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  1. Ugh, I was disappointed that the serial killer’s mom didn’t get killed. I wanted the daughter to kill her. I was rooting for it. Reformed my ass. You don’t come back from pimping out your own daughter. Even if the daughter got killed immediately afterward, at least her last act would have been a satisfying balancing of the scales!
  2. Ok. I’ll admit it. I cried.
  3. This episode had one of my least favorite tropes - cop gives a citizen their card and tells them to call, but is then annoyed and put out when they actually call. SIR??? Don’t give the upset old woman your card and specifically point out that your cell number is on it if you don’t want her calling your cell.
  4. Yes! As much as I love Natalie Morales, I can’t STAND Beltran.
  5. There's something that's always stuck with me, that I heard Jonathan Decker say (therapist who is part of the Cinema Therapy and Mended Light YouTube channels). He said that there is one thing that every single person who has ever take their own life has in common - they held on for as long as they possibly could. Maybe not as long as people on the outside looking in thought they should be able to. But absolutely as long as they were able to. 💔
  6. Gwen is the one I am really worried about. She, Gabe, and Garrison were “the triplets” growing up. That’s a huge part of her core identity that has been destabilized. Also, I know from personal experience that we neurodivergent people don’t always express our grief in a way that makes sense to people, so we sometimes don’t get the kind of support we need. 💔
  7. The Nick drama was less tedious than I expected it to be. I am seriously not ready for next week. 😢
  8. I've been waiting for Royal Pains to start again somewhere since it disappeared from Peacock. Thanks for the heads up!
  9. Just wanted to pop in and say that They have recently started posting on their YouTube channel again.
  10. Catching up on the show now, and I’m watching this episode currently. During the conversation with the first victim’s dad, he was saying…I always knew she was dead. The cops insisted all this time that she was only missing, but I knew she was dead. Dude! Her body was in HER HOUSE! It has been there the entire two years she was “missing.” What kind of crack investigative team do they have heading up missing persons investigations in her neck of the woods? A simple wellness check call could have taken care of that. Also, did the dad have some phobia of planes? He was SO concerned that not once in two years did he think…hey, lemme go have a little look see myself. Lastly, if she had enough cash in her bank account for her bills to keep getting paid for two years, apparently occasional freelance travel writing pays better than you would think. Maybe she has the same agent as Carrie Bradshaw! 😁
  11. Yeah, I’m just not going to have time to dive into them until this weekend! 😁
  12. I saw the first two episodes of season two in the theater last night. No spoilers, but suffice it to say they were INTENSE! And I am REALLY excited for the rest of the season!!
  13. I could not stop laughing any time a character said “Chauncey Telluride” with a straight face. 🤣
  14. Ugh, Nichelle’s dad! For someone who clearly considers himself classy, he doesn’t have enough class to be courteous to his host as an invited guest in someone’s home. Also? Nichelle and Hondo are adults. Not your business, sir! Team Hondo.
  15. I bet Fields Market (a real grocery store) was excited to be namechecked in the script and have it plainly said that they buy illegal produce. They’re like…we agreed to rent out the location for the day, not have our entire supply chain practice maligned! 🤣
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