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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. If I were Christine, I would avoid getting a poodle, too much of a reminder of Kody's curly locks. 😉.
  2. I have a feeling Jen will describe her new digs in a different way: total square feet of the prison, 500+ rooms (each a master suite), lots and lots of acreage, kitchen staff, gated community, keyed entrance with attendant, includes a safe room...
  3. Rinna left Crystal's party early because she couldn't narrate her version of the Aspen story with Kathy in attendance. She blamed it on PTSD, when the truth is she has acted far more aggressively than what she described Kathy as doing. When the ladies were at Erika's Hair launch, Kathy wasn't there, so Rinna had the audience she wanted without Kathy disputing parts of the story. She was able to say anything she wanted and continued to embellish the story, especially since Kyle wasn't there either. Kathy went on an apology tour, but Rinna won't accept it, because she wants everything Kathy said to come out. It doesn't matter to Rinna that Kathy regrets those comments, nor that the comments could hurt others. As long as Kathy gets brought down, Rinna is going to keep at it. Who's got the black heart, Rinna? (If the comments truly were homophobic or racist, then I wouldn't defend Kathy at all. But, those accusations didn't come up at the beginning, and it's making me question the narrative...)
  4. My husband is the same. He says, "Give them five minutes and they will be yelling at each other." He doesn't watch it with me, but I guess it doesn't take much observation to come to this conclusion! 😂
  5. This episode just proves that Chef Ryan is a complete ass and will never be happy or pleasant. If the guests want an elevated menu, he complains that they are wannabes. If they request something in his wheelhouse, like Mexican cuisine which he has made before as his choice, he says they are wasting his talents on basic food. After many requests by the captain to jazz up his presentations, he finally puts a few flowers on the cheese plate and then throws blame when the guests did not eat the appetizers. He makes no effort at all, as evidenced by his high tea offerings (loved the comment that it more closely resembled a kid's birthday party) and chocolate fountain (just strawberries and marshmallows??). I'm glad the tip was not affected by his failings, because the others worked hard (barring Magda) to provide good service the rest of the charter. Bye, Ryan, will not miss you!
  6. If "reality shows" presented the reality of what is happening in their characters' lives, ratings would skyrocket. Instead they produce manufactured storylines, sanitized interactions and fake personalities. We all have to figure out what is really happening through clues and small gaps in their presentations- such as Robyn being the favored wife. Can you imagine if the series had captured everyone's true feelings all along? We would have been on the edge of our seats!
  7. On the first episode this season, I was very impressed with Natasha. Boy, my opinion of her has plummeted. She does love to serve the guests (a crazy welcome shot, anyone?), but is not managing the crew or the duties at all. Even when Sandy explained how to accomplish tasks while providing guest service, she looked like a deer in the headlights. Her and Kyle martyring themselves over the pantry was ridiculous. They should have done it in the time given, or stayed in the whole night, if they really wanted everyone to see them "suffer." Hopefully, this was a wakeup call and behaviors will improve.
  8. Kody: The life that she’s looking to create somewhere else isn’t gonna be any better than what she’s had or got. Me: You are out of your ever loving mind! ANYTHING would be better than being in a loveless marriage and being at the receiving end of verbal abuse and blatant disgust. Not to mention when he ignores and hurts the children, it's multiplied pain for the parent.
  9. I couldn't understand many of his comments. He definitely thought he was hilarious. When he makes Benny look good by comparison...
  10. I would rate the Snatch game performances in this order, from best to not so great: Thirsty (Bravo! very funny, great props and good impersonation), Chic (had some good moments), Chakra (funny, but did not channel Eartha Kitt, voice was not there. Ru was even trying to give her a hint), Poppy (not funny, not Bowie-like). I think Poppy's Snatch Game performance was what landed him in the bottom. AJ's the only one who doesn't act, so he may have had a disadvantage in comparison to the others. I think Thirsty's win was well deserved.
  11. When they were reading the recipe for the Garibaldis, it said to dip "each end" of the biscuit in chocolate and use the white chocolate for feathering. That is what the bakers did (or attempted to, in some cases 😉), but Prue's model biscuit had the chocolate on one side. The bakers could not rely on their previous knowledge of a Garibaldi either because Prue pointed out that they don't have this feature and she added it for interest and difficulty. When they interviewed Maisam on Extra Slice, she was also confused by the term "feathering" and snuck a peak at what Dawn was doing. I think that is a no-no, but it would be very hard not to check out other bakers, especially when confused. I'm glad they factored in the technical bake finally. It would have been a shame for the winner of the technical to have been sent home. I agree, it was probably used as a tie breaker this week.
  12. I enjoyed the bakes this week, though I've never seen a Garibaldi before. GBBO is expanding my horizons! I enjoyed the macaron challenge- there were some really sweet looking results. My favorite mask biscuits were Syabira's and Abdul's- just stunning! And, ironically, they were the two that took the chocolate feathering literally. That was cute. 😊 I thought Januz's mask was colorful and interesting, though I can see how it may not have been as difficult to create as others. I'm glad Carole will be around for more baking. Best of luck to sweet Maisam, who should be very proud of her accomplishment.
  13. Time to get back to my letter writing. The loves of my life will be expecting a letter tomorrow and my commissary is getting low. Night, bunkies. ❤️
  14. Man, I just hate to see true love take a blow like that. I'll be thinking about those two kids all night now. RIP Daonsey.
  15. Looks like they've spent the time Bobbi's been away sprucing up the dump garage apartment.
  16. Yes, Chance is scary, but Brittney is downright dangerous. Stay away from the strippers, Ray, if you wish to retain your man parts!
  17. I'm sorry, I don't want sugar penises anywhere near my cute lil cupcakes!!!
  18. Don't tell me Amber threw away her decent boyfriend over a dogfight with Puppy. 😒
  19. "Taylor's off about something". She's figured out she has hitched her wagon to the world's biggest idiot.
  20. As soon as Linds saw his credit score, her interest in him declined sharply.
  21. Daonte: You barely tell me you love me anymore! Me: She barely tolerates you for tv time, let alone loves you.
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