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S02.E17: The Judgement of the Perilous Captive
kissedbyarose replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nancy Drew (2019)
A well thought out show involving the supernatural that uses foreshadowing effectively and managed to surprise more than a few of us for two episodes in a row? And said show is willing to use and follow obvious plot lines (Everette not actually killing Celia, Tamura figuring out pretty quickly what was going on) instead of going for shocking! plots! and intense! cliffhangers! to explore the characters more? On the CW? Riverdale (and so many shows before it) wishes. I really wish more people knew about this show so of course, they move the show to Fridays next season. Great episode, even with some of the missteps others have mentioned. I’ve hand waved bigger ones on worse shows unfortunately. I’m excited for next week but said that the season will be over. -
S02.E14: The Siege of the Unseen Specter
kissedbyarose replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Nancy Drew (2019)
This was a great episode especially after last week (which took me two days to finish). -
Spencer and Olivia totally had sex over the summer.
S05.E01: Forty: Part One/S05.E02: Forty: Part Two
kissedbyarose replied to Lady Calypso's topic in This Is Us
I have mixed emotions about the entire episode but that ending was straight bullshit. -
90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good
kissedbyarose replied to OnceSane's topic in 90 Day Fiancé
Family Libby is trash. -
90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good
kissedbyarose replied to OnceSane's topic in 90 Day Fiancé
Free Michael! -
S05.E06: Ultimatums And Ugly Truths
kissedbyarose replied to OnceSane's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
Free Michael! *goes back to lurking* -
90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good
kissedbyarose replied to OnceSane's topic in 90 Day Fiancé
We are really spending time rehashing this. -_- -
S11.E17: Finale Part 1 / S11.E18 Finale Part 2
kissedbyarose replied to JTMacc99's topic in Modern Family [V]
Wow. This is pretty much what I was coming out lurking to say. I pretty much ignore all of Manny’s storylines and continued to do this episode. Because, ew. But by far the worst storyline was Mitchell’s. I knew once Mitchell started to say how happy he was that Cam would ruin everything. I haven’t liked Cam for a very long time - this did not help. Mitchell cannot have nice things. Phil and Jay were the highlights for me but they’ve been carrying this show for years now. I would’ve given up this show a long time ago but I stayed for them and it was worth it. (The Woofie parts were also great too and Joe’s haircut was adorable.) Everything else I didn’t mention was meh. There’s a few shows I won’t watch again because of their shitty finales. So in the end while I’m disappointed, I’ll get over it and enjoy the reruns. -
Andrea upsets me. Everything she says about her own people (!) is based in negative stereotypes and she got her children’s hair looking crazy as she is on national tv. SMH.
90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate
kissedbyarose replied to Drogo's topic in 90 Day Fiancé
Even funnier if you read this in Kevin Hart’s voice. -
First, I never had anyone to talk about these books with when I was younger so I’m thrilled by this forum right now. I actually read up to the DeBeers (mostly out of habit) and refuse to read anything after that including any “sequels” to MSA and the Dollanganger series. Second, now that I had more time to think about this the actress playing Heaven would’ve definitely made a better Ruby. That series is probably a better fit for the Lifetime treatment than both Heaven and FITA series. I was trying to quote all three posts but I’m not sure what happened. Anyway, I also thought Tony had brown hair. I could be misremembering but Heaven described her hair as dark but not as dark as Luke’s or Fanny’s but enough for her to think she got it from being a Casteel. Then when she finds out about Tony being her father she notes that her hair isn’t dark Casteel hair, its Tatterton hair. Now that I’m thinking about it, I feel like Tony’s hair is probably one of those things that gets messed up from book to book (probably even within the same book) because the ghostwriter is a shameless idiot. It sucks that the movies got so much wrong but I’m watching this until the end. I wonder if another VC Andrews series will get the Lifetime treatment. If so, what would you guys like to see?
I can’t let this hair thing go. The confession scene loses some weight when Heaven does not have the dark hair she’s supposed to have ... you know the hair she realizes is Tatterton hair. ETA: I spoke too soon. Still mad about the hair but that confession is just as creepy and gross as it was in the books.
That was bad and not in a so bad its good way either. Aside from not getting the looks right, the changes to the book were clunky and nonsensical. Lol. Also, the lead girl is awful and is seriously making me consider not watching the rest of the series. I know VC Andrews isn’t high literature but damn they could’ve done better than this.
(I apologize beforehand if this is a little lengthy and ramble-y.) Guys, I know you all remember Eden, the naïve girl most of us hoped wouldn’t be a plot device (look how that turned out) whose parents were devout and believed in this crappy woman-hating religious world. I hoped Aunt Lydia's backstory would sort of be an extension of that: a devout Catholic (I say Catholic because I am a lapsed one myself so that's what I know) who truly believed in the Bible but became disillusioned because of the corruption of the Church and saw the Sons of Jacob as a way to truly follow God's word. It would’ve been an excellent way to show the beginnings of this world and how these people managed to get some people to truly believe in the cause but here we are... I read everyone’s thoughts and I get the shame aspect of it all. (Shame and guilt - a very Catholic thing I know well) but to make it through the lens of a simple request to slow down (I can’t even call it rejection because all he really did was pump the breaks for that moment. I mean it was their first date right? He seemed into her) is just lazy. The only thing worse than this shit would’ve been if Aunt Lydia was "repressed" lesbian. We’ve seen the women go to doctors so for there not to be one even nearby at the birth just in case since LIVE BABIES are RARE is stupid. We've already seen that TPTB are willing to bend the rules (aunts can read etc) so that's really not an excuse for me. June standing around like Regina George as the handmaid’s flit around her shunning/harassing Natalie and suffering no punishment is stupid. June telling Aunt Lydia that she can’t be punished because TV is laughable. There are ways to torture people that show absolutely no wounds or scars. She has certainly felt that cattle prod before, no? I thought of a few other ways right of the top of my head as I was watching but I won't share them since I don't want you guys to think I'm a sadistic bitch. LOL. That throwaway line about the couple who didn’t want the POC handmaid infuriated me. We didn’t even learn Natalie’s name until she was gunned down in that ridiculous Matrix moment. This show has refused to deal with race and now here we are. Black people throughout the years have had to find ways to cope with being treated less than. You think they wanted to be singing in fields, picking cotton or being forced to use separate inferior spaces at the whims of white people? No, but they knew what would happen if they didn’t tow the line and not everyone is a rebel so it does not surprise me that Natalie would tow the line because look what happened when she didn’t! June is alive, Emily is alive etc and Natalie is a damn vegetable. (We don’t even know how Natalie was convinced to snitch and June snitched too, will she get the same treatment from the other handmaids? Alma: Hey girls, don’t tell June your secrets because she may use it against you. Plus she keeps fucking up our resistance plots! Let's spit in her water, trip her in the supermarket.) Fuck this show. I hate that I’m still going to watch because I’m clearly a masochist. This show was a great idea ruined by shitty writers who have no idea how to plot, pace and world build and it shows. I actually don’t mind staying in Gilead because we have seen since season 1 that the writers cannot tell stories about what the world is doing outside of Gilead but there’s stories to tell through other handmaids like Alma, Natalie or Marthas or even the econowives and if we are staying with the Waterfords, shouldn’t they get a new handmaid? This show doesn’t even follow its own established rules within Gilead and at the end of the day that is the most frustrating part of this whole watching experience. Also, if they are willing to shoot a pregnant handmaid who is shown to be REALLY fertile (4 pregnancies!) then they should really have no problem killing June, a handmaid who had a problem conceiving at her first post, got pregnant at her second post and has been nothing but trouble since then (and has shown zero signs of getting pregnant at her third post). I clearly have too much time on my hands.