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  1. Vanja! The pink eyeshadow makes her look like she has some terminal ailment. She seems like a kind, pretty woman but the pink eyeshadow circles around her eyes are not doing her any favors. Sad for her.
  2. No. this series SUCKS. They are total idiots. I've never seen such incompetence and cluelessness. Whoever greenlit this show and the writing should be promptly blacklisted from hollywood for this crap series.
  3. No one ever brings up how much of an a$$ Maurizio is. He always stirs the pot. There was no reason for him to make Sutton's esophagus the very first thing he says to her when he arrives. He drops digs like that then laughs it off and he gets a pass. What a jerk!
  4. Annemaire is annoying. She is struggling to be relevant... but by having some else's health issues be her "die on the sword" moment, she just comes off as a desperate harpy. Who cares? Why does she insist on bringing it up EVERYWHERE? She needs to get a life and have some grace. Her obsession is disturbing. I have no interest in continuing to see her in the RHOBH franchise. Bad casting.
  5. The producers of 90 days totally stacked the video to make Razvan look bad. Amanda was a straight up cold bitch when she stayed with him (THE WHOLE TIME). Onlly after his friend called her out and she realized that he had a backbone and was considering breaking it off with HER, did she SUDDENLY get all affectionate and did she want to have sex with him. She had sex with him to manipulate him and attempt to keep him interested in her. She is unbelievably manipulative. Completely disapointed in the producers and editors in the tell all 2 who did NOT show the footage that clearly showed HER disengenous, wishy washy, horrible treatment of Razvan. Horrible.
  6. None of these women are friends. They are SO JEALOUS of one another that they can’t even disguise their harpy, cackling tendencies. Jenna is the one person who is the exception (probably because she is actually the most successful/stylish/wealthy/gracious) and the other hags take every opportunity to try to attack her because of it. Erin is no friend. What a total disingenuous B! Jenna opens up to you about a genetic disorder that has made her feel uncomfortable for her entire life and she focuses instead on a side note?! Erin thinks that someone leaving her recommitment event without saying bye is the rudest thing ever?!! NO I’ll tell you what’s rude…. Making light of a genetic disease and then cattily trying to throw that person under the bus UNFORGIVEABLE. Seems like the worst thing I’m the world that Jenna has done is to give her friends gifts. What a coven of ungrateful hags. They are all so self-obsessed and miserable that they can’t even appreciate a kind gesture. Just because someone gives you a gift that they collaborated on does not mean that they require you to advertise it for them. NEWS FLASH: Not only is Jenna Lyons a million times more famous than any of those wannabes but I’m sure her REAL FRIENDS are also a million times more famous than these idiots. If she needed promotion, I’m sure they would be much more effective. These girls have an entirely delusional idea of their own importance and reach. I had never heard of any of them except Jenna , prior to this show… now I know why.
  7. This is the worst reality show I've ever seen (and I saw Milf Manor, so that says a lot). It reinforces the perception that these C list celebrities are dumb as bricks and band together in cliques, voting off team members who show slightly more competency in order to bum around with people who like to stroke their egos. Their reasons for staying on is saying that they are better eye candy than the others? Really? News Flash, none of them are super models. Their level of delusion and stupidity is truly shocking. Whoever greenlit this show should be forever banned from any type of entertainment field. This is unbearably bad.
  8. Lisa does stick up for Sandoval too much. She is ridiculous and trying to be relevant in the situation. The lack of self-awareness by Sandoval and Rachel are historic. I'm only at the very beginning but.. "They are making us out to be pathological liars"... "We haven't lied about anything except this affair" UH... for the ENTIRE SEASON to everyone. And then how Sandoval pitches a toddler's fit not to be recorded while he speaks to Rachel. Hmmm. Wonder what that is about? Couldn't possibly be about him trying to revise history and coaching her to get their stories aligned, right?... so transparent. The show needs to take the trash out and the first two at the bottom of that can are Sandoval and Rachel.
  9. I've just started the Tell All Part 2. My issue: Nicole doesn't advocate at all for Mahmoud. He was willing to come to the US. SHE was the one that converted to the Muslim Religion WITHOUT knowing one single thing about what being muslim in Egypt with a conservative man would be like. She can feign ignorance, but at a certain point, she needs to also take accountability for her blind choices. Mahmoud NEVER asserted to be anything other than what he was. She however pretended that she could handle change and then determined that she couldn't. I don't blame her for changing her mind, but to assume that he would change when he NEVER made any promises that he would... seems also ridiculous. Also, I have much less respect for Gabe. I loved his and Isabel's storyline. I was rooting for him all the way. But on this tell all, he just want to attack every other relationship. EVERY one. He is NOT blameless. During the season, he absolutely acted sketchy with his friends around his fiance... telling him to shush when Isabel came to have drinks with them. Rolling his eyes. Complaining about her possessiveness to his sister and then being upset that his sister was looking at Isabel judgmentally. HE created that mess.
  10. Raquel: "I respect other people" HA! She makes me want to vomit.
  11. Both Toms & Raquel are such trash. All of these others Schaena, Ariana, Brock, etc. have the WORST friend judgement. Raquel always seemed like an idiot, social climber. From the moment James introduced her to the show. How she was able to take in all these guys is just a testament to how stupid they all are. Lala is the only one with half a brain. Say what you will... but she called it from the beginning.
  12. Disappointed at Kenny’s kids and how selfish they are. It’s all about their needs and him not being able to put them ahead of his own happiness. They are ADULTS. Give your father just a little bit of the love and understanding that he has shown throughout the years so that he can be happy and not feel guilty about it. His kids should be ashamed.
  13. Darcy treats Georgi like crap. When her friends accused him of saying things and was proven to have just relayed hearsay, she never defended him or apologized. When she insinuated that he wasn’t divorced and he provided proof, she never apologized. Who asks an EX for advice?!! There is a reason they are ex’s. Typically, they don’t have nice things to say. Ask her if she’d like him to make all his judgements based on Jesse or Tom’s impression of her. She is delusional and only created drama and misery fro herself. She deserves NO sympathy. It’s sad, but if she ever finds someone to put up with that crap, they will be a saint!
  14. All the housewives are jealous harpies. The way they treat LVP, they are no friends. All they do is speculate and blame her for everything because they are morons. Teddi is disingenuous trash. Kyle is a cowardly backstabber. Dorit is just a fool. Lisa Rinna just drips with jealousy. Even Erica is obsessed with perpetuating rumors. She is a sham.
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