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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. I think Nancy is talking in terms of numbers. Quality wise the show is in the shitter, but at the same time it just did its best May Sweeps numbers in seven years. If current trends continue, I wouldnt be surprised if it overtakes Y&R in total numbers by this time next year. GH has only been renewed to Sep 2015 and word on the street is that Ben Sherwood is going to cancel it, but it's interesting to note that the new View co-hosts are only being offered 1 year contracts. So I think it and GH are going to be fighting for the same slot over the next year. Additionally, GMA just hired Kate's EP to serve as co-EP for the 8am hour so its pretty clear that shows third hour is coming. GH or View will be cancelled to make room.
  2. I abhor reality television, but I have got to see RM's crazy wife in action. If she's anything like her twitter persona, she should be unintentional comedy gold. That said, poor TCh. He must really be hard up for cash, because otherwise why stoop to such a trashy show.
  3. Congrats to JT and his fiance! Now hopefully this girl convinces him to ditch GH and move onto bigger and better things. On another note, the bedazzled, baby killing cokehead should consider himself lucky that he only had to face Patrick yesterday. If Natasha had been there she would have cut his bitch ass.
  4. JT man-nipple-lated me into caring about Gabriel. He is way too good for this show; he should be doing primetime and more. I understand why an actor approaching 40 wouldnt want to give up a steady paycheck, but he needs to at least try before he is too old to do so. Today was easily the best episode in months, not that the bar is set very high, but still at the end of the 38 or so minutes i didnt feel the need to throw barware for the first time in months. I guess im the only one not getting these 'Dante is going to cheat' anvils. There's not anyone around for him to cheat with.
  5. I always enjoy a KG interview, and actually I thought both Fairman and Carlivati conducted their best interview thus far. I love to calling those guys for ass kissing, but I didnt see it in this interview.
  6. I'm sorry, but I think NP is just as bad on True Blood as he was on GH.
  7. I want Sonny's permanent or temp exit to mirror Laura's 2002 exit. I want to see him in a wheelchair, and drooling. If it's good enough for Laura, it's damn sure good enough for Sonny.
  8. Does anyone know when the new opening credits debut?
  9. As far as im concerned, Monica is off screen building amazing relationships with her grandchildren Danny and Lila Rae. And when they take their naps, Gail, Audrey and Lesley come over for bridge and have amazingly fun conversations.
  10. I want all of the unemployed characters to get jobs. For starters, Morgan & Maxie should into business together. He could be the general contractor and she the interior decorator. Then I want Keeks to become a nurse and Lucas to become a doctor. Lastly, I think Molly should become a candy striper while TJ gets an internship at Diane & Alexis' firm. Edited b/c I want Molly to get a job at the hospital, not Uncle Sonny's club.
  11. Unless the person coming back this week is Georgie as played by Lindze Letherman, I have zero fucks to give. I actually liked the vampire story last year but it doesnt warrant further exploration. LLet Caleb or Stephen or whoever stay dead or out of town.
  12. If my cableguide is correct, next week might actually be decent. MON: Delia and Ava conspire against Sonny. TUE: Delia tricks Sonny. WED: Patrick and Julian face difficult decisions. THU: Maxie has feelings for Nathan.
  13. @Rancide, At least he is actively trying to get better. IMHO, RP is much better than a number of people on this show that have been acting for years. I think he has shown continued improvement the last few months, he has generated different kinds of chemistry with a number of scene partners, and he doesnt have any obnoxious acting tics. As someone who dresses up at comic conventions and loves adventuring, I just can't hate on someone who goes to Renaissance Faires and goes adventuring.
  14. I have a feeling we will get defiplaying onfirmation that Ron lurks here when that Oda Mae Brown line is said on screen. It'll probably be said by Felix because he's sassy. And black. We know they've already filmed at least some stuff up to air date mid Aug, so I bet we get the line by the end of Aug or the beginning of Sep. ETA: Wow, Mrs. Bechtel is really playing with fire. I'm always alarmed when some fans seem to have a hard time distinguishing between an actor and a character, but she is taking it to a new whole new scary level.
  15. I don't have a problem with Ron complementing or supplementing the show via his twitter. For example, if fans were complaining about Mac & Felicia not being at Maxie's competency hearing and he tweeted that they were doing something with Emma or were at a campaign event, that's fine. What i do have a problem with is Ron blatantly contradicting what we've seen on screen. For example, when Patrick spoke with Robin a little more than a month ago (our time) and asked her to come home, it was made clear that this was the only communication Robin had had with her family and that it was a special arrangement by Victor. Now today we are told via Ron's twitter that Robin and Emma talk all the time. That is a blatant continuity error and totally contradicts what we were told on screen.
  16. If JD's performance of Rafe is indicative of how teenage boys act these days, then let me simply say I am glad I am not around teenage boys. I dont remember myself, friends, or peers in general acting that way. But that was back in the 90's, a far simpler time.
  17. Which one of you made a sacrafice to a dark god in order to bring about the blessed event of no Sonny TWO days in a row?!? All dogs may go to heaven, but im pretty sure bedazzled baby killing cokehead do not, especially those that intentionally try to run down their foster mom and do actually run down a doctor because a drug dealer told him to. Rafe is actually lucky if he dies. He'd be awfully popular at Pentonville. ETA: @Grrpants09, are you speculating that Rafe is Nina & Silas' baby that she was pregnant with?
  18. I'm not sure what the law is in The Commonwealth of New York, but I believe Silas could face charges criminal charges in a few states since it was his car and Rafe was a minor in his custody. Do we have any lawyers that can weigh in on this? Re: Rosalie's comments, I didnt hear her say anything about Stephen. When did she say that? IIRC, didnt an episode end with Stephen taking some ring off someone else's body on the table and then walking out of the morgue?
  19. I really liked Naxie and Nexis. And Morgan rubbing Alice's arm as they went into the elevator was a nice touch. But it made me realize that sadly Alice really is Morgan's only friend. That said, I was really looking forward to Argo ripping Beiber-lite's head off. And then I was hoping Nina would embrace her inner crazy, kill him, and then order Rosalie to clean it up. Yet the bedazzled baby killing cokehead lives. Damn. I'm sure Nina's $500 will go far at Hot Topic, Aeropostle, and The Limited. The child of Richard Lansing and Natasha Cassadine should not ao stupid as to gochasing after and then get into a car with a bedazzled baby killing cokehead.
  20. When it comes to KMc, let me simply quote the rapper Chingy: "Dat ass, dem jeans. . . "
  21. Im glad to see SerialDrama hates Rafe's earrings too. I was beginning to think I was alone in my Hulk-smash hatred of those things. If Sam and Uh-lex-[inaudible] are ever dumb enough to let Rafe babysit Danny again, I hope the first time Rafe says "Danny boy" that the little tyke reaches up and just pulls them right out of his ears. I think I hate them more than I hate Sonny.
  22. First off, what does "Rossening" mean? Second, why can't I quit this awful, awful show? I feel like a smoker, reading the surgeon general's warning while simultaneously watching a commercial with a life-long smoker that now has a hole in their throat, and then liting up anyway. Third, I'm going to need one of the characters to rip those things out of Rafe's ears. Fourth, I'm going to need one of the actors to tell Jimmy that he isn't in a late 90's boyband. Fifth, I'm going to need Ryan to give the name and number of his acting coaches to Jimmy, Kristin, Michael, Michelle, Teresa, Marc, and Roger.
  23. RP seems like a really cool guy. And I like that interviewer too. Logan, Fairman and Giddens could all learn a thing or ten from her.
  24. They've opened this new restaurant near my office called Kiki's. A few of my co-workers went today but I refuse to go based on nothing more than I absolutely hate that name due to TFGH.
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