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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. 22 minutes ago, princelina said:

    Yes he's so cute.  But I also loved Bao admitting to his friends that she always had a crush on Johnny.  Contrast that with Brett bellering "Am I his type?"  ( the odds of being pleased with the answer to that question are slim) and basically "What else do I need to be warned about?"  When you imagine the friends repeating those conversations to the grooms Bao comes off as lovely, and Brett not so much.  I wonder if she's been untouched for 2 years because she self-sabotages like that with others.

    Everything people are noticing about Brett is true, but her vows were very moving--particularly when she said that she would care for and heal his heart, however he had been wounded. And you could see that really hit home with him as he was listening.  I think these two have connected in the ways that matter and they will get over some of this other stuff.  She is awkward and nervous--but he asked for a kind person and he got one.

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  2. On 8/4/2021 at 5:27 PM, humbleopinion said:

    There is not enough booze at Costco to make me kiss any part of that fugly face….gag me….

    He was doing all kinds of weird stuff with his mouth during the ceremony calling even more attention to it--it really was unappealing!!

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  3. 1 minute ago, truthaboutluv said:

    It's Greg. He's apparently a gaslighter (Katie decided to share an IG post defining gaslighting), showed signs of emotional manipulation and even potential emotional abuse. And in general was raising all kinds of red flags. 

    You wouldn't get the full BN madness here because most of those who post here do so mainly to snark about the entire show. Which really is the best way to watch this franchise. 

    That sounds very unpleasant.  I don't do social media but I love this site, and I love Ali Barthwell's recaps on Vulture.  She is team Greg.

  4. 5 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Reading around online about this episode, I have to say that for all the psychoanalysis being done on Greg (woo boy, who knew there were so many therapists, psychologists, etc. watching this show), the thing I find truly toxic is Bachelor Nation. 

    I've seen the signs for awhile, which is a big part of what's mostly turned me off the franchise but holy wow the group think is something to behold. And Bachelor Nation latches onto a narrative, man does it get overblown. Man or man the levels of projection I read today. It was something. 

    I just think many of the fans/viewers of this franchise are very quick to pick a villain and go in when they've decided on a narrative to the point of it being borderline toxic at times. 

    who is the villain in Bachelor Nation's opinion?  on this site, it isn't clear.

  5. 10 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    During the whole fight my only thought was "so this is how assholes get women to marry them."  

    Katie has done nothing but offer him affirmation. He got the FIR.  He got the first one-on-one right away. He got a second. And even though Katie was the bachelorette, their one-on-ones had the odd vibe where he acted like he was the one who needed to be wooed as if he were the lead.

    Katie didn't tell him she didn't want him to leave?  Oh yes she has.  Multiple times she brought up how she wanted him there and was afraid he'd leave.  And when he said he didn't know how to read how she felt, she told him. 

    Was "I like looking at you" what he wanted to hear?  No.  But I don't think she was cold.  She was looking at him with a lot of affection and holding his face. I legit think she just loved being in his presence and said as much.  And when he went to talk to her the next day, he absolutely shut down everything she was trying to say when she wanted to say what her experience was.  He didn't even want to hear it. Her POV had zero value to him.

    I keep seeing people guess what Katie should have done to make Greg feel better.  The one person who doesn't really have an answer to that question is Greg.  He hints that he wanted her to tell him she loved him, even though I think she has a good reason why she's holding that back (if she even does love him yet) and in the next breath says it's not what he needed.  He needs assurance that he's going to be the last one standing but when she pretty much tells him he's her number one that's not good enough?

    Did he say he wanted to leave with her (I don't recall hearing that.)  Did he propose to her?  Nope.  Just said he could see it.

    He kept hinting at things he wanted but then denied that's what he wanted.  He was opening and shutting the door at the same time. Katie didn't react exactly as he wanted and instead of communicating what he needed from her, he punished her.

    Everything you describe about Katie here is exactly what Greg did as well.  When he didn't like Katie's response to his declaration, he shut down and pulled away but refused to acknowledge that's what he was doing even when Katie asked him about it.  Katie told him it'd be hard because it does get hard on this show for the F1.  There are steps she agreed to follow. Steps HE agreed to follow.

    And then when Katie was in tears at his feet, on the ground telling him that if he left, it'd be over her, he just walked away.




    This is absolutely spot-on and I am now team Katie! though I do think she is too much of a rule follower.

  6. 14 hours ago, Lilac2000 said:

    Both of them are just...blergh. If she really wants him to stay all she has to do is look him directly in the eye and say "Don't leave. If you love me, trust me and just stay." I think Ashley said basically that to JP...just trust me. Yeah, she got caught up in the moment and let Ben F get down on one knee before she stopped him but JP was her choice fairly early on and she let him know that in a few different ways without actually saying it. 

    So both these jerks are not in it "for the right reasons" methinks. (Says the person watching this and only this scene the whole season.)

    I do think she said to him that he was "very close" and that they were "almost there" and in essence to hang in there.  But I agree that this is a both-sides suck situation.  She was weird and withholding and a "good girl" following some nonexistent rule about not saying you love someone till the end (a rule that many have broken--Ben told both Lauren and JoJo he loved them).  He is a needy narcissistic baby who should have watched the show before he applied.

  7. 54 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

     And you just never know WHY someone dislikes dogs, or any pet really.

    Or maybe not dislikes them...just doesn't want them in their house.

      My sister's best friend came from a pet hoarder family growing up. Pet poop and pee everywhere, and she had no say about any of it when she was a child.

      She was determined she'd never own a pet when she left her parent's house, and she never has.  

    Also,  the parents spent way too much money on feeding the hoard of pets, and their kids were very poorly dressed because of it. 

     So not only does she not have pets, she buys herself expensive clothes now too. (And that's her right.)

    Not saying that's what happened to Myrla, but it's one possibility. You just never know people's backstories, or how it affected them.

    The way Myrla proudly said that she would never clean up after a dog made me think she would have similar issues with changing diapers, despite her desire to have "one or two" kids, depending on how long it would take for her "mommy makeover."

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  8. 14 hours ago, TiredMe said:

    Well Kaitlin and Tayshia did not have as much control of that situation as Chris would have. I think he would have interrupted sooner. Lol

    A friend of ours said that they resembled college RAS trying to discipline their peers!

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  9. I agree with everyone who is concerned that Jose will not do wonders for Rachel's already low self-esteem.  I just wanted to point out that if he criticizes her skin, it will be a case of people in glass houses throwing stones.

    Also wanted to add--Johnny's comment about Ryan as a "weary traveler" was revealing in many ways, most importantly to me it showed that he actually noticed other people and cared enough about them to think about what they might be feeling.  The fact that his family in their speech about him to Bao emphasized his empathy and willingness to support her even when they didn't agree was another excellent sign. 


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  10. 32 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    Maybe they just couldn’t find anything that looked good on her!

    That's possible! as tacky as that sparkly plaid blazer was on her that she wore a few weeks back, it did fit and look ok.  Ali Barthwell likened her style when it worked to Kate Middleton with a dash of Strawberry Shortcake and I think that is the perfect description.

    • LOL 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, TVMovieBuff said:

    That is so funny, Katie showed up in something that hung on her like a sack. I thought of how cute some of Hannah Brown's outfits were. Surely the show's budget could afford some cute outfits?

    She is supposed to be sex positive and she is dressing (during the day at least) like a ten year old! and that pink dress slit down the front which was meant to be sexy was not!

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  12. 13 hours ago, sauce62 said:

    The green crew neck tee shirt Katie is wearing is so unflattering. I do find Greg very attractive though. 

    All her "casual" outfits this week were so beyond basic that I thought she forgot to get her laundry done.  I honestly couldn't believe how plain and unflattering her day looks were.  And her night looks were not great either.  Where is her stylist?

    • Love 11
  13. I see they matched Rachel,  who says if you don't want to go out to nice restaurants with her, she will walk out (she was also quite insecure), and Jose who broke up with someone for not staying on budget.  Another great call from the "experts."

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  14. 1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    Blake look seriously bored when Katie told him about her sexual assault Iike, shut up, so I can get in your pants. His eyes always look dead to me like a psychopath and I wouldn’t be comfortable being left alone with him. I wonder if Tayshia really thinks he’s that great of a guy. 
    I’m living for Hunter’s exit. He’s the type of guy if you turn him down, he’ll call you a bitch and tell you you’re not that hot anyway. 

    I would say overall, this is a pretty good group of guys with a few notable exceptions. 

    There is something feminine about him, despite the Cro-Magnon jaw.  He knows how to simulate empathy which is why your comment resonates with me--that is a scary quality.  That and naked ambition are why he has been able to fall "in love" so often in the past several months.

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  15. On 6/29/2021 at 12:31 PM, tinkerbell said:

    YES !  I think that is a great point.   All three of these women started their "journey"  as contestants on The Bachelor.  They probably each went in considering that they COULD be the Bachelorette in the future  - and all three were chosen!  So how dare they pretend that it is somehow wrong for a guy to consider being the Bachelor!  

    I remember on this forum,  when Katie was on The Bachelor, and was the voice for anti-bullying, a lot of use saw that as her "Bachelorette audition".  I thought every move she made was toward becoming the Bachelorette.  But, as Tay and Kay said - the one thing you don't do is SAY that you want to be the next lead - that guarantees you won't be.  What worked for Katie didn't work for Thomas.  But he didn't deserve the way she treated him.  

    (I also wonder about producer elimination.  Perhaps he was recruited for the show with the intent of him being the next lead, as I  suspect happened with Katie). 

    Drunken Kaitlyn actually said that very thing--the best way not to become the Bachelor is to SAY you want to become the Bachelor!

    • Love 3
  16. On 6/28/2021 at 6:58 PM, tennisgurl said:

    Thomas was made for BiP anyway. 

    Oh man, the guys are all rejoicing in Katie ditching Thomas...then they'll see Blake and lose their shit so bad they'll miss the good old days of Thomas and his shiny nose. 

    I thought the whole Thomas story line was an excuse for her to be once again a truth-speaking, fearless, bold, grown-ass woman who takes no crap.  And it made me feel sorry for Thomas! 

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  17. On 6/21/2021 at 6:13 PM, Crashcourse said:

    If she felt that no one should be pressured to have sex, and I believe her, then showing up with a dildo on The Bachelor certainly sent the wrong message.   I'm not on her pity train.


    It seems she was doing a lot of over-compensating which I understand as a direct reaction to what she had been through.  It makes me sympathize with her more but I also worry that she might need more time to find a middle ground.

    • Love 4
  18. On 5/31/2021 at 3:57 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I think they were just trying to establish Mare's deep ties to Lori, Dawn, and Beth and how far they go back. And it also gave a definitive marker to their ages since the game was 25 years ago, which highlighted the age difference between Mare and Colin a few episodes later when he said that he went to his reunion.

    Especially considering that she didn't have a car!

    I also think Mare was someone who thought she had already peaked with that shot (she bonded with Richard over that--he felt the same about his first book), and the story makes her a hero again in a much more important way.  So her early fame was crucial to the plot.

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  19. 6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    All this does not surprise me at all.  If you are like Jake and have an axe to grind about how the world and especially women are not fair to you, you would likely gravitate to online sources that will confirm that assumption for you.  I have been saying that Jake is doing that for weeks now.  Now I just have more evidence of it.

    I do not have to have any newfound sense of respect for Haley based on this because I instinctively saw what she was seeing about him since the honeymoon.

    I am sure the show left out a lot about why she wasn't into him, and of course she ended up looking like the bad guy because of it.  This show is famous for that, usually making some of the women look bad when there are good reasons for how they feel.  Later on, usually after their season is over, information comes out about their spouse to make them look justified.  But all through the season people called them stuck up and too picky, not giving the guy a chance.  I have been complaining about this for a long time.  I could give examples but I don't want to go on too long.

    Jake's mental pattern is one of pre-judging situations and people, usually in the worst way possible.  Basically, that makes him prejudiced about certain things.  Based on a very limited number of negative past experiences, he assumes the worst about certain types of people, situations, etc.  and incidentally that usually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  The more you prejudge certain people the more they will rebel against you and look bad themselves.  He didn't pre-judge the men, so lo and behold he didn't sabotage his relationship with them and got along with them.  But obviously he has a pattern of prejudging women and likely other people and situations and the outlets he follows online will only feed into that sense of not getting what he deserves, reading the worst into certain situations or people, etc.  It makes perfect sense.

    He has a profound lack of trust in women and did so going into this, which certainly didn't help.  He obviously has a profound lack of trust in other things as well given some of his interests online.

    It makes me wonder just how "close" he is with some of the other men on the show unless they just don't discuss certain subjects.

    The more I read these extremely thoughtful posts about Jake and Haley, the more I'm convinced that they were a) profoundly mismatched, and b) both pretty unlikable.  I have really enjoyed the conversation!

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  20. 12 hours ago, endure said:

    They were chosen for couple cam? Aren’t they automatically on if they chose to remain married, i guess that was my assumption? Were any other couples chosen? 

    Vincent and Briana are also doing it.  I had always thought they picked certain couples and not others, but maybe you're right! I know that Clara and Ryan aren't on it, but I think that was their choice.

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  21. 2 hours ago, Spectator said:

    So Virginia continued to try to rewrite history in this episode. Last week she said her drinking was never a problem and never would be a problem. Um, ok. Never mind that we all saw it. We all saw the impact it had on her physically and the problems her drinking caused her relationship. But according to Virginia there’s “nothing to see here”. Sure. For sure (thanks Ryan for my new, widely applicable MAFS quote for the season). And it’s too bad the experts didn’t address her drinking at all in their expert-only session. If nothing else, having a “professional” acknowledge the problem might have helped her to start to recognize it, which we all know is the first step toward recovery...she’s in full denial. Her drinking was a big issue throughout the season so the experts not mentioning it at the reunion left a huge elephant in the room. But I digress...


    Anyway, back to the point...this episode the spin continued as she tried to walk back her comments about passing out drunk on guys couches. Now she’s saying she never said she planned to continue that behavior when married?? Um, yes you did Virginia. You said exactly that. You guys fought about it, with Erik continuing to repeat his mantra of the season: “but you’re maaaaaarrrrried...”. Uggghhhhh. Did she forget these arguments were all filmed??? At the time she didn’t even seem to comprehend why Erik couple possibly have an issue with her behavior since they weren’t “random couches”. And she looked totally floored when Pastor Cal said that he would not be ok with it if his wife were doing that. She just didn’t get it. And the fact that Erik even brought it up to Pastor Cal shows that he and Virginia had had previous disagreements about it in the past. But even in front of the expert, she was digging her heels in the sand, insisting this behavior was totally fine regardless of marriage. But now, at the reunion, she is saying she never said that? Ahhh, ok. Sure. You never said it. You guys never fought about it. You guys are the perfect couple. Sorry, I forgot. 

    These two clearly planned how they would try to gloss over or completely undo their nonsense from the regular season during the reunion. They were so scripted. But I did get a kick out of it when faced with a Sophie’s Choice moment, Virginia said she’d keep her dog over Erik. That clearly was way off-script! Sorry Erik, I guess you’re still not her number 1...even Rocky ranks higher. 

    I agree completely--there is major whitewashing going on with Erik and Virginia, and I suspect that is part of how they are making their transition to Couples Cam.  I was really surprised that they were chosen for that.

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