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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. On 11/26/2019 at 10:25 AM, terrymct said:

    I kind of saw both sides.  Yes, absolutely they should side with her...but she was asking them to plot against him actively AND they'd certainly seen her behavior over the years and his.  

    Did anyone else note how verbally abusive Tony was to her?  those sadistic notes filled with insults, my favorite of which was "you look like a Jewish manicurist"?  I get that they had a love/hate relationship and got off on fighting and making out after, but still, that made me sympathize with him a hell of a lot less.  That definitely took its toll.

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  2. I was confused about how the old man who got booted from her facility ended up in the pool.  Was that also a hallucination?  

    What she saw in the restaurant was middle-aged boring "romance," including couples who weren't speaking to each other.  She wants something hotter.

    I think Tom Perotta is a great writer but I found the novel vaguely sexist and I'm watching this in the hope that Katherine Hahn can assuage my doubts.

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  3. On 10/22/2019 at 7:05 PM, Armchair Critic said:

    I usually like the flashbacks more than the current day.

    Miguel was a good guy all along. Looks like he was patiently waiting for Rebecca.

    Hmmm... so what happened with Mark? Also what do I know that actor from?

    I'm pretty sure he played a government intern on The Americans whom Elizabeth seduced.  He found out and she let him live.  I thought he was pretty great in that.

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  4. On 9/17/2019 at 7:43 PM, nutty1 said:

    Please pardon my ignorance, but I thought the term queer was something of the past, an insulting term. I guess I’m wrong?? I’m dead serious with my question. 

    Queer is totally mainstream in the academy, and in popular culture--Queer Eye for the Straight Guy anyone?

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  5. 4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

    This is where I am.  I have to side-eye someone whose virginity is something she values but would actually consider giving up to a stranger from a reality show.  

    I don't know why but it also wouldn't surprise me if she eventually realizes she's a lesbian.

    I have no opinion on whether or not Iris is gay or straight or asexual, but I did think that there was a better rapport and more emotional closeness between her and Amber than we were shown between her and Keith.  I remember being struck by them going off for a walk alone at the couples weekend. Amber even gave Iris a Bachelor handshake when they got together for the final barbecue!

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  6. 1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

    Yes, and If all she talks about is modeling then what else could he know about her besides she's a model and he likes the way she looks?  The whole thing just seemed weird to me, she turned down Luke's rose, accepted Matt's, then turned down Matt all in a matter of minutes.  Why not just turn down Matt's rose too and give Luke some company in humiliation.

    totally agree, but then she would have lost camera time.

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  7. 2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Matt will always be at the bottom of my Bachelors list, he makes Jake seem cool and the two Bens sophisticated.  I think he's a creepy, mean little ten year-old in a man's body, "I'm afraid to kiss girls because my mommy wouldn't want me to plus they're kind of scary and icky, but I have to pick one to give my flower to so I'll give mine to Bri because one of the other boys thought she was cute plus she's a supermodel* and that's good, right?"  Don't ever bring him back, show!

    *  She's just a model, Matt. Supermodels are so famous everyone knows their names and you see them on the covers of magazines. Plus, I think you have to have a chin to be one.

    Sad for JPJ and Katie who seemed sincerely hurt.  Katie got cuter and cuter to me all season and she seems smarter than the average B'ette.

    I'm glad Sydney got away unsullied by and uncommitted to any of these losers.

    I thought Katie's successful handling of Chris's near freakout/breakup was really authentic and moving.  She seems much saner than I thought she was early on when she couldn't tell someone she didn't want to date them without crying.

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  8. 11 hours ago, TomGirl said:

    Demi was jealous because Kristian was touchy feely and flirtatious with the other women, not the men.

    She is also only averse to PDA with women because, as became clear the longer she talked, she is still worried about what other people will think if she comes out.  A lot of this was scripted but I think there's some truth to this part of it.

    • Love 19
  9. 9 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    But he blew snot on national television.  He might be nice but he's nasty as hell.

    That is definitely true.  But I saw JPJ at LAX last week and his bag was pulled for inspection.  He waited patiently and chatted pleasantly with the TSA folks, which is more than I would have done.  I have seen many celebrities over my many years living here, but given that I was literally discussing his antics the night before with my husband and son, this one took the cake.

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  10. 13 hours ago, bosawks said:

    I feel like hurling around the name Derek like an epithet now.

    And is anyone else getting a Glenn Close vibe from JPJ?

    ”I won’t be ignored, Dan Derek!”

    The venomous way JPJ kept spitting out Derek's name made me think of Pete in Mad Men:  "not great, BOB."

    I was actually pretty impressed with how Derek kept his composure and tried (futilely) to reason with him.  Tayshia was crying as if they were coming to blows.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    I don't know if his teeth are real or not, but Dean does have a gorgeous smile, twinkly blue eyes and a nice head of hair, so I think that's the attraction.  I do think that if he got rid of the porn 'stache and got a haircut he would be handsome.  

    I have always found Dean hot for all the reason you list, plus bone structure. The twinkly eyes also indicate that he has something going on upstairs.  But I am not into hyper manly men.

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  12. 17 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

    You are probably right but this makes me so sad. 😢 Greg deserves to be cherished.

    I'm not understanding why Deonna is being portrayed as a withholding iceberg and Greg as a saint.  I love them both.  I also think she really loves him.  She is less comfortable with the cameras, but you can see she is glowing and when she looks at him, it's real.

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  13. 1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

    I don’t know if I’m on either one’s side. Caitlin was bad mouthing Kristina but then approached her friendly, and Kristina was immediately defensive. She had no idea what Caitlin said, right? If she did, I guess her reaction would make more sense. I didn’t like Caitlin’s fakeness or Kristina’s aggression. 

    Totally agree with needing to retire the constant “women should support women.” Forgive me for my little rant, but this is actually a pet peeve of mine. I can’t stand when people say this, especially in certain circumstances. I do expect women to back up other women more on circumstances of sexual assault because most of us have been there on some level at some point. Men will never know what it’s like to be in our bodies and deal with the things we do. Perhaps some women are ugly towards their fellow woman, but that’s not most of us. As far as I’m concerned we’re all just people who should be kind to one another. Women are allowed to not get along with other women and have issues with them. It doesn’t make you antifeminist. I also find it quite corny to throw around “support women.” I’ve heard it used for everything from getting me to watch entertainers I don’t enjoy to watching women’s sports. I don’t even watch men’s sports, so please leave me alone about not supporting women. Just because I have the same genitalia as half the population doesn’t meant it’s all that determines who I vote for, what I watch, and who I like.

    so much word to this!! "women should support women" in this case translated to passive aggressive manipulation.  I' pretty sure Kristina made a comment before Caitlin approached her about how much all the girls "loved her."  She knew what was coming and she already had her back up.

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  14. 1 hour ago, SassyCat said:

    I know! I was shocked at how she looked clomping down those stone steps all big and hunched looking. 

    I was also amused to see that Hannah B. seemed a bit surprised that John Paul Jones wasn't rushing over to embrace her the way Mike did.  He has moved on!

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  15. Just now, Jaclyn88 said:

    Caelynns bathing suits do her no favors . They don’t give her any shape . And Her nose is so distracting I can’t get past it when looking at her face . 

    That mustard color strapless dress she had on last night for the rose ceremony was a miracle of engineering.  I was sure I was going to get flashed any minute.

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  16. 13 hours ago, Katie111 said:

    If Demi has a boyfriend at home would Serek take this so well?  Or would it be like Jed and Hannah?  Because you are bisexual can you automatically date both sexes at the same time and it’s not considered cheating? 

    I noticed when Demi finally talked to Derek about it, it became "someone I was dating casually."

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  17. 10 hours ago, bequialife said:

    Kristina is all over the map and is just confused, and never know what she wants.  She is talking to Blake the same way she spoke to Dean.  "I am tired of being screwed over", "I don't want to be disrespected".....yet, she allows them to.  Her words do not match her actions. She says one thing but does another.  She is gullible. She is not at all as strong as she thinks she is.  She is all talk unfortunately. She tries to be tough; not workingl

    I agree and I have noticed that over the past two years, Kristina's language has gotten a lot more colloquial and cliched.  She has all the catch phrases of a "strong woman" (TM Hannah B) but doesn't act like one.

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