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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. I loved SJB's and TB's Carly but aside from a few particular days, sometimes evabsolutely a time, I have loathed LW's Carly. LW is more than capable of playing Carly when she is written as Carly, but at some point after the initial CarJax bonding over Baby John, Guza lost interest and for the most part turned her into a completely different character. Wolfe and Carlivati have simply continued with this new characterization. That said, damn did I love those CarnAJ scenes in the spring of 2013 and Carly's scenes with Monica and AJ when he first returned the previous fall. ETA: I try to forget that clusterfuck with a Jennifer Bransford ever happened, absolutely none of which was her fault. As an actress she was excellent, but for whatever reason from her first day where she literally continued the same scene that TB had started, they wrote her a total loon and nothing like TB's Carly. TB has said publicly that she offered to stay and finish the story, and I will never understand why they didnt take her up on that offer and then send Carly to the island until LW or whoever was available. All that said, I think the show as a whole was absolutely awful from the time TB left until Robin returned that fall during the train wreck.
  2. @jsbt, As far I can remember The Cellar first appeared in late 2002 and was gone by the next fall. I distinctly remember Sonny & Jasus having a shoot-out with someone there and that being the best last time it was showed. I also remember Carly & Ric knocking a wall and finding it the year before.
  3. Did ABC really show a promo during Bachelorette that showed Samtrick watching fireworks sitting on a blanket with Emma?!?
  4. I think the Clay's have officially eclipsed the Corinthos' as the dumbest family in Port Chuckles. Sighless, Keeks, and Beiber-lite are all dumb as a box of hair. And it doesn't help that all three are horrible actors. JD in particular was simply abysmal today. He has definitely closing in on Charity Rahmer as the worst actor ever in daytime. Can you imagine The Corinthos' and The Clay's facing off on Family Feud? I think Steve Harvey would shoot himself to get away from the stupidity. Levi is definitely coma!baby. He is the nightmarish mix of Nina's annoyingness and Sighless' sheer dumbassery. Anyway, today reminded me why Ive been a JT fan from jump. He is way too good for this fakata show. Run Jason, Run.
  5. President Obama is going to address Levi's visa status in an address at 2:50. I guess we will find out if Obama is #TeamDetSpecialKitty or #TeamCaptainDoucheroo.
  6. ETAber="BestestAuntEver"], Was this also Faison's apartment or was that another set? I remember that set having a dining room table and lot of ornate masks. ETA: I really liked Olivia's apartment she had when she first came to town and was hooking up with Johnny.
  7. I think a Lucky should have stayed dead when JJ left in '99 So much of what happened later would have made a lot more sense if Lucky was dead. ETA: if JJ had wanted to return later on, as he actually did, then you have Lucky just mysteriously turn up alive on the docs one foggy night. For him no time has passed since the fire but eveyone else has changed immensely. When JJ decided to leave again it is either revealed that he was an imposter sent by Helena to toy with Luke, or that too much has changed and he just leaves to start his own life elsewhere.
  8. I'm not Catholic, so I'm not sure how the whole ex-communication thing works. Is Sonny not allowed into the church and the chapel in the hospital? Would Father Coates have to kick him out if he showed up?
  9. Ric isn't getting a funeral because Sonny is bereaved on a budget. Buying all that barware ain't cheap yo! Molly is a teenager with no income, Alexis is too busy getting banged like a screen door in a hurricane off-screen, and Diane sure as hell ain't dipping into her shoe budget.
  10. July is still an important sweeps period for affiliates even if its not for the national nets. I believe it starts next Thu, Jul 10th and runs until Wed, Aug 6th.
  11. If Captain Doucheroo is in the country illegally, I hope Det. Special Kitty calls, emails, faxes, tweets, sends a smoke signal, taps it out on Morse code, to I.C.E. Get that dumbass out of Port Charles and off my show!
  12. Re: "Detective Special Kitty", I dont know who came up with that nickname or why Nathan was given that nickname, but it cracks me up everytime I read it.
  13. If Rafe does indeed die, then I'm guessing he was not the one who hit Patrick's car. I'm still hoping it was Captain Doucheroo and that Maxie goes all Dark Phoenix on his bitch ass when the truth comes out. ETA: i wish they would show classic episodes on the holidays. Surely there's a summer-ish episode from when Brenda, Jason, etc were teens where something significant happened that they could air.
  14. My affiliate has Thu listed as a new episode with the description of "Rafe and Molly are attacked". Fri is a repeat from Apr 24th; was that one of the crypt!sex eps?
  15. Im going to change my username to "Cyclops" because today when Levi was talking shit about Edward, im pretty sure lasers shot out of my eyes. He and Keeks are soulmates. Someone needs to check Maxie for blindness and brain damage. Im a straight guy and I seriously dont understand why she hasn't jumped Nathan's bones yet. Anyway, Samtrick is my happy place. I know Ron will eventually ruin them and/or kick them aside for the next shiny toy, but right now I am loving them. I love how awake Jason and Kelly are around each other.
  16. I disagree; I think Sam & Silas may continue to be technically together, but I think Sam & Patrick will have an affair that they will hide from everyone. They wont do anything physical until the same ep that Robin & NuJason return. And id be willing to get WinstonWolf's salary that in order to facilitate KMc's exit, Robin will catch Samtrick in the act and just leave town.
  17. Because she's a selfish mooch who thinks "faHHHHm-lee" is people who pay your bills while you wander around town lecturing folks about things and people you know nothing about. As much as i dont like Rafe, i feel bad for him. Being related to Keeks and Sigh-less and having to live with NINA can't be easy. No wonder he's doing coke and bedazzling himself like The Biebs. ETA: IIRC, GH got all of AMC's sets when it was cancelled. Did that show have a spa set? More generally, has GH actually re-purposed any of those sets?
  18. Since he's a veteran, I just hope he's a legit good guy. I hated when Guza had army vets Logan, Coop, and Sean either evil or mobular. Maybe he can join the police form and we can have two detective teams: Thomas & Dante and Jordan & Nathan.
  19. Is he still with that girlfriend? Maybe he'll get lucky and land of the rumored two male slots on The View. If that does happen, I just hope they are able to get KMc back to write a proper exit for Patrick. If they want to keep Emma around, I still think it'd be cool if they re-created Anna & Robert's death with a boat explosion. Except I would have their last scene show they together locked in a cage or something as prisoners of someone.
  20. Oh Liesl, was it only six short months ago that I sat enthralled with your jailhouse rendition of "Oh, Tanenbaum"? First you made that stoopid PowerPoint presentation, then you revealed yourself as a Franco fan!girl, and then you trashed talked Monica. Three strikes, you're out! HP once again stole the show. If she isn't on contract she should be. And they need to give Molly a friend and recast Rafe. HP and TRi could be surrounded with other great actors for a legit teen sceen. I love how awake Sam is around Patrick and how much greenery there was. It's too bad Nathan didn't get to clock captain douchebag right in his big douchey face. Have I ever mentioned that I think Levi is a douche? ETA: if and when they do recast Rafe, can it please with be with someone who isn't bedazzling themself with jewelry from the Justin Beiber collection?
  21. Speaking of that "great woman", I loved when she dismissively told Sonny, "we once had a gardener named Corinthos". Does anyone remember Carly's line to Kannie about coming to town with a fake name?
  22. I genuinely want to know: does anyone like the kids and their storyline? Because while there are stories, characters and actors that I dont like, I do see support for them here and elsewhere on the net. I see none for the kiddies. I hate that they are desecrating Lila's name with this shit. Its almost as bad as a child of Sonny's being named Lila (Sam & Sonny's daughter). Im so glad we have this place, because if it wasn't for all you all's amazing snark, I would have quit this awful, awful show a long time ago. ETA: im sure Liesl's first grade teacher will be giving her an A+ on that power-point presentation. Her use of clip art was gold star worthy.
  23. While I am definitely still on the Michael/Maxie (Mixie?) bandwagon, at this point I would support pairing him with Brad, Delia, Rosalie, Kelly's waitress # 2, etc., just to get him away from The Mooch.
  24. I figure it's only a matter of time before Jake turned out to be alive, but I figured they'd wait until the current kiddie set were at least pre-teens so they could really play the angst. Anyway, so basically Jason will have DID. I wonder how they'll differentiate the versions since they cant do hair up/hair down like with Kate/Connie.
  25. To me, KSt was playing it like Maxie clued in at the end there.
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