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  1. Not sure. Just a general short hair kitty. He actually gave me a break last night and didn't meow once.
  2. Oh geez. I hope it's not that. He's only two years old.
  3. I have a sweet cat that I'm very fed up with right now. He goes through phases of incessant meowing, usually when were trying to sleep and it's hard to get him to stop. Like I said, it goes in phases, but each time seems to be more intense than the last. I am not a good sleeper at all, so when he does this, it either wakes me up, or I cannot go to sleep. Has anyone else had a cat do this? And, if so, were you able to get them to stop. I hate yelling at him, but I get so frustrated, that it's what I tend to do. Hope everyone is having a good day!
  4. Yes, they've said they're having another girl. And they call one of them by her middle name, so as to avoid confusion. But that could have been avoided by not naming them like that in the first place!
  5. I saw a video for Jana and JD's birthday and it briefly showed Kendra. She didn't look pregnant, but who knows?
  6. Maybe Jill offered to pay for her supplies for her? Oh, I forgot. This is Jill were talking about. She won't help anyone, unless it benefits her.
  7. I think Katey was hoping they'd be identical, because then she'd have given birth to not only the first set of girl twins in the Duggar family, but also the first set of identical twins.
  8. Hannah is also pregnant. And could be blondish. I guess.
  9. I think she was probably strongly ENCOURAGED by her parents the last time he was around, not to pursue anything with him, because she was still needed at home with her younger siblings. I could be wrong.
  10. Also, it's not all about JILL! She has to make every post she does about HER in some way. We mere mortals wouldn't know how perfect and godly she is otherwise.
  11. Their other daughter, Nora's, middle name, is also Kate. But don't Jed and Jer have the same middle name also?
  12. Jed and Katey will have four under three when their twins arrive. Maybe Jer and Hannah are having a competition with them, to see who can reproduce the quickest. Nah.
  13. If (and Kaylee) is pregnant, either Jill was not enthusiastic enough to overshare like she usually does, OR (and I don't believe this at all) she was asked not to talk about Kaylee being pregnant, and she actually honored the request.
  14. I made the mistake of watching some of their newest video. She said they didn't know if the girls were identical or fraternal, but that they each had their own sac. And she's due Jan 19th, but Jed wants them to arrive Dec. 30th, as that's his and Jeremiah's birthday.
  15. They're having girls. Don't know if they're identical or fraternal. As for names, hopefully they won't be awful.
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