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Everything posted by iMonrey

  1. Which makes me think he's the one voted out this week.
  2. This, too, was partly Fraser's fault. Fraser showed Nick which plates he wanted to use for the beach picnic, but Nick said he wasn't planning to plate everything he just wanted to lay out the sushi spread buffet style. But Fraser sent Paris off to the beach with the plates anyway, and she specifically asked if they were going to plate and Fraser said yes. This is the same thing Paris later told Kerry - she was under the impression the lunch was supposed to be plated. Now, she could have just said "Fraser told me it should be plated" but she kind of copped an attitude like she knew better than Nick so that's on her. She didn't handle this well, but she was misled.
  3. I'm not sure I understand how the opioid settlement money was allocated in the first place. So, the federal government sued all these drug companies? And the drug companies paid all this settlement money and then the federal government funneled the money to the states? What criteria was used for who got how much and who did it initially go to before it was funneled down to local governments?
  4. Bingo. So these guests have their own (smaller) yacht, and then chartered someone else's yacht? For one day? I really want to know how the show recruits these people. Was it their idea to just do one day or was it the show's? And given that it's only a one day charter, why on earth would they want to get right back off the boat a mere hour or so after boarding to go sit on a beach and eat their lunch? The show really needs to stop with these mandatory beach picnics, especially when it's only a one day charter. If you go back and watch the first couple seasons, the charters were four days or three days. Now they're all two days or one day. I don't get it. I guess the show just wants to cycle through more guests. It's a big mistake IMO because you can tell half these rubes don't belong anywhere near a luxury yacht. And a 25K tip for a one day charter. Yeesh. It was good to see Kerry put Paris in her place and remind her to stay in her lane. (The bowling alley trip couldn't have been a coincidence.) He really should have said the same thing to Fraser, but I guess technically he and the chef are supposed to be working as a team.
  5. But isn't Buck and Tommy just as much fan service? Both Buck and Eddie have been firmly established as hetero for six seasons (or, in Eddie's case, whenever he started on the show). Yet fans have been talking about the chemistry they seem to have with each other for years. To make just one of them bi seems kind of like half-assing it. I think at the very least the show considered Buck and Eddie and for whatever reason pulled back a little.
  6. Yeah . . . much as I hate to, I keep going back to Gabler. What kind of "resume" did he really have, other than what he imagined? He was dragged to the end as a goat, but wound up in front of a jury very bitter about the other two finalists. And gave them all a good laugh. He was a legend in his own mind but really wasn't a proactive player. The ones who made the "big moves" and got to the end just pissed a lot of people off. I'd really like to see someone like Ben win, just for making it to the end without having to brag about his "big moves" and not being a smug douchebag.
  7. It was the gum wrapper. Same distinctive gum brand in the guy's office downstairs.
  8. Or a book Darlene's been writing.
  9. I've never heard of anyone going to an animal shelter to adopt frogs or rats. I assume most animal control workers remove such creatures from wherever they shouldn't be then release them elsewhere. Either that or exterminate them, unfortunately. Also, wouldn't there be separate facilities for animal control workers and animal shelters? Seems like this show is conflating the two entities. Who fell through the ceiling at the end?
  10. I've had my fair share of cab drivers who were similarly disengaged. I think a lot of times there's literally nothing else they can do.
  11. It wouldn't surprise me if she gave it to Bhanu. She seems like just the kind of sap who falls for that kind of crap.
  12. Thursday's show was so bad I turned it off after Hashtag Wars. It's the first time I've considered deleting the show from my DVR. When the "comics" are that bad, Taylor's over enthusiastic laughter at everything they say seems ten times more fake.
  13. Seems unlikely at this point. If it was going to get picked up elsewhere we'd have heard about it by now. There's a pretty small window between a show's cancellation and an opportunity for it to move to another network or platform.
  14. This might actually be an interesting plot twist - if Eddie introduces Kim to someone, and suddenly she looks like a completely different person to that character, played by a different actress. At the very least maybe Eddie is projecting an image onto this woman for some reason, at worst maybe he does have something wrong with his brain. I also think it might be interesting if it turns out she doesn't exist at all and he's just imagining her. Otherwise, hiring the same actress who played Shannon to play a new character who reminds Eddie of Shannon is just a little too soap opera. Even for this show.
  15. Typically a "broker" serves as an intermediary, so in that scenario someone would be hiring the "broker" to pay off the judge. But that's not the scenario playing out in Todd's imagination, and he has identified the broker as the company founder. This plot just didn't make a lot of sense to me. Wasn't my favorite episode either. What was the male stripper doing at the engagement party? Who hired him? Neither the bride nor groom seemed to understand what he was doing there.
  16. I have to agree about this. From the moment they first paired her up with Eddie my reaction has been "Her? Really? Why?" And with every episode it's "Still? Really? Why?" She just does not strike me as a long-term addition to the cast.
  17. Well, one could argue Liz had less of a chance to win that challenge than those who were well fed, just in terms of physical and mental dexterity. However, the larger point remains she had no business going on this show when she can't eat any of the available food. She certainly has no right to complain about it afterwards, anyway. What if after the finale, during the "reunion" portion (or what passes for that in the new era), they bring out all this pizza and none of it's gluten free so Liz can't even eat that either? 😆
  18. At the very end of the Roseanne episode in question, all the Conner family were indeed at the therapy session, all taking turns pouring out their own grievances. It was a very early season episode too. I'm sure nobody on this writing staff even remembers it. And, apparently, not even Lecy Goranson or Laurie Metcalf. Then again it's impossible to guess what's supposed to be cannon anymore.
  19. I assumed that all the imagined scenarios were a parody of some movie, perhaps a Hitchcock one, but I wasn't able to place it. But I had a hard time following the concept of how "the broker" could be profiting from bribing a judge if it were anyone other than Beverly or another partner, who make money from defending high profile clients. Presumably, they pay the judge money for a favorable verdict, so I don't see how that would result in monetary profit for anyone else like Francie, Lyle or Judy.
  20. Wow. I wondered at first if maybe it was the same actress but even with all the flashbacks I didn't think she looked anything like Shannon so I was confused why Eddie did. But hiring the same actress is pure Soap Opera 101. Maybe she's Shannon's evil twin! And maybe the real Shannon fell down a well! How did Shannon die, anyway? I honestly can't remember. I'm sorry, but Hen and Karen's foster child story is boring the shit out of me. I really don't care about this kid's trauma and if she's sitting in her room staring out the window like she's catatonic she needs more serious help than Hen or Karen can offer. Maybe now that her baby brother has magically cured her they can move onto something interesting. I detest kid stories in general but this one is especially tedious.
  21. That was my takeaway as well. And up until they explained about turning them into stealth bombs I wondered why anyone would steal a fire truck or an ambulance. It's not like you could sell them to anybody. But since they were already loading up this truck with explosives, they must have already had a target chosen, right? Were these people just hired to steal the truck and deliver the bomb or were they actually the terrorists who were targeting a specific location for some reason? We should have at least gotten some followup on them at the end explaining what this was all about. That aside, I did rather enjoy this episode. It was different, and held my attention. Not too smart of the shifty new guy to give Ritter the evil stare-down. He knows Ritter overheard his phone call and if he wants a permanent spot at 51 he better play nice with everyone, because Stella is already suspicious of him.
  22. I, too, have to give a side-eye to the notion of buying a hardware magazine in this day and age. On the other hand, I'm not sure how profitable a mom-and-pop sized hardware store is either when it has to compete with Home Depot and Lowes. Neither option seems particularly promising IMO. I think Ben would be better off trying to start something new, like some kind of e-Zine that has broader audience appeal, if he's determined to do something with his writing. Ben said he had to check with his mother before finding out the insurance had been kept up so it sounds like his mother was paying the premiums, not him. Either that, or his late father had paid far in advance of his death.
  23. I don't think there's a lot of animosity towards them so much as indifference. I recognize they are definitely the strongest team this season, but for whatever reason I don't find them particularly interesting. I don't know if it's because they lack personality or if their dynamic is boring or just what, but to me, they're just sort of there. But that's also been the case with most of the other teams this season. I think one team will be eliminated halfway through. They've done that in the past, but I think it was when the finale was 2 hours long.
  24. Liz is a pill, for sure. But I do like her glasses.
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