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  1. The “bullying” thing is just nonsense and completely contrived. The soap opera aspects of this show are what’s putting me off it. I'm just watching for the crime and the crime solving—I don’t care about these people’s personal lives.
  2. Well, poo. I'm liking the show. (and can I just say that the ads are making this forum borderline unusable?)
  3. I sometimes watch it on my iPad—the app works pretty well.
  4. Looks like Michael Emerson's wife (Grace) has her own show, called Elspeth
  5. Ohhhhhhh I don’t care ! -groan-
  6. Oh enough with the Chavez-Josh drama already!! 🤦‍♀️
  7. Yeah, I think they just fast forwarded through some stuff to wrap it up. When they shot this, they may or may not have known they would get a second season.
  8. Yes, the new baby is a boy. Anything more will spoil it. (Well, as much as recorded history can be spoiled. ☺️)
  9. So we have to wait to see who she promotes…
  10. I can’t get over Provence’s hair—it's *always* perfect.
  11. -groan- I do not give a rodent’s backside about Delilah…. Knew Dante was going to get jumped when he tried to get those guys on his own.
  12. Yes, Greg, please go get your degree. Bye now. I don’t care about people’s love lives either.
  13. Ok, I realize that MA is 14 or 15 while this is taking place, but she is the future queen of France. Dubarry is some countess who is a former prostitute and yes, she's the king's mistress, but should still not be outranking the future queen. All I know about this era of European history is what Wikipedia tells me, so I suspect most of this drama and intrigue never actually happened, but I hope MA gets the chance to behead Dubarry before she herself is beheaded. Glad Provence got what was coming to him. Heh.
  14. Well, that was sad. -snif- And poor Beau having another dead child to deal with. why were the two guys at the salt factory being so obnoxious?
  15. So why is Donal Logue (sp?) so unbelievably, inexorably *flat* in this show? They could put a cardboard stand-up of him in most scenes and I don’t think anyone would know the difference.
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