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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. On 5/19/2021 at 5:14 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

    Circa 1961 my mother had a white  "shimmy"  dress like Virginia's, and she looked fabulous in it! 

    Yeah, Erik and Virginia resolved their issues...not! He has to live with her cats, and she still drinks! 

    Erik was visibly shaking his head when V. was saying she didn't have a drinking problem. Talk about a tell!

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  2. 50 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    Because he wanted to show off Grandma's brooch so we all don't realize he only owns two suits (neither one fits properly).

    He can't afford socks now that he has to pay the lease payments on Mercedes' Mercedes. 

    I am amending my prior comment.  The worst thing anyone wore were Chris's ripped black cropped "jeggings" which he donned for the barbecue.  Utterly ridiculous!!

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  3. 22 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Virgina and Erik: 

    Decision: Erik, OMG! A "proposal"!  VA, yes.

    Never mind the cats, the boozing, the control,...!

    Is it just me or did anyone think it was weird that they didn't always ask one person in the couple to speak first?  Like I'm pretty sure they asked Clara and Ryan both and Clara spoke first, ditto Erick and Virginia.  And with Jake and Haley they asked him a hypothetical question about what he would do if Haley wanted to stay married.  Usually it is predecided who they will ask first.  Am I getting this right?

    Dr. Viv's entire getup was shockingly ugly--cheap lace trim, black stockings, weird ruffles/mullet hem.  The only thing worse is what Ryan did to his mustache for the reunion.


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  4. On 5/1/2021 at 9:19 AM, stewedsquash said:

    @Hemphill I just checked my Netflix and I only have 1-4 listed. I haven't really checked before now. I haven't noticed the "new episodes" banner over the picture that is on my list menu either. 

    eta I only watch on tv so I haven't checked online.

    I just bought season 5 on Amazon Prime which seems to be the only way to get it.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    I thought they all looked beautiful too. I often don't like Beth's look but I thought she was stunning last night. I love the deeper shade of red of her hair and her makeup and dress were beautiful too. Whoever is styling her these days is definitely a keeper.

    Woody's sense of style makes me laugh. Someone famous (Coco Chanel maybe?) once said that once you are all accessorized for the evening, you should look in the mirror and remove one accessory. Woody should adhere to that principle. I vote for losing the fake diamond choker. But I love his personality and he just owns his style, so I can't fault him.

    I have always loved Miles and I give Karen a lot of credit for staying in the marriage and seeing past her original "type." I agree that they don't have the fireworks type of sexual chemistry that a lot of couples have, but I do think that she realized that Miles a salt of the earth, loving and loyal guy who is going to give his all to his wife and (eventual) children. Obviously no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, but I think they could have a very solid and happy marriage. I also adore Woody and Amani and I was one who really thought Woody was along for the ride with his BFF to start with. They seem to have a great time together and really be in tune with one another.

    Neither Beth nor Jamie has ever been my cup of tea and they still aren't, but they do seem a little calmer and happier together than I would have anticipated. Good for them.

    I have always thought that Karen liked Miles a lot more than she let on.  It wasn't about the chemistry, I am guessing, it was about her trust issues and the age difference.  I'm really glad they're happy and that they're still friends with Woody and Amani.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

    While we're talking about fashion etiquette; I can't stand Ryan and Vinny wearing hats indoors and especially inside of a restaurant.  Clara needs to stop exposing her tawdry, mismatching lace bras that extend inches past the neckline of her skimpy tops and dresses.  Vinny should wear an undershirt under his clothing to smooth out his chest.  Jake needs a cobbler for his worn shoe soles.  

    I am also increasingly convinced that Ryan has a combover and is going bald.  It is not a good look.  Especially with the elf ears.

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  7. 9 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    Even Kevin acknowledged that the role they were talking about was not a great role and he was not good in it.

    I think he was being sarcastic.  Didn't he say he got a golden globe nomination for that role?

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  8. 9 minutes ago, cinsays said:

    yeah, but monthly?

    As someone who used to dress up for work and had a manageable shopping addiction, I can easily see how Brianna could spend that much a month on clothes.  One of the few good things about the pandemic, aside from spending more time with my husband and aging dog, is that I have broken that habit!

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  9. On 3/31/2021 at 6:48 PM, jennyf said:

    Erik and Virginia had speaks but they are a total mismatch and really toxic. I don’t think he’s ever dealt with anyone with mental health issues and she knows she has some. Agree with him though that her dog needs retraining. Erik is clearly trying to control himself when they’re talking in front of the cameras but he is really even more horrible when they’re not. 

    I agree that Erik is worse off camera.  When we saw the tape of them having their fight, he was as drunk as she was and she was saying that he was "always like this" when he was drunk.  I think she is not the only one with a problem.

    I also noticed that Jake had Erik's number when he was complaining about Virginia's dog; Jake was right to raise the possibility of compromise which clearly Erik won't do.  Jake has his issues but he is no dummy and sees through other people's b.s., as has been noted before.

    In other news, when Ryan was boasting to the camera about what a great husband he was, my eyes practically rolled out of my head.

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  10. On 3/23/2021 at 7:18 PM, KaveDweller said:

    Nicky episodes always make me tear up.....I find is story so sad. I felt so bad when his snow globes broke, and in the scene outside the bar with Jack.

    I guess he just never showed up to meet Sally? I was expecting to see something happen that caused them to miss each other, but I guess he just got scared. 

    Giving babies John Grisham books cracked me up. 

    It wasn't just that he was scared to meet Sally.  He was scared to leave his mother alone with his father.  As long as he was there, he thought his father would behave better.  Really sad, and honestly , Jack would have felt guilty about that had he known.

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  11. On 3/24/2021 at 5:51 PM, Mean Jeanne said:

    I don’t know why this is bothering me so much but


    And all the stuff the rest of you are saying, yeah that too


    Clara is miserable.  Ryan is torturing her.  She is constantly tense and in despair.  WTF!!

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  12. 10 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

    The clips they showed of Haley "doing all the work" was her asking him if he wanted a beer, then him saying no and her saying, "you're going to make me drink alone?"  (He did end up sitting down and drinking a beer with her).  The other clip was her giving him new clothes bc she hates his.  Cut to her crying about how much work she's put into the marriage.  🙄

    I also thought Haley's repeating to Dr. V during the counseling session that she got married to find someone who "fit into her lifestyle" was a major red flag.

    • Love 15
  13. On 3/17/2021 at 6:16 PM, Silver Bells said:

    OMG, Clara hasn’t had sex in three weeks !   Call the Cops.  The more she complains about it, the more he won’t do it.  

    to be more precise, she hasn't had intercourse in three weeks.  If she is enjoying what they are doing, then I don't get why she is fetishizing THE ACT.

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  14. On 3/17/2021 at 2:24 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    I think that Kevin was just deliriously happy at his new situation and wanted to share his joy. He's not used to feeling this way, and was not reading the room.

    Kevin should also have thought twice about rambling on to Toby of all people about how he was going to get a dad bod!

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  15. On 3/17/2021 at 8:59 AM, txhorns79 said:

    The mean part of me was thinking that maybe Phylicia Rashad was a better parent than Beth?  I get that it's grandma v. mom, but she certainly seemed to have a better handle on the kids than Beth did, and they responded to her much more respectfully than they did their mother.  I also feel like Phylicia Rashad could just give those kids a look, and they would immediately fall into line.  

    I think that is Phylicia's super power! she learned it after all those years on the Cosby Show! also if you want to see kids who are really out of line and awful to their mom, watch BETTER THINGS.  I love the show but often hate the kids.

    • Love 3
  16. On 3/16/2021 at 6:45 AM, bosawks said:

    I don't think there is any thing wrong with either Matt deciding to give it a shot or to get while the getting was good.

    Though, Matt does look he might need some therapy after this.


    I think Matt needed therapy before this!!! A forced conversation with his dad on national TV didn't resolve his issues, it added to them.  And his mom is even more possessive than Barb Weber, for sadder reasons!

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  17. 13 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    Well, at least Neil got his promotional time!

    You know things are bad when Matt is honestly seeking advice from Neil!!! and when Neil sounds reasonable!

    • LOL 9
  18. 9 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    She's the only one who didn't invite her husband.

    It's their honeymoon, everyone else was with their spouse, & it's just common courtesy to give him the option of attending.

    I don't think there were any big issues with them prior to this. Awkward silences are a bit suspicious on this show, but maybe; or maybe editing. We just don't know for sure. Still what she did was rude, & made whatever issues they may have already had, worse.

    I agree he's been reactive & not handled it well. I give him some points for wanting to figure it out, but, why bother TBH.  He should have presented it as a 'how it made him feel' type of thing- & calmly. But if it were me I wouldn't have bothered & just left for home at that point.

    It would've hurt me as well; I get it. Like I said he should've handled it differently. But I don't think what he did was that bad either. It was a mistake he made because he was hurt, which he apologized for, but she didn't care & never apologized even it was just a misunderstanding. He's gotten nothing from her on it except self-righteous indignation & defensiveness.

    Jake & Haley are such a divisive couple this season, unfortunately.

    Agreed--I go back and forth on each of them and have come to the obvious conclusion that they're a terrible match and also that I don't much like either of them anymore (I initially was more on his side till he over-reacted), even though I feel for them both.  They bring out the worst in each other.

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  19. 1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

    Nick Viall did just that, and he became the most hated dude in Bachelor history if not in the world, according to all the posts I read everywhere. He asked how he could be sent home after they had sex the night before. He just said what all of us had been thinking through the years. But oh my, the pearl clutching that went on after he said that OUT LOUD! (Well, and TPTB chose to air it.) And a new Bach Nation Villain was created.

    Not that I wouldn't like to see that happen after every FJ elimination. The speaking out, not the hate.

    Totally agree re the hypocrisy of the outrage that greeted Nick saying the unsayable.  But I think it was worse in his case because of the gender reversal--people thought he was being a wuss for being hurt that they had done "fiance stuff" before he was dumped, and it also seemed like he was shaming Andi.  I wonder if it would work differently if a female contestant called out a Bachelor for the same thing.

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  20. 12 hours ago, Sepalma23 said:

    I think Bri is absolutely stunning. Wish she were the Bachelorette 

    I thought she looked equally beautiful with no makeup the morning after her ritual sacrifice.

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  21. 10 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Haley is a product of her friend group, bet one of them suggested the fore mentioned ill advised red lipstick.

    Her large friends group act as her Greek chorus, the mirror that she holds up to compare and judge herself.

    Her hair trigger reflex to immediately look for flaws to dismiss men that she meets is her pre guessing how her friends will judge them.
    She susses men harshly in anticipation of her friends doing it when they meet each man and run them through the gauntlet....
    Her need for their approval paralyzes any common sense and intuition in picking men.

    MAFS picking her mate absolves her of yet another poor selection.

    Her best match would be the widow of one of the gal pals who had an early unfortunate, tragic death...dude is already vetted, he is part of the group and she wouldn’t have to stress over him knowing his place on the group dynamics.
    A Retread husband with pre approval is Haley’s dream spouse.

    The Haley and Jake match is cruel stunt casting, in the vein of Neil and Sam.

    There was a movie starring Julia Louis Dreyfuss and James Gandolfini called ENOUGH SAID, that was about exactly this!!! Julia passed on Gandolfini because she was worried about her friends' approval.  And then regretted it bitterly.  Of course JG was in my opinion infinitely hotter than either Jake or Neil.

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  22. 6 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I hope that's true, and it's not the every day that I'm actually fearing. 


    And if that is the problem, I hope you're right.  It could be that she's trying not to be cruel and advertise on national teevee that she thinks he's bad in bed, and didn't think to name something else that she claims turns her off.  It might drive the viewers crazy, but it would definitely be the high ground.


    I think it takes a certain type of head and features for white guys to pull off a shaved head, and I don't think Jake has them. 


    What got me was when he and his friend were talking, they couched it in terms of Virginia checking with Erik about her plans and seeing if it was okay.  I didn't like the "if it's okay"--it sounded more on the "permission" side than the "notifying" side.


    The man can't even afford a pair of socks!


    AND that he insists on keeping his shirt on during the BJ?  I'm really wanting to get to the bottom of this.


    Was it Brianna or Clara who was going to one of the housewarmings as a pinch hitter, and was having a beer before she went?  I bristled that her husband declined her offer of one, and then she said she didn't want to drink alone.  I hate that.  If drinking alone really bothers you that much, become friends with Virginia.  But if someone, anyone, says they don't want a drink right then, don't wheedle them into taking one. 

    (But I hate even more that I can't remember which one it was, so I know who to be mad at.)


    It was Haley.  Jake had earlier said she drank more than he did.

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