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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. 😂 LLOL! Literally laughing out loud. Love your observation.
  2. I completely agree. Evangalynn hurts my heart, as Evangeline is a beautiful, classic and unusual enough name, it didn’t need that dumb spellingk to make it unique. And trying to pass the ‘ga’ sound off as ‘jah’. No Maddie and Caleb. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go directly to naming jail.
  3. Omg that’s truly awful! I actually can’t believe those parents actually saddled that poor child with that embarrassing name! Some people don’t deserve children honestly. It’s really not difficult to name a child something non-offensive. Personally I’m a big believer in classic normal names, though I do admit some newer creations are nice. I think the worst are the parents who go kreative and younique on the spellingk of perfectly nice normal classic names. *Evangalynn*cough*Evangeline*cough*. You are just saddling your child with a lifetime of correcting, spelling out and explaining to people why it’s spelt differently. That gets old real quick.
  4. Yet when I saw that bowl of greasy, sloppy, brown and orange sludge mess, I was actually congratulating her, for her correct usage of the word ‘literally’ into her breakfast. There’s that saying ‘You are what you eat’ right? I see the resemblance here.
  5. Finally! A newsletter of hers, I wish to subscribe too! Sign me up please@Mahamid Frauded Me ETA- oh my apologies, I just see now it’s a blog not a newsletter, so I’ll have to check back periodically for woke updates myself. True Brown style that, make everyone else do the work.
  6. Well they are Christine’s kids so they should be nothing if not ’kreative’ with spellingk. Aside from the two you mentioned, there’s always Kodeigh, Kodie, Cody and god knows how many other variants they can dream up, E-vaginal-an’ Kootie Brush. Sounds like a slang name for a newly invented little device to effectively clean pubic lice off your neither regions.
  7. Evangalynn Kodi. Holy mother of badly butchered name! I actually like the name Evangeline, but this is a shocker of a cringeworthy spellingk to me. And then to go and add Kodi into this already questionable moniker, speechless.
  8. I feel like there should be by now. It feels like the longest pregnancy ever.
  9. I bet those pants instantly smelt like stale sweat, Mexican spice mix and general lethargy. Pity the unsuspecting recipient who receives that pre-worn pair.
  10. The little knot thing...honestly so ridiculous. What is the point? Why not just buy (or model) the correct friggen size T-shirt, so you don’t have to look like you’re sporting a tiny little strap-on penis?
  11. Agree, I rag on Christine occasionally, but I feel like she truly is the only one who lives by her opening line of ‘wanted the fambily not just the man’. She always seemed the most family oriented and had the most to do with all her ‘bonus kids’ and now in turn, her bonus grandchildren. Can you imagine Meri offering to do anything with Axel? (not that Maddie or Janelle would probably let her) but she’d never even think to offer, unless it was for a photo op to use him to sell Lulahellno.
  12. I know, they’re much more gracious than I’d be in their position. 😆 I’d be like ‘We’ll throw you another vegan hotdog if you delete this heinous picture associating us with you please?’ I guess any business is good business though and by the look of the rainbow emoji they’re known to each other.
  13. I’m genuinely curious as to who is influenced to buy a hotdog from this picture. Surely nobody looks at this and goes ‘ohhh this all looks visually appealing!’ If I was the business owner and she was promoting my place while looking all unwashed and greasy with her lazy dirty hair, overdone grin and her roly thighs on display from having her feet on my restaurant chair like this, I’d be asking her to kindly ‘influence’ elsewhere.
  14. She looks sweaty, orange, grey-haired and that hot dog looks like mold. Then there’s the whale blubber leg from the lunatic-looking pose. Why would you even post this? I just don’t know who wants to see this? This doesn’t make me want a vegan hotdog or to subscribe to her ‘newsletter’. She is completely devoid of self-respect & self-awareness which is ironic, given all the blather about herself.
  15. Same here, I love being part of this Cynical/Crazy-Old-Ladies-Against-Brown Stupidity (COLABS club 😉) as for such dull people, the Brown’s make for such entertaining discussion. No one else I know watches their dud show (plus I’d be probably be too embarrassed to admit I do in real life), so I can’t debrief or discuss my hate-watching of them with anyone but this forum.
  16. Exactly. Her and Mariah (along with Kody) are the most insufferable, selfish, self-important, arrogant and unlikable personalities in this whole family. I can actually tolerate Janelle’s laughable cluelessness and Christine’s ditziness and even Robyn’s stealth back-stabby tendencies, but I cannot stomach those two and their ‘me-me-me’ attitudes. They have always been happy taking their lions share of the family pot in the past, when Janelle brought the majority pay-check but I’d guarantee Meri contributes F.A earnings back to the family budget and the mothering of the younger kids now. As long as Mariah (and her 8 spirit babies) got their (no morning sun) McMansion bedrooms, she couldn’t give a fat rat’s about the other kids or family members needs.
  17. She did too! obviously she applies it to her own ‘marriage’ and continues to ‘suck it up’ and stay in a loveless fourway for the TLC money (and doubtfully for celestial afterlife or whatever they supposedly believe in), she needs to take her own on advice on how to deal with criticism also.
  18. Add me to the pile on feeling no remorse for the critical analysis. The posts above have said it perfectly, you put yourself out there in reality form for financial gain, you reap what you sow. All they will get if they read here, is the anti-sycophant fan opinion, on their public persona’s they present. People WILL analyse you if you choose that route of income, so make sure you have a strong conviction in your choices. Her defensive post is a typical Meri wall tantrum to convince herself she’s confident and unbothered by backlash (clearly not the case), it’s dual purpose is to berate those who question her or have a different opinion. The better defense is actually to have conviction in your choices and ignore the hate you’ll inevitably receive. She is NOT a strong personality who is cut out for public life (as we’ve seen time again by the shows adult tantrums, the catfishing and the inability to live harmoniously with people, or ignore negativity). This is the life she chose, so she needs to suck it up and quietly accept that not everyone will agree with it or your choices, or she’ll never be truly happy. My main issue with Meri, is the pyramid scheme and her promoting it as a legitimate business, which it’s not, and the reality is all of her downline and most others will lose their money to help her gain. I’m happy for her with the legit B&B business that’s great, but the Lulahellno is making herself rich at her fans own expense and I don’t tolerate that. The Browns have been involved with these life-ruining ‘businesses’ since day dot, their minor fame only gives them a platform to climb the pyramid and be the 1% that makes money from everyone else. It has always been the plan B to supplement the show income. Be involved quietly - ok your loss, but you bring this crap into the public eye to promote and recruit impressionable fans (and your kids!), you lost all favor with me and deserve to be roasted.
  19. If you really wonder, I’m sure those were the ‘bad boys’ she linked in her ‘newsletter’. Uh oh looks like you may need to subscribe 😆
  20. Same. I noticed they do yoga classes... she’s not on the schedule as a teacher though (thank goodness as that would be a kick in the face for actual teachers with years of experience). It also did say on the braggy timetable, she’s putting in 7 hours a day there, which would suggest salesperson to me. Assuming she hasn’t been promoted to anything more due to her tv status and following, I’m actually going to give her small credit for getting an actual job here and with a legit company not an MLM. Lululemon do amazing quality workout gear I agree with @DakotaJustice. She’s also borrowed her entire set of core values from their marketing material, so it’s a good match. Now if she could fully exit Lulahellno and educate herself and Audrey about the perils of pyramid schemes, maybe she’ll have a fighting chance of a genuinely successful life.
  21. Standing ovation 👏🏻 Totally agree, if she was truly confident she’d just go with her selection and not read the comments or give a fat rats fanny what people thought of it! Obviously she read the reaction comments and had a Meri style tantrum slamming the doors and deleting the post. If that wasn't bad enough though, she slinks back into Instagram a few hours later and defiantly puts the least offensive picture back up with a ‘fuck you all, my walls are up’ rant. Like, seriously woman, learn how to take criticism, you’re in the public eye, you’re not always going to be liked (or have your outfits liked). Learn to be gracious and shrug it off, instead of having an adult tantrum when people don’t like your choices.
  22. I know it’s bizarre right? I can’t believe it either. I even feel like I somehow made an error while checking last time, but I feel like that’s a lot of people to get wrong and I double checked so much when writing that last post, but also Janelle and Maddie’s official accounts definitely still don’t follow her so I know I’ve checked it right. l can only guess they must have someone in the family who somehow saw it and told the rest of them and Kody made sure it was fixed as it’s bad for business? How else would it happen? Again just assumptions though, who knows!
  23. On the topic of them reading these forums )and relating to my previous post), well well well, guess I just noticed who suddenly now follows Meri a week later? If it isn’t Kody, Robyn, and Christine, Paedon, Gwendolyn, Mitch, Truly and Tony! Miraculous. Still no Janelle or Maddie or Caleb. Looks like they weren’t in on that family meeting or they REALLY hate her 😆
  24. Gosh darn it, I feel so honored we got a (indirect) mention 😂
  25. OMG 🤭 it’s back up ( well one shot is) with a snarky message. Looks like she’s been seething about it not being well received for a few hours
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