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Everything posted by damnman

  1. I like it, it's my new weekly cry show. I keep telling the Mr. to grab the kleenex before we watch (I'm a suck I know). Although I do have to say that I have obviously watched a few too many medical dramas when I can guess at the beginning what everyone's ailment is (and I am usually right or pretty close). LOVE Mama!
  2. I found the real son and the new money son to look too much alike and kept getting them mixed up. I predict cancellation in the future of this show.
  3. I spent most of this show asking Mr. Damn what was going on. I found it very confusing. I was also very distracted by how absolutely gorgeous the actress playing Alex is! But I did laugh and comment about her at the end, hair flowing walking in the opposite direction.
  4. Dallas Roberts plays an incredibly creepy creep! He's awesome! (and did not realize that he is John Ritter's son!)
  5. More Margaret Cho please!!! NeNe can go away.
  6. I think the magician should have been put through but the nagging thought in the back of my head is that maybe he doesn't "qualify" because of his criminal record??? I'm pretty sure these shows have a clause in them about that. Hopefully the exposure he got on AGT helps him out. I agree about the blind dancer - put through totally on the pity vote (sorry if that comes across as crass).
  7. and how will you be paying for this? With my blah blah blah MasterCard that has blah blah blah - geez the product placement is very, very blatant. Who talks like this? I'm embarrassed on behalf of the contestants.
  8. Oh I so agree with Shades of Red about Hailie the short-haired blond girl she looks exactly like Gail from Rookie Blue! Having said that I found her the better of the 3 dancers in that routine because she wasn't all about the hairography like the other two - you actually saw her, like, dance, but it did bring to mind the boot licking routine from SYTYCD Canada and how sexual it was without either "character" dressing too provocatively (that dance is INCREDIBLE and everyone should see it). I think Jim is an absolutely beautiful dancer (I don't know much about ballet) but his lines and his toes and his leanness make my eyes draw to him over the other ballet dancer who seems clunky beside him. I still love Yaya (sp?) and am so glad that she finally made it to the show and Virgil has such a beautiful smile, reminds me a lot of Fik Shun as others have already mentioned. Asaf brings the pretty, but then he opens his mouth and he brings the pretty ugly. Buddy if you can't pick up choreography then you have no place on this show. You're not such a special snowflake that the choreographers have to choreograph around you. I was really disappointed that that's who they picked to replace the injured dancer.
  9. I think Andy, when she confronted Steve in the warehouse, mentioned that she was going to call Gail pressed the record button on her phone or did indeed place the call to Gail for Gail to overhear. I realize everyone here isn't a huge fan of Andy but I can't jump on the hate train, my daughter could be Andy's double (although she is probably 6 inches shorter than Andy) all I see on my screen is my daughter.
  10. I saw Jimmy (ballet) in a montage but does anybody know if he's made it this far??? And I agree about Denys, I'm Canadian and I watched the Canadian show when it was on (sob I miss the Canadian version) but he doesn't have a shining personality, excellent dancer, not so much in the charisma dept.
  11. I thought the girl with the dad had amazing hairography...
  12. I was very excited to see this show back again...having said that I missed any form of dance other than street and contemporary. I liked Jason and thought that he and Parla had a nice, easy connection to each other (and does she look amazing for her age!). I am not homophobic in the least (I have a gay BF), but I see where some people are seeing Jason as homophobic, but honestly do you think main stream Ameriker is ready for blatantly out and out people like Courtney??? Fun performer but just not for this show, and that's where I think Jason was coming from. Hopefully we get more next week that isn't angst driven contemporary or animation, which while animation is very, very cool it seems to be getting the contemporary feel in that they are all starting to feel/look that same, but that girl that did the jooking was amazing!
  13. my husband thought that she was quite unattractive as well. Butterface lol you guys crack me up! Rock did a mean Tay-Tay and I agree John Legend should have won that second one...silly, set your brain on a shelf and laugh fun.
  14. I'm one of those that watch this because there is nothing else on, I think this season is pretty bad. Daniel can leave at any time, too soon, not ready yet. I think Quentin and Joey are great - unfortunately too artsy for mainstream America which means they are not long for this competition. Everybody else - meh. Hubby watched with me, he's one of those that absolutely HATES when anybody changes a song from the original - he thinks that all songs should be karoke versions of the original. When I stood up and applauded Quentin he looked at me like I had 10 heads - I thought it was great, he thought it sucked.
  15. LOVE this show! This coming from a middle aged white woman. Sorry people, I must be colour blind because I don't see black or white I just see a really good show. Someone up-thread mentioned about Andre being/not being on meds while he's in therapy. After Michelle locked the door, she knelt down and asked him "are the meds not working?" and he looked down and shook his head (breaking my heart), that is when she grabbed his hands and started the prayer circle (which I found really weird btw). Love to hate Lucious - THAT is acting! Cookie absolutely cracks me up! Lola is the cutest, and I meant cutest little girl ever! Hakeem has really grown on me the last couple of episodes, the chemistry between him and Jamal is excellent, and that bedtime lullaby...
  16. Adam – I can't get past his "look" to me he looks like a cartoon character (Simpson's maybe???) and the song and his look didn't mesh Michael – Boring zzzzz Savion – I don't even remember what he sang. Mark – He's ok, but is ok good enough? Trevor – I had him picked as the winner going into this...he needs to turn it down about 1,000 notches - frantic and ummmm not so good. Clark – I liked this, a lot. Rayvon – Boy he is good, almost too good, too polished, too ??? Daniel – The babysitter called, you need to go home now ok. He never should be been put through, he is not ready and it really, really shows. Riley – I want to like him, but... Quentin – He is awesome! When he started I was looking around thinking wtf, but the more he sang the more I loved what he was putting down, unfortunately I think he is too quirky for America's taste. Nick – I find him meh. Qaasim – Excellent performance, he is a showman, but will showman win this???
  17. I am loving this show! I'm surprised nobody caught the comments between Lucious and Cookie during/after their hook-up, she said that he was still the only man she had ever slept with and his comment back was he has slept with many woman, always trying to find my Cookie or something to that effect. Love them or hate them these two have mad chemistry with each other. Sorry but I am a middle-aged white woman what does CP time mean??? (please don't laugh at me)
  18. I smell a Chicago Med in our future. I agree I'm getting sick of the Gabby hour and agree with whomever posted that Mouch would have melted my heart if he had any interaction with the baby and I would have thought that Herman would have stepped up being that he has a baseball team of kids at home. When Casey was giving the eye to the woman at the end of the bar I was screaming at the TV "no Casey NOT her!" she gave off a creepy vibe.
  19. I think Katie's designs are very artsy and very "Dr. Seuss-y" wouldn't fit into my home at all but girl does have talent (who cares what her voice sounds like), her design aesthetic seems to be very "young" and young people need/like furniture and once you're not young anymore you would have youngsters of your own to pass the pieces on to (if acrylic lasts that long). Thank gawd Leslie's gone, what a b*tchy woman and she looked like she was always sucking on lemons. I understand the non-functionality comments about Tim's designs but I don't get the negative comments about this designs being too masculine, men like furniture too don't they? The other two are meh (although that cabinet was nice it seems like any piece you can find at any upscale furniture store).
  20. I agree that a lot of this stuff was telegraphed but, to me anyway, it seems like the writers were reading this board and getting rid of/fixing all the people that we've been discussing here. Read back in the previous posts and did we not say Zoey is boring get rid of her? Done (but my gawd is that woman beautiful!). Micah's not Gunner's and the story line is stupid? Done. (although bitchy grandma even had me hoping that Gunner WAS Micah's father - geez!). We've been asking for Rayna to wake up from whatever crap she's been smoking/drinking and come to the realization of who is the common denominator in her failed relationships (her) - Done. Layla was just a miserable mess that we hoped would be off the show - appears to be done. Deacon hasn't been feeling well for months, now at least we know there really is something wrong, although I hate the route they took. We were all hoping that Avery and Juliette would have their happy ending - Done (although I think behind the scene's his mother had a lot to do with his decision, he was on the phone with her discussing his relationship or lack thereof when he suddenly decided to ask Juliette to marry him). I was applauding when he asked her to marry him and I gave a standing ovation when the actual marriage was taking place, the hubby was looking at me like I was insane lol. Will really needs to come out but I honestly don't think the writers have any clue how to write a good "coming out" story that isn't riddled with cliche. It is an absolutely heart wrenching decision to come out (one of my BF's is gay and it wasn't easy for him and he isn't a celebrity). I've hated Luke with the blaze of 1,000 suns from the first time he came on and I hope he turns good and vengeful just to allow me to yell at the tv that I was right about him all along! Overall I enjoyed this totally soapy episode!
  21. When I started reading the comments and everyone kept mentioning Jessica, I was like who? Yup she's that memorable to me, as is Jacque and Casey. I am absolutely devastated that Tanisha was sent packing - girl is seriously awesome, but like a few people commented above I think it was her "look", the non-conventional beauties always get screwed over. Tanisha you are a beautiful woman and one heck of a dancer! Thank gawd Rudy's gone! Comfort is seriously awesome! She has the "chill" attitude that is oh so Hip Hop. Will. Wowza, just wowza. When he did that jump behind Jessica at the end of their routine I wanted to move Jessica out of the way so that I could see it for all its beauty. He has seriously matured and is an absolutely gorgeous dancer! I think of Valerie as the Fik Shun of this season, she exudes absolute joy when she dances but isn't the best dancer (she is really heavy on her feet), Fik Shun was the same way outside of his genre, how can you knock someone who has such a gorgeous smile? (Fik Shun I'm talking to you). Ricky's lines are just beautiful but he is a much better soloist than partner dancer and Zack seems so "young" in his look but he matures drastically when he dances, and I agree with his mentor, he seems like a sponge that takes in all pointers and incorporates them. Side note - I am not a dancer, have never been a dancer, just know what I like to see and agree with many posters above - this is not the best season of this show (I really miss SYTYCD Canada!)
  22. Stanley, I could NOT take my eyes off him while he was dancing, absolutely beautiful to watch! Felt sorry for the ballet, it just didn't seem very good. I do not have a dance background, never took a class in my life, just enjoy watching beautiful (in my opinion) dancing/dancers.
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