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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. 30 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    It looks like Michelle lost a bit of weight since Matt’s season. She was thin but not skinny like she is now.  


    she may well have but she is rocking her gowns and looks plenty feminine to me!

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

    That teddy bear fight was vicious, and someone could have seriously been hurt.  Whacking someone across the head with the head of that huge teddy bear, while holding the body, could have produced a swing so violent it could have caused neck breakage.  Plus it was just so stupid.

    While Michelle wanting to be "seen" is valid, she's doing the one relationship mistake:  making others pay for things that happened in her life, prior to them meeting her.  

    I am wondering if the fact that her "brand" is that she is an athlete means that almost EVERY date has to be a testosterone-fueled competition?  The producers should be aware that when a bunch of bros get together to compete (even if teddy bears are involved), they are focused on beating each other, not on chatting with the "prize."  So when she told Nayte (I think?) that she was "not the prize at the end of this," I found it a bit disingenuous.

    I loved the poetry date--it was still a competition (all the group dates are of course) but at least it wasn't violent.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

    I can't stand the vocal fry!  Michelle's date with Rick was almost intolerable and difficult to even understand with all of their vocal fry- I had to fast forward big time.  Rick's voice is especially grating and sounds like a bloated frog sitting on a log.  

    I liked Michelle a lot less when at the end of her date with Rick, after he poured out his heart to her (it was almost too much), she thanked him for making her feel seen.  As if all of that trauma was about her.  When people are insecure about being "seen," and I completely agree that the producers are drumming that into her head, they also fail to see others.  Not a good look.

    I also think that while Michelle is really intelligent, she speaks largely in cliches and platitudes so I am having a hard time getting to know her (In as much as you can get to know anyone on this show).  Maybe she is being a good girl and following the producer's script too closely when she speaks but I would like to see more spontaneity and maybe even a joke once in a while? 

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  4. 21 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    My oldest was smart.  Right after college, she went with a group tour her age to Europe by herself.  A tour bus .. 10 countries in two weeks.  They saw everything.  The best vacation of her life.  She’s so glad she went as her husband doesn’t like to travel out of the country.  That’s what Rachel should do.  Go on a tour.  Some men don’t like that stuff, so why force them.  My husband was in Europe in the Army and doesn’t want to go, but told me to go with my girlfriend.  Rachel wants to go to Switzerland and Tyland.  Why should he go if he doesn’t want to?  She should have gone already with a tour.  Besides it’s dangerous.  She’s adamant about it.  In marriage, it’s ok to do things by yourself or with a friend.  That’s compromise.  I don’t know if it’s the times or what, but everyone here is selfish.  They just want what they want no matter what.  I have to watch football every weekend because the King here loves it.  I hate freakin football.,but he will take me to the City to see a play.  He saw Fanthom of the Opera 3 times with me.  That’s compromise, even tho he was snoring, haha.  Who cares.  I get what I want and so does he.  Sometimes not together.  Ryan is a shithead.  He should have given her the courtesy of a sit down talk, instead of just leaving.  He’s no gentleman.  She deserved better.

    I would like this a million times if I could.  Marriage doesn't mean you're bound at the hip.  Each person gives.  And each person has their own thing and it's ok if they enjoy some things apart.  It is maddening that nobody on this show can see this.  Constant togetherness is not the only option!

    • Love 4
  5. 15 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    If you told me these “movie stars” were any two random contestants this season, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. Are we sure about this? I’m guessing their IMDB entries don’t consist of much more than this episode of The Bachelorette and the apparently upcoming Top Gun 2: Electric Bugaloo.


    The African-American actor is one of the stars of INSECURE which is a show I love, and I squealed with joy when I saw him.  He plays Laurence, a major love interest for Issa Rae and he is FAB.  Have no idea who the white guy is.

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  6. On 10/27/2021 at 5:55 PM, Cancun said:

    This is the point I actively willed the producers to insert the clip of her storming through the rental house, flipping tables. I suppose she would say, “But he didn’t see that, so it doesn’t count as evidence he has.”

    she described that as "a panic attack."  I would describe it as a rage-filled tantrum.  And it is not about them exploding on both sides, as Pepper tried to say.  Zach has not made anyone fear him.  She looks so baffled when Pepper tries to explain that her reaction was excessive.

    • Love 10
  7. It may be just me, but I think Michelle's reaction to Jamie's inflated accusations was shady.  Why not tell him the truth immediately and put the whole thing to rest right there and then?  Why all the drama?  I couldn't help but wonder if she and Joe did in fact meet in person as someone else suggested.  Methinks she may have been feeling a little guilty and protesting too much.

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  8. 31 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

    That also goes with her saying she would take the smoke alarm batteries and Zack had said that she took all the spices when she moved out of their apartment. She is no one to mess with!

    I think she taunted him about the spices during one of her tirades!

    • LOL 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, pdlinda said:

    Well, if he was obsessed with using dating sites on social media it's conceivable he "hooked up" with any # of ready, willing and/or able damsels.

    It's just as conceivable that after a very short dose of "Johnny IN PERSON" the match fizzled and conquest in the BR never materialized.

    I see him as a very "smooth" talker before actual "relationship" dynamics occur (just like he must have been with the interviewers for the show) . 

    His problem is that he apparently can't fully reveal his "true self" after an initial encounter because, without professional therapy, he has no idea who that is and what he's trying to project to "first-timers" isn't consistent with what emerges afterward.

    Agree with all of this, and it also makes sense of how much many of us--me included--on this board liked him at first, found him charming and even dashing, until his true colors were revealed.

    • Love 2
  10. 20 minutes ago, Lindz said:

    WTF is up with Johnny & Zack comparing their wives to some non-existent "ideal" wife??? How do they not see how ridiculous that is?! Totally harmful to the marriage. They're not taking their wives as they are, they're trying to see if they fit who they think they want. Idiotic! & they're both "not good enough" types too! They need a taste of their own medicine so bad! Tell them they're not good enough & they're not fitting the ideal husband. Ugh

    Are you talking about the conversation Johnny had with Ryan, where Ryan was encouraging Johnny not to overlook the negatives (as if he needed any help??), and Johnny ended up looking like the good guy when his situation is even more screwed up than Ryan's imo?  Because that made my blood boil!!

    • Love 3
  11. 10 hours ago, Spectator said:

    Wow, Mikaela’s lack of self awareness is quite alarming, especially considering that her outbursts are so common that she has acquired the nickname “Hurricane K”. I get it that Zach is a little too tightly wound for a show like this, but I am dumbfounded that Mikaela (and dr Vivianna, Jamie and all those panelists from that side-episode a couple weeks ago) continue to place all the blame on him. What am I missing????

    Mikaela goes from 0 to 60 in under 3 seconds. She turns an argument or a small disagreement or even just a statement that she doesn’t like into grounds for a full breakdown. She overreacts to almost EVERYTHING and it just elevates every problem into something so much bigger.

    Examples: 1. Zach doesn’t leave a note one morning and she flips and actually moves out, then cancels the party (then uncancels it when she cools off). Whew…quite a roller coaster for something so inconsequential (especially since she previously warned Zach not to wake her in the mornings) 2. They both agree that they aren’t yet ready to say yes and commit to a lifetime marriage (she herself admitted things had only been good for about a week!) but, even though she agreed, she immediately shut down and put up her protective walls again (recall her walls went up during her childish refusal to salsa dance too) and told him to sleep in the other room. But when he didn’t do exactly as she wished: to sleep in the other bedroom but to still stay in the apartment, she wigged out yet again and yet again cancelled her show commitment - this time she cancelled her call with Zach’s family (on unfiltered she claimed her sister cancelled it and that she wasn’t aware of the call…huh??? How would her sister have known about the call to cancel it, but somehow Mikaela didn’t know about it???? Uggghhhhhh…If she’s going to try to lie to cover up or shift blame for her poor behavior, she at least needs to concoct more logical stories!)

    Again, the girl overreacts to everything. Then she desperately tries to explain away or undo her bad behavior (cancelling, uncancelling, gaslighting, blaming others, etc.).  I think she has an even worse temper than Jose (which has been a focus of the experts and others), but I’m guessing because she is a woman, the experts, panelists and Jamie don’t directly address it whatsoever, and instead focus on whatever Zach is doing to trigger her. I don’t care what Zach supposedly does to “trigger her”, Mikaela’s response to seemingly anything and everything she doesn’t like is totally unacceptable. The girl needs to work on herself and her anger issues before even trying to work on a relationship. If she were a man, I’m willing to bet many people would be asking that she be removed from the show given her extreme physical outbursts.

    Yes to all of this! I was also struck by how in her talk with Pastor Cal she kept complaining about how she missed "happy Zack" as if she had nothing to do with him being unhappy! Pastor Cal tried to point out that when you're MARRIED, your happiness is intertwined with your spouse's happiness and perhaps you even have something to do with that happiness and might work to restore it,  and she treated this as a debatable newsflash.  What a narcissist!!!

    • Love 8
  12. On 10/2/2021 at 9:47 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Jurgen's simplicity will most likely stop a runaway.  Both of his showstoppers were well-executed because they were so simple.  At some point it's going to read as boring.

    From your lips to the lord's ears.  I am team Giuseppe and think he was robbed on week one.

  13. 40 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    Haha .. I was wondering myself.  Have to look it up.  Anyhow, I do not believe in Marriage at First Sight, but I Do believe in Love at first sight.  You just get a certain feeling after meeting and having a little conversation. 🥰


    • Love 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    I just don't see that. If George Clooney was leaving his dirty laundry all over my house, I'd do dishes with a smile too. Attractive people are attractive. There is no shame in finding them attractive. 

    I just don't see all theI vitriol against Ryan. I think he's a decent looking guy with a good job, a slightly dry sense of humor, a reasonable intellect and a pretty kind heart. He's just not into Brett. That doesn't make him "trash" or a bad person. It just makes him a person who isn't attracted to Brett.

    I like Ryan too and I do think he is kind.  However he is being a wimp here and his fear of hurting Brett is making things worse.  As many others have said, and as Zach told him, he needs to man up and tell her the truth.  And he could also tell her that her sloppiness is bugging him while he is at it.  I'm sure he could do so nicely.

    • Love 4
  15. 52 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    One thing that's always bothered me about her is that she has a demeanor kind of like that all the time.  Even when just shooting the breeze on Unfiltered, she is hunched over with her head down, looking up.  Maybe even with her arms wrapped around herself.  So I'm not sure how much of what she was doing during the tantrum was unique to that moment.


    She was definitely genuinely upset at that moment (when Johnny was having his tantrum in the bedroom) but she was also VERY aware of the cameras and dare I say hamming it up a bit?  While I am on her side in this and think Johnny is horrible, I do think that she is more self-conscious than he and in general putting on more of a performance.  But hey they're on TV, and I don't blame her for that. She wants to control everything including her image and she is doing a much better job of that than he is.

    • Love 6
  16. 1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

    Yes, she said her family was going to kill her.

    She was the one who was going deep in Matt's season when she took him to meet her family and promptly self-eliminated after talking with them.

    I suspect that if she'd brought this 35 year old man she'd known for 3 weeks home to her family, they'd have set her straight pretty quickly about the idea of getting engaged and it wouldn't have happened.

    and they would have been right!

    • Love 5
  17. 5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    I agree with you. I don’t think Riley’s Saturday morning fantasy is a gimmick to win over women. It’s genuinely how he pictures his future. Now was he just trying to find any woman to fit that role? The show will do that to you, I guess. But I do believe he fell hard and fast for Maurissa. I think he can’t wait to get married and have kids. There seems to be some misconception that women are the ones who want to settle down and get married, and men need to be chased and roped down. But plenty of guys also have their “biological clocks ticking” and are at the point where they want nothing more than to find someone to marry and have kids. It sounds like Riley’s father wasn’t there for him, so even moreso he built up in his mind the kind of husband and father he wants to be. I completely think he’s genuine, and I bet out of all 3 couples, they’ll be the first (only?) to get married. I’m not surprised that the three oldest (well, Ed was “old,” too but he wasn’t there long enough to secure a fiancé) guys are the ones who got engaged. These guys are ready to settle down and have a family. Contrast that with the younger Aaron and James, who made a great connection by finding a roommate to party and workout with because that’s the point of life they’re still in.

    For the MAFS watchers on this board, Ryan on this current season is further evidence in support of your claim here.  He was a serial dater whose best friend died suddenly.  It was a wake up call and now he is desperate to have kids.  He has a great match, but is not feeling the butterflies, which is really a shame and I suspect more his fault than he realizes.

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  18. 5 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    He always sulks and walks away during the group gatherings, forcing Jose to go comfort him.

    Jose looked VERY uncomfortable and embarrassed comforting Johnny this time around.  When Bao came out to get in the Uber it was excruciatingly awkward.  Maybe Jose realizes he's in over his head with the mess that is Johnny, and maybe he also realizes that he is not exactly in a position to give advice given what he did to Rachel (which was clear to Ryan!).

    • Love 5
  19. 2 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

    Yeah, I completely agree with @JocelynCavanaugh about Ryan.  He's just your average Texas frat boy who probably grew up hunting and spending time on ranches because, well, there's so many of them in Texas.

    As to why he goes out with so many "potatoes" (super attractive but no substance), and why they gravitate towards him, is very simple:  he's educated and financially successful. And yeah, he's got access to a ranch.  He's had his job for 8+ years, which lends to stability.  He's a good 'ol boy with a college degree.  And he's into golf, which is an attractive thing for girls like the ones he likes.

    Brett just doesn't meet any of this, and I unfortunately saw it before they walked down the aisle.  He was attracted in the moment, but he's never going to feel it for her.

    the most attractive Ryan ever looked to me was when he was taking shots at the driving range.  He knew what he was doing and wasn't making a big deal of it.  I enjoy that understated, confident side of him.

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  20. 22 hours ago, Meowwww said:

    I love Myrla and Gil.  She seems like she is complaining but it’s cute kind of.  Gil likes calling her out.  Maybe they are playing  for the cameras but I like them together. 
    Michaela and Zach can be done any minute.  She’s scary. 

    Michaela with that bright purple lipstick and fake good cheer when she wasn't doing salsa dancing was like an evil clown! she scared the heck out of me!

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  21. 22 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Thank God, I can go back to rolling my eyes at Aaron again, I hated him having the moral highroad for half a second. 

    Joe and Serena, the obvious choice. 

    Now if we really want to make this like prom, someone needs to have a loud argument with their date, several girls need to be in stalls crying, someone needs to pour booze into the punch, and at least a few couples need to try to get to second base out back. 

    Wells poured booze into the punch!

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  22. 13 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    Alright, now I feel bad for calling Ed a brunette Johnny Bravo. He was actually really sweet. I’m rooting for these two. Sorry, Natasha. She’s like the female Aaron. Somehow the two of them “get their hearts broken” every damn week, but they’re still here.

    Cue Elaine Stritch and that song from FOLLIES!

    • LOL 3
  23. 14 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    He clearly violated the BIP rule book and will be banished accordingly.  This has been quite the season of rule breakers.  They are going to need to turn one of the Boom Boom rooms into a holding cell.  

    This is like 1984 or the Truman Show--everyone has drunk the Koolaid and lord forbid anyone shows any agency or breaks a rule of any kind!

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