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Everything posted by TomGirl

  1. Van, I also thought the thing in Andi's bikini top was a microphone.
  2. Otto, I think I read somewhere that it's supposed to be set in 2030. The actress who plays the therapist, isn't she Jamie's sister Lisa from Mad About You? Love her!
  3. "She looked like a sequined bag of Russet potatoes with earrings." Hilarious, Betty! I actually thought she looked pretty good, but your comment still cracked me up.
  4. I'm all for portraying both gay and straight relationships with equal respect and importance, but statistically speaking, the girl-on-girl relationships here are increasing at quite a clip. Emily, Maya, Paige, Allison, Jenna, Shana ..... It's a lot!
  5. How is it that Kristen and Josh are not totally humiliated by playing out their marital problems on national television? Both act badly, but I'm far more on Kristen's side than Josh's. I don't know how she's lasted 10 years with the guy. I wouldn't last ten minutes. Jerk.
  6. Jackie: "Dad's dead! He's dead! DEAD! He sends his love!"
  7. I don't generally like to criticize a kid's appearance, but the child playing Miguel is neither appealing nor a good actor. The baby playing Tucker, on the other hand, is about the cutest kid I've ever seen. They mentioned on this episode that he's "trying to talk" and how cute that is. I'm wondering if he'll babble something that reflects badly on Peri, maybe resulting in Spence getting full custody.
  8. I found this show really disappointing. The cast is marvelous, the writing clever and the delivery of lines spot-on, but the whole thing felt dated, like something from the 1970s when it would have been edgy and daring. I found myself getting bored about 20 minutes in, and when a show can't even hold my interest for 30 minutes, that's not a good sign. Still, the opening of the drapes was almost worth watching the entire show.
  9. I sure hope the little boy in that statue washes his hands after every pis.
  10. "Are youa here for a righta reason?" Judy, you slay me! Will you accept this rose?
  11. I loved every scene with Louis, especially when he threw his arms around Jessica after getting the corner office. RH is such a talented actor.
  12. Loved the dialogue between Carole and I-forget-who about how they were looking forward to Montana because "I haven't had a vacation in ages... except the Hamptons, of course.... and the Berkshires.... and of course Saratoga, that was fun." Puhleeze! Does anyone know the name of the resort/dude ranch they stayed at in Montana?
  13. June Squibb reminded me of Roseanne Barr in that role, minus Roseanne's distinctive voice.
  14. Wow, Marquel really broke my heart tonight when her got choked up over the racial slur.
  15. Random thoughts: Why was it fair to have five on one basketball team and six on the other? How could the team with six not win? I think Marquel is charming and adorable, but I can't see anything between him and Andi. Does anyone else think they might be encouraging Andi to keep him around as long as possible so he won't seem like the totally token non-white that he is? Speaking of other guys I can't see Andi picking, there's one (can't remember who) who wears a cross around his neck. Andi is Jewish. I can easily see a Jewish woman picking a non-Jewish guy, but not an overtly religious one. And speaking of still other guys I can't see her picking, I just don't see "Iowa farmer" on her wish list. That said, I think Chris seems like one of the nicest, most genuine, most mature men there. I loved the way he put an arm around Dylan during his sob story confession.
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