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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. 13 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    I don’t find Riley as handsome as some of the others, but his intelligence and niceness make him a catch…and he does have a smoking hot bod.  Tazh didn’t deserve getting the date card acting like a star struck teen.  Poor Tre.  She didn’t even get the date and his relationship is deader than Joe and Serena’s.  

    I agree--I have always liked Riley and think he is a cut above a lot of Bachelorette contestants in terms of smarts and personality and also realness.  However his "cut like granite" arms remind me of Popeye's.

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  2. On 8/21/2021 at 10:51 PM, Corgi-ears said:

    Plus it was not at all clear that the Bob Balaban character, Rentz, was in any intentional, malicious way trying to sabotage Yaz's tenure case. He was right that Promotion and Tenure committees often distrust letters that only speak glowingly about a candidate; frequently they do indeed want to hear about the limitations of the candidate's work, which seems to be what Rentz was doing in writing about her research ("While she has published in top-tier journals...").

    In fact, it wasn't really clear to me -- which is a compliment to the show -- that the way Yaz taught was faultless. She certainly had a good rapport with the students, and supported and uplifted the students of color in particular. But asking them to tweet their favourite lines? Ok, Yaz had a point that it's "just an activity," and maybe even a way to have students show that they did the reading. But Rentz wasn't out of line to point out that this encouraged them to treat the work as a series of soundbites. Likewise, when we do see Yaz in the classroom, she was...what? Getting students to drum and sing and perform? Which, again, was perhaps just a rousing engagement activity, and perhaps they had to do historical research into the period (though everything they did seemed pretty anachronistic). But was it clearly good, substantive literary teaching? Unclear.

    (The snippets we got of the classroom teaching styles were actually quite illuminating. Ji-Yoon was positioned as being somewhere in the middle, passionately asking students to think about word choice in a poem. She wasn't just a staid, stand-at-the podium lecturer like Rentz, but also wasn't in the Yaz mode where, arguably, there was a bit more focus on style than substance in terms of classroom activities. It subtly explained why Ji-Yoon would have been elected as department chair, but also what Yaz feels that she was a bit too uncompromising and in the old-school told.)

    The details specific to English Dept-ness were generally spot on too: the name of the top tier journal in which Yaz published (PMLA), the fact that the journal does gives an award for the best essay of the year, the fact that winning it would be a big deal. And, of course, the fact of Yale being fucking Yale.

    As an English professor who has taught at several institutions and been in the profession for decades, I enthusiastically agree with this.  It is also worth pointing out that Ji Yoon was teaching a seminar on Dickinson's poetry (which demands close reading), which is very different from a big lecture class on fiction.  I thought the contrast between Yaz and Bob Balaban was way too overdone.  Especially because IRL (in my experience) there are plenty of old white guys who lecture who get great evaluations, while young women of color often struggle to get good scores no matter how hard they try (it is a well-documented fact that student bias systematically affects their evaluations).  This was just too over-simplified.

    But yes, that scene where she defends the tweeting exercise as encouraging close reading (hard to do with a big novel) was great and one of several moments where the show was trying to give us a sense of the two of them trying to connect.  I also agree that thanks to Bob Balaban's great performance, you could see how conflicted and impressed he was when he was watching the students perform in their co-taught class.  I think it is implied that Yaz went to Yale but it's not clear to me that she wouldn't have gotten tenure at Pembroke.

    I should also add that in my department, teaching evaluations are taken VERY seriously--albeit with full awareness that students can be biased--and we are part of a big research institution.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Okay, I can concede that Myrla is high-maintenance (although what's wrong with taking care of one's only complexion, I do not know!). But before Gil thinks about divorcing her, he should read this!



    You're right, there is nothing at all wrong with having a skin regimen!  Hers is particularly elaborate (the literal definition of high maintenance, like eyelashes that require weekly touch ups).  It is just  part of a bigger picture in Myrla's case.  I am sure he would happily wait for her to go through all 50 steps if he thought he might get a kiss when she was finished!

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  4. On 8/19/2021 at 6:19 AM, kristen111 said:

    Myrla is bitching about the hotel.  It’s COVID, and the accommodations are scarce.  I didn’t like how she left Gil to go to the pool by himself and be ith the others.  Didn’t he say she was working?  A pain from the start.  Btw, those eyelashes do her no favors.  She’s not as gorgeous as she thinks also.

    Myrla's hair always looks super greasy.  Maybe she doesn't have time to wash it since she is busy doing her 50 step skin regimen?

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  5. On 8/18/2021 at 6:39 PM, Racj82 said:

    Quick antidote.

    I put the show on in the breakroom of my job.

    The part of the episode where Johnny and Jose were shopping.

    One of my friends saw Jose for the first time ever and said

    "Hey, did that guy right there with the beard come out of the closet yet?"

    it was like an episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy!!

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  6. 3 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    Yep, I've seen the movie a couple of times.  The skinny young girl with the bouncy pony tail spends the entire time swanning around, talking to the two older men about her virginity as though she's selling it to the highest bidder and the men seem to find her fascinating.  It was a hit Broadway play first and I think it was considered a frank look at the way things were.  I can't imagine how embarrassed some of the audience must have been.   It's cringe worthy but an interesting look back at standards.   


    The fifties were so kinky!!!!

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  7. 14 minutes ago, call me ishmael said:

    I thought that we were supposed to think that since he got her to kiss him back that he had broken out of the friendzone.

    yes exactly.  She will probably pull back a bit, but I think this is all part of the plan.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

    I agree that their date was painfully awkward. It was very strange, though, how she was telling him that she’s guarded, takes it slow, and immediately friend-zones guys. So what’s he supposed to do with that information: Thank her for the heads up and go talk to someone else? Moreover, then what the hell are you doing here on this show, Abigail, if you’re not going to “lean into the process” or whatever?

    I think maybe they were setting up their "arc" and that he will "win her over."  

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  9. 56 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    I agree and I think Serena is way too old for him.  She has always had a calm maturity about her,  after being thrown in the mud by Matt's vehicle and after  recognizing that he's not the one and breaking up nicely with him.  Joe, on the other hand, is toe-stubbing awkward around women, can spend an entire day pouting because he's not sure he "fits in,"  cries a lot, and has given up a solid, useful career to be an internet influencer.  Plus he appears to still be living with his parents and was unwilling to move far away from them to be with the woman he loved.   I find him and his, "Aren't I adorable?" act, repulsive.

    But then I've always liked Noah, with or without his mustache, and he was well hated by Bachelor Nation so I'm clearly off track.  Noah's  a nurse!  I can't love them enough these days.

    I love Noah and think he and Abigail were adorable together on their date.  The way he talked about her Deafness with David Spade was also very endearing to me, even though it wasn't especially PC.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Thumper said:

    I enjoy David Spade too! 😂. I didn’t know he was new to hosting this show.

    I have never liked David Spade much before but I loved him on this--he was so chill and understated, snarky to just the right degree, and even a bit charming!

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  11. 14 minutes ago, Alexander Pope said:

    Call me a softy but I still think he has kind eyes, genuinely likes Brett, and has potential.  He was however very weird with her family and I am hoping it was just editing.

    I will also add in my defense that I was right about Greg and Deonna when everyone thought she was cold--I could tell how much she liked him by the way she looked at him!

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  12. 2 minutes ago, endure said:

    Why would even bring up his dumb comment about red heads to her family the nexr day? It seems odd to me that he would even be cast on a show when he seems to be lacking any personality.  Oh well, this show has cast some strange ones, guys especially.

    Call me a softy but I still think he has kind eyes, genuinely likes Brett, and has potential.  He was however very weird with her family and I am hoping it was just editing.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    I thought Jose said he should bring the condoms and she said she thought they wanted to have kids. When I heard that, I was like, WHAT? You’ve only known each other for a minute and you’re already talking about a honeymoon pregnancy? 

    That is what I thought but I honestly couldn't believe that's what I heard.  Thanks!!

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  14. On 8/9/2021 at 2:56 PM, humbleopinion said:

    G. Stud- Lucky you found your happy place. Know lots of ex Texans who land on their feet in LA. Spread out like Houston, it is warm but without the humidity and mosquitos. No good Tex Mex food in LA, unfortunately and why the hell not?

    Myrla's story line will be that an abused, poor girl grew up into affording and paying for her own Marie Antoinette lifestyle because she can't find her King Louis....




    also can someone explain to me what actually happened with Jose, Rachel and the condoms?  he wanted to take them on the honeymoon and she refused?  I know he is performing his masculinity strenuously but I didn't understand that exchange, especially since he seemed to expect her to take the lead?

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  15. On 8/9/2021 at 2:56 PM, humbleopinion said:

    G. Stud- Lucky you found your happy place. Know lots of ex Texans who land on their feet in LA. Spread out like Houston, it is warm but without the humidity and mosquitos. No good Tex Mex food in LA, unfortunately and why the hell not?

    Myrla's story line will be that an abused, poor girl grew up into affording and paying for her own Marie Antoinette lifestyle because she can't find her King Louis....



    there's no tex-mex in LA because the mex is so fantastic.  I would love to try it though!

  16. 8 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

    I think we saw shades of this bitter, kind of cruel Katie when she sent Thomas (I think it was him) home.  Instead of just not giving him a rose and escorting him out, she called him up, chewed him out in front of everyone and demanded he "Get out" while pointing the way out.  It was over the top and unnecessary, just like her actions toward Greg last night.  She's not over him and she's not "in love" with Blake. 


    Strongly agree! and her "strong woman" persona was very much in evidence there--it's clearly an "arc" for her but it backfired strongly when the Greg drama happened. Now that I've read through all the comments I can see I'm not alone in this assessment.

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  17. 3 hours ago, clubsauce said:


    Also, how is Blake both grossly masculine yet somehow feminine at the same time?

    it is the vocal fry? and the eye-lash batting?

    • LOL 10
  18. 4 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

     I'm sure Michael wishes Angela was on this show instead! 😉

    Myrla and Jose are both high maintenance, but Jose is clearly coming from a place of insecurities. Myrla's deal is harder to artcilate. On one hand, I can see why she would get defensive when Gil's friends kept trying to get her to set a specific timeline for intimacy or scale back on her luxuries. She shouldn't have to defend her comfort zone to complete (and somewhat judgy) strangers. Then again, she married another complete stranger on television . . .

    I think Myrla's own friends were also trying to get her to consider being a bit more flexible about her "lifestyle" aka her spending. Remember the joke they made at the ceremony about wearing designer outfits to a clothing drive (or something like that)?  

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  19. On 8/4/2021 at 7:25 PM, JenE4 said:

    So Charlie broke up with Cash…and then she went and unbroke them up??? That was strange! She went and convinced herself that Charlie didn’t say he wants to end their romance and instead positioned it that he needs to talk to her and let her know that he’s also pursuing Alana. Um, did I completely misunderstand something? I thought he was done with Cash entirely?! Well, I mean I guess she did the same thing with Cinco: I know you dumped me for Trina, but it’s really me you want and we still have our relationship. Charlie, just move on with Alana, and don’t look back. Likewise, Korey, you do the same with Bailey. Cash and Olivia will move on with K-Ci and Andre, and within an hour will convince themselves that these are the Real Men they’re meant to be with.

    I think there was a Seinfeld episode on this very subject--George broke up with some woman who kept refusing to allow it, and I believe she won!

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  20. 55 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

    I would compare Jose's looks with the famous French artist, Toulouse-Lautrec (there was a movie made about him that I recall starred Zsa Zsa Gabor.... think I'm dating myself😅)  He was also very short of stature but had great talent.

    yes, it starred Jose Ferrar, who walked around on his knees throughout the entire film!

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  21. 3 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

    Am I the only one that thinks Rachel meant it exactly the way it came out?  I mean, she doubled down and went "boom."  She could see his deflated and dejected look.

    I think she's one of those backhanded compliment types who blurts out crappy stuff and then apologizes and pretends that's not what she meant.

    I agree with you.  And given how rude her "good friend" was to her in an earlier episode, she is used to this sort of thing.

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