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Everything posted by ChlcGirl

  1. That Taylor is gay thing annoyed the hell out of me because I remember Taylor talking about his wife in the first season. It's like Jesus Christ Amy .. could at least YOU remember info on your own characters?
  2. I've just started the final episode and I can safely say that I pretty much hate this revival except for perhaps 7 scenes total. Absolutely hate it.
  3. I guess I saw Lorelai acting as insulting and mean as Emily in their exchanges. Just because Lorelai was more amusing doesn't absolve her of mean behavior.
  4. I'm not sure that the failure to get to know Rory was on Emily and Richards part. Just going by things said on the show, Lorelai has stated over and over that she cut them out of her life when she left. That to me says that she absolutely did not welcome or invite them into Rory's life apart from visits at Easter and Christmas. She mentioned to Rory that when she cut them out, she never considered that Rory might actually want a relationship wirh them. After Lorelai paid back the loan she said to Emily that things would go back to normal, which Emily said consisted of her leaving Lorelai emergency messages until she returned the call, hemming around awkwardly before putting Rory on the phone, even when she was too young to speak on the phone. Seems as if Lorelai made herself very clear on what their role in her life was to be (basically non-existent). And it wasn't as it Rory had the gumption to pursue a relationship that Lor didn't sanction. Emily and Richard inserting themselves into their lives without invitation would have most definitely been unwelcome, and would have been one more indication of them "not respecting" Lorelai's choices. That's why I don't fault Emily for establishing the weekly dinners when she had the chance. I highly doubt just handing over the money would have moved Lorelei to reexamine her part in what how they had reached that point and how things could be bettered.
  5. I'm not talking about whatever he did with Rory as a father or anything other than a date. And it was an amazing date, one that most women would find incredibly romantic and creative. If it makes you feel better, although it wasn't a date I thought Luke buying Lorelai the ice rink was another creative and romantic move, again by the criteria of knowing your partner and doing something unusual and memorable.
  6. I'm not sure what money has to do with it. I consider a great date as one where the person knows enough about the other to plan something that genuinely takes their likes/interest into consideration in a creative way. By that criteria, it was a great date. Would it be a better date if he showed it on an LCD projector? Because we have a small one for "drive in" nights outside and the whole set up was $80 ($60 for LCD and $10 each for speakers and a canvas drop cloth)
  7. during the course of the show I have felt for Richard when he lodged between two of the girls. There's truly no winning in that situation! :)
  8. Emily/Lorelai/Rory really all deserve each other. And I mean that in the kindest and most honest way. Absolutely none of the men (and even some of the other women on the show) really don't deserve to be treated the way they treat folks. They can really only go head-to-head fairly against each other.
  9. Truth above me (would quote but I've got some quote from June stuck on my phone) My greatest wish for the revival is to see Rory not getting everything she wants just by lifting her finger. I want to see her taken down about 18 pegs - like Mitchum but even more casually dismissive.
  10. I'm always struck by fans who talk about how the way Rory behaved with this boyfriend or that one isn't "really Rory." But I read somewhere, I can't remember where, since she repeatedly acted rather shitty to all of the boyfriends at one time or another, and seems to continue in this vein into hers 30s, isn't it time that we just accepted that Rory IS actually that kind of person? Just because she wasn't comfortable with a casual just sex relationship when she was only JUST out of virgin territory doesn't mean she isn't capable of seeing the benefits of it now. I find the casual cheating on her long-term boyfriend more indicative of a really selfish person incapable of an adult relationship more than having a fuck buddy. Just to clarify, I am a Logan supporter:D
  11. I've just hit S7 in my rewatch (right on time for the revival!) and while I know lots of folks on here really dislike Christopher, his drive in date with Lorelai is by far the best date ever on the Gilmore Girls.
  12. Please post in spoiler thread. I know I'd love to know. Or please just pm me if no one else does :)
  13. Truer words were never spoken. I'm actually surprised that it was Luke that owned a Big Mouth Billy Bass and not Lorelei.
  14. Lorelei was one of the most inconsistent characters ever when it came to taste. She could look absolutely stunning (like when she wore that white and red sundress to Rory's high school graduation) and then run around in a brown, puce and purple sweater/tshirt hybrid. She made fun of the Cheshire Cat B&B and then decorated the Dragonfly like she was determined to use every calico print in the world. She hated Luke's bedroom set but she had a giant .. shelf? Top part of a breakfront? in a similar style and color in her downstairs. She drives me insane.
  15. i am normally an animal lover so it is entirely possible that my Paul Anka hate is due to how EFFING STUPID Lorelei is with him. I just watched Vineyard Valentine with my husband. At one point, he paused the DVD, turned to me and asked if Luke was supposed to be the village idiot? that episode is so ...Gah. I would have throttled him and thrown him in the noisy waves if I had been Lorelei.
  16. I am now in the second half on 6 and can I just say how much I hate pretty much everyone on the show right now? Lorelei acts like a child instead of a woman of 37 in almost every episode. I'm exhausted by all her quips. Luke vacillates between a doormat and an asshole, depending on the episode. Rory is so special snowflakey my palm itches to slap her face. April, shut up. liz and TJ, kill. Richard & Emily, shrill and judgey. And I can not stand, honest to God HATE, Paul Anna and all of Loreleis stories about him. Hate, hate, hate.
  17. Great Christ above! Has anyone mentioned that in the first episode, when Lorelei confronts her parents while they're in bed Richard is wearing a GOLD CHAIN? WHAT IN THE HELL?
  18. Understanding begins when we accept that Lorelei's clothes are quite often ridiculous. I think we get blinded by the gorgeousness of Lauren Graham and don't look closely at what she is wearing. Like the clothes fall under the Lauren-is-pretty glow. But really? She wears some ugly, ugly clothes. Not Carrie Bradshaw level of ugly but ugly nonetheless.
  19. I didn't mean what Lorelei did after she left, but rather Lor not following "the plan" once she got pregnant. Emily and Richard wanted her to marry Chris. Lor nixed that but it wasnt like they kicked her out of the house. She stayed there, rent-free and not going to school. Had she wanted to, I have no doubt that R&E would have paid for a baby nurse to take care of Rory while Lorelei went to school. I also think that your daughter getting pregnant at 16 is probably much more traumatic than your daughter dropping out of college at 20, yet it was only Lorelei that dropped some serious ultimatums on her kid. I also think that the estrangement between Lor and her parents was more because she wanted it rather than they did. The worst thing I saw them do over the course of the show was the nonsense with Christopher in S5. I say all this even though I think Rory was an idiot through the end of season 5, and all of 6 and 7. I seriously disliked her.
  20. I know I'm late to the party on this topic, but I'm just at 6 in my rewatch. Re: how Lorelei sounded like Emily with her ultimatum ... Did she though? If we equate Rory wanting to drop out of Yale with Lorelei getting pregnant, Emily ultimately let Lorelei do exactly as she wanted, i.e. have Rory and not marry Chris. She didn't kick her out of the mansion or force her to do anything. We never even heard what Richard and Emily did that made Lorelei's life so unbearable other than trying to make her behave as a young girl in her social class should act. Not such a massive deal. In fact, during this rewatch, seeing everything with more (ahem) mature eyes, it seems to me that Lorelei's emotional maturity seemed to have stopped somewhere around 16. She acts like a put upon teenager whenever she gets around her parents. It's not attractive in the least. And it seems to occur even when they try to approach her like an adult.
  21. "Richard and I's old days never included him dressing up like that gay fellow whose tiger tried to eat him!"
  22. I watched the first two episodes of Divorce and for the past two and a half weeks, I have sat down to watch the next two EPs and instead, ended up watching 7 year old Gilmore Girls episodes. I have however been reading these boards. The fact that we are two days out from a new episode and there are only 18 comments on the last show's thread? That tells me a lot.
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