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Everything posted by mamey2422

  1. You were there? Cool! Any behind the scenes or insider info you can share?
  2. Some season four news: http://tvline.com/2016/02/19/mistresses-season-4-alyssa-milano-not-returning-tabrett-bethell-cast/
  3. I am someone who never watches anything the CW except when Veronica Mars aired on the channel. I hadn't even heard of the show prior to the Golden Globes, but Rachel Bloom's win piqued my interest and I caught up on all the episodes. I got hooked quickly. I'm bummed there was no spike in ratings but I could easily see this show having a second life on Netflix or Hulu.
  4. Janelle's super hero comment was the biggest surprise of the night for me. She's always gotten so much credit for being the practical, reasonable one (and I've always liked her for that) so for her to spew out the company line like that - and seemingly believe it - was bizarre. She also has more boys than girls so her experience with Kody as a father is probably more positive than Christine's who had more girls. I think she also has very low expectations for Kody as a father and husband - she needs him to fulfill so few needs for her. It's so obvious yet the Browns always explain it away as correlating to the "move to Vegas" rather than Robyn joining the family. Swap out "Robyn" every time any one says "move to Vegas" and it would be way more revealing. Although I actually feel some sympathy for Robyn as I do think she was/is in an untenable position which Janelle sort of touched on last night. Sounds like a lot of the struggles the family has had as a result of Robyn joining the family were experienced even when Janelle and Christine joined. Robyn's addition just happened to be public and filmed and therefore all that we saw. It would be interesting to see what would happen should Kody take another wife. Would Robyn become as broken as Christine and Meri have? ETA: YES! to the comments about the change in body language. Anyone remember these good old days of Meri and Kody on the couch?
  5. I thought she looked great with the exception of the pants. Trade those for a pair of jeans and she would have looked way more stylish. I liked the color on her. I thought all the wives looked good, actually. And we can't forgot that DURING the tell all Meri admitted that what she found attractive about the catfish was the "laughter" as if that minimized her affair in some way when in my mind it amplifies it hugely. She basically said joy and happiness were missing from her life and somehow that is okay to the Brown because the affair wasn't physical or sexual in nature. One of Meris' basic human needs was being neglected and there is no acknowledgement of that, especially by Kody. I agree with all other comments about Tamron asking better questions and being firmer interviewer, especially with Robyn. One of the better tell-alls.
  6. I had the same change of opinion with Christine. She was a lot more like able this season, as was Terra. Their maturity and friendship seemed genuine. Motherhood suit Terra. On the other hand, Elena who I always liked was more annoying but the editing of a lot of her scenes was clunky and odd. Most disturbing is Briana and her relationship with Matt. All signs are obvious and pointing to her being in an unhealthy relationship that at a minimum is likely verbally abusive. I always take reality shows with a grain of salt because they are hardly ever "real" but it's scary how glaring the warning signs are here. As concerning as the situation is I couldn't help but laugh when Matt described his job as a bouncer as "saving lives."
  7. I agree with this to an extent and sometimes feel I have set the bar too high for Cait. However, I do feel she put herself out there as wanting to be a voice and advocate for the transgender community and I can't say I really see her trying. A few sit downs and one grand gesture with the nursing school are nice but it all feels superficial to me. There seems to be very little substance to Cait. I haven't watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Was she always like this? She cuts off difficult conversations before they can really start and doesn't seem to truly absorb what's happening in her community. Like you said, the proof will be in the pudding but it doesn't look promising to me. Does anyone know if Rhonda is a paid assistant to Cait or just a helpful friend? I can't stand how badly she is treated sometimes and wondering if she puts up with it because she's a good friend, compensated or both.
  8. Cait's shallowness has been so disappointing. I had high hopes for this series after the Diane Sawyer interview but it's clear that whatever Cait's role was as a transgender advocate and pioneer will end with this show. I highly doubt we will hear about any advocacy by Cait when the cameras stop rolling. I've been trying to cut her some slack on her focus on clothes/makeup as it seems like that's a normal phase of transitioning. Jennifer Boylan called it a "pink cloud" and DeeDee used another term in last night's episode. However, I can't excuse Cait's meanness. Anytime anyone tries to correct her or stand up to her or express anything that isn't all flowers and rainbows she talks over them, shuts them down or brushes them off. Rhonda pushing her on applying to the club as Cait not Bruce is a perfect example. She wouldn't let Rhonda finish a sentence and just kept saying she'd deal with it later. Anyone with advocacy in mind would have been open to an honest conversation in the least and maybe willing to take a stance with the club about their stale rules. Maybe it's asking too much for Cait but she's the one who said she wanted to take this stuff on
  9. UnReal is featured in this AdWeek piece: "Why Low Rated Summer Shows are Still Landing Early Renewals: http://www.adweek.com/news/television/why-low-rated-summer-shows-are-still-landing-early-renewals-165778
  10. I've been see-sawing on Ryan R. He was the good guy in the beginning and I was rooting for him and Jaclyn them to "grow" into their relationship (to use their vernacular). Then Ryan "pulled back" and I felt bad for Jaclyn as obviously her feelings were hurt. They chose to stay married and seemed to be back on the upswing. By the time of the 6-month update I was totally on Jaclyn's side because Ryan clearly did not seem committed to working on their relationship. Since then, however, I'm seeing more of Ryan's point of view. He can't control who he is attracted to or falls in love with. It clearly wasn't Jaclyn. Do I think he knew that when they were deciding to get stay married or not? Yes. And that seems to be Jaclyn's point of contention - that he shouldn't have led her on then essentially abandon her. I bet her hurt feelings were especially amplified because she had been single for so long and quickly attached to Ryan. Do I think Ryan was overwhelmed by the experience? Yes. Do I see immaturity in Ryan in his inability to move away from home at his age, not recognizing Jaclyn's emotional stakes in the relationships? Yes. But I don't see as much of a "bad guy" as I did immediately after the 6-month update.
  11. I'm happy to read this. I binge-watched all the episodes the past two days and am totally hooked. Shows I get hooked on often get cancelled so the early low ratings were disappointing. I hope the upward trend continues!
  12. And I feel like such a sucker for falling for that edit. I was really rooting for them and should have known better.
  13. Wow, I'm surprised but shouldn't be given how fake most reality TV is, and especially how forced this show felt. I didn't watch the first season so I have no frame of reference for differences but based on comments here last season seemed more authentic. I am most surprised by Ryan not showing up for filming and barely being there since it seemed like he and Jessica were most committed to living together. This also explains the comrades is that seems to have been developed between the women outside of the show. They spend time together socially and seem to have become good friends. Looks like they have bonded over all being put through a messed up experience.
  14. The only thing that surprised me was how hostile things ended up between Sean and Davina. I also wonder if Sean would have chosen to stay married if Davina hadn't gone first and chosen divorce. They should record their decisions seperately and in advance.
  15. While I think Davina could certainly have handled the situation better and been more flexible, Sean seriously bugs me because of what a liar he comes across as. He says he's open to moving to NYC but then isn't. I understand he underestimated what moving would mean for him but I personally believe he straight up lied from the beginning. He says he's Christian Grey-level sexual but doesn't attempt any form of intimacy with Davina. He says he's a good bowler but then stinks up the joint. I imagine being in a relationship with him is like this times a hundred. Saying one thing but doing another.
  16. I think you're right. Except for MAYBE Jessica/Ryan, no one is actually living together. They are just coming together for filming or when their work schedule allows them to do more than just use their apartments as a hotel room. I know reality TV is always staged, but it's especially so here, making this experiment very boring.
  17. Except Sean told the experts that he WAS willing to relocate. So, I don't blame the experts. I understand that he didn't anticipate/expect that moving would be so difficult for him but he said one hint and did another. I would be frustrated if I were Davina too. Jaclyn and Ryan are an interesting contrast in this regard because they both said they were not willing to relocate yet both moved to a more geographically neutral location and Jaclyn in the last episode even said she would consider moving to Long Island. There seems to be a substance to Jaclyn and Ryan's relationship while Davina and Sean are all superficial therapy-speak. Has anyone noticed Sean's terribly annoying habit of narrating their life when speaking directly to Davina? He's always outlining what they are going to do. "So, we're going to go away this weekend and have a good time and relax." Like instead of DESCRIBING what you should be doing JUST DO IT. That is like the core of their problems.
  18. You took the words right out of my mouth. I came to post the same point and same examples. I literally said to myself that they are acting like fifth graders. In some ways I think Sean is dragging them both down to that level. Davina wants a mature manly adventurous man, I think, and instead she got Sean who you might remember cried on their second day together about the whole yelling at the hotel staff, has anxiety issues and isn't comfortable outside of NJ. When she's tried to connect on a mature, emotional level with Sean he hasn't reciprocated so I think she's just meeting him where he's at. I feel bad for her. I know she's contributing to their dynamic. She could be more sympathetic perhaps and whoever mentioned her bitch face is right - she really does have it when they talk. But I feel like it's been a bait and switch for her. The person she "requested" from the experts and even how Sean was on their wedding day is like a totally different person.
  19. Yes, this is clear to me now too. If not on the actual show then on one of the web-exclusive clips Sean basically said as much - that when the reality hit him of having an actual wife he didn't know how to handle it. Then, In Davina's eyes he became a wimp (I think she used that word exactly) and she was totally turned off by him. I point to the sleight ride they took as her turning point (she was emotional; he was clueless). I think she's clinging to the chemistry and affection they experienced on their wedding day but it's pretty clear they are not right for each other.
  20. I wonder why Dr. Logan presented Jessica/Ryan and Davina/Sean with their wedding albums but not Jaclyn/Ryan. It was such a big reveal for the other two. I don't think I missed that. That's strange.
  21. Totally. One of the most telling moments in the episode was in Ryan D.'s talking head after their session with Dr. Logan. He talked about how physical affection and intimacy would come naturally for him if he felt the right mental/emotional connection with Jessica. You can tell there is just nothing there for him. Another telling moment: Davina and Sean laying in bed looking at their wedding album and then Sean says "I'm going to bed." This is after their session with Dr. Logan and after Chris saying he needs to take control and show initiative. Sure, Sean. You're just like Christian Grey. Just like him. I actually find Jessica's voice/speech pattern extremely annoying - sort of slow and stilted and giggly with exaggerated pauses and blinks. I'm still really rooting for Jaclyn and Ryan R.
  22. It was actually Sean's friend saying that to Sean. I thought it was Sean at first too and thought it was so inappropriate so I re watched. Sounds like his friend was telling him to get over his issues and have sex with Davina.
  23. They also say "growing" a lot which I find hysterical. "We're not growing" or "My goal is for us to continue growing in this relationship." They definitely have their favorite phrases. I agree with this. I didn't watch last season so I have no frame of reference but I feel like we're being TOLD everything and SHOWN very little. Like there was no discernable change to me in Ryan R.'s behavior so the change in his relationship with Jaclyn and her feeling like he was checking-out didn't carry much weight with me. Davina complains that Sean is not "with her" but we haven't seen that. We never saw her watiing around for him when she expected him or something similar. I find Jessica and Ryan terribly annoying but at least I understand their relationship more because we're actually seeing the things they talk about. It's just been strange for me.
  24. I only watch this show occasionally so I may not be aware but did Kylie pursue a modeling career as Kendall did? I remember seeing photos of Kylie on a catwalk when she was younger. I wonder if she developed some insecurities being compared to Kendall in terms of not having an ideal "model" look. I could see agents being pretty critical and if one or two mentioned her lips (while on the thin side were perfectly fine) plus add in the "quest for perfection" as you mention then the environment to develop insecurities was definitely there. If she had acknowledged the lip plumping off the bat it would have faded from the 24-hour news cycle in an instant and gotten her so much less attention.
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