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Everything posted by CindyBee

  1. I think this cast has run its course (and the producers know it) so I'm not sure if I'll be tuning in for their new season next year. I'll miss Walt and his talking head bits but I don't think one person is enough to get me to tune in. But I do plan on giving the newbies a chance, starting tonight.
  2. From what little I've read about the rumored final 4, Whitney would indeed be a good "winner". Would be the second season in a row that the final 1 is a nurse.
  3. And I totally thank them for that cause I only watch the Bachelor for the crazy.
  4. I believe the comment on Reality Steve's site about Jade for the reasons listed above. I guess for someone who wants to be "famous" all the bad press coming her way won't bother her at all. She'll probably love the attention!
  5. I bet Jade goes out tonight at the final 4 rose ceremony. But then the producers might want her for the fantasy suite dates so I might be wrong. What a trainwreck this season is going to be with the tabloids all over Jade's past come January.
  6. I think a look at the rest of the first year of married life for Jason/Cortney and Doug/Jamie has potential. And I agree, anything shared on social media should be considered a spoiler, especailly since Jamie has zero filter and loves to spill everything.
  7. I hope Cortney is not pregnant yet but I wouldn't be surprised since they seemed so vague about their birth control plans during filming. And I bet Jamie is hoping she isn't pregnant either as I get the vibe that Jamie plans on having the first "Married at first sight" kiddo.
  8. Michelle put a longer clip of Brielle & Cody in the surf up on her facebook page last night and yes, it was at Casa BiP. I guess Brielle was flown down to Mexico at the end of the taping to be reunited with Michelle and at that point she wanted the two to meet. FWIW, they seem pretty happy 2 months post show but who knows if they can last long term.
  9. I was just about to say that too. Love the end credits and blooper reel. Guess Cody training Chris will be a clip in the first episode come January. Hope to see everyone then for more craziness!!
  10. I can't believe Marcus did that after being "in love" with Andi a few weeks before this.
  11. Robert seems like a good guy be he was soooo not into Sarah.
  12. Hope her daughter skips this part. And Sarah's monotone voice is driving me nuts!
  13. I know! Poor guy, having to put out to get a chance in the real world!
  14. Couldn't someone help poor Lacy with her makeup for the overnight date??! And I'm now yelling at the TV every time Michelle mentions being a mother: YES WE KNOW!!!!
  15. So wait, that's it for Zack & Jackie and Tasos & Christy, a five second goodbye?!? And stupid editors just gave away Michelle's decision with that coming up clip.
  16. I know I shouldn't feel bad for AshLee but a small bit of me does. Oh well, back to the bachelor/ette dating circuit for her.
  17. Michelle is such a good little worker bee, making sure to drive the drama that the producers want and need! Oh that's terrible that football is on. Saw on twitter that's its Detroit and NYC ABC affliates that aren't showing BiP.
  18. I think there will be some small changes to the format but I don't expect anything major as Fleiss and company seem to really like the existing format. Maybe they'd make it where if you are asked out on a date, you have to go.
  19. I feel a tad bit sad that tonight is the finale of Bachelor in Paradise. Have really enjoyed those that were there for the "right" reasons, those that were there for "wrong" reasons and most of all, the great fun the editors had with all the crazy! So I'm going to pour myself a big ole glass of wine tonight and toast the official end of summer!
  20. Jesse Kovacs was in Jillian's final 5 and actually came off quite "normal" that season. At least he didn't bother me at all but then Wes was the main wrong reasons guy that season so who knows what Jesse was really like. He really went downhill when he showed up on Bachelor Pad, had sex with Elizabeth and then made her cry. Alot. Since then he's been on the reunion circuit and meeting lots of ladies. At least Elizabeth found herself another guy from the reject pile (Ty Brown) and now is married.
  21. If I remember correctly from Reality Steve's blog about the season's spoilers, the handcuffs were just the group playing around and seeing who could get themselves out of them the fastest and the blood came from Marcus (I think it was him) cutting his toe open.
  22. Its her ex-husband's last name that Michelle has. Can't remember his first name but Mr. Money does exist.
  23. Sarah sticking with Robert really killed the Brooks story line so now we are stuck with Jackie/Zack/Brooks triangle which is a snooze fest.
  24. I thought the same thing, too. Don't remember him being that cute on Andi's season.
  25. I think Robert peed all around Sarah not cause he really has any feelings but cause he wants to beat Brooks.
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