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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. 1 hour ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

    I keep hoping we find some hidden talent or unique quality about Henry that would make him a much more interesting person. I just looked up his profession I'll be damned he's an IT expert and so am I. I have met IT guys who were introverts and some lacked social skills because they're job doesn't require it. If he is an expert he probably makes decent money that always helps. Has anyone seen him drink? Maybe he gets a bit sloppy and becomes the life of the party...


    He and Christina put back a lot of mezcal on their first night in Mexico, and agreed it was fun, but they didn't let us see it.  Which makes me think that he is probably dull when he drinks too.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Kira53 said:

    Her acceptance of the mustard yellow pajama dress was an indication of a match made in heaven. Under anyone else they were afraid.  I have sent couples silk pajamas/nightshirts.  At the time I didn't think anything of it. I thought a Night shirt was a cool thing.  But Bennett took out a PJdress and owned it and she liked it.  Kismet. He'll move and open another theater company.  He is probably writing a play right now.

    I was also pleasantly struck by how they are literally "in tune," and hum/sing/identify each other's songs in a playful way.  (She plays in a band after all, and I am guessing he must be musical too.) I expected to be completely bugged by that but it seems so natural with the two of them.  I'm increasingly convinced that they may already have been dating and are pretending to have barely met.

    • Love 7
  3. On 7/23/2020 at 12:22 PM, Neurochick said:

    I didn't know that shaving under your arms could prevent disease.  Is it like that with all body hair?  

    What I don't like about Amelia is, it's okay if you don't want to have a "traditional" wedding.  But then you can take it too far too.  Nothing wrong with the colors her bridesmaids were wearing, but what was with their hats?  That was extra.  It's like being quirky for quirky's sake.  Like, she just wants people to look at her.

    I also found it odd that Amelia's bridesmaids staged that walk/unicycle down the aisle complete with veils, and beforehand were draped all over her in some kind of weird harem fantasy.  They were over the top in fauning/performing their closeness to her and telling her how Bennett's simple pebble necklace was just what her crazy outfit needed.  It all seemed delusional and fake.

    • Love 8
  4. On 7/16/2020 at 11:48 AM, topanga said:

    I'll come visit you in your department, LennieBriscoe!

    I like three of the men--Miles, Bennett, and Henry. The other two--trash.

    Brett is like a poor-man's ZacH. Just as full of himself, thinks he deserves an Instagram model, but he seems a little dumber than Zach was. Although Zach was no Einstein either. And Brett is either a cheater, or he's just pretending to be--in any event, not a good look. I will say that Brett makes me laugh sometimes, whereas Zach always made me think, "What did he say?" I don't think Brett will be attracted to Olivia, although he's no Brad Pitt/Idris Elba himself. I feel bad for Olivia. She deserves better. 

    Wayne is a nicer, flashier version of Michael. But I don't think he'll be attracted to Amani, who is pretty and very nice but seems a little too "church lady" for him. When she said she felt something "in her spirit," I was like, "Yep, she goes to church." Not that there's anything wrong with that. But that doesn't sound like Wayne. i.e. he goes to the club on New Year's Eve--he's not bringing in the new year with the Lord. And it friends were subtle but made it clear (to me anyway) that he's cheated or been a ladies' man in the past. He doesn't seem like the loyal, honest person that Amanis' friend's said she craves. *sigh* Amani deserves better.

    --These two couples were set up for drama, and I would feel more sad for them, but they should know by now that this is what this show does. The successful couples are together despite the producers and experts, not because of them. 

    Brett is definitely smarter than Zach if you equate wit with smarts which I do.  If someone can make me laugh, I am always inclined to like them.  But then the bachelor party happened and I rethought all of this.

    • Love 5
  5. On 7/16/2020 at 5:16 AM, Kira53 said:

    I'm not finished watching this episode but I was surprised to see Bennett having three female friends come with him to pick out his tux.  I'm not sure what that says about him except that he's different from most guys and Amelia need somebody different from most guys.  I like Amelia's dress, too bad she had to ruin it by riding a unicycle rather than walking down the aisle .

    I completely agree that the unicycle was ridiculous and that Amelia seems much more affected in her artsiness than Bennett does in his.  However her friends seem to adore her, so I have hope that she's a sweet person.  I also think that she should have chosen the first doily dress.  The second one--while "poofy," which was what she wanted, almost like a hipster parody of a wedding dress in her mind--didn't flatter her at all when she was clutching her stomach in the previews and saying how nervous she was.  It was a really bad angle to say the least.  I also am not surprised that she and Bennett have already met given their shared interests and general vibe.  They even look kind of alike.  Not sure if that will backfire.

    • Love 4
  6. On 6/16/2019 at 7:29 PM, Eyes High said:

    Renata screaming "WILL SOMEBODY GIVE A WOMAN A MOMENNNNNT???" while driving away was iconic. Runner-up was her hissing at her spectacularly pathetic husband "I will not not be rich!"

    ...I always figured Ed knew about Madeline's affair, judging from 1x07. I guess the whole thing is Madeline never admitting to it...?

    I'm really missing Vallee's direction from Season 1. A big comedown.

    I thought we already knew about Ed knowing about the affair last season?? And didn't we see Renata and her husband driving with her in a rage and her leaving him on the side of the road last season? once again I feel like I'm watching the same scenes again!

  7. am I the only one who is having constant deja vu while watching the second season? I feel like I have seen many of the scenes before--like the one where Jane's friend at the aquarium tells her she is one of the Monterey 5.  What is going on?  Are they actually recycling footage?  or is it just me?


    • Love 1
  8. On 4/15/2020 at 11:53 AM, dmc said:

    Its not shitty but not great

    20% is what people should be tipping even in 1997

    15%  is you have to leave something

    18% is just mediocre but in a restaurant like that you would expect more



    depends if you're tipping on top of tax, which I always thought one didn't do.

    • Love 2
  9. On 4/13/2020 at 10:08 PM, scrb said:

    When Lenu rushed over to Nino, thinking that he’d shower her with affections since Lila was leaving, thing that came to mind:

    Oh Elena, Elena, you poor girl.

    For a time she thought being the intermediary between Nino and Lila would be a good idea.

    Ultimately she covers for them so they can fuck.

    Young women being doormats is not a new thing.  But Lenu decides she needs to claim agency so she will let Donato fuck her?  Maybe she was feeling sorry for herself, more vulnerable to flattery in that moment.

    Though she did threaten him to stay away from her or else she’d have him beat up.


    I hope she sticks to the promise she made, not to seek out Lila or Nino once she was back home.

    Maybe also drives her to get away from Naples.


    As for Lila, probably the first time she was into a guy.  Would she have done it if she knew how much Lenu liked him?  Probably.

    She’s a little reckless, telling Stefano what she did.  For a second, the camera showed a knife on the table.  But like the time her father threw her out the window for being defiant, she doesn’t sense the caution, how violent men could be.

    How frequently violent they were in that time, that setting.

    I think she understands and senses the potential for male violence all too well.  There is  a self-destructive side to her anger that I completely get, and it makes me fear for her.

  10. On 4/7/2020 at 10:11 AM, ProudMary said:

     We honestly don't know what, if anything, may have transpired between Lila and Nino. Yes, in the "previouslies", they showed us a childhood scene where Nino supposedly said he was going to marry Lila when they grew up (I don't remember that particular line from that scene, either @scrb ) but, they also re-showed the scene where Lila says, "Don't trust anything that comes out of my mouth" to Lenu. I think we have to wait and see on this.

    I thought he said that he was going to marry Lenu when they grew up--hence the subsequent excerpt of Lenu running home, closing the door and blissfully smiling.

    • Love 2
  11. On 3/22/2020 at 1:55 PM, Lone Wolf said:

    Again with the spitting on the fingers.  Is that a real thing or a show thing?

    I'm glad they finally addressed Sam's hand issue.  IIRC, she was wearing a more elaborate contraption in other seasons and we never knew what the problem was.

    Good on Duke for handling the owl situation while everyone else was fumfering.

    Good on the show for taking the power away from the c-word.

    Good on "Jozay" (Phyllis) for having no problem with Frankie's proposed cultural appropriation.


    It's a Jewish thing, to ward off bad luck.

    • Love 2
  12. On 3/26/2020 at 8:42 AM, gonecrackers said:

    As a former poetry writer before life sucked the life out of me, I don't find it hard to believe Derek wrote that poem with no one in particular in mind. I do think Derek is wanting the 'idea' of love, but his expectations might be off. I like him though, & hope he finds the right person someday with whom he'll feel 'it', whatever 'it' is to him. It surely won't be Katie. The guy is freakin' trying his heart out though, almost literally. She didn't care to support him, made him feel stupid about his dreams, then he still opened up his life to her, only to be shit on again. I give him credit because I would not have trusted to go any further opening up to her, ever.

    Another former poetry writer here.  I completely agree, and found your comment very illuminating.  In fact it may be precisely because Derek was able to write such an idealistic and fervent poem about love that he hasn't experienced "it" in real life--ideals and reality don't always match up, and that's not always a bad thing. Love can sneak up on you and not be anything like you thought it would be. But I also agree that Katie's behavior guarantees that he won't feel anything near "it" with her.

    • Love 6
  13. On 3/18/2020 at 6:44 AM, movingtargetgal said:

    Randall always needed to have "mommy" to himself.  He loved the fact that his siblings were living across the country.  When baby Jack was born and Rebecca moved to LA to help Kate caring for a special needs baby, Randall was pissed and JEALOUS.  The fact that mommy would also be living near Kevin instead of him sent Randall over the edge of reason.  

    Randall keeps throwing it in Rebecca's face that HE took care of her when Jack died.  The fact is that Randall was being self-serving.  In his mind, being mommy's helper gave him an edge up on his siblings.  He was the "good" son.  I think Rebecca was really strong after losing everything, including Jack in the fire.  Randall attended college nearby so he could help is mother was because HE needed to be needed.


    so much word to this!! The hardest kind of narcissist to call out is the one who builds themselves up by helping others.  They may do genuine good in the process, but they never admit that it is all about them.

    • Love 13
  14. On 3/17/2020 at 7:05 PM, mansfolly said:

    "Oh please. I live for this stuff."  - Best line of the night for me! Haha.

    Who were those (twin) baby girls and Kate's imaginary husband?

    Great acting tonight from SKB.

    ...so THAT'S why they are not speaking in the future.

    Will be very interesting to see how this plays out.

    I kind of like cool, rotten Randall. Ha.

    I definitely like him better than saintly self-righteous self-deluded Randall!

  15. 16 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Meka's gift to Michael...the Bag O' Ties or Fillup a Bag of Neckware for $20 paled in comparison to the upcoming Jamaican dolphin encounter.

    But let's be real...Meka probably got nothing for her month anniversary...even Brandon got a card....


    She got breakfast! and a boat ride!

    • Love 1
  16. On 3/11/2020 at 5:20 PM, linley said:

    Meka is just a Debbie Downer. Lighten up for one darn minute .

    she looks despondent 99 percent of the time.  Would it kill her to smile?  she acted like that breakfast was going to poison her.  Who doesn't like breakfast for goodness sakes!

    • Love 2
  17. 58 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    Barbara has taken my memory back to high school days when some of my friends' mothers had warned them against boys and the things they say to get you to "go all the way." Like: "If you really cared for me you would let me,"  and the (to me) bewildering one of, "It's really painful for me if you let me sit and neck for an hour and then stop." 

    So I'm guessing maybe Barbara took all this to heart from the boys point of view and thinks Madison must not really care about poor Peter or she would have gone happily to the Fantasy Suite with him, and what's more Madison was so cruel as to send her baby home with blue balls.

    This is the woman who agreed to stage a scene where she and her husband are making out in the car on National TV, so I think you are absolutely correct!

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  18. 14 hours ago, Riplet68 said:

    Ive been trying to remember if Maddy has ever been shown drinking alcohol. Im guessing not. 

    yeah, it was weird that they dropped that sparkling cider on us this late in the game--probably to foreground how DIFFERENT THEY ARE.

    • Love 3
  19. 2 hours ago, DearEvette said:


    I also wonder if Amber telling Barnett about her debt during the moving in together phase was the first they talked about it?  Because if so... yikes. 

    Based on what we've learned about the pod dating, once they got to the top two/three they spent hours and hours just talking to each other.  What did they talk about?  Cameron has mentioned several times in interviews that he and Lauren absolutely talked about finances during the dating phase.

    I was confused about whether Barnett was a) upset that Amber wasn't working, or b) upset that she was cocktail waitressing and flirting so she quit, or somehow c) both.  Which was it?  I know she had an accident and wasn't working when they met, but she can't get her story straight which seems fishy to me.

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  20. 13 hours ago, Captain Asshat said:

    That’s Rick James. I? Am so old. (Sigh)

    It's definitely Rick James and the line is "the kind you don't take home to mother."  But she will never let your spirits down, when you get her off the street.

    • Love 6
  21. 22 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Anyone else think Taylor's shrug reaction to Dr. V's phone call was oddly odd?

    Taylor defends the video by saying she thought it was funny...but as she speaks, there is a disconnect of Taylor's facial expression, her mood...no playfulness, none of her annoying giggling when conversing with the "useless expert".

    Stunt phone call....


    I definitely thought it was odd, but I think Taylor's affect is in general both disconnected and disconcertingly flat.  I am really wondering if there is a "there" there.   When she drops the good wife act, what's left is a surly blank.   Also a wig.

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  22. On 2/27/2020 at 8:25 AM, Blissfool said:

    Are you referring to the mac n cheese, because that was all Derek. 

    Btw, I think mac n cheese as a dinner (No vegetables, no protein) is so childish.

    yes and from what I could see, it was straight out of the Kraft box.

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