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Everything posted by ali59

  1. I can't stop thinking about what happened between Vic & Eamonn. She just sat there stunned when he flew off the handle about her telling Walt about their relationship. She let him turn this on her. Why wasn't she mad at him for making her think he wanted a relationship and then treating her like a one night stand. I wanted to like him and I wanted to like the two of them together but he destroyed that for me. Come on Vic, stand up for yourself!
  2. Mitzi is awesome. I really liked watching her whole episode. I loved her 9 month weigh in outfit!! Yellow and grey are so pretty together. Anyone know what brand those capris might be? I just did a little looking and the pants could be these: http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=63257896&page=2&cp=4406646.4413874.4413879.4414447&categoryId=4414771
  3. Litnit: I couldn't agree more! I belong to a page on Facebook dedicated to curvy runners. There are women there who weigh much more than Jenn did at that point and they run halfs and full marathons on a regular basis. It was probably do more to her lack of proper training than her weight.
  4. One of Amber's reasons for going home was to continue bonding with Bryce's son. How was she supposed to that and stay away from Bryce at the same time?
  5. When are they going to provide these poor women with proper sports bras? It's painful to watch their tatas bouncing up and down!
  6. Whoever is voting for Chris needs to stop it, right now!
  7. Did anyone else have a tough time with Super Bowl food? I was talking with my Physicians Assistant today about it. She asked me what I ate so I told her. We decided that it wasn't really what I ate so much as how much of it I ate. Thinking back I could have been happy eating half of what I did. This was really the first time that my husband and I "partied" on our own. I learned a valuable lesson. Even when eating fun party foods, portion control is crucial! I've been working really hard this week to lose the pounds I gained last weekend. I also signed up for 3 5K races! Call me crazy!
  8. I really think it's the way Sonya is built. She does not have an hourglass figure and probably never will. She has a boxy figure and will probably always look that way. I thought she looked great in the silver dress. It was an appropriate length and her shoes were an appropriate height, unlike many of the hooker style dresses and shoes other women were wearing (Brook, I'm looking at you.) While I'm on a fashion kick, I hated the white sequined dress Jen was wearing. It looked extremely heavy and added like 20 pounds to her figure. Jesse looked fantastic but Dolvette looked like he was stuffed into that awful striped suit. And finally, thank goodness Bob wasn't wearing diaper pants!
  9. Rob is extremely knock-kneed. As I've been losing weight, I've been terrified that I would be knock-kneed. Thank goodness I'm not! Thank goodness Rob didn't win. Go Toma! I'm pretty disappointed with the overall weight loss for most of the contestants. I don't know if it's the backlash from last season or what.
  10. I watched the premier and it was okay. I'm just not sure how many times I can hear "I'm (fill in the blank) so why would I do that?" before I have to vomit.
  11. I can completely sympathize with Sonya. I was not raised by a mom who paid any attention whatsoever to fashion and beauty. As a result, I have no idea how to do stuff. I rarely wear makeup or get my hair done. Shopping for clothes and knowing how to build a wardrobe of flattering styles is completely foreign to me. I don't know if this was how Sonya was raised but it seems as though it might be. In my case, not having this knowledge can lead to self esteem issues. When I'm in a group of women who look all put together, I feel very dowdy and out of place. I think that if I had to opportunity that Sonya has of getting a makeover and probably some education in that department, my self esteem would jump by leaps and bounds. I'm so happy for Sonya and I think she looks stunning. She was always beautiful in my eyes.
  12. Yes he did except for the really bad comb-over! Dude, you'll look younger and sexier if you just accept the bald and shave off the comb-over!
  13. That description sounds more like Gilligan's Island than The Biggest Loser!
  14. I have to agree with realdancemom. This season is taking forever! It's really hard to stay interested or even remember what's happened in past episodes. I like watching the whole episode later on Hulu.
  15. I know Bob thinks himself on the cutting edge of clothing and all but those were just butt-ugly! Not only were they high-waters, they also had that big baggy crotch thing going on. Very unbecoming . . . for any body type.
  16. I hear ya! I live in an apartment building. The hallway right outside my door is .12 of a mile for one full lap. I walk out there all the time! Sometimes when it's nice I'll walk outside but not often. I love having that right there! I can walk anytime of the day or night.
  17. I don't usually EVER sympathize with Rob but on this occasion I must. Being a very pale skinned person myself and having suffered from sunstroke in Hawaii, I can understand his feeling uncomfortable. I moved from New England to Hawaii and right away stayed out too long in the tropical sun. I was as sick as a dog. Other than that though, suck it up Rob! I agree with the poster who said that he would probably gain the weight back.
  18. As of today's weigh-in, I'm only 1.5 pounds away from losing 100 pounds since Feb 15, 2014. I can't wait for next Friday to actually see it happen. The next big marker will be entering Onederland!!
  19. In my opinion, part of the rediculousness of this show is that the contestants remove their shoes before they get on the scale but are still wearing a ton of jewelry. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? When I weigh myself I take off everything. The only reason I'm still wearing my glasses is so I can read what the scale says otherwise I'd take those off too!
  20. I've had to figure out a new schedule for exercise since I started working. At first I though I should work out after work because it would make me too tired to work. That didn't really work. I'd get home and be too tired and sore to walk. So I started walking before work and it seems to be working much better. I was at a sort of stand still until this last weigh-in on Friday. I'm only 9 pounds away from losing 100 pounds and 24 pounds away from Onederland!!
  21. Non-food rewards can be very motivating! I like the x-ing out the days idea. There are also other things like a pedicure after losing a certain amount or something of that nature. My husband and I are planning to have a big shopping spree in April at LLBean. We'll have been working on this weight for 14 months and will have nothing that fits anymore. For me, that can be very motivating! Here's a list of 50 non food rewards: Give yourself permission to take a nap. Visit the library or bookstore all by yourself. Have a guilt-free home spa afternoon. Sleep in! Take a selfie to celebrate your progress. Spend an hour away from your phone or computer. Eat lunch outside or at least away from your desk. Clean out your closet and donate all your too-big clothes to charity. Post your progress on social media (or SparkPeople) so your friends can celebrate with you. Take a bubble bath. Drive to a beautiful neighborhood or park to walk instead of taking your usual walking route. Use smiley face or star stickers to note milestones on a wall calendar hung in a prominent place. Make your own ribbon or trophy. Make or buy a refrigerator magnet with a motivational quote. Take a vacation day from work to do whatever you want! Unwind with a movie of your choice. Plan a night out with your friends. Buy a lottery ticket. Subscribe to a fitness or healthy cooking magazine. Get a new driver's license photo. (Don't lie about your weight.) Download a new fitness app for your phone. Buy a new workout song. Get yourself a bottle of fancy shower gel or lotion. Pick up a new plant for your garden. Invest in some moisture-wicking workout socks. Get fitted for a new sports bra. Try a new shade of nail polish. Get some new shades for outdoor exercise. Come home with a bouquet of flowers. Try a fresh hair color. Buy a small personal blender for smoothies and protein shakes. Order a pair of high-end wireless headphones. Invest is a fitness tracker to motivate you even more. Sign up for a charity walk or running event. Splurge on some nice yoga pants. Go for a mani/pedi. Treat yourself to a massage! Take a cooking class to up your game. Get a new hairstyle. Get fitted for workout shoes at a running store. Go for a flashy piercing or tattoo! Start a charm bracelet. Get your rings resized to fit your smaller fingers. Plan a weekend getaway with your significant other. Adopt a dog so you'll always have a walking buddy. Hire someone to clean your house so you have more time to hit the gym. Try a fun exercise class like Zumba or pole fitness. Book a session with a personal trainer. Schedule a professional portrait shoot. Two words: Dream vacation!
  22. I got the results from my most recent labs and they are fantastic. No more diabetes, no more high blood pressure and no more borderline cholesterol. My doc is keeping me on the meds though because she says they are a great combination for keeping things good. I asked her about going off the meds altogether and she said that sometimes she'll do that but in general she likes the preventativeness that they provide. I said that's fine with me!
  23. Like a better fitting bra! I remember her and her annoying way of speaking and the crappy boobage area. I'm a large busted woman and really hate seeing women with poor fitting bras. For the love of all that's holy, get a professional fitting. You can afford it! That haircut was nothing to write home about. Some spanx wouldn't have hurt either!
  24. Does anyone else have trouble hearing the dialog on this show? I have my volume dialed almost all the way up and still have a hard time. The characters seem to whisper a lot. Frustrating!
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