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Everything posted by marcee

  1. But then who was the supposedly happy couple in the basement? I thought the point was that it was supposed to be THEIR brains... *shrug*
  2. I'm confused about whose brains they ate if the happy couple was zombiefied in their own basement.
  3. I know it's been said before, but it bears repeating. Charlotte is too young to have *been there, done that*. When she took the gun and put on her vest like it was old hat I just wanted to know when she had the time to go through SEAL training in between hacker school, college degree(s) and enough time to climb the corporate ladder to attain her position. Why couldn't she be a sexy older woman who actually personifies the boss she's trying desperately to be.
  4. While hokey, I think the point was to show us that not only have they weaponized the virus, but that the area that was infected was probably a testing ground. In that short scene, we learned that those guys have the capabilities to control the clouds - which means they can infect the rain and have it rain down anywhere at any time. Perhaps the dad was originally creating the virus to help people, but then Apollon weaponized it. We saw in the flashbacks that the dad was trying to *cure* his son of something that would have otherwise killed him. Apparently, that was the origination of this virus. The test area was probably to see how long it took for the population to die - perhaps how long it took for the virus to clear out of the infected clouds and to see if anyone had natural immunity. I have to assume it's just this "small" area that was infected and, as of this moment, the rest of the world is fine. But once infected people start escaping... well, then there's no telling where they'll go with this story. I believe Rasmus had the blood on his head before the soldier kissed him - and I think it was unrelated to anything. I believe Rasmus became contagious when he injected himself with the virus. He's both the carrier and the cure.
  5. So are we supposed to believe Beatrice died because of the rain or because Rasmus infected her?
  6. For me, Teresa will always Amber from Dodgeball. "Good luck to you, making your judgments." From my point of view, Cerone wasn't *punishing* Meredith because of Ellis, she was *extorting* Meredith to get her name put on the method her name should have been on in the first place. It wasn't punishment for the sake of punishment, it was basically, "I won't give you the polymer you need unless you put my name on the method I created with your mother." So, yeah, it was shitty - but not quite as shitty as some are making it out to be. Roy was/is a smug little jerk and he specifically lied about something dangerous and put the hospital and his patients at risk. At any other hospital, his actions would have been just cause for firing. But since many other surgeons at Grey-Sloan have survived worse and turned into pretty good surgeons, I think Bailey may have realized Richard shouldn't have fired him. Still, he didn't deserve an apology. I think her Bailey-esque lecture was pretty spot on and fair to everyone. I want Alex to have a happily-ever-after. That is all.
  7. I worry that if anyone really and truly follows and understands what's going on, there would be a gajillion plot holes to fill. Thankfully, the fact that this show is confusing as all hell makes it hard to poke holes in the story writing. At this point anyone can be anything and any question can have any answer. I can't decide if that 'freedom' is a good thing or bad.
  8. http://westworld.wikia.com/wiki/Peter_Abernathy Short version - he was Delores' dad. He was decommissioned. http://westworld.wikia.com/wiki/Wyatt Short version - he was an "insane" character in a backstory we never actually saw play out on screen. Apparently, Arnold gave that personality to Delores so she can become the badass she has become.
  9. I don't feel like Eli was Command when he was puttering around his house with Quinn in his basement - when Olivia called his bluff and he didn't follow through. He didn't have all the answers then - why should I believe he has them now? There is nothing this show can do at this point to make me root for ANYONE, which is a shame. Even when they're trying to do the "right" thing, it feels selfish. Poor Jake. He never gets anything he wants.
  10. So are we to believe that first-responders don't have any rules with regard to how they choose to save a life? SHUT UP BEN.
  11. There was definite wang in episode one, in one of the alleys, when Tak was drugged up in the red light district.
  12. My only small issue with this episode is that Nora should have recognized the crew during her adult interaction with them. I don't recall even a throwaway line that she's met them before - unless I missed it. But these people trying to help her should have been a memorable point in her life... even if Dahrk 'brainwashed' her and turned her against them, at the very least she could have said, "Guess you guys couldn't save me." or "Nice to see you again." *shrug* Otherwise, fun ride.
  13. Of course Quinn's alive... but it would have made more sense to take this the way I thought they would and show that it was all pre-planned by both Quinn and Rowan. That would've been a smart team-up. Both Quinn and Rowan see Olivia going down this dark path and put this plan in motion to get her to finally face up to the fact that her hat is blacker than black. But no, Quinn - typically the smartest person on the show - was easily kidnapped by a 60-year-old man in an elevator and stuck in a basement for days...crying? WTF? Such a disappointment. Fully prepared for this show to be over.
  14. But that's not what's happening here. This was specifically spelled out in the episodes. Jackson donated the money anonymously to create a competition in which he could actually compete - fairly. He's not trying to buy an award. He just wants to participate in a competition that doesn't have his name on it, so he has an actual chance of winning without anyone believing it was a case of nepotism. That's why he donated anonymously. And he wants someone to run the competition fairly. And he wants to participate. The end. Full stop. Apparently, the joke here is that no one wants to run it because everyone wants to participate - which is silly (not everyone is working on some big award-worthy ground-breaking project) but whatever.
  15. The family was all killed at the park / merry go round. The bedroom scenes were just artistic license. There was more to the gang cartel thing than just killing Frank (which was the intention; his family was just caught in the crossfire). There really was heroin/drug dealing going on... Rawlins *claimed* it was to fund America-helping stuff, but we all know *nudge nudge wink wink* that he and his cronies were lining their pockets. At the end of Daredevil, when Frank has Schoonover - before he executes him - Schoonover basically says, "You know this isn't over right? You know this isn't about drugs, right? Remember Khandahar." And that's when Frank begins to realize there was more to it and that his family's blood is on more hands than Schoonover's. At least, that's how I understood it. Perhaps a rewatch of both series is in order?
  16. Frank believed he killed those involved with the death of his family. It happened in Daredevil Season 2. In that series, we were led to believe that it was the 3 drug cartels that had a shootout at the park and his family was caught in the crossfire. Castle destroyed those gangs but ultimately found out that Schoonover was involved too - and killed him. And right around then, we find out there was more to it... In this series, we find out that Frank was actually the target... Agent Orange and the rest of the Khandahar gang was trying to clean up their mess. Russo knew about the hit, but didn't warn his buddy... cost of doing business, as far as he was concerned. Ultimately, "who killed his family" rests on Rawlins, Schoonover and Wolf. They engineered the cartel mess to get Frank killed. They're all dead now. Yay?
  17. Not sure why Esme needed any of the Underground in on her plan when she just knocked her partner out anyway? Explain to me, again, why she did do all this when she planned on just going for it on her own anyway? Maybe she just doesn't know how to drive? So confused.
  18. It bothered me so much that Lorna continued to have serious makeup in all of her prison scenes. Crying for hours - makeup still perfect. Took a shower - makeup still perfect. Got the crap kicked out of you - not even a smudge. Talk about long lasting lipstick.
  19. Linda survived learning his true identity and they eventually became friends again. Yes, being involved with Lucifer in any way can put you in danger, but she chooses to be a police officer and that puts her in danger every day. Eventually this "secret" has to come out. He's been telling Chloe he's the devil for a while...and there was a time that she was actually starting to believe him. Honesty is kind of an important foundation for any relationship - partners, lovers, friends... My point is, he's finally ready to share and his "devil face" doesn't work. So whip out your fucking wings, dude. That just didn't make sense. Chloe has adjusted to a lot of crazy things over the course of the show. And no, I don't expect her to be, "oh, you're the devil, cool, let's totally do it" - but yes, she is smart and she does trust Lucifer so I don't think an eventual relationship would be that farfetched. Theoretically, just as with Dr. Linda, Chloe's feelings for him could overcome her supernatural shock. He's obviously trying to become a good person. He obviously cares a lot for Chloe and her daughter. And "the devil" is really only an Angel cast out of Heaven. I'd totally date an Angel. ;)
  20. So, you can't show her your face, but you can certainly show her your wings. I'm tired of the secret being kept for no apparent reason. I understood why it made sense so far, but it just doesn't anymore. Let's move on. I'm sure the writers can think of another reason to keep them apart.
  21. Were were supposed to glean any insights from Spencer bonding with regular-joe-driver-guy? Cause I didn't.
  22. But he made it clear, he wasn't into it - or her - but he wasn't standing in anyone's way either. He was just acting as a passive bystander. ie 'You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone.' I'm clueless as to why he had to participate OR DIE!
  23. I truly don't understand Lila's endgame and/or why she needed Wolfgang's participation (or death) to pursue it? Anyone?
  24. I stopped cheering for him a long while ago. Perhaps they're just making us hate everyone so that we don't feel so bad when it's finally canceled. Thanks, show.
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