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Everything posted by mamey2422

  1. This really stood out to when they were walking in the park. Ashley looked 200X more mobile than whit and much smaller. My multi-quote function isn't working but a handful have commented on Heather's strange reaction to the news of Buddy's addiction. I initially thought all her scenes were being re-created for filming as her facial expressions felt so forced/fake. Looking at the timeline based on social media posts, it appears this all happened in close to real time over the summer. Buddy went into rehab at the end of June and Ashley's baby was born in the middle of July so the episodes/stories are in sequence. Maybe the scenes were recreated regardless. It all felt very stilted to me though. I was most surprised at Heather's shock at the news. It was obvious to everyone that Buddy had some sort of substance issue though maybe she assumed it was just alcohol as Todd did and not at a level that warranted rehab. You would think as a long term girlfriend she would know the ins and outs of his life more. I wonder how long they were broken up before this season started. That may have been a factor. I wonder what Heather sees in Buddy. They didn't too much of their relationship on the show but from what we can see, Buddy was not a healthy person, not in a career job, and spent a lot of the day sleeping. Not sure what was bringing to that relationship.
  2. Except Jonah and Amy already kissed in the tornado episode, which makes me believe the show wants them together as a couple, which I am not feeling.
  3. The wives talked about celebrating all the holidays and birthdays in one of the recent couch sessions and the reason they gave seemed legitimate: with so many people in the family, specials occasions are a good way to get everyone together and, in the case of birthdays, celebrate the individual who is otherwise easily lost in the crowd. I thought it was sweet. This is so very true. I went down a major LuLaRoe black hole when someone here posted information on it after Meri joined. The company is struggling, has terrible business practices, and independent retailers are abandoning ship. Generally, the only people who do well in MLMs are the ones who join early. Meri hopped on the bandwagon very late and I would be shocked if her business is profitable based on what I've read. In MLMs, you don't actually make money by selling their product. If you did just that you at best would break even or maybe make some spending cash (not a livable salary). The only way to make money is to have people in your downline, as @SkippyBeef mentioned. You make a percentage of what your downline sells and MLMs make a lot of money on new sellers (The entry package is $4-$6K). In fact, up until recently, LLR retailers made money off of what their downline ORDERED (to build their inventory) rather than SOLD which led many to bully their downline to order, order, order even if they didn't have the money or need. So the emphasis across the board is in recruiting rather than selling. Over saturation is another major issue with LLR. Meri has posted on Instagram about traveling for LLR shows and the reason for that is because the market is over saturated with retailers, especially in UT/NV as LLR was started by a Mormon family in UT so that was ground zero. Retailers are having to travel to find untapped markets. None of the Brown's have show very much business sense so I can't imagine Meri being successful. I was thinking while watching the last episode that this series could potentially have a long life given all the kids, and the potential to follow all their journeys. But I guess it would be repetitive after while thought it's nice to see more of the younger kids.
  4. This was very strange to me as well. I chalked it up to a naive attempt to help, guilt Buddy into not doing drugs. Oh, excellent call back. I completely forgot about this. Interesting that Whit’s family considered Buddy important enough in Whitney’s life to include him in her intervention but not vice versa.
  5. The clean room confused me as well, but after reading everyone’s posts here I think Buddy’s family likely sees Whitney as an enabler and doesn’t want her in his life so they did not involve her, especially given her flair for drama (Avi whiteboard). Buddy started going downhill when he moved in with Whitney and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Whitney’s not an enabler in that she does drugs or supports his habit but in that she doesn’t live a healthy lifestyle herself and doesn’t recognize unhealthy habits in others (and maybe encourages them - food choices, etc). I still am surprised Heather didn’t know anything but addicts can be really good at hiding when they want or need to. And I could see Buddy asking his family to not say anything to her until he could personally talk to her. I follow her on Instagram and she’s pretty open about anxiety issues which he might not want to trigger for her. Some of you mentioned Buddy appearing in a Facebook live with Whit. Was this recently? Did he look the same/different/better/worse?
  6. It sounds like Buddy’s family gave him an intervention, in which case I don’t understand his room being clean/empty as usually interventions make you go to rehab right then and there. I’m surprised Heather had no clue of any drug problems. I don’t know much about coke other than Buddy has not demonstrated behavior of someone using it. I wonder if “coke” is the term his family and friends associate with drugs and use it as a default. Buddy looks EXACTLY like his mom.
  7. This scene was classic Meri. I think she was hoping for everyone to jump on the bandwagon of her mom living there on the family's dime., no questions asked. When they didn't, and were actually (and rightfully) incredulous at the idea, she backpedaled into "I don't know; I'm just giving an update, this just happened (two weeks ago BTW)." I thought Kody handled the situation very well and saw through Meri on this one. If anyone, especially him, had pushed back on her she would have turned it into a "woe is me; feel bad for me; I have no support." Instead, he, and everyone, asked reasonable, logical questions and left it on Meri's plate to be clear on the financials. It reminds me of her conversations around having another kid - a lot of aimless conversations with non-answers, with her just playing the sympathy card. I've been doing a lot of reading on LuLaRoe and its shady practices. Most retailers are losing money and abandoning ship. I highly doubt Meri's LLR business would be able to support a mortgage payment. I was impressed by Kody in this scene as well as when he teared up talking to Mykelti and said his baby girl was getting married. I've said before that the kids are the best reflection of the parents, and I think the family bonds outside of wife-to-wife are authentic and loving. ITA. Mykelti looked stunning in the photos they showed of Robyn's wedding. She was blond and looked like a totally different person. I think Madison was also blonde or at least a more natural brunette. They're not doing themselves any favors with their hair color.
  8. I'm confused. Did Meri miss the ENTIRE night? I thought she was saying she just missed his actual arrival? I don't recall seeing her in the living room. Speaking of which, Mykelti seemed less than thrilled for Madison's baby announcement and it looked like she never got up to hug Madison as many other sisters did. I think, Mykelti was rushing her engagement/wedding because she wanted some of the spotlight Madison was getting and she might be feeling her Madison is stealing her thunder with this.
  9. I am liking the show more and more but am disliking Amy in equal measure. I am not sure if Amy/Jonah are end game but I am not feeling it. Them chatting on the porch at the end of the party reminded me of Pam/Jim so I though that’s where they’re headed. Put a ship in front if me and I am usually there for it but Amy seems so unlikeable this season for a lot of what’s quoted above. I was surprised Amy had this tradition with her coworkers since she seemed to want to avoid blending her personal and work life. And you’d think a manger of a large retail store would be able to manage a small party. I think she is being written inconsistently. Otherwise, I think the other characters are shining and what keep me hooked.
  10. I bet she’s on Meri’s downline, meaning Meri makes money from Madison’s sales.
  11. I wonder how they got approved for a fifth mortgage? I doubt Meri’s LuLaRoe is doing THAT well.
  12. I agree. I also think Christine is the most honest with herself and her sisterwives about her jealousy and the challenges of being a sisterwife. Meri is always espousing how "strong" and "straightforward" she is but I don't actually see that demonstrated on the show. Christine, on the other hand, is pretty much an open book with her feelings which I think is very endearing given the challenging dynamics of her lifestyle. Is Robyn still #1?
  13. The deterioration of Buddy is so alarming. I remember the show touching on this last season when he spoke about the unhealthy eating and sleeping habits he developed around his bartending job and him trying to get back into shape with Whitney's trainer. He was incoherent, and couldn't put together a sentence about his breakup with Heather. This is a picture of him from around when the show started - he looks like an entirely different person. I enjoyed seeing Ashley again. She seems like a down-to-earth, sweet person and managed the awkward ice cream social conversation so well. I wonder why she was MIA last season.
  14. I used to think Janelle was the smartest, most logical of the group and, in my opinion, she actually demonstrated this. She was a primary contributor to the family's financial resources, she called MySisterWive's Closet what it was early on - a hobby business that would not be a viable source of income, she was vocal against Meri having the same size house as the other wives in the name of financial responsibility. But Janelle's involvement with Strive has really changed my opinion about her. I agree with others who've said that everything about this company seems unfocused and no decision seems to be made with any apparent business sense. I wonder who her investors are. I thing there are parts of Janelle/Strive that are pure. I do believe Janelle doesn't understand or have healthy habits and she's trying to build that into her life. But if she thinks this is will be a long term viable career for her than she's definitely not smart. All the children seem to be decent, stand up humans so I give all the parents credit for that and don't roll my eyes so hard when they speak about "the family" because of it. But I think the kids are the only thing they have going for them at this point.
  15. Oh! I didn't even recognize him. I thought it was a long lost cast member that I didn't know about, like the gay housekeeper that was only ever in the pilot episode of the Golden Girls. Thanks!
  16. Who is between Bob Saget and John Stamos in that photo?
  17. Season 1 Episode 9 is called the "Honeymoon Special."
  18. I wonder of Logan will be wearing those shorts on graduation day. ?I think you linked to the wrong reality tv persona. I think Janelle would be way more successful and authentic - and build more of a following- with this fitness journey if she did this whole thing more informally thru social media. As you mention, there are so many fitness resources for people these days (many free) that you have to be adding a lot of value for someone to pay. I've always sympathized with Janelle's struggle with weight and food, and I don't think she ever positioned herself as an expert in regard to either. I see how she was trying to make her niche the sort of everyday regular woman tired of fad diets and extreme habits. But a scaled back, grass roots sort of effort would better align with this. With a big enough following on instagram she could get sponsored posts, etc. I used to think Janelle was the smart one but I'm not seeing it here.
  19. One of the main complaints of LLR consultants is oversauturation of the market that resulted from on boarding thousands of consultants a week. Some areas have dozens of consultants in a smalll radius. I live in New England and had never heard of LLR before Meri but my understanding is that it's very popular in Mormon communities in Utah and Nevada. Meri may be traveling to broaden her reach to less saturated markets and get more business. It may be a wasted effort as it seems that LLR as a company is a shinking ship.
  20. I think I'm in the minority here and may come off as a Janelle apologist but I give her credit for the way she's managing a healthy lifestyle. I don't think she did much cooking when Christine was in charge of the kids while Janelle worked. It does seem like they ate out a lot and Janelle had other wives' support with meals. I don't think Janelle is a novice cooker but she's been pretty open on her blog about extreme dieting and wanting to find more balance, which I think many people can identify with. This is a recent realization for her, so I don't expect her to go from zero to sixty in terms of healthy eating overnight. Having more meals at home than taken out is a good, heathy step. This is reminds me of Meri with LuLaRue. I have to give her credit for working even if I wouldn't do it the way she is.
  21. I think the reveal will be that he's still married.
  22. What does it mean to wear leggings as pants? Aren't they a type of pant? I wear leggings and am all of a sudden concerned I'm committing some sort of faux pas.
  23. Meri has mentioned on social media the wait to join her LLR Facebook group is very long. Does anyone know why? What is the approval process? You would think she would want her potential customer group to be as large as possible.
  24. LuLaRoe consultants have to photography every piece of clothing in their inventory. I watched a YT video of a consultant who was quitting LLR because of how much time photography took. I bet Maddie helps with that plus managing inventory and shipping. If Meri offers free/reduced rent in return I bet it' works out well for each of them.
  25. The Browns spoke about their TV viewing audience as potential My SisterWife's Closet cudstomers when they were pitching to their investor friend. One of the investors questioned why they weren't able to translate those viewers into website traffic or actual buying customers. If I remember correctly, they had no answer. I watch the show but have no interest in buying LLR leggings because of cost/style/quality. I also don't particularly like Meri so I don't have an urge to support her in that way out of goodwill either. I would have to guess that a lot of her Facebook group are "rubberneckers" who want an insider look at a D-list celebrity with no actual interest in buying. Given what I've read about LLR, their cost structure, and the Brown's busines history, I doubt Meri is making a profit.
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