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Everything posted by marcee

  1. I'm not concerned about the s-e-x changing them. I'm pretty sure the scene at the end with them hopping up stark naked and grabbing their weapons was meant to show that they haven't changed. He didn't jump in front of her to protect her or toss her a pillow to cover herself. They grabbed their weapons and stood at the ready to take on the next threat. It was kind of perfect.
  2. Except Major was already a major suspect in Clive's eyes. That would add just one. more. connection. to the already pretty-connected meat-cute/murder/blaine saga. Why would he put himself in the crosshairs if he could avoid it, right?
  3. For what it's worth, Barry's the one who brought her to the hospital in the first place. So he was there...and as far as I can tell we don't know how long he stayed.
  4. For whatever reason, I don't think Thompson is as slimy as douchey as he's made out to be. I vaguely remember him being surprisingly smart and capable last season and recognizes that Peggy is as well. I always appreciate when they sneak that revelation in there to counteract what we usually see as douchey and condescending.
  5. My assumption is that directly after this awful scenario is when she went to the window to off herself, not realizing she'd be stuck there for all eternity?
  6. It seemed to me they finally left after Kevin forced his mom to burn herself with the iron. At that point they realized the terrible danger they were in and left. What I still wonder about was whether or not any of their initial interaction in the 'cell' was genuine. If she hadn't stabbed him with the scissors, was there an opportunity for real reconciliation and assumption of responsibility? Was he having real feelings or was he acting the way he thought he was supposed to act?
  7. It bothers me that Finn plays two different characters in the same show. Speaking of...shouldn't Tristan's ghost be wandering around the Cortez too?
  8. Well that was a whirlwind of happy endings. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
  9. All of the "missing" bodies ended up being displayed in that house on Halloween.
  10. Can someone explain to me how the flashbacks were supposed to parallel this go 'round?
  11. I think another point that should be made is that if Coulson was "in his right mind" and not bent on revenge, he might've left Ward lying there, alive. Had he left Ward alive, but trapped on that planet, the Evil!Alien wouldn't have immediately had another body to jump into and wouldn't have made it back through the portal in time and they'd both be stuck there. See? Revenge is bad.
  12. Why would Anne H voluntarily give FBI trainees the file on the case SHE tampered with (when there are a million other serial killer cases they could've studied) AND specifically point them in the direction of "find the one that doesn't fit" when she knows full well one of them doesn't fucking fit and it puts her in the crosshairs?! I just. Can't.
  13. Ah, I just assumed he was talking on his walkie - but I suppose that could've been Sasha/Abe's walkie. I thought they just took his bike and crossbow. Well, Daryl said they were gonna be sorry. Maybe sooner rather than later, eh?
  14. So who said "help" on the walkie? Glenn & Doofus!Ron were the only ones with walkies when we left...
  15. The voice on the walkie said "help". Initially I thought it was Glenn. YAY Glenn! But then I got to thinking that the only other person with a walkie is that Doofus!Ron (Enid's boyfriend, Carl's nemesis, Jessie's son) that Rick left up on top of the wall with an empty gun...and since we saw blood running down the wall at the end of the episode, my guess is the "help" was a Glenn-red-herring and something actually happened to Doofus!Ron and that was his voice on the walkie. BOO Doofus!
  16. Seems to me the drug binge was probably just a reaction to the recent downward spiral of his life. He misses Liv, he lost his job, the kids he was supposed to be looking out for died, he spent some time in a mental institution, he almost died, he's sleeping with a terrible person, he's being extorted/blackmailed, he's concerned for his ex-fiance and he doesn't see the potential for a happy future for himself... regardless of whether or not he's actually killing the zombies, I feel like he's been through enough to excuse his need for an 'escape'.
  17. Right? First TheOldCoot™, then his granddaughter -- WHY? Why does his granddaughter have any thoughts or feelings about him at all? And now Mrs. Ex-Hap!? What the hell? If it were that easy to get someone to invest millions of dollars in my ideas I'd be far better off than I am now.
  18. I just can't understand why so many people see so much potential with Billy. This is the guy who left $36,000 worth of loaded washing machines strewn across a random field.
  19. She was referring to Cyrus, which is absolutely more fitting. Sweaty and red-faced... in fact. Which, yeah.
  20. Pretty sure she said you can't (or shouldn't) feed from someone who's sick. Obviously you can turn someone because Alex turned Max.
  21. Actually, they were different. The one that crawled out into the hallway was talking about how itchy he was and a bunch of kids in the classroom had the red spots...so it looks like they all contracted measles, but feeding on blood helps the virus temporarily heal? them...I suppose this may come back to mean something, but right now they've glossed over it so it may or may not matter in the end. Then again, this is Ryan Murphy so ANYTHING may or may not matter in the end.
  22. Except based on what we've seen, these recruits know practically everything about each other. That was one of their very first assignments... even though, somehow, no one knows Simon was IDF, but *handwave*. So yeah, he wouldn't automatically think that's her twin, because as far as anyone at the FBI knows, she doesn't have one. Miranda specifically redacted that piece of information because no one was supposed to know. Even when they dug deep to find each others' secrets, no one found out she had a twin (which also ?!?!?, but *handwave*) - so yeah, shock and surprise seemed legit to me.
  23. The show definitely is getting worse. I can no longer tolerate Alex. She's terrible. I really loved the super-shiny-sexiness and fun soap opera dramatics it had going for it in the first couple of episodes, but now, I'm starting to get tired of all the things that make no sense at all. I have a sad.
  24. I love Major and I do want him and Liv together. I can't help myself. I want him to get better and get back to being one of the 'good guys' (and take off his shirt).
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