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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. 1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

    I agree with this to a point. I think we would see a difference in both their personalities if they had different partners. Olivia flashed that brilliant smile plenty at her wedding before she truly knew her husband. If she had a match like AJ, who doesn't use his sarcasm as a weapon against his bride, then she might be a happier version of the woman we see now. I think if Brett was matched with someone who had a similar financial mindset and was perhaps more to his physical liking, we'd see a different version of him as well, but Brett will never be a Miles. Or a Bennett, Keith, Greg, Doug - or any other *nice* husband we've seen on this show. He's just not wired that way. I think Brett is to facetiousness as Bennett is to kindness. It's just innate. 


    In Brett's case I would say that it's nurture as much as nature.  His brothers are much worse than he is and shamed him at his wedding!! I grew up in a very sarcastic family and was teased mercilessly as a child.  I had to do some conscious work to unlearn their bad habits.  Sarcasm is what Brett knows.

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  2. 22 hours ago, Linarina said:

    It's funny how divergent and ardent the views are on Olivia and Brett.  I feel like, with what we have been shown, 90% of the blame lies with Olivia.  Others are saying Brett must be a jerk off-camera, but even she's not saying that!  She referenced their long, intimate talk the night before, where she would've expected him to give her that smile compliment.  So it couldn't have been a bad convo.  

    I almost wonder if she's just too insecure to take him at his word that he genuinely likes her.  Yes, he's a sarcastic guy, but she can't read his tone and intent.  

    Olivia:  Do you like me?

    Brett:  Yes, very much.

    Olivia:  Why are you lying?

    Brett:  I'm not lying. I've told you all along how much I like you, and I'm sincere.

    Olivia:  So you're not going to admit you don't want me?  Fine, Brett.  Be that way.

    Brett:  What do you want from me?

    Olivia:  The truth!


    Anyway, I find her exhaustingly bitchy.

    at this point I think they both annoy me equally!!

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  3. 23 hours ago, MyTwoCents said:

    Bennett has a fantastic mind: the way he sees things; his ability to verbalize his feelings so vividly and thoroughly; his constant compassion toward others; and his insightfulness. Of course Amelia has fallen in love with him.

    I am an English professor and when Bennett encouraged Henry by telling him he needed to think about what confidence REALLY meant vs what society thinks it ought to mean, I gave Bennett A for life.  I loved seeing those two together.  There is an example of really listening to someone and wanting to help them without trying to change them.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, waving feather said:

    I watched it and Mackenzie is articulate and expresses herself well. It's a good watch/listen.

    Main things that stood out to me: 

    1. She's an introvert and in her life never hang around with any of her boyfriends in a group setting so she's awkward at it and doesn't quite know what to do with group dynamics. Thus her needing alone time by herself or with only her man. 

    2. Johnny's dislike of her: Johnny was miffed that in the baggage challenge she faked him out to kiss Connor instead and since then they weren't on good terms. And when he first came in he had some interest in her. 

    3. Carrington is a really good friend and very funny but has a hard time being open with girls romantically.

    4. Both Connor and her haven't had many girlfriends or boyfriends and they are both commitment-phobes. So it's kind of a big deal that they will want to be together. 

    5. Connor is coming to visit her and meet her family. And Connor is very talkative when they are alone together. 

    6. She spoke highly of all the girls.

    That's all I can remember off the top of my head. 

    As a fellow introvert, I am wondering how the heck an introvert would ever go on this show???? I guess to build their brand?

    Re Carrington, I have said this before, at least he has a sense of humor!! and seems to know how to have fun.  That may be enough, plus being hot.

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  5. 14 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

    I laughed as hard at the strip show as i did at Connor walking down the stairs with Mr. Teddy. Hysterically falling off the couch. I think Carrington was the hottest male stripper, despite the widdle baby numnum outfit. Kierstan was the hottest girl (including the new chicks), though Justine's bodice-ripping conclusion was pretty yowza as well. The worst: wow, Bennett and Lauren were just awful. I can only assume they told Moira she couldn't do more than walk around as a liability issue.

    Speaking of whom, Moira can gtfo as soon as possible. I actually liked her the most at the very beginning  but the more I see of her vacillate between stupidity and selfishness, I just can't take it. Let one of the newbies take her place - I'd prefer the dark-haired one (rock on, fantasy-girl!) but it seems more likely to be the dyed blonde.

    Could anyone care less about this bullshit "will you be my girlfriend" dinner theater? Sorry, but the guys, especially Calvin, simply do not look into it. (Don't even get me started about "promposals" and gender reveals. Christ, we Americans are so effing spoiled and self-important. For a hot second I thought a pandemic would change things and get people to buckle down a little, but I was a fool.)

    Are we getting any new guys or is this the road to the finale? Carrington is cute when he actually smiles but such a douche, Caleb is the best guy but a healthy relationship is not interesting to watch, and I can't even look at Bennett with that playdoh stencil chest tattoo and dried-currant mole above his lip.

    I thought that mole was a piercing!

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  6. 10 hours ago, fishcakes said:

    I may never get over the contact embarrassment of watching those stripteases, but I would like to thank whichever PA dressed Carrington in that little collar and suspenders because for the next two days I will randomly remember how stupid he looked and burst out laughing.

    Moira is so bad at flirting. It has to be an act.

    Please let this be the last we hear of Connor and Mackenzie until the inevitable 48 Hours Mystery episode.


    I appreciate that Carrington has a sense of humor about himself and went with the stupidity! I find myself liking him more than the others.

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  7. 16 hours ago, Stan39 said:

    I can’t tell if Laurel is looking for depth. It wasn’t clear from the nine thousand times she mentioned it in every sentence. 

    Kierstan: I really need to put myself out there to find a guy I’m into. 
    Guy she’s supposedly the most interested in: Wanna get to know me a little more before tonight?

    Kierstan: Nah, I’m good. 

    LOLL! I also am baffled by how Laurel found "depth" in her non-exchange with BSB.  He had shades on half the time, would barely look her in the eye, and appeared totally uninterested.  BSB seems to be phoning it in completely.

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  8. 4 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Bennett in the nicest, most respectful way confirmed that they had sex.

    I believe he also said after she had taken care of him during his illness that he was madly in love with her.  Or am I halluncinating?

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  9. 21 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    After Miles told Woody about what happened with Karen, I think he started second guessing being so open and honest with Amani. I hope he had the good sense to realize that the relationship he has with his wife is quite different from the one Miles has with Karen.

    Bennett seemed annoyed when Amelia said that she didn’t have anything to complain about. I don’t think he believed her.  She is clearly in love with him, but I am not convinced he is there yet.


    Amelia did voice some mild complaints to the camera about Bennett's having lived alone in a small house and therefore being rigid about chores.  But clearly she didn't think it was important enough to tell him about that.  I get where she's coming from but if he is willing to be forthcoming about the small stuff, it would be wise of her to meet him halfway.

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  10. 6 hours ago, Jadzia said:

    I thought the funniest part of this episode was during the recouping when Carrington sat down on the couch, he sort of instinctively put his arm around Mackenzie for some reason and she looked at him like "WTF?" and he pulled his arm way. I think I ran that back a few times, it was so strange.

    I noticed that too.  I think his testosterone tripled when he was set free of his "three week marriage" in Casa Amor.

  11. 10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    No doubt in my mind... but he'll have good stories and life lessons to carry into his next relationship with someone with a better waist to hip ratio!

    When Mackensie was regaling the other "girls" with stories of her (minimal) "moves," and Conor's lack of experience, I found myself wondering--did she give Conor his first bj?  

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  12. On 9/3/2020 at 7:18 AM, JapMo said:

    I don't think Brett is actually a cheapskate.  I enjoyed their quiet time before dinner entering her financial information into his spreadsheet.  I expected him to wince over every item, but he didn't judge except for her $40/month alarm bill...he seemed pretty surprised at that.  But here's the problem.......she wants to travel and travel a lot, and wants to do it first class.  Nothing wrong with that, but Brett had 4 siblings and his family went camping or something like that once a year, so he's good with continuing in that vein.   Olivia, to her credit, did try to compromise in last night's show, but I think they are just too far apart and even concessions here and there aren't really going to change that.  

    On top of that, let's not forget she really doesn't want children, and he does.  That in itself is a marriage killer, and the fact they are so polar opposite on finances is the icing on a very bitter cake.  

    add to that that she spent most of her convo with her friend at their party complaining about their differences! not wanting to live in his place, being bored hanging out with the cats, etc.

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  13. On 9/2/2020 at 9:05 PM, Yeah No said:

    Thank you, I was going to say almost exactly this.  I too am all the way over on the MBTI introvert scale and Henry is losing me too.  He is way too painful - I don't like Christina one bit but she had a point about feeling like everything was all on her.  He's a poor soul that should never have gone on this show if he couldn't at least put a few words together while the cameras are rolling - whether or not he likes the woman he was matched with.  That is the very least he should be doing to fulfill his responsibility to this marriage.  Since the season began he's left Christina hanging with dead air so many times that I don't really blame her for her reaction - I actually think she was being somewhat restrained and in her own way thinks she's being kind (which is obviously not coming off as kind nor is it working).  I wouldn't want to be matched with a guy like that - He is too much work, needs therapy or something to help him with his anxiety.  It's really not fair to match him with anyone except someone who needs a wounded bird to nurse back to health. 

    And while I don't like Christina I don't blame her for not being that person he needs.  She didn't sign on to be someone's nurse or therapist.  I also think she HAS been patient with him in her own way.  And I always liked shy guys and never had a problem being the one to help a shy guy come out of his shell.  He is trying to make it look like it's her fault that he can't deal with the situation at all.  What exactly has he contributed to this marriage so far?  At least she is making an attempt to fill up the dead air from his lack of communication, although she finally got so frustrated at his lack of interaction that she threw her hands up.  He wants everything to come to him without seeing that he has a 50% responsibility to nurture this relationship himself.  But I think the problem is that he is incapable of that and expects a woman to put up with that until "one day" when he might actually start to feel comfortable with her.  Who would want to wait several months just to find out if he ever will start to open up to them?  I don't have any faith that that will ever happen, at least not with Christina.  It looked like an attempt to deflect responsibility to me. 

    I also don't think it's just that he doesn't like her (although it's obvious that he doesn't).  I think he has major issues with relationships that make it difficult for him to enter into the kind of give and take necessary for a marriage to succeed.  Of course he's not going to like someone that expects him to put a little effort into the relationship.  If there are women out there that don't expect this or would miraculously make him feel more comfortable about doing so, maybe he should have been matched with one of THEM and not Christina.  That said I don't like it that she is digging her heels in about needing a man to take the lead with sexual advances.  Who does she think she is, some prim, proper Victorian woman that must have traditional roles?  This is the 21st century.  I don't think she should have to be the aggressor all the time but why insist that he has to be?  I think she is somewhat responsible for sabotaging any hope that might have existed between them.  She's digging her heels in about it because she is pissed off that he isn't what she needs him to be.

    Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest!

    I agree with you and there have been times when I have sympathized with Christina.  However, he did try to ask her a question, one I would have loved to answer, about her favorite childhood food her mom cooked for her, and she dismissed it as too shallow and refused to answer.  Talking about food can tell you so much about someone.  I was much more sympathetic to him after that.

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  14. On 8/27/2020 at 4:58 AM, Stan39 said:

    And the way Mackenzie explained how guys look at her makes me think she sees herself as a trophy.  “Yeah, of course guys look at me and see me as a trophy, because I’m so hot, but then they get intimidated by how smart I am, also.” That’s how I read it. But I think you’re right, that she’s really more trouble than it’s worth. People feel the need to talk that way about themselves when they’re insecure and don’t really believe it. Truly confident people don’t give a shit why some people don’t like them and move on to genuine people who value them. 

    Is it just me or is there something really weird about Mackensie's face?  She is beautiful and has a great body, but somehow something about her almost complete lack of a chin makes me think she is really close to being ugly.

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  15. 9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I think Olivia really wants her money to be her money and that her husband would pay for everything else.  I was getting a lot of Jasmine vibes from her (I think that's the name of the woman who wanted her husband to pay for everything while she spent her own money [and he was having none of that]).  It's very telling that when Pastor Cal was there Olivia said that she told them what she wanted-someone with money.  Not someone who was caring, intelligent, funny, etc., but someone who made at least what she made (although she also earlier stated that she didn't care if her husband made less than she did).  She cares a lot about the income level of her husband.  I have come across many people who spend what they think they make and never really account for all of the deductions taken out of one's paycheck.  She knows what her salary is and may expect to be able to spend that amount, but what with various types of taxes and other deductions she may way overspend.  However, what shocked me the most about her statements what that she equates entertainment with living life.  She mentioned more than once that she didn't want to miss out on living life and having life experiences while connecting that with travel, etc.  What she doesn't understand is that living life means dealing with broken appliances, compromising with others, dealing with day-in/day-out routines and chores, etc.  She seems to think that travel and expensive meals are the only way of living life.  She actually seems quite immature to me (well, and selfish as she wants what she wants without consideration of her husband's ability to take on those expenses).  Move over on that bench for Team Brett...

    Am I the only one who was bothered when everyone looked out their windows by widening the individual blinds rather than just pulling up the blinds?  That's how one gets bent blinds.

    I think Bennett and Amelia are very aware of the cameras.  There was a look Amelia had when she first entered Bennett's detached bedroom (thanks previous poster for that insightful description of where he lived) which quickly changed to "I looooooove this..."  

    I continue to really like Amani and am glad that Pastor Cal helped them work through their communication.  I'm also glad that he tried to help Amelia and Bennett understand that there may be future disagreements.  

    I think that both Christina and Henry are showing their negative attributes because neither one of them is happy with the match.  

    Overall, I thought Pastor Cal did well with the couples.

    I couldn't agree more with what you're saying about Olivia's very limited view of what it means to live life, and now I'm thinking that she is going to have the hardest time of all handling quarantine!

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  16. On 8/26/2020 at 7:21 PM, Brooklynista said:

    Olivia a made it crystal clear that her money is exactly that and she isn't going to pay any part of her husband's way. What she needs is a travel partner, not a spouse. She's not here for becoming one unit. 

    That's what really got me.  If it's so important to her that he come with her, pick up the tab! they are married, right? what's mine is yours, etc.  I was also surprised to learn that Olivia is in major debt, by her own account.  This makes me more sympathetic to Brett's insistence on a sensible budget.

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  17. 11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I agree with you about Olivia not dating for 3.5 years might reveal something about her that might not be all that ideal.  She could have been really hurt and not that open to finding a new relationship as a result.  We really don't know the circumstances of her 3.5 year hiatus, but that IS a long time for someone her age.  As for Brett dating up until he had a match chosen - well, I wonder just what he knew at that point.  Did he know he made it to a "final round"?  Did he know he had been chosen for a potential match IF they could find him one?  I don't think we know how far along in the process he was and how much he knew about his status.  It sounds like he kept dating up until they found him a match, but I would be surprised if he didn't know he was a finalist to be matched.  If that's the case I would think he would have at least slowed down somewhat, but he admits he had something like 3 dates with one woman that went very well and that he would have had another one if not for finding out he had been matched.  That's one reason to slow down or quit dating if you know you've made it to the final group of potential matches, precisely because you don't want to end up in that kind of situation.  Didn't we already have something similar in a previous season with a woman whose name is escaping me at this late hour?  

    Maybe you are thinking of Katie who was in contact with her ex right before her wedding and kept fantasizing about him while married?  and got back together with him briefly after it was over I think?

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  18. 11 hours ago, pdlinda said:

    I was thinking that would certainly apply to Amelia and Bennett.  I think it's understood that Amelia will support the family financially as she will have significant income from practicing medicine.  From Amelia's personality and outlook on life, I would guess she's going to be either an obstetrician/gyno or family physician.  They don't make the "big bucks" other specialties do; however, I believe Amelia's passionate about treating people in need and will be a fine, caring doctor.  Her income will ensure the family can live a comfortable life (even with what I presume will be enormous student loan debt that she's have to manage for years). 

    Bennett may surprise us; however, from how he presents with his career history, work in the theater and whatever other "creative" endeavors he chooses to pursue will probably not produce the "steady, reliable and continuing" income that the family will need to pay their bills and save. 

    Also, if children come along, Bennett seems like a perfect "stay-at-home" dad, attending to household management and childcare.  There's a lot good to say about the dad staying home and the mom working outside the home.  I think both of them seem very flexible about gender roles so that might work really well for them.  They both seem like very caring people and it's really great that Amelia can achieve financial security for the family while pursuing her chosen field of medicine.

    I agree with all this, and you've made me remember that Amelia was raised in a household where the mother was the bread-winner and the father stayed home.  Bennett clearly has a strong mother--I don't know that we even saw his dad at the wedding?  So they're both very comfortable with what others might perceive as a role reversal.

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  19. On 8/20/2020 at 11:38 AM, lizajane said:


    Amelia and Bennett are coming across as two 10 year old besties, having a sleepover in a fort. I just can't with all the quirkiness, and I don't remember seeing any signs of physical affection between them.

    he was rubbing her foot very sweetly when she sang to him.

  20. On 8/20/2020 at 10:58 AM, LaLaLaLa said:

    Yes. I dislike all the couples except Woody/Amani and Amelia/Bennett.

    Karen may act older (she looks much older than the age she gave MAFS) but she's definitely immature. She has no idea what she wants and is making it very confusing for Miles. One minute she is unhappy that he has dated more women than she has dated men, but then she complains that she really wanted an alpha male (who typically "date" LOTS of women). Karen deserves to be single and miserable.

    I also thought Karen was unnecessarily snippy with Miles when he asked her her thoughts about intimacy.  She concluded her "we'll know when we're ready" answer with "any more questions for me?"  Her tone was not great.

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