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Everything posted by marcee

  1. With you here. Not that bright. Not much of a leader. Entitled. Conceited. So she was born with this cool superpower... It's not like she mastered some skill. I'm not impressed. Still, I've always enjoyed her storyline and I'd like to see more Dragons.
  2. From what I got from this show is that after Doug pulled Adam out of that original bunker, he brought him out to the cabin and kept him in THAT shed. He was on the road a lot. Jane didn't know about Adam OR Ben during this time. She only knew about "Eric" (I think that was his name) -- some kid from a long time ago that she mentioned in passing when she realized that Doug had been up to his old tricks...something like "I thought you were done with this kind of stuff." Adam did not grow up with her. As far as we were shown, Jane didn't realize Doug was *still* a monster. She thought it was a one-time thing back wherever they were from. As far as the timeline of events: From what we saw, when Jane was packing up the car and the baby, she heard banging and rattling outside. The guess is that Doug had been keeping Adam in that shed. Why was he quiet the whole time? Maybe he was drugged? Maybe Jane just couldn't hear him? Either way, she heard him this time and found him. Quick introductions were likely made. Jane and Adam are rushing to get away. Adam finds the shotgun. Jane says, "Hurry, we've gotta go before he gets back." Adam responds, "I have something I've gotta do first." He leaves with the shotgun, presumably to find Doug. Doug comes back and says, "Where's the shotgun, Jane?" Jane says she left it in the trunk. Doug goes outside to get it; Adam shoots him in the dick (we were shown a man-shaped form holding the shotgun; we assume it's Doug, but it was actually Adam). Doug staggers to the tree and slides down. He's shown to be still alive, but who knows for how long? Adam and Jane take off in the car - Jane can't be caught by the cops; she's an accessory...Adam just wants to get away (and he's helping take care of the innocent baby). Nina hears the shot and comes running. And, the rest. (PS. Yes, I think Adam recognized Ben's voice. They were their only company for TEN YEARS. I don't think it's much of a stretch.)
  3. I can't believe The Family was canceled, but THIS... THIS trainwreck got a second season. Not that The Family was brilliant television or anything, but comparatively, it was Shakespeare.
  4. I really wish I had the patience to sift through the mess of all the terribly nonsensical things that have been strung together this season so I can point out, specifically, how none of it actually worked. At all. Like, the premise...the solution...I'm pretty sure what they put together turned out to be impossible. But, really, who has that kind of time? I'm heartbroken, too - because I started out truly loving this show. It had real potential from so many angles - it could have been a great mystery... or action drama... serial... I would have even been okay with it being a soapy relationship Grey's Anatomy rip-off... But it ended up being a sad mish-mashed poor man's version of all of those things. What a horrendous disappointment. I can't even enjoy hate-watching. *sad trombone*
  5. If it's wrong to want Jake as bad as I do, I don't wanna be right.
  6. The "Sit, Barry, Sit," happened with every version of the SpeedForce - but I think it was just meant to show a) that every being was another version of that same SpeedForce and b) the juxtaposition of when it finally said, "Run, Barry, Run."
  7. Remember, Bridey did download 3.5GB worth of crap from Willa's computer - so it IS possible Ben's last name is somewhere in that mess. At the very least, in her google search history - 'cause you know Willa googled.
  8. Maybe it's just me, but I kind of wondered if maybe they just happened to miss vital organs and since he passed out in the freezing freezing cold snow of the freezing freezing cold North, his body slowed all his processes down, including blood flow and breathing and heart rate... and he ALLLLMOST died... but maybe kinda sorta miraculously CSI'd his way into a frozen coma whereby rest and eventual warmth and wound-cleaning allowed him to heal enough to be revived. Granted, from their point of view, it looked like magic... and obviously this is a world in which magic lives, but all this time I thought it had to do with the freezing-ass cold and he was never really dead. Just sayin.
  9. Hee. Well, my guess is there was definitely some legwork involved. It might've made more sense if she was working with Nina (or if we KNEW she was working with Nina) because at least then we could backtrack from the foster home who knew how old he was and where he was from when he arrived. It wouldn't be too hard to figure out who the mom was (and track her down) from that point. But I'm not sure where Bridey started. If she's not working with Nina (or has a source in the police department who has that info) she'd be starting with DNA (that may or may not be in the system), the kid's age and perhaps his original location (based on the suspect's location 10+ years ago). So that's not an IMPOSSIBLE starting point. That doesn't even count what she found on Willa's computer. Willa's computer might have EVERYTHING, including Ben's FULL name and original hometown and the fact that he went into foster care when he was 2. In that case, it would've been pretty easy to find the mom. Keep in mind, finding the mom is the easy part... As the mom, finding the kid would be near impossible. The foster home LOST him and never reported it. For the last 10 years, he's been locked in a bunker. And now he's 19 and under an assumed name. How would the mom even begin to go about finding him...
  10. Actually, depending on how avid a fan you are, there was plenty in the show to make the connection. I'm completely unspoiled and haven't read the books, but I found the thread when they were talking about Lyanna in the crypts (there was a scene where Cersei was complaining about how Robert always loved Lyanna more than her -- even after she was dead -- or something like that). I can't remember the exact conversation or even what season or episode - but when you're a superfan, you remember these things... know the quotes and the scenes and have the screencaps and it makes it easier to make the connections. But anyway, I found the thread in that scene and pulled on it in followup scenes - like when they were searching for all the "Baratheon blood" and were killing all the bastards... You had to wonder if there were any more of them out there... which harkened back to whether or not Robert ever slept with Lyanna and possibly had another bastard we didn't know about... and then there were further scenes during which everyone wondered why Ned cared so much about Jon Snow. And I feel like there were plenty of other side discussions about Ned's loyalty and honor, so it kind of made it hard to believe he would cheat. So yeah, there actually were a lot of dots to connect in the show and plenty of cause for this speculation. Granted, that's not to say that talking about the "Tower of Joy" isn't an obvious book reference -- because what? I've never heard of the Tower of Joy so, yeah...people should be more careful - but as far as Snow's parentage, that speculation has been out there, with good reason, for a while and I was able to get there without any help.
  11. Not to get into a long drawn out debate about this, but the sad thing is it's not that far from the truth (at least here in Florida)... the system is truly screwed up. Kids DO get lost. Terrible, abusive, repeat offenders DO get more foster kids and get PAID for it. It's a horrible, disgusting state of affairs. Granted, it's not like that everywhere and certainly there are competent employees - but honestly, there are far more idiots and far more apathy than there should be in a field that matters so much. Back to the show - as with most of its kind, there is so very little communication when in "real life" some of these 3-line exchanges would lead to much longer conversations where people actually ask questions. When Claire spent all night grilling Ben about who Adam turned out to be -- that was the most realistic excerpt of the entire series. When Ben offhandedly remarks that he hurt Adam, that's your cue, Willa, to pull him into a room and demand answers. How? When? What happened? Why? What normal person (even an abnormal one) doesn't have the curiosity to find out every single detail about what happened in that bunker from the moment Adam was taken to the moment he was gone, including (and especially) EXACTLY HOW HE DIED!?
  12. I don't really see Arya taking her newly-acquired training and face-wearing talents on the road to pursue revenge because if the training has actually worked and she truly is no one, as evidenced by her non-death-post-fountain-drink then she has no one to take revenge on. She has no history and, therefore, has no enemies. And as far as I can tell, these assassins don't kill for their own ends. I do hope she can use her new skills to protect the people she cares for - but I wonder if she'll even be "allowed" to care for her family since they're technically no longer her family.
  13. Ben is probably confused. Many abused children still "love" their abusers - even as they're terrified. Doug is the only "family" Ben has ever known. Adam had a family - so he always knew Doug was a monster. Ben...Ben never had a real family. Doug has complete control of Ben. It's not Ben's fault. Sure, Ben escaped - but did he REALLY escape? Can you blame Ben for doing Doug's bidding? Doug found him in his new "safe" family home. So when Doug tells him to meet him or he'll come back and take him or hurt his new family, Ben does what he's told. And when Doug tells Ben that when the police ask him if he's the kidnapper, Ben should say "No" - that's likely what Ben will say. So Doug thinks he's safe - all circumstantial evidence and an eye-witness that denies he's the bad guy...they'll have to let him go. I doubt Ben really hurt Adam. They probably had a fight; kids fight. Maybe Adam got hurt; maybe the wound got infected and Adam got sick. Ben might blame himself or maybe Doug placed the blame on him to exert even more control. I don't see Ben being the bad guy. No matter how this shakes out, he was a victim. I do still hold out hope that Adam will turn out to be alive somehow - maybe second season mystery...
  14. But it wouldn't explain why the DNA doesn't match now...
  15. Maybe I'm just slow, but I thought it was obvious Anika pushed Rhonda down the stairs. I thought they showed her dressed in her black yoga outfit, prowling around the house with her red under-sided shoes. Are we supposed to be confused about that? I thought the only question mark was when Rhonda would remember what she saw and put 2 and 2 together... At some point, she's going to have to see Anika wearing those shoes, have a flashback and make the connection, right?
  16. Murphy does what's good for Murphy. I'd like to THINK he has loyalty - but I'm pretty sure he doesn't. He's loyal to whoever or whatever is going to help him most in the moment. He's a survivor. That's for sure. And that's what makes him interesting and unpredictable. Monty's mom - she can rot in hell. Based on the previews, I look forward to Raven reciting all the past Commanders and hopefully being called Heda. One can dream, right?
  17. I don't think Matt really meant what he told Elektra. I think he "knew" they were going to die but wanted to give her a reason to fight and a happy ending. She probably didn't believe him anyway - but it was a nice fiction...a bit of a fairytale before they dove headfirst into a sea of ninjas. All she wanted was to feel loved and accepted, so he gave that to her in the end.
  18. The whole time travel thing is so bizarre... because if Barry and Thawne can do it, Zoom can do it too. If Zoom can do it that means everything that happens or has happened or will happen has been or can be changed. It can be a fight between speedsters to keep going back to same place to re-do or change or fix things or kill someone before they can screw stuff up. It just seems so dumb.
  19. By the end of the season, the whole "can't kill bad guys" thing got very very old. Especially when it was shown in the finale that The Hand has practically an infinite number of soldiers at its disposal. What's the purpose of just injuring them or knocking them out for a few hours? How does that fix or solve anything ever? I suppose that was the point of the season...pitting the Punisher's "permanent" justice against Matt's "I'll just be out in a month" justice. But it does just make Matt look stupid and inconsequential in the scheme of things. Fight the good fight, save an innocent, get beat up, rinse and repeat - until you or another innocent (like the nurse) dies. I would ultimately love for him to update his moral code to become more effective, but I feel like that's kind of the point of his character. Still, it's already old and we're only in season 2. I'd like to see more Daredevil but if the stakes are only getting higher and the bad guys are only getting worse, at what point do we move on from this rinse and repeat? It's not fun anymore.
  20. "It's not delivery, it's Babineaux." Man, that was good.
  21. Bellamy's characterization stopped making sense to me when he allowed Lincoln to be locked up. Lincoln's been more of a friend, brother, soldier, life-saver (his and his sister's) in this "war"/game of survival to Bellamy than any of the Ark residents in the history of Bellamy's life. How Bellamy was 'shocked' out of his trauma by Kane's mercy than by Lincoln's treatment is just... To quote blixie
  22. There was a comment made when Ajax and sidechick came into the bar looking for Wilson that they were dressed in all black, "Have fun at your midnight showing of Blade 2."
  23. They should invite the Hilltoppers to come live in Alexandria. Bring the food, bring the livestock, bring the capable hands, leave the asshole in his mansion. There are plenty of houses to go around. Nicer than those FEMA trailers, for sure. Plenty of food to start with and capable hands to help plant and raise more. Classes to train the non-fighters to fight creates more of an army to fight off Negan if he ever does find the place.
  24. I find it interesting how the original 100 and "their people" are now, in my eyes, looking like the bad guys. I spent 2 seasons praying for their survival and now I wouldn't mind so much if the 12 clans just wiped 'em out.
  25. They probably spent that first month cleaning up the zombie-mess they left... and then only spent a few weeks on the road post clean-up. Just a guess, or possibly hand-wave. But baby AssKicker did look like she aged a couple of months, for sure.
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