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Everything posted by ChlcGirl

  1. I'd say that that bolded sentence can be looked at as the reason behind almost all of Lorelai Gilmore's most exasperating traits.
  2. I'd imagine that teenage Lorelai would have been insufferable. Snarky, rude and always thinking she was just too smart for words. Ive been around such teenage and my toe fairly ached to give them a swift kick in the tuckus.
  3. I agree totally with the above, Melancholy. I wasnt a Jess fan until he grew up and got his shit together, but I still thought Lorelai acted in a ridiculous manner regarding all things Jess prior to that. Way to act like an adult, lady.
  4. Oh I don't know. He also took a donation jar of money and Babette's gnome. The gnome is silly, but he still stole. He also flunked out of school. While I think Lorelai was ridiculous in her interactions with Jess, he still isn't the kind of kid I'd want mine to be hanging out with.
  5. So glad it's back!! I am leaving this episode feeling angry at John, which is certainly not a new feeling. Sherlock is difficult and frustrating, but he never makes any other claim, whereas John believes he is a good guy but ends up doing shitty things. You don't have the moral high ground in this case, buddy. Loved the episode, and I'm hoping this goes more like series 1 & 2 than 3.
  6. Spoil me please!!! What happened to Mary???? Feel free to PM please!!
  7. Ohhhhhhhhh. The short VOGUE hair. That was probably the only hair I didn't like. I also thought her makeup was almost perfect (there were a few episodes with silvery liner/shadow but hey! It was the 90s).
  8. I seem to remember liking her hair more than I disliked it. In SATC she didn't let it get as ratty as it is now in Divorce.
  9. Lulu? She didn't exhibit any truly odd behavior other than dating Kirk if I'm remembering correctly.
  10. I don't really think the reaction from a 16 year old seeing his daughter for the first time and saying "She's pretty" can be compared to a man in his mid-20s who bought a building for his child. And no, Chris has no anecdotes because he didn't live with them. Lorelai didn't want to marry him and then she ran away with Rory. The opportunity wasn't there. I think Richard loved Lorelai as much as he was capable, but I'm not sure how great a father he was. He did what was expected for his time, but he wasn't close to his daughter.
  11. I remember thinking the exact same thing when I did my rewatch. In fact I said to myself "What is up with this bullshit ..?"
  12. I don't disagree with any of your assessment about Lorelai. She is pretty horrible but I don't hate her because she's written as witty and amusing. However! If I knew a person like this in real life, I would passionately detest them and stay far, far from their bullshit.
  13. Meh. She only lived 30 minutes away and had no issue going there for classes, for Friday night dinners or whenever there was something with her parents, or when she was dating Max. God knows I didn't go to a prep school but I did work for a family and both their kids were in one. It is pretty much a given that the parents are very involved in school activities. It's all part of the package. And really, how can Lorelai claim ignorance on this? She grew up in that world and went to a private school herself. I think that may be my biggest annoyance with Lorelai: her continual pretense that the things that go on in her parents' world are foreign to her. Gimme a break.
  14. I personally adored the Charleston smackdown. Because seriously Lorelai - pipe down with that hissy fit.
  15. I feel like it was earlier than six. Maybe .. season 4? Though she had her oddness in season 3. I'm rewatching on OnDemand right now and she wears a startling amount of gold lame in S3. Who besides Liberace wears so much gold lame? And I think this is the season for the giant gold pretzel necklace.
  16. She did. Didn't she tell Rory they had strawberries on them?
  17. I've never had a baby but I think you can name a baby however you want, father or mother surname when they are unmarried. I'm sure Lorelai wanted it to be Gilmore and Christopher never pressed. Having looked it up, you can give a baby any surname you want, full stop.
  18. ChlcGirl

    Season 1

    I took it that for many years, Lorelai was too busy raising Rory to be involved with gossip. Like was mentioned in Concert Interruptus. Lorelai has no idea who Rachel is even though she lived there during that time. Sookie even mentioned that she was raising Rory and couldn't be expected to know stuff during that time. The info Sookie gave was stuff that anyone could pick up if you lived there long enough.
  19. ChlcGirl

    Season 1

    I can get behind the frustrations with him being half in and half out, but yeah he loves Rory. Maybe I don't hate him because I don't see his weakness limited to his relationship with Rory. He just lets everyone push him around for 6 seasons. He's just too goofy to hate.
  20. ChlcGirl

    Season 1

    The disastrous Hayden/Gilmore dinner party was always so off to me. So they presumably meet their granddaughter for the first time. She is lovely and well-mannered, attending a prestigious private school. Intelligent. You'd think they'd want to claim her at that point. I never hated Chris, more like I saw him as a person with good intentions but ultimately much too weak to follow through. I wonder how much of his interactions with Rory are colored by the stronger personalities of his parents and of Lorelai. And by this i mean: he was 16 when this went down. He was willing to marry Lorelai because Richard said so and he cared for Lorelai. She said no so he went along with that. A very strong willed Lorelai took Rory after a year and disappeared to Stars Hollow, and whether it was a conscious decision or not on her part, I can believe that she was OK with it then being just the Gilmore girls. And I can DEFINITELY see Straub & Francine taking that move as a way to further haruange Christopher into ignoring a "mistake."
  21. ChlcGirl

    Season 1

    I never got the sense that Sookie grew up in Stars Hollow. I figured she was a transplant when she got the job at the Inn. You know, it always confuzzled me that Staub and Francine never wanted to see Rory ever. I totally get that their son fathering a child at 15/16 would have been hugely embarrassing in their heads, but to never want to see their grandchild??? How utterly bizarre, especially since for quite a while she was their only grandchild. Actually I'm assuming she was it - neither Chris nor Lorelai ever mentioned if he had siblings, did they? Anyway, shocking that presumably wealthy people with no other grandchildren would want to see the last in their line.
  22. I'm sorry but no. Luke does not have just as much history with Lorelai and Rory. Chris and Lorelai have known each other since they were children, and were certainly more than friends by the time they were 15 years old. By the time we hit season 5 that is more than 20 years and a child. Luke and Lorelei had been friends for about 10 years at that point (many things in the show back this up - Luke knew nothing about Rory's 8th birthday party. Lorelai knew nothing about his serious girlfriends Anna and Rachel). And had only been dating about ... what? 6 months? I get not liking Christopher, but it can't be denied that he has more of a history with Lorelai than Luke does.
  23. i mentioned on another thread that given SJP's long face, that straggly, ratty hair is doing her no favors. She most definitely needs a cut (and probably a hot oil treatment as well because that looks like straw.) I just can't get into this show. Most of it is because of SJP. I truly disliked Carrie Bradshaw by the end of SATC and sometimes it feels like she can never STOP playing Carrie. Does that make sense? As if Carrie is so ingrained in her at this point that she is unable to sink fully into another role. Right now it feels like I am watching SJP play Carrie playing Francis. All of the little mannerisms and ticks are still there. Even the rhythm of the line delivery. It's really off putting. Or of course I could be crazy.
  24. It was renewed several weeks ago so a second season is a definite. What it will look like though is a baffling thought.
  25. I meant that by Rory's standards, the Yale interview didn't go well. I was never on that character's level when choosing colleges but in her position I would also be rattled by the surprise interview. Especially if it was at a prestigious school like Yale. Even though the Dean was complimentary, I would want to be dressed appropriately, have transcripts etc, and do some prepping beforehand. It really was a shitty thing for Richard to do.
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