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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I watched the extra scenes and found this scene fun- Daisy, Ashley and Marcos prepare a gigantic Bloody Mary for the guests the next morning, complete with massive shrimp skewers, bacon and even miniature sliders. I will try to post a screenshot here, but no guarantees. ☺️
  2. I think that's his charging port, and by the looks and sounds of things, he is badly in need of a recharging. Better get on that, Mama Yve! 😂 On a more serious note: Yve and E.T. (short for Egyptian Tim) MUST have discussed the caregiving scenario while he was still in Egypt, right? I'm sure Theron goes to school for a large part of the day and then she thought ET could watch him until she gets off work. But, this should have been discussed extensively and in detail prior to ET jumping on the plane.
  3. In this case, I don't think anyone else will be eating that spaghetti- the crew all said they were put off of spaghetti for, if not life, a very long time, after that display. But, yes, it was disgusting. (And not much better the next morning.) I hope you were able to control yourself around him! 😉
  4. Sometimes I call my husband "El Rey," which is Spanish for "The King," followed quickly by "...of your own world." 😂. Can't let him get a big head! BTW, we are one of those international couples. He is from Mexico and came here on a spousal visa. Also, I'm a lot older than him, but I'm hoping that's where any resemblance between Angela, BGL and Jenny and myself ends!
  5. When I saw that they had another bedroom, not being used previously, my first thought went to: How about converting one of those many bedrooms to a bathroom? Of course, it may be too late, now, since it appears it will serve as Kobe's room...
  6. Gary seems to be the type of person who loses interest in a partner as soon as they are interested in him, or as soon as they hook up. He seems to love pursuing women. It's sad that almost every woman who works with him falls for his "charm." I had higher hopes for Scarlett. But, by this point, the ladies must know Gary's reputation, so if they want to go for it, that's on them.
  7. I couldn't help but recall how much she abused Tom about guys his age being immature as she demonstrated the essence of the word in this episode. I was glad Colin called her out on her behavior in the van. She was making herself look bad by dwelling on Gary's disinterest and bringing everyone else into it. I hope that spaghetti eating scene follows her for years... (She'll probably turn it into some kinky Only Fans content and make bank.)
  8. Someone bought Jibri's ripped pink pants??? for $28,000? I'm definitely doing something wrong with my life...
  9. Yes, and I believe she said she hopes that eventually they will call her umi, which she explained is also used for step parents and those as close as a mother. I don't disparage her for saying this, because it opens the door for them to use it if they wish and for the kids to know that she is looking forward to being a close figure in their lives. I do think she needs to be more open to playing games and doing things the kids enjoy, while at the same time she can introduce them to some of her interests, such as yoga.
  10. Pillow Talk seems like the best gig, to me. They don't have their privacy invaded and live out their ups and downs in front of a camera. They just have to react for an hour or so to a tv show every week. It's mind boggling that PT would pay more per episode than being on the series. Also, I don't think the audience has to like the couple for them to be regulars; so many of the PT commentators are not popular at all: Tom, Angela, Tania, Colt, Family Brandon, Yara (maybe that's just me, but I don't care for her.) It seems like the only way we can avoid seeing some of these obnoxious former 90 Dayers is if they cut ties with the franchise by their terrible behavior: Baby Girl Lisa, Geoffrey the abuser, and some others come to mind.
  11. I guess this could be said for all three of the chefs in the bottom, but especially for the raw squid: why aren't the chefs tasting their food? Ashley said she could have easily left the squid off the dish and still have a full, well rounded dish, so why didn't she? Did she not taste it and find it lacking, as the judges did? Nick acknowledged his pasta was overcooked, so he was tasting the food, but sent it anyway. Sarah plated family style with the sauce to the side, but I wonder if she tasted her ahi to see how the texture was?
  12. Hopefully for her there is a whole segment of non-insulted consumers to buy her Rinna Beauty line. 😉
  13. I'm interested to see how this Rinna vs. Sutton dispute regarding the Elton John charity tickets plays out. I remember watching WWHL when Sutton brought it up, as a way of defending Garcelle. (My take away is that the FF5 feel it's fine for Kyle or Rinna to publicly humiliate Garcelle, but heaven forbid it's turned around on them!) I really hope that Rinna is exposed as an ungrateful noncontributing partygoer.
  14. Maybe it's just me, but I wanted to see a few more scenes of how they were managing to cook in that shared space, with a very limited number of stoves, etc. The episode built up the premise and then, IMHO, didn't deliver. The only point, then, was to advertise for VRBO.
  15. I agree with this 100%! I could not believe some of the things she continues to say in her talking heads and the WAY she says them. She was also straight up lying to Garcelle about the proof having come out (without a shred of evidence supporting that), but then again, we know she likes to spin a yarn. 😉
  16. What a fun episode- it had everything! From tears of joy reuniting with family and friends to scary weather conditions and the near loss of Tom's hat! I loved seeing Shota again, as well as Sheldon and Adrienne. I like having so many Top Chef alumni come back as judges these past few years. I was really surprised that Buddha won on that seemingly simple dish. It must have been flawless. The story behind it was sweet. I'm continuing to love what Evelyn and Damarr are bringing to the table, literally and figuratively. I'm glad I was able to split up my fan favorite votes.
  17. Dorit said that she ALWAYS has the kids sleep with her when PK is not home, but thank goodness she didn't that one time. We can all agree that is a blessing. But, it does cause one to think why did she pick this one night to have them sleep in their own rooms? It's just another odd thing to think about. I agree with Glowbug that the Kemsley's abundant grifting ways leave them open to this kind of scrutiny. Hopefully, they are above doing this for insurance gains.
  18. I know, right? I'm just so confused by Sutton at times. I really go back and forth with her, but was really glad she stood up to Erika last season. I just don't know why she didn't have any sympathy for what happened with Dorit. I was hoping she was on a great trajectory this year.
  19. I saw that interview, too. I could understand what she was saying if they had motion detectors inside the house, but if the system is on the doors/ windows, I would want to know if the kids opened a door while I was asleep or in bed.
  20. For the time being, he has to volunteer or work at odd jobs, since he won't have his work permit right away. It seems like he could help with the balloon arch business- she could keep it going while doing real estate to give him some work. If he is helping her with it, she could take more jobs and put the money into their joint account.
  21. The ONLY thing they have going for them is they are on a reality tv show. Of course, we can't break the 4th wall, but even with a small celeb status, they can make money on Only Fans, if their other endeavors don't pan out. Plus, there seems to be unending seasons of 90 Day iterations for the couples that bring the drama.
  22. The "prank/test" that Bilal put Shaee through was a horrible way to begin their in-person relationship. Now she doesn't fully trust him. But the most egregious thing he is doing is stringing her along with the having children issue. We've already seen it with Angela/Michael and Tanya/Syngin and it's a trainwreck. Shaee is at the age that she needs to start working toward that goal soon.
  23. I agree! I can't do the live chat because I'm in the Pacific time zone and am 3 hours late for the party. But, now I've figured out how to make the best of it. I put the show on and pause it in between each couple to read what you all have written up to that point. It's like watching the show with a group of hilarious friends.
  24. I'm sure he did, as well as anyone else he named off. He would look like a fool if he randomly named off rich and famous people when he actually didn't teach them water sports. I'm thinking he must have wanted to be on tv, or why would he leave such a cool job to shammy a sailboat? So far, I like him as a deckie. He seems to have more sense than most and I hope that will keep him away from Ashley's grasp when Gary inevitably falls for the new stew. Of course, none of them seem to have sense when it comes to the hook ups. They ignore cuties like Colin and Gabi in favor of Gary and Ashley. Ugh.
  25. I wonder if this is the description for next week's episode. This week, there was no rescue and Daisy was the one frazzled with all the service demands. (Absolutely ridiculous, over the top demands. Most wealthy people have more class and manners than that, as do most humans in general). Marcos was doing lots of elaborate meals with little sleep, but held up well, up to the end of this episode. I am living for all the work Ashley has to do, now that she has driven off Gabriela. It sounds like Daisy was trying to put a stop to her whining about ranks again in the previews for next week. I REALLY hope this means that the new stew is assigned above Ashley. And, of course, Gary will be attracted to her. You made your bed, Ashley, now lie in it!
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