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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. They have already established that Lani is the worst cop ever, with absolutely no remorse for being a dirty cop to protect her lunatic friend. Why do they have to ruin Eli, as well, to set up Kristen? That sucks. The only cops Salem has, other than visitor Shawn D, are now both dirty, working for a dirty DA. Great role models! They must be going with the motto reserved for Nicole - doing the wrong things for the right reasons - and expect us to still think they are likable. Wrong!
  2. I think that all/most of the anniversary gifts were producer rigged. I am guessing they paid for the earrings when Woody went shopping. If COVID hadn't just hit, I am sure they would have paid for the nice evenings out, which some couples had planned. What is curious is that it does not appear that all of the couples realized the importance of the milestone and didn't exchange anything. Even though we all saw the real weddings, it was interesting to me (again, since we suspect the production team hates ChristinA), that none of the pictures in her wedding album showed her smiling or even appearing the least bit happy. As I said before, Olivia was just beaming and so happy. That person is gone. So, here's another theory. Supposedly Brett is very different off camera and is nice and sweet. Maybe Olivia is also different and more like wedding Olivia? I am trying to give her a break because if off-camera Olivia is just like on-camera Olivia, she would be too draining and exhausting to live with.
  3. Amelia is not working right now, is she? She is waiting for her residency, I think. Unless she Is an intern someplace in NOLA. I just got the impression that she wasn't currently working.
  4. It was nice and also sad to see how happy and beautiful Olivia was on her wedding day. Brett looked sad as he watched the video, probably because he hasn't seen the beautiful, glowing bride since that day. Maybe if Brett comes back after he walks out next week, she will be nice? I get the presents thing, but it looked like Bennett either gave Amelia some used blender or something he found on the street. No box, manual, etc.? I totally see Amani using her "Yes Day" card for their lucky dog. She is so cute and her voice is grating to me less and less. Not sure what they are showing for next week, but I find it hard to believe that Woody is back to his old player ways. Sigh, I am so over Karen. She is giving Miles NOTHING and he is sticking in there. I hope when he says he is done next week, he means it. I know it is all producer driven. I sure wish Henry could be freed from his misery. He is not the least bit attracted to her and if she does decide to make a move, he will not be able to respond in the way she wants, so I hope she sticks to her idea that she is the one who must be seduced because all men in the world want her and want to marry her. Hmmmm, she has many men who want to marry her (that's new), but none of them care enough to send her the damn flowers? Oh, except that Henry did on their wedding day.
  5. What is WRONG with Olivia? If Brett is nicer to her without the cameras, then what is her problem - that should be the REAL Brett? The cameras are going away soon, so she should just be happy that the nice guy will be left. Judging from the camera scenes with them on the couch (that must be the nice conversation they mentioned last week), he certainly gave her an indication that he wanted to get physical by telling her to kiss him, but those little pecks sure won't start any fires. I think Brett IS really trying. It is just that nothing makes her happy, at least not from him.
  6. I don't think that Tripp will actually BE the rapist. I imagine that Allie will "misremember" the situation and then Tripp will be fine, although probably traumatized. But, if he does come back connected to a mob story, Allie better be careful if she is going to spread mistruths.
  7. I totally agree, but someone needs to tell that to Pastor Cal and the other experts who continue to ignore the characteristics that the participants say they are attracted to.
  8. @JapMo, or someone who is respectful and doesn't want to lead her on - on national TV. There have been several couples who have never had sex on this show, even though the wives were ready and willing. I saw this pic on a recap and it looks so funny. Henry looks like a toy doll compared to ChristinA and even Dr. Viv
  9. I am with the team who does not like Karen - even a little. She is condescending when she says his name and I hope Miles lets himself understand that he deserves a wife who adores him. Her making him his own lobster Mac and cheese is not about affection; she just loves to cook. I don't think we have ever seen as big a smile on her face as when Dr. V suggested they take sex off the table (or bed) until after D day. Miles was not happy. I bet she didn't even hear the part where Viv said they do EVERYTHING else. Miles, don't be her lap dog. ChristinA is not a kind person at all. There is no warmth about her in the least. How many people, including Henry, has she told that she will not make the first move. So, ChristinA, if your husband KNOWS you want sex and all he has to do is ask, and he doesn't, do you not get that??? I like Henry and I totally get what he was saying about who he is in his mind's mirror. That stuff does not just go away because you are older. And, from what was posted on the spoiler thread, it is very obvious that ChristinA is NOT confident and does not feel good about her appearance and who she is or how she came across on this show. And it was very noticeable that Henry's tics are much more apparent if ChristinA is in the room with him. I liked his friendship with Bennett, but I don't think that even Amelia could tone down the nasty in ChristinA. Gosh, Olivia can sure suck the joy out of any room, can't she? Yep, Brett is a sarcastic, condescending ass, but look at what she gives him. She can't handle him touching her or displaying any form of affection (that actually surprised me), is inflexible with her rules, and insists that she is fun and adventurous, but will pout if she has to drive 30 minutes to work. Good thing they don't live in the DC area. Brett does say nice things about her eyes and her to date never-before-seen smile, but she gives him NOTHING. About Amelia and Bennett and Woody and Amani. . . I was actually feeling uncomfortable watching them with their stupid sex question games. They are so obviously in love and have very healthy emotional and physical relationships, it just felt, to me, like the scenes were intrusive and it was watching them have foreplay. I REALLY didn't want to hear their favorite sex positions - way TMI for this old lady! And, I agree that yes, Amani will get her dog and Woody will fall in love with it, and I would even not be surprised if they let the dog in their bed. These 4 are so far ahead of the other couples and I am glad they are so happy. I think that both of these couples will make it long past D Day and the reunion.
  10. Yes, they ask about those things, including what attracts them physically, but the experts seem to think that attraction can be overcome with the right person. Luke, a few seasons ago, said he preferred dark, ethnic types and they matched him with blonde, blue-eyed Kate and then blasted him for telling her he was not attracted to her. Sure, he was a jerk but he told them what he liked. Henry said he likes petite women and they gave him ChristinA. I understand the theory, that doing what they have been doing hasn't been effective or they would not need this show, but there is a very specific look that most people are instantly drawn to, so to ignore that just doesn't seem to work. Especially in this case, where they have to marry a stranger.
  11. If Henry IS a virgin, can you imagine how mad ChristinA would be? Not only would she have to make all the moves, she would have to tell/show him what to do!
  12. Do people really think ChristinA really wants to have sex with Henry or just that she wants him to want to? If she was really interested, she could have (or would have) taken his hand, or touched his back, or anything to initiate physical contact.
  13. I read someplace that Allie THINKS Tripp raped her, but then remembers that it was Evan????? Isn't he in jail?
  14. I think production thinks of Amani and Woody as the "adults in the room" and that's why they have them get involved. I also think they like to have Amelia and Bennet give some feedback, because they are usually able to out a pretty positive spin on things. I do wonder why we have seen so little of the "experts," but don't mind since their games and advice is usually pretty lame.
  15. I think Pastor Cal would be the LAST person to help with that message. He always downplays chemistry and attraction and doesn't buy that excuse as a reason a relationship that was "hand picked" won't work out. Maybe Dr. P? (Viv would insist they sleep together first and then make that decision.)
  16. Seriously, more Eve???? Why? It's bad enough we still have Kristen.
  17. Definitely not happy that Kristen is still onscreen in 2 weeks.
  18. Thanks for mentioning that it was on Unfiltered where Amani's nose seemed different. I couldn't figure out where that was shown in the weekly show. I don't watch that because of the host. Also, did anyone else notice that when Bennett's tin foil covered friends showed up, Amelia hugged them both and THEN Bennett introduced them? Either she greets everyone who comes to their home with a hug, or figured out that they were friendly aliens, or it was more production silliness.
  19. It was talked about at the beginning of the season when she was trying on wedding dresses and it was on display. One of the bridesmaids mentioned it to Bennett at the wedding and he loved it!
  20. In the REAL world, no way would Melinda be able to prosecute Kristen, since she has a personal bias and would have had to recuse herself. I hope that Kristen is thrown in jail and never seen again. Maybe they could use that as a cause for appeal, though. For me, the only "shocker" would be if they had a story I was interested in. I haven't watched since Sami name back, and reading spoilers and summaries are all I need these days.
  21. I would have said something like, "Pastor Cal, isn't that WHY people go on a reality show?" And, yes, Karen is definitely in need of some serious therapy.
  22. LOL - you guys are great! Sounds like I can miss the whole first half. (I LOVE that we don't get the show until long after you do on the east coast.)
  23. I am going to be out for a while and will miss the first half hour. It sounds like I am not going to bother to record it to see if I miss anything!
  24. I wonder if Miles could set up a meeting with Keith from last season so they can talk about how they were matched with beautiful women who are too emotionally immature to talk about sex.
  25. Wow - that spoiler for November sure assumes that people will still be watching. Not me! My Sami-free summer is extending indefinitely and nothing is making me regret that. Not one bit. But, I will still keep reading!
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