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Alexander Pope

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Posts posted by Alexander Pope

  1. On 8/17/2022 at 5:10 PM, kristen111 said:

    WOW .. Love the apartments and furnishings.  Chill out Statia.  She’s already giving Nate instructions where to put their stuff.  Go with the flow and don’t be a nag.  No wonder these marriages don’t last.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.

    good lord, Stacia, stay out of his cabinets and stop judging! also why do we have to have a decorative tray on the bed?  do we live in a hotel?

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  2. I would also add that this show's idea of "high fashion" for Rachel is so 80s! To me she looks like an Alexis Carrington wannabe with those big sleeves, or maybe more of a Krystal.

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  3. 3 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

    The Bachelorette stylist (Cary) is...not good. Katie was dressed horribly on her season, and Michelle only looked good because Michelle has the figure of a supermodel. A lot of the dresses he chooses do not flatter the women. From what I recall, Rachel dressed herself nicely on Clayton's season and Gabby did too. Now, Rachel is forced into anything high fashion regardless of whether or not it's flattering or suitable for the activity, and Gabby is often dressed like a (very cute) hooker. The thigh-high heeled boots with a short, tight leather skirt on a cobblestone street with a group of five men would have definitely given off some wrong impressions in Amsterdam. 

    I wish they'd just let the girls dress themselves again, they can't do any worse. 

    I'm chiming in here to agree fervently with all those who have pointed out the terrible fashion on this season.  Gabby usually does look a lot better than Rachel, but when she came down in a beige tshirt and jeans to tell the guys she'd broken up with Nate, I couldn't believe how revealing that shirt was.  No bra, total nip visibility--I'm amazed she eluded the infamous black box.

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  4. On 8/10/2022 at 6:07 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

    I like how Justin and Binh are developing a bro-ship though he shouldn’t have made a big deal out of Morgan’s missing credit.

    Justin is way too invested in Binh.  This guy has no boundaries I'm beginning to think.  He loves Binh almost as much as he loves Alexis.

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  5. 9 hours ago, Eulipian 5k said:

    In his crass way, Saul remarked to Walt that he chose Goodman because “some people want ‘one of the tribe’ as their lawyer.”


    As a member of the tribe myself, I am totally fine with that!

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  6. 2 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:

    It was the other way around--Saul (a Jew) converted to Paul and Christianity.  It would make sense that Jimmy chose the unredeemed name.

    I should add that I just remembered Jimmy's rationale for the name: "S's all good man!"  I wonder if it matters that to my ear Saul Goodman is a Jewish name.

  7. 9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Wasn’t Paul changed to Saul in the  Biblical conversion on the road to Damascus?  Hmmm…but since he’s Gene now that comparison might not be applicable.  Lol 

    It was the other way around--Saul (a Jew) converted to Paul and Christianity.  It would make sense that Jimmy chose the unredeemed name.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

    Am I the only one who was put off by Tino and his complaining that, because Rachel cancelled the date, he didn't "feel seen"?

    I just thought, at that moment, he had no idea why she cancelled the date.  She could have had a death in the family, for all he knew.  He didn't even ask, he just started talking about himself, and why it upset him.

    She should not have cancelled the date.  How ridiculous of her.  But Tino making it all about him, and then she pats him on the head and applauds his (most overused word) vulnerability.  

    So what did Rachel do all day?  Sit around her ship cabin, eating crackers & watching reruns?  What a waste of a day.  In Belgium.

    I was so annoyed with Rachel for cancelling the date that I thought Tino had a point, selfish as his way of putting it was.  But I agree, he should have asked first.

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  9. 13 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    There were 5 guys on the aborted date and Aven, so that’s six if I’m counting correctly.   Home town dates are at final 4 so Rachel doesn’t have many more cuts to make.  

    I never thought I would say this, but she is lucky she let Meatball come back--Meatball of all people!! She needed the cannon fodder. He didn't look half bad with his glasses on btw.

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  10. 14 hours ago, SassyCat said:

    I liked Jessies talk with Rachel. It was basically... Well Rachel.. it is what it is and is unpredictable who is going to be the one who is the one for you. Make the best of all that you do have going on good here and who knows.. you might end up happy after all. We don’t know what anyone is going to say, do or feel,  so what exactly do you think we can do about it? 

    I really liked Jesse in that moment.  The way he drew on his own experience as the bachelor put him a cut above Chris Harrison as a host for the first time in my book.

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  11. On 8/5/2022 at 9:31 AM, canaanite2 said:

    Unfortunately, I think it's because they know there are women in the audience who enjoy seeing another woman suffer, especially if that suffering woman is young and pretty and seems to "have it all." I would hope the percentage of female audience members who feel this way is dwindling with every season, but as long as they keep playing this card, that means there's still a good number out there watching. 

    This is a very interesting point.  It makes me think though that over time the producers have become much more sexist.  Emily would never have been humiliated like this and her season was a big hit as I recall.  Women also enjoy watching strong women who take no crap have handsome men fight over them.

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  12. I am having issues with Alexis.  I think she absolutely loves how much Justin is  "in love" with and into her while also very reasonably not feeling on the same page.  I don't think anyone can love Alexis as much as she loves herself.  She doesn't feel quite real to me in their scenes together.  And that whole conversation with Stacia where she immediately started talking about her own dad, and then apologizing for saying she knew her dad, was unnecessarily awkward. Something is not right with that one and I fear she will break Justin's heart.

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  13. 46 minutes ago, TomGirl said:

    And then make out with her.

    As they would say in the eighteenth century, she has no conversation.  Gabby is Madame de Stael next to Rachel!

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  14. 10 minutes ago, phlebas said:

    It's insane.  I lost my own dog a few weeks ago, and you couldn't have dragged me away from her once I realized her time was near.  I do not get it.

    I assume Hayden is a major pri--.... okay, got it.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our dog in March and are still not over it.  Hayden is not worthy of his dog and it is ironic that he calls women bitches so cavalierly.

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  15. 13 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    If Hayden loves his dying dog so much, why is he here?  And why did he bring a photo album of pictures of his dying dog?   Of course she is uncomfortable.    Send him home.  Now.   Plus he is a jerk.  

    Nothing is more romantic than telling your date that your dog's head suddenly caved in from a brain tumor!!

    and nothing says asshole more than leaving the creature you claim to love more than anyone else in the world while they're dying.

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  16. 7 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    I am guessing Mitch thought the matching shirts were juvenile, which, they kind of are, but has he ever seen this show? He's a turd, but he's also 41 - contrast him with Nate throwing the shirt on and jumping in the tub in excitement - comparatively Mitch already comes across as a persnickety codger....

    It drove me crazy that Nate jumped in that beautiful tub with his dirty shoes on!!!

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  17. 1 minute ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Ah but you've hit on what has long been one of the biggest issues with this whole franchise's format. It's not mutual because the power is all in the lead's hand who can decide at any point to eliminate someone. And sometimes the contestants, not wanting to be eliminated, worry about being too honest if god forbid they think or feel something the lead may not like or want to hear. 

    Which is exactly what happened there, as you mentioned. If the point is for both of these women to have a journey and hopefully find someone they want to be with and wants to be with them, then yes, it's absolutely reasonable for the guys to be honest if their feelings is stronger for one versus the other. 

    But honestly, as one who didn't really watch Clayton's season much, other than the Finale and only had a few cursory glances of this season, Rachel is giving me heavy insecure vibes. And so for her, the guys being honest is automatically code for, "I'm not good enough, why don't they want me, etc." versus, "okay, maybe they feel more compatible with Gabby.," 

    I totally agree about Rachel's insecurity.  But she and Gaby are insecure in different ways.  Gaby is clearly wounded by her history with her mother and carries a lot of pain and insecurity as a result.  She can be very articulate and insightful about the men's behavior (and I remember too that she was super effective when she told Clayton to take a hike last season) and it's clear that she is in therapy and needs to stay in therapy IMO.  She was really treated horribly by both Jacob and Hayden who confirmed her fear that she was just unlovable.  When Jacob said he would leave if she were the only bachelorette, I was incensed.  Hayden was no better, that patronizing asshole.  

    Rachel on the other hand just seems to want to make out.  She has no interest in conversation.  She wants to skip all that and connect instantly (as her dumping of Jordan or whomever he was last week demonstrates).  So in her mind a simple and polite no--which was a heck of a lot more than Gaby got from Hayden or Jacob--is a major diss.  I am giving Rachel side-eye, while I really feel for Gaby.  And I also felt for Erich who had no idea how to handle that avalanche of insecurity and sadness from Gaby on a first date. I hope he is nice enough to understand.

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  18. 36 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    Mitch's translation of "maybe I'll like her when she's in sweats and a ponytail" is basically him saying that he is not physically attracted to her.

    The funny thing is that we have had some terrible grooms on this show but all of them were polite enough to say that the bride looked nice on her wedding day. This includes the grooms that were obviously disappointed. Some brides have commented that they were not initially attracted to their husbands, though.

    It is very strange that he seemed not to give her even a small compliment on her appearance but is gushing to the mom about how beautiful SHE is.

    Krysten seems like a nice woman and I hope she does not get her heart broken (again😞).

    Having now watched this to the end, I can add that Mitch seemed more enthusiastic about how Miguel looked when he ran into him in the bathroom than he did about how his wife looked.  Also he was super vain about how women have "been aggressive with him before" when talking about the possibility of sex on his wedding night, and speaks about himself in the third person.  I thought I couldn't hate him more but now I hate him more.

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  19. On 7/20/2022 at 6:16 PM, mythoughtis said:

    Mitch is ruining his wedding day with all this natural  stuff.  She got all dolled up for him and he’s insulting her for it 

    when she told him he looked beautiful at the altar and he didn't say the same to her I wanted to punch him through my screen.  I wanted to punch him some more when he complained constantly about her heels and dress and makeup ON HER WEDDING DAY.  Is he from Mars??? Even Emelia from New Orleans got dressed up for her wedding!  Agree as well that he was rude in not giving her his coat.  I can't remember when I have disliked a person on this show more.  What a douche.

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  20. 8 minutes ago, Katie111 said:

    Rachel just comes across very fake to me.  Like every word she says is planned.  It’s not that I think she’s fake in real life, I just think she has no spontanaity with the cameras around.  She sounds like a teacher in front of her class.  

    I agree that the red dress was not flattering on her at all, nor was the cocktail party dress with the cutout in the back.  And why do these parties seem so short?  There are two of them, each guy should at least be able to talk to one of them in the time allowed.  How much time does this “drama” take up?  Or is it that they have to re-film it multiple times so it takes up half the night. 

    the illusion netting on the black cocktail party dress she wore to the rose ceremony was TRAGIC.

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  21. 1 hour ago, rlc said:

    This two bachelorette thing is going to get very messy very soon. Gabby is probably a better bachelorette than Rachel because she is less intense and more at ease speaking to the contesticles. She also seems fun, and like she is smarter than she wants people to believe she is. Rachel seems very nice, but she reminds me of Andi Dorfman in her mopiness and intensity. 

    Agreed!! Also: Gaby is a much better/sexier dresser than Rachel! What Rachel wore to the post-group date party looked like an office dress gone "sexy."  Drab olive green shirt dress for a cocktail party--what was she thinking?  And the red sequined mini with spaghetti straps she wore to the one on one with the guy she dumped did her no favors, nor did her makeup.  Also: Gaby is about five years older than Rachel and a heck of a lot more sophisticated.  She can handle these guys and keep things light (manic nodding aside, though that combined with the joker grin probably works on them and she knows it), while Rachel is in it for LOVE.  I am already worried for Rachel.

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  22. On 7/11/2022 at 7:07 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Of course Mike and his cleanup crew make Howard’s death look like a coke binge suicide. I wonder if his wife will even care enough to question it. Both him and Lalo being buried in the lab was creepy; seems unfair that Howard’s final indignity is sharing his final resting place with his killer.

    I think Mike felt the same way about Howard's end.  His face when he was looking at the two bodies facing each other in fetal position in the same grave spoke volumes.  Jonathan Banks earned an Emmy last night too IMO.

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  23. 1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

    I’m guessing it ramps up when the guys start picking sides/Bachelorettes.   Only so long can the guys stay in one undifferentiated blob.  The only question for me is whether the Bachelorettes pick and choose or the guys do.  

    Looks to me like the women can give the bachestants a rose but they can refuse, and often do!

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