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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. 12 hours ago, HollyGoLitely333 said:

    What do we think the title of the episode is about? I can usually figure out the connections but I'm left clueless this time. I can't think of anything about clouds in the episode. Is it representative of Rebecca's mind clouding? 


    I thought it was referring to the Joni Mitchell album that Rebecca loves.

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  2. 23 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    I thought it was interesting how we didn't see the therapist's face until the end, when Randall went back and seemed ready to actually give her a chance to help.

    me too! and then it was Pamela Adlon! I so identify her with Sam on Better Things.  Who would have told Randall what was what within the first ten minutes of that session.

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  3. 13 hours ago, Cheryl 47 said:

    Things that annoy me about The Bachelor. 

    1 get a tissue.  Stop wiping your nose with your hands. There's gotta be a napkin on the table. 

    2. Leave the hair alone every 2 seconds. 

    3. Stop jumping on the guy wrapping your legs around him. 

    Ok.  I'm  done. 

    Victoria F used her dress to wipe her nose and face because of lack of tissues.  Classy!

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  4. 14 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

    Hannah should be thrilled at Madison's stance. Much less competition for her if Madi drops out. I actually don't know why the other women care at all, if anything it's great news for them. 

    I think they're secretly elated but pretending for the cameras that they care so much about Peter that they're outraged on his behalf (which Victoria F literally said).

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  5. 12 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

    Yes, you're right.  It was the episode where baby Jack was born, and they were all at the hospital.  Kevin was (not-so) secretly drinking, but Zoe was still with him, that I was thinking of.  A couple of episodes later, Zoe realized that Kevin was serious about having a child or children, and she wasn't, and completely broke it off.

    which confirms my sense that Kevin forgot about Zoe when he said he had never been dumped.

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  6. 1 minute ago, ChiMama said:

    I also thought there was a bit of an edge to her teasing / taunting during the beer pong game. One "carrying the team" is fun, but she seemed to harp on it and imply at the end he was lying about how many times he scored. I don't know, it just seemed a bit mean-spirited (to put him in his place in front of their friends?) vs. all in fun teasing . . .

    I saw that too.  So far he takes it all in good stride, so major props to him.  She seems sweet in other ways, quite smitten, and oblivious to how she might be coming off.

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  7. 22 hours ago, Soup333 said:

    Reasons 1198 and 2947 why he’s supremely unattractive to me. I’d rather have Zach. He wouldn’t have to say a single word. Just show up topless and silent and we’ll go from there. 

    Can’t bullshit a bullshitter. 

    Whoever had the idea to have five couples and extend the show to two hours should be fired. This is excruciatingly boring. 

    Meka is exhausting. Does she ever have anything positive to say? Ever?

    The way Katie spoke to her mother at their lunch was shocking. Sounds like there is some resentment there. She’s a mess. And very basic. Like basic is a step up. Maybe several steps up. 

    Also, the number of times the word like was spoken during this episode!! I think Mindy is the only woman to not use it 100 times in three sentences. 

    I also noted that Katie and her mom had at least a three martini lunch.  I hope Mom had the second one because she deserved it.

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  8. 23 hours ago, Kira53 said:

    So far I really like Austin's personality.  He seems to really want to make it work out and he is easy going.  He seems to be  easy to be around.  He'll probably make me eat my words and explode soon.  His wife is very controling.

    I continue to root for Austin and Jessica but I wasn't thrilled by the way she made "playful," i.e. sarcastic comments about his messiness, lack of beer pong ability, etc,. in front of his friends.  Or the way she praised his home cooked meal as "edible" (what I wouldn't give for a home-cooked meal from anyone but me at the end of a long day--I love my husband but he doesn't cook).  Austin takes it in stride but those little jabs build up and start to hurt.

    • Love 22
  9. On 2/12/2020 at 4:52 AM, JudyObscure said:

    What?  So the man just couldn't feature having sex with a woman who hadn't had sex with other guys first?  Did he think it would hurt?

    I know times have changed but for  thousands of years, the standard wedding night was a blushing bride who claimed to be a virgin and a man with a little experience (obtained in low places) who would "teach her."  There was a practical reason for this because the man wanted to make sure his children were really his.

    I figure Madison has this scenario in mind:  Peter will fall in love with her and put his wild youth behind him to marry a good woman and be faithful to her forever.  Remember Luke's story of how much sex he had before his shower epiphany?  That's a standard "witness" story among a certain type of Christian man.  He sows his wild oats but she remains "pure."

    I know that's not standard thinking these days, but the idea that a  woman is more desirable because she's slept with lots  of other guys seems odd to me.

    On MAFS, the groom's issue with his virgin wife was that it was too much responsibility.  It would be much harder to disengage himself from someone he was taking a chance on if he took her virginity.  But yes, I agree that this construction of things gets it backwards from the standard way virginity used to be viewed!

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  10. 3 hours ago, lids said:

    Oooh, I sought out this movie because it’s one of the classics and I wanna give my take as well.

    Can I just say the movie doesn’t age well because Hubbell’s tease flirting with Katie while they’re in college would’ve sparked a MeToo movement and Katie’s drunk sex with Hubbell would be considered date rape? (Seriously, how creepy was that?)

    But about their marriage, I thought the major theme was that love is not enough. Katie and Hubbell will always love each other, but once their idealism faded away, they went back to what was expected of them because it was easy. I also thought Barbara Streisand’s comment about Redford’s new wife was a dig even though she sincerely meant it. All Hubbell wanted was a wife that was “lovely” that people would envy him for. He didn’t even seem to like his new wife that much. He went back to making eyes at Kate... buuuut he was still going to stay with his new wife because it was what people expected of him and it made his life easy.

    I agree on all counts.  It is definitely a dated film but it stuck with me. I didn't forget the ending.  I found it complicated and moving. You can love someone but that doesn't always mean it will work.

    29 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    The original remark to which you replied was, "You've forgotten the ending." Thus, I replied, "Not to each other." Meaning at the ending. As the kidz say, Peace out.

    Looking forward to Mindy on the chat couch.



    My misunderstanding! But I'm happy to have provoked some interesting conversation about a film I loved growing up.

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  11. 50 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    IMNSHO, it isn't Mindy's personality that is not attracting Zach.

    Not to each other.

    Plot summary from IMDB:

    "Opposites attract when, during their college days, Katie Morosky (Barbra Streisand), a politically active Jew, meets Hubbell Gardiner (Robert Redford), a feckless WASP. Years later, in the wake of World War II, they meet again and, despite their obvious differences, marry. Hubbell wants to be a screenwriter, so the two move to California despite Katie's objections. They prosper there, but as the Hollywood blacklist looms, Katie's activism threatens her husband's reputation."

    I obsessed over this movie precisely because there was love and marriage but ultimately it was about longing.


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  12. On 2/6/2020 at 6:33 PM, bichonblitz said:

    Yup, and judging from the previews she blows it by telling the expert in front of Derek she still has feelings for her ex. 

    I see Derek and Austin really trying to make a connection with their wives and they are bending over backwards to make them happy. I see Katie and Austins wife doing  nothing in return. Katie tells Derek she needs her space and Austins wife (sorry keep forgetting her name) has a bossy edge to her personality. Close the door. No, close it all the way! That curl in your hair is bugging me, it doesn't belong there. But.....then she comes out with this gem: "I'm not trying to change you" Red flag.  


    Austin was very clear about liking a "strong woman," so this is so far not at all a problem for him.

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  13. On 2/5/2020 at 7:25 PM, Cammi said:

    Anyone remember The Way We Were when Katie ( Barbara  Streisand‘s character ) asks Hubble (Robert Redford) “I’m not your style am I?” And he’s honest with her. And he tells her no. That’s Zack and Mindy. 

    I was obsessed with that movie as an adolescent with a huge crush on Robert Redford.  And remember, they did fall in love ultimately! didn't they???

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  14. 1 hour ago, Cornhusker12 said:

    Really surprising/weird episode once again, I definitely thought Blonde Victoria and Natasha were both in Peter's top tier so seeing them leave so unceremoniously and early was wild. 


    I think Black Haired Victoria was clearly manipulating him during that nonsensical breakdown, and has been a classic Wrong Reasons Reality Professional this whole season. She's trying to stay on for as long as possible without "winning" so that she can get IG followers and continue in the franchise but not have to fake a relationship with Peter after the season because she has zero interest in him. Luckily for her, Peter is aloof enough to fall for her awful acting. Seriously, it seemed like she forgot what angle she was trying to take halfway through that date.

    Victoria: "Ugh I don't even know if I want to be here anymore... but like... um... I'm just scared! PETER you don't even like me.... wait... I don't know if I like YOU... but I'm just scared?...."

    *fake tears, runs away to the producers in a panic, they tell her she's blowing her big moment*

    Peter: "You make me feel like a puppy being led around on a leash. I like that. Will you accept this rose?"

    Victoria, suddenly beaming: "Peter, of course!"

    I think Peter should have picked up on the scary fact that thinking about the possibility of getting serious with/marrying him made Victoria F want to barf!

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  15. 14 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

    Why do these girls have to cry for Peter to feel satisfied? He is insecure otherwise.  There was nothing wrong with Hannah Anne's responses at the table. 

    Her dress is very bridal.  

    Her dress looked like a bad iceskating costume, complete with mesh inlays!

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  16. 12 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    Zoe is my favorite of Kevin's love interests. They absolutely should not be together (again: incompatible) now, but I liked their relationship when they were in it.

    I was today years old when I found out that the actress who plays Madison is married to the show creator. You'd think he'd encourage the writers to write Kate so that she treats Madison with a little more respect.

    Didn't Zoe dump Kevin?  or am I misremembering?

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Captain Asshat said:

    That makes sense. I used to travel to MI a lot and was surprised at how popular country is there. I live in Texas, which is filled to the brim with country music and just expected a show produced in CA to not have so much country. In the case of this episode, I just found it interesting that the showrunners called out the rock and roll aspect of Cleveland a couple of times, but had no rock and roll music. 

    I totally agree with you and was also disappointed! I think the show runners are being cynical.  Or maybe they just wanted to bring Chase in.

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  18. 3 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

    I heard a wierd theory today someone said maybe the 2 girls had a fling? Maybe thats why victoria wants nothing to do with her?

    I would totally believe that.  I think there is serious chemistry between them.  Did anyone else notice how in the middle of their fight, Victoria reached over and started stroking Alaya's eyebrow (or thereabouts)? It was very intimate.  Actually, Victoria may have been wiping away Alaya's tears.  Either way, it was strange.

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  19. 52 minutes ago, Captain Asshat said:

    My thoughts:

    • They mention "rockin' good time," and they have the girls pose outside the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. Episode has zero actual rock and roll. There is country and polka.
    • What is this show's deal with country music?
    • Victoria F. is wigged out over her "ex" being there and is afraid Peter will be upset. How grownups handle it: "Really? He's your ex? Do you still have feelings for him? No? Awesome. Let's finish dinner."
    • Alaya (or however you spell it) vs Victoria was completely stupid. Peter, this is going to be every conversation you're going to have with either of these girls -- whiny, crying, overreacting. Get rid of them both. Now.
    • I honestly fell asleep and came into the forums to see how this ended.

    I always assume they choose country music most of the time to appeal to what they think is a "heart land" demographic.  And BTW, Cleveland and the Midwest have the warmest and most loving people in the world, and they all love country music!

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  20. On 1/22/2020 at 8:24 PM, valdawn said:

    Was coming here to say the same. There are very few nights I ever get in bed without at least a quick shower. 
     I would have probably been more insistent than he was but maybe he was after the cameras were off which led to the not building attraction comment. 

    When I'm exhausted before bed, I take a bath--but they made that much harder to do for people in this awkward situation by putting the tub in the bedroom!

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  21. On 1/9/2020 at 9:34 AM, kerrieway said:

    I'm a BIG Austin fan so far. He's giving me Bobby vibes and I think he's in it for the right reasons but like Bobby he needs some style help. 

    Austin needs to cut his hair like it was before or go to the hair salon and get a stylish short cut. Austin should hit the gym and lift a little, he doesn't have to overdo it but he looked better before with more muscle conditioning. 

    You can see the differences below between how he looks now and how he looked about a year or more ago. 

    austin from mafs after.jpgaustin after.png

    I like Austin too and I like him and Jessica together.  Agree with all that's been said about his need for a makeover.  I also wonder--does anyone think he might be a drinker?  When they first introduced him in the first "meet the couples" episode, he had a drink in his hand, alone.  Then when he and Jessica first talked after the ceremony, he said he wished he had a whiskey, but champagne would do.  I am not a teetotaller but I wondered if these might be red flags.

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