gives almost nothing. Just turns on the charm and the smiles and the manic laughter.
  4. Hannah B. was both religious and a champion dry humper!
  5. Totally agree re the heinous fashion last night. Tayshia has been uneven but mostly fine--last night was the nadir. As for Bennett lying that Tayshia looked good, from his perspective, the unsupported boobs may have made that the truth.
  6. If that's Bennett's backstory, it would explain the teeth!
  7. I believe she also said: "I really do LOVE Ben" at the end of their weird date. Was I the only one who heard that?
  8. Same. Demar has it going on. They were setting Spencer up to be a villain when he first showed up, but now they're ignoring him completely. I take that as an indicator that he's probably relatively drama-free. And he is easy on the eyes.
  9. The "self portrait" Bennett did with the models of the three homes in NYC, the Hamptons, and Paris was enough to make me hate him, but I agree with the poster who said that the blindfolded kiss he forced on Taisha was straight-up creepy and a power trip (reminded me of Nine and a Half Weeks in a bad way). While Bennett thinks you can learn about emotional intelligence from a book, I think Noah actually has more of it than he does.
  10. I don't feel the least bit sorry for Thatcher, but I did enjoy watching her become human and suffer!
  11. I don't blame her either. I also suspect that given what she went on to say to Ivan about feeling different, being the only black/mixed race person at her school, living in the OC, she is probably not used to having conversations about race with people like her who do get it. So it was a new and scary but also possibly liberating conversation for her. Her staying on script so well as a rule probably has a lot to do with having grown up being different and feeling she had to fit in.
  12. I agree that Tayshia was thrown and that caused the tears. She strikes me as someone who is very good at staying on script and performing a certain version of herself. I saw her present an award at the AMAs the other night and she was super good at that, for example. Ivan was asking her to go beyond that, on TV, and that must have been terrifying and unsettling for her.
  13. Isn't that a kind of reflection on what Jack was doing with his tough love of Kevin? he wasn't explaining to him why he wouldn't pick him up when he was crying (of course), or why he had to memorize the playbook even though he was exhausted and wanted to quit. His expectations were implied, not spoken, which made them all the more powerful.
  14. The only thing I liked about Malik's speech is that he out-Randalled Randall! He lectured him and put him in his place.
  15. Totally agree re Ed. and come to think of it, he looked utterly ludicrous when he was lifting those weights--they were clearly setting him up!!
  16. Is it just me or do others think that Ed could be a tertiary character on "The Sopranos"? he looks like such a goombah to me.
  17. This season has been like a deconstruction or parody of the show. Because you're describing the rules of the show. Which are nuts.
  18. What can I say, I am gullible. To his credit, he did laugh at himself for wearing a turtleneck in the heat.
  19. I like him too. He seems sweet and not as polished (in a good way) as some of the others. Maybe even genuine. And his bio says he is an artist! And he is good looking in a quiet way--he definitely has his angles.
  20. I think it was Riley calling Spencer lunch meat and connecting him, in an elaborate allegory, to the fried baloney he had for lunch every day as a kid. I think the showdown in the pool between La Jolla and Detroit was EPIC!! Detroit is gonna win every time in that scenario!
  21. there is a fine line between narcissism and empathy and Claire is a fantastic example of that. Every personal confession is about her mirroring it/feeling it herself. Even when she was "breaking up" with the guys, she ended every sentence with "for me." "This has been really hard for me." Seriously??? extend them some actual sympathy!
  22. So if Christina was partying with friends in Mexico trying to leave everything behind and is now seeing someone new who "loves to travel," shouldn't she have been wearing a mask? It made me a little nervous.
  23. what's weirder is that Deanna ALSO smelled them!!
  24. Cute Jordan with the glasses said that Yosef was "screaming obscenities" (which he pronounced "obsceenities"), so maybe it was worse than we heard and they cut it to spare our tender ears and observe network rules?
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